HTML Charset

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HTML Charset

#HTML Charset| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

HTML Encoding (Character Sets) ❮ Previous Next ❯

To display an HTML page correctly, a web browser must know which character set to use.

From ASCII to UTF-8

ASCII was the first character encoding standard. ASCII defined 128 different characters that could be used on the internet: numbers (0-9), English letters (A-Z), and some special characters like ! $ + - ( ) @ < > .

ISO-8859-1 was the default character set for HTML 4. This character set supported 256 different character codes. HTML 4 also supported UTF-8.

ANSI (Windows-1252) was the original Windows character set. ANSI is identical to ISO-8859-1, except that ANSI has 32 extra characters.

The HTML5 specification encourages web developers to use the UTF-8 character set, which covers almost all of the characters and symbols in the world!

The HTML charset Attribute

To display an HTML page correctly, a web browser must know the character set used in the page.

This is specified in the tag:

Differences Between Character Sets

The following table displays the differences between the character sets described above:

Numb ASCII ANSI 8859 UTF-8 Description 32 space 33!!!!exclamation mark 34""""quotation mark 35####number sign 36$$$$dollar sign 37%%%%percent sign 38&&&ersand 39''''apostrophe 40((((left parenthesis 41))))right parenthesis 42****asterisk 43++++plus sign 44,,,,comma 45----hyphen-minus 46....full stop 47////solidus 480000digit zero 491111digit one 502222digit two 513333digit three 524444digit four 535555digit five 546666digit six 557777digit seven 568888digit eight 579999digit nine 58::::colon 59;;;;semicolon 60greater-than sign 63????question mark 64@@@@commercial at 65AAAALatin capital letter A 66BBBBLatin capital letter B 67CCCCLatin capital letter C 68DDDDLatin capital letter D 69EEEELatin capital letter E 70FFFFLatin capital letter F 71GGGGLatin capital letter G 72HHHHLatin capital letter H 73IIIILatin capital letter I 74JJJJLatin capital letter J 75KKKKLatin capital letter K 76LLLLLatin capital letter L 77MMMMLatin capital letter M 78NNNNLatin capital letter N 79OOOOLatin capital letter O 80PPPPLatin capital letter P 81QQQQLatin capital letter Q 82RRRRLatin capital letter R 83SSSSLatin capital letter S 84TTTTLatin capital letter T 85UUUULatin capital letter U 86VVVVLatin capital letter V 87WWWWLatin capital letter W 88XXXXLatin capital letter X 89YYYYLatin capital letter Y 90ZZZZLatin capital letter Z 91[[[[left square bracket 92\\\\reverse solidus 93]]]]right square bracket 94^^^^circumflex accent 95____low line 96````grave accent 97aaaaLatin small letter a 98bbbbLatin small letter b 99ccccLatin small letter c 100ddddLatin small letter d 101eeeeLatin small letter e 102ffffLatin small letter f 103ggggLatin small letter g 104hhhhLatin small letter h 105iiiiLatin small letter i 106jjjjLatin small letter j 107kkkkLatin small letter k 108llllLatin small letter l 109mmmmLatin small letter m 110nnnnLatin small letter n 111ooooLatin small letter o 112ppppLatin small letter p 113qqqqLatin small letter q 114rrrrLatin small letter r 115ssssLatin small letter s 116ttttLatin small letter t 117uuuuLatin small letter u 118vvvvLatin small letter v 119wwwwLatin small letter w 120xxxxLatin small letter x 121yyyyLatin small letter y 122zzzzLatin small letter z 123{{{{left curly bracket 124||||vertical line 125}}}}right curly bracket 126~~~~tilde 127DEL     128 €  euro sign 129 NOT USED 130 ‚  single low-9 quotation mark 131 ƒ  Latin small letter f with hook 132 „  double low-9 quotation mark 133 …  horizontal ellipsis 134 †  dagger 135 ‡  double dagger 136 ˆ  modifier letter circumflex accent 137 ‰  per mille sign 138 Š  Latin capital letter S with caron 139 ‹  single left-pointing angle quotation mark 140 Œ  Latin capital ligature OE 141 NOT USED 142 Ž  Latin capital letter Z with caron 143 NOT USED 144 NOT USED 145 ‘  left single quotation mark 146 ’  right single quotation mark 147 “  left double quotation mark 148 ”  right double quotation mark 149 •  bullet 150 –  en dash 151 —  em dash 152 ˜  small tilde 153 ™  trade mark sign 154 š  Latin small letter s with caron 155 ›  single right-pointing angle quotation mark 156 œ  Latin small ligature oe 157 NOT USED 158 ž  Latin small letter z with caron 159 Ÿ  Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis 160    no-break space 161 ¡¡¡inverted exclamation mark 162 ¢¢¢cent sign 163 £££pound sign 164 ¤¤¤currency sign 165 ¥¥¥yen sign 166 ¦¦¦broken bar 167 §§§section sign 168 ¨¨¨diaeresis 169 ©©©copyright sign 170 ªªªfeminine ordinal indicator 171 «««left-pointing double angle quotation mark 172 ¬¬¬not sign 173 ­­­soft hyphen 174 ®®®registered sign 175 ¯¯¯macron 176 °°°degree sign 177 ±±±plus-minus sign 178 ²²²superscript two 179 ³³³superscript three 180 ´´´acute accent 181 µµµmicro sign 182 ¶¶¶pilcrow sign 183 ···middle dot 184 ¸¸¸cedilla 185 ¹¹¹superscript one 186 ºººmasculine ordinal indicator 187 »»»right-pointing double angle quotation mark 188 ¼¼¼vulgar fraction one quarter 189 ½½½vulgar fraction one half 190 ¾¾¾vulgar fraction three quarters 191 ¿¿¿inverted question mark 192 ÀÀÀLatin capital letter A with grave 193 ÁÁÁLatin capital letter A with acute 194 ÂÂÂLatin capital letter A with circumflex 195 ÃÃÃLatin capital letter A with tilde 196 ÄÄÄLatin capital letter A with diaeresis 197 ÅÅÅLatin capital letter A with ring above 198 ÆÆÆLatin capital letter AE 199 ÇÇÇLatin capital letter C with cedilla 200 ÈÈÈLatin capital letter E with grave 201 ÉÉÉLatin capital letter E with acute 202 ÊÊÊLatin capital letter E with circumflex 203 ËËËLatin capital letter E with diaeresis 204 ÌÌÌLatin capital letter I with grave 205 ÍÍÍLatin capital letter I with acute 206 ÎÎÎLatin capital letter I with circumflex 207 ÏÏÏLatin capital letter I with diaeresis 208 ÐÐÐLatin capital letter Eth 209 ÑÑÑLatin capital letter N with tilde 210 ÒÒÒLatin capital letter O with grave 211 ÓÓÓLatin capital letter O with acute 212 ÔÔÔLatin capital letter O with circumflex 213 ÕÕÕLatin capital letter O with tilde 214 ÖÖÖLatin capital letter O with diaeresis 215 ×××multiplication sign 216 ØØØLatin capital letter O with stroke 217 ÙÙÙLatin capital letter U with grave 218 ÚÚÚLatin capital letter U with acute 219 ÛÛÛLatin capital letter U with circumflex 220 ÜÜÜLatin capital letter U with diaeresis 221 ÝÝÝLatin capital letter Y with acute 222 ÞÞÞLatin capital letter Thorn 223 ßßßLatin small letter sharp s 224 àààLatin small letter a with grave 225 áááLatin small letter a with acute 226 âââLatin small letter a with circumflex 227 ãããLatin small letter a with tilde 228 äääLatin small letter a with diaeresis 229 åååLatin small letter a with ring above 230 æææLatin small letter ae 231 çççLatin small letter c with cedilla 232 èèèLatin small letter e with grave 233 éééLatin small letter e with acute 234 êêêLatin small letter e with circumflex 235 ëëëLatin small letter e with diaeresis 236 ìììLatin small letter i with grave 237 íííLatin small letter i with acute 238 îîîLatin small letter i with circumflex 239 ïïïLatin small letter i with diaeresis 240 ðððLatin small letter eth 241 ñññLatin small letter n with tilde 242 òòòLatin small letter o with grave 243 óóóLatin small letter o with acute 244 ôôôLatin small letter o with circumflex 245 õõõLatin small letter o with tilde 246 öööLatin small letter o with diaeresis 247 ÷÷÷division sign 248 øøøLatin small letter o with stroke 249 ùùùLatin small letter u with grave 250 úúúLatin small letter u with acute 251 ûûûLatin small letter with circumflex 252 üüüLatin small letter u with diaeresis 253 ýýýLatin small letter y with acute 254 þþþLatin small letter thorn 255 ÿÿÿLatin small letter y with diaeresis The ASCII Character Set

ASCII uses the values from 0 to 31 (and 127) for control characters.

ASCII uses the values from 32 to 126 for letters, digits, and symbols.

ASCII does not use the values from 128 to 255.

The ANSI Character Set (Windows-1252)

ANSI is identical to ASCII for the values from 0 to 127.

ANSI has a proprietary set of characters for the values from 128 to 159.

ANSI is identical to UTF-8 for the values from 160 to 255.

The ISO-8859-1 Character Set

ISO-8859-1 is identical to ASCII for the values from 0 to 127.

ISO-8859-1 does not use the values from 128 to 159.

ISO-8859-1 is identical to UTF-8 for the values from 160 to 255.

The UTF-8 Character Set

UTF-8 is identical to ASCII for the values from 0 to 127.

UTF-8 does not use the values from 128 to 159. 

UTF-8 is identical to both ANSI and 8859-1 for the values from 160 to 255.

UTF-8 continues from the value 256 with more than 10 000 different characters.

For a closer look, study our Complete HTML Character Set Reference.

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