Alice In Borderland

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Alice In Borderland

2023-03-07 12:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Author's noteHence the title, yes this was inspired by the Netflix series Alice In Borderland. If you haven't watch it, please do, NOW! As for the ones who have watched it, let me explain a little. First, I like Alice In Borderland better than Squid Game so no asking why I didn't choose Squid Game. The plot of AIB is more interesting than SG in my opinion but still, both of them are great. Second, this happens in the USA. Hope y'all enjoy, and don't worry there will be other parts.

Hailee's POVAfter the first game I was traumatized, everyone died except me. Why is this happening to me, why isn't there anyone else? I tried to find if there's someone else but I can't. Since my visa is expiring, I have to enter the second game which is at a apartment near the mall I used to stay for shelter yesterday. There were a lot of people here, from young adults to elderly. I went to the table and grabbed a phone then a young man seems smaller than me a few years tapped my shoulder. "Where did all the people in Los Angeles go?" He asked. "I don't know, I'm still questioning the same thing." I replied. So no one really knows what's going on? "It's a game, as for the people it's still a mystery." A person spoken up. I turned around, it was a man around the same age as the one who asked me. "Game?" An elderly asked and he nodded. "We've been playing for quite a time. Since we don't know if everyone could survive after tonight, why don't we introduce ourselves before the game starts?" He suggested. "Sure." I said. "I'm Andy, it's nice to meet you." He offered a handshake. "Hailee." I said as I shook his hand.

"So you're Hailee, the Hailee Steinfeld?" His eyes widen. "Yeah I am." I pulled away from the handshake. "Oh, that's Y/n. She's...a friend of mine." He pointed at a girl wearing some kind of uniform. She's wearing a buttoned white shirt with shorts, a coat, a mask and sneakers that are specifically made for climbing and running. "Sort of." He continued as he turned his gaze to me. "The game of tag is about to commence. You now have 5 minutes to find a destination in the apartment. If you cross the line which means out of the apartment, you will also be eliminated. All of you must find the safe room to stop the bomb by the end of the game. Or all of you will die. The time limit is 20 minutes." The phone said.

"Well looks like the game is starting. Goodluck Hailee." He gave me a wave as he walked towards to Y/n and both of them went upstairs. I went to the 4th floor and stood near the a room. "5 minutes has passed. Game start, the tagger is on the move." I looked at the phone as the horn sounds starts to play like a sign that the game have started. I saw Andy leaning at the balcony with Y/n sitting on it on 7th floor, he gave me a wave and I waved back as I put away the phone. I walked quietly through the hallway towards the staircase. I saw a man standing on the other half, I hid on the first half as I watched him. At first it was normal until I heard bullet sounds. I tiptoed as I'm getting nearer the second half of the staircase then his body covered in play dropped down on the bottom of the second half staircase.

As I peeked my eyes on the 6th floor I saw a person holding a gun wearing a horse mask. They shoots at me but they didn't hit me, I ran as fast as I could downstairs to somewhere else in the apartment. As I arrived on the 3rd floor I noticed a small place I could stand and I hid there. I heard as the footsteps reached the 3rd floor but they heard someone else scream as he walked downstairs. I ran back to the 4th floor as I peek my eyes watching them. I saw them looked up but they turned around. I realized that when they wear that mask the vision will be decreased even more. I ran through the hallway to help everyone survive this game.

"Everyone, the tagger is on the 2nd floor of the apartment. Their vision is bad because of the mask. Keep inform the tagger's location to each other and find the safe room." I yelled.

Andy's POV"Is she seriously trying to help everyone survive this game?" I scoffed. "I don't know, looks quite fun." Y/n said. "Now you're interested in playing?" I asked as she balance herself on the balcony standing on it. "We won't die but we could so let enjoy a game before we do." She said as she climb herself down to the 6th floor. I shook my head and laughed. "This is going to be fun." I said to myself.

Y/n's POVI climbed myself down from the 7th floor, Andy's a stubborn child so he won't do what I say much. I ran through each room of 6th floor, quickly checking if there's any are unlocked. I saw the tagger reaching the 4th floor. I climbed down there to see if there's anyone else. I saw a middle age businessman wandering around with the phone.

"Sir, please run away, quickly!" I said. "What?" He asked and then he looked at something behind me. I turned around and saw the tagger. "Get down!" I said as I pulled out my stun gun and shocked the tagger. They lied down in pain as I pulled the businessman to somewhere else safe. I took him to the elevator as I pushed 7th floor. "Stay up there it will be safer, if you see the tagger again, run away with the tall friend of mine." I said quickly and he nodded as the elevator door closed. I climbed up the 6th floor again as I check if there's anyone. I saw the girl Hailee from before with some military men and another girl, holding a fire extinguisher. They were planning to check the rooms to see which on is the safe room. "I check 6th and 4th floor, also the south part of the 5th floor." I said as I balance myself on the balcony.

"Let's keep splitting up looking for the safe room." I continued and they nodded. "I haven't check 1st and 2nd floors." Hailee said. "Understood, I'll go check them." I said as I climbed down the 2nd floor. "5 minutes remaining." The phone said as I ran through the hallway, checking each door. I heard bullet sounds but there's no time for that. After I've done checking 2nd floor, I climbed down the 1st, checking the doors.

Hailee's POV"Think Hailee, think." I whispered to myself. I suddenly remembered something and I looked back at the 4th floor again where the tagger was trying to shoot the guy asking me from earlier. I saw them shot there again, every 10 seconds or when they feel unsecured. I thought of something then I realised they shot not about shooting that guy but to threaten them not getting any closer to there, which is where the safe room should be. I ran down there again and saw Andy. "So you realized that too?" He asked.

"Yeah, the safe room is in this side of the apartment." I replied as I grabbed the door knob. I'm shaking and hesitate to open the door. "Aren't you going to open it?" Andy asked. "Why did the tagger chase us?" I asked him back. "They could've just waited here." I continued. "Seems like there's something else we don't know about the game yet." He said. "But if you don't open it..." He said as he pulled out the phone showing the timer as I nodded. "3 minutes until the game concludes." The phone said.

Finally I opened the door, it was unlocked, Andy and my guesses were right. I opened it wider as both of us walked inside the room. I looked everywhere in the room, it was dark nothing else special. Only a door to another room and I toilet, the room was empty. I stood near the wooden door, staring at it and Andy stood beside me. I put my hand on the door knob, I felt something was off then I turned around seeing another tagger. "Look out!" I said as I pushed Andy, both of us duck from the bullets. He pulled out a makeshift stun gun, shocking the tagger. They lied down there, we looked at them panting as Andy looked proudly at his stun gun.

"It never hurts to be prepared-" He said but was interrupted when the tagger woke up and shot at us again. I ran towards the wooden door leading me to another empty room while Andy ran outside. I locked the door and stood away from it about a decent space. The lights suddenly turned on, I looked around the room and saw two buttons on the wall. It says push both buttons at once to clear the game. "Damn it." I cursed. "Someone, please come over! The safe room is in apartment 406! It's impossible to clear the game alone!" I yelled from the balcony. Then I heard the door, I turned around and it was broken, the tagger slowly came in. They were about to shoot but I ran towards them and tackle them against the wall.

Both of us wrestling each other, I saw Andy tried to came in but failed whe the tagger shot near his direction. They tried to point the gun at me while I'm trying to find some help. "Someone! Please come!" I yelled while pushing the nozzle away from my head. I pushed the hand where they're holding the gun against the wall as the phone says there is only 30 seconds left. "Twenty seconds." It continued as we keep wrestling and the tagger tried to keep shooting. Then Y/n climbed in from the window. "You called?" She asked and the phone says there's only 10 seconds left.

"Hey." Andy said and tossed her the stun gun and she shocked the tagger at the ankle. They fell down on the ground as there's only 5 more seconds left. "5, 4,..." the phone starting to countdown. "Hailee! The buttons!" Y/n yelled as she pointed at the buttons. Both of us ran to the opposite side of the room, jumping up and pushed the buttons at the same time. The game has stopped on time, we're lucky enough to have a second left.

The phone rang "Game clear. Congratulations." It said. As we were sitting there, the tagger was awaken, they slowly sit up with a scared face. She's a woman, a middle age between 35-40 and she has some kind of metal collar around her neck. The collar starts to flashing blue lights, making some sounds and beeping. The beeping keeps getting faster as every millisecond past by. "Um, excuse me." I said then the beeping stopped, the lights turned red and the collar exploded around her neck which made me and Y/n startled. Blood covering the white walls and some dollops on my face.

I looked up with a terrified face seeing Andy looking up and down the wall and the woman's body. What's happening? Why are people keep dying? I stood up and ran outside of the room sitting on the hallway near the staircase. I heard the door opened and Y/n walked outside, closing the door back and looked at me. "That person...I killed her." I said and she sighed. "Everyone was made to participate in the game. It's no one's fault." She said. "Just what in the world is this?" I asked. "Who knows? I don't even know either. amazes me that I'm willing to do anything. Just so that I can survive." She said as she walked pass by me and stopped.

She turned around and looked at me "If we weren't willing, we might as well die." She continued and she left. I just sat there silently as she gets farther.

Andy's POVI was looking around the room then the lights were turned off. It seems like it wants to hide me from something. I turned back to the lady's body and stared at it. I checked the pockets to see if there's any clue for me to end this game. I felt something on the front pocket, I gently slid my fingers inside and pulled a piece of paper. It's a circle with some random lines on it, like some sort of rough sketching.

I looked at it confusedly but can't find anything about it yet. I put it in my pocket and walked back to my base.




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