NewCo Innovation Festival

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NewCo Innovation Festival

2024-07-14 20:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



On September 13th, Chinaccelerator is hosting the first ever NewCo festival in Asia. NewCo is a new kind of event experience: a mashup of an open studio tour and a business conference, with the vibe of a music festival. During the festival, host companies invite attendees inside their headquarters, offering an up-close and personal view into how they run their business. This September, join NewCo to learn, connect, and celebrate!

Get inside the offices of China's hottest internet companies

Hear from the founders and CEOs on what makes their companies tick




Scan the QR code for the event guide on Wechat 扫一扫二维码,在微信上查看节日流程


9/12/2016 (MON/一) 19:00-22:00 VIP Kickoff Dinner (Sponsored By WeWork)

9/13/2016 (TUE/二) 08:00-08:30 Registration 报到

08:30-09:30 Breakfast 早餐 (sponsored by Element Fresh) 上海市静安区愚园东路28号3号楼1楼西侧  Building 3, West Entrance, 28 YuYuan East Rd, Jing'an District

*Please note that Track E attendees need to finish breakfast by 08:30 as the first sessions starts at 9AM.


10:00-12:00 Host Company Sessions 主题企业活动

NewCo buses will be taking you to your sessions  NewCo将提供大巴带大家前往主题公司地点

12:00-13:00 Lunch 午餐 (Lunch sponsored by Saucepan)

13:30-17:30 Host Company Sessions 主题企业活动

NewCo buses will be taking you to your sessions  NewCo将提供大巴带大家前往主题公司地点

17:30-19:00 Dinner 晚餐

19:00-21:00 8X8 Speaker Event “八分之约”企业家分享会

Add: Kingtown Plaza Hotel Shanghai, F5, No.126 XinZha Road, Huangpu District (Near ChangSha Road, 3 minutes from XinZha Subway Station), Shanghai 上海黄浦区新闸路126号5楼瑞延厅上海嘉廷酒店(靠近长沙路,距离新闸路地铁3分钟路程)

21:00-         After Party

Add: same as 8X8 同八分之约地点


1. 他们都在用七牛:美图,饿了么,沪江,熊猫直播 They Are All Using Qiniu - Eleme, Meitu, Hujiang, iPanda live streaming, and many more  



Host Company: Qiniu Cloud. Founded in 2011, Qiniu has become one of the leading enterprise-level cloud service providers in China.

Presenter: Jianghua Du

2.  Udacity 优达学城:成为教育界的独角兽,让全球GDP翻倍的使命 Building an EdTech Unicorn and our Mission to Double the World's GDP

主题公司:优达学城(Udacity)诞生于斯坦福大学的一个实验。当时还是斯坦福大学教授的Sebastian Thrun和Peter Norvig,通过在线授课的方式,向全世界免费开放他们的课程“人工智能概论”。来自190个国家的16万多名学生报名参加了这门课。不久之后,优达学城(Udacity )正式成立。我们是一个还在快速成长的团队。全世界最优秀的工程师和教育者相聚在这里,为了用教育改变世界的未来而共同努力。我们相信,在优达学城(Udacity),高等教育也能满足行业的实际需求,能够让学习者拥有实用的技能,成为被全球领先科技企业认可的抢手人才。

Host company: Udacity was born out of a Stanford University experiment in which Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig offered their 'Introduction to Artificial Intelligence' course online to anyone, for free. Over 160,000 students in more than 190 countries enrolled and not much later, Udacity was born. Now we're a growing team of educators and engineers on a mission to change the future of education by bridging the gap between real-world skills, relevant education, and employment.

3. 简单难懂的道理:创业团队的协作精神 Why Teamwork is Essential to Your Startup 

主题公司:Teambition,国内领先的团队协作工具,2015年完成1200万美元的B轮融资。在三年的时间内,迅速从10+ 人发展到130多人,用户数过百万。 


Host Company: Teambition - China's leading workplace collaboration app. Raised $12 million in Series B in 2015.

Presenter: Yaqian Wang, COO. Yaqian holds a PhD in Economics from Lund University in Sweden and Masters in Organizational Psychology from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before joining Teambition, Yaqian worked at Lund Institute of Economic Research, McKinsey Company and Italy Cement Group.

4. Tapping China's Luxury Market 中国奢侈品市场变形记




Host Company: As the leading Luxury & Fashion Flash Sales website in Asia, (Glamour Sales) entered into the Chinese market in April 2010. In July 2015, Alibaba invested over $100 million in To date, has established official partnerships with over 2,400 international luxury, fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands.

Presenter: Thibault founded Glamour Sales China, the first online authorized outlet in China focusing on luxury, fashion and lifestyle brands. Prior to founding Glamour Sales China, Thibault was the manager and vice president for L’Oreal Luxury Products.

5. 路人甲也可以成为赚钱的网红  The Internet of Everyone and the New Wang Hong Economy  



主讲人:创始人Miranda Tan,毕业于康奈尔大学, 在PR、市场营销和公共关系领域有超过15年的经验。 

Host Company: Robin8.  

A data driven KOL marketplace that matches brands with the best KOLs. It's the only player in China that has end-to-end attribution for KOL posts and can match KOLs to campaigns based on their influence on a particular subject.

Presenter: Miranda Tan, Founder & CEO. She has more than 10 years experience in public relations, marketing, and tech. Miranda has a BS from Cornell University and a JD from St. John’s University School of Law.

6. 老外在中国融资难?他做到了 Laowai Entrepreneur in China: Conquering the Chinese Investors  

Host Company: Gululu

Founded in Jan 2015, Gululu is an IOT and children focused tech startup that endeavours to add value to children’s wellbeing. First product of Gululu is a Tamagochi-like interactive bottle that help kids to stay hydrated by caring for virtual pets in the bottle.

Presenter: Alvin Zhang, Founder & CEO, Gululu. Founder and CEO of team Gululu. Former CMO of Renren (deeply invoved in its IPO in 2011), former VP of Alibaba Group and former VP of NetEase. A 16-year highly regarded Internet veteran with strong commercial and diverse experiences. An angel investor in China, US, and Israel in 2014. A frequent startup mentor in China and Taiwan. 

主讲人:江志强,前人人首席营销官(历经公司上市)、前阿里集团VP、前网易VP。16年以上互联网经验,历经门户、社区、网络广告、社交、移动等行业发展。2014年从事天使投资,2015年在儿童 - 物联网领域创办巨鲸网络科技,今年7月发布全球首款Gululu儿童互动水壶 (

7. 老外在中国融资难?他做到了 Laowai Entrepreneur in China: Conquering the Chinese Investors  



主讲人:共同创始人Steve Mushero。Mushero先生曾在硅谷担任过各种网络技术创业公司的CTO,后来成为土豆网的第一名外籍CTO。

Host Company: ChinaNetCloud. The world's largest Internet server management company, and China's oldest Cloud Computing business. 

Presenter: Steve Mushero, co-founder. Previously, Mr. Mushero served as the first foreign CTO at Tudou, China's Youtube. In 2015, Steve and his American co-founder raised a US$9 million series A for ChinaNetCloud from local Chinese investors, which is unheard of for foreign entrepreneurs in China. 

8. 第一家征服YC的中国公司——回国了 How the First Chinese YC Startup is Born


主题公司:Strikingly上线了是一个傻瓜式的建站平台,能让没有开发经验的用户在 30 分钟内建好可自适应平板、手机和浏览器的网站。它是第一家被世界顶级的硅谷孵化器Y Combinator孵化的中国团队,创新工场在北美投资的第一个项目。上线第二周即开始盈利,两周内完成150万美金融资。

主讲人:陈海沙。芝加哥大学经济学专业,曾任芝加哥大学学生会副主席。进入2016年福布斯杂志的“亚洲30位30岁以下年轻领袖(30 under 30)”榜单。

Host Company: Strikingly is a website builder that allows the user, with little or no development experience, to create mobile optimized websites within minutes. Strikingly is the first Chinese company to graduate from the Y Combinator seed accelerator.

Presenter: David Chen, Cofounder. Before Strikingly, David cofounded Moneythink, a non-profit financial literacy education organization. Moneythink was the winner of the 2013 MassChallenge 100K award, and is now funded by Blackstone, recognized by the White House as the Champions of Change, and featured on Forbes, MTV, the Chicago Tribune, and U.S. News. In 2016, David was named Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia.

9. 老外在中国的创业经:坚持不懈 Perseverance: A Foreign Entrepreneur in China



主讲人:创始人Kevin Chen,从金融行业转战教育业。Kevin活跃于上海创业圈,创办了非营利性极客交流社区techyizu。 

Host Company: italki - the world leader in online language education with over 1.2 million students and 1500+ teachers of 100 languages. Raised a $3M Series A from Hujiang, China's larget e-learning platform.

Presenter: Co-founder, Kevin Chen. Shanghai's startup ecosystem legend, active in the Shanghai startup community through techyizu and xinchejian.

10. 中国创业公司在海外的机遇与挑战 Helping Chinese Startups Go Global



主讲人: 宾威廉,中国加速董事总经理。在加入SOSV之前,他身为新加坡电信旗下新电投资公司(SingTel Innov8)的董事总经理,协助处理有关中国方面的投资活动。此前,他曾担任软银中印集团有限公司(Softbank China & India Holdings)的合伙人。宾威廉的职业生涯始于德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)股票分析师,负责研究亚洲互联网和电信设备领域,以及中国的科技、媒体和电信领域。此外,他还曾负责旧金山美银证券(Bank of America Securities)旗下的数位媒体和电信设备领域,以及纽约贝尔斯登公司(Bear Stearns)的PC和企业硬体领域。18年前,宾威廉开始了他的科技投资生涯,在台湾任职技术分析师。2006年,荣获材经杂志《机构投资人》(Institutional Investor)技术/软体暨IT服务领域亚洲第三名分析师;2005年汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)Starmine全球分析师评比,获选为香港与中国地区科技、媒体、电信领域最佳选股分析师、综合领域第三名选股分析师,同时亦荣登《机构投资人》名单。

Host Company: Chinaccelerator, the first startup accelerator in China and Asia, is a mentorship-driven program helping internet startups from around the world cross borders - from the world into China and from China to the world.

Presenter: William Bao Bean, Managing Director. 

William joined SOS Ventures from SingTel Innov8 where he was Managing Director supporting Chinese investment activities. Previously, William was a Partner at Softbank China & India Holdings, an early stage venture capital firm backed by Softbank of Japan and Cisco. William began his career as an equity research analyst most recently with Deutsche Bank where he was responsible for Internet and Telecom Equipment across Asia and China's technology, media and telecom. In addition, he covered Digital Media and Telecom Equipment companies at Bank of America Securities in San Francisco and PCs and Enterprise Hardware at Bear Stearns in New York.

11. 点融网:中国金融体系的未来  How Dianrong is Shaping China's Financial Infrastructure


主题公司:点融网 - 中国领先的互联网金融公司


Host Company: Dianrong - China’s leading Internet finance company. Founded in 2012 by the co-founder and former Head of Technology of Lending Club, Soul Htite, who joined efforts with Kevin Guo, a PE fund partner and lawyer from Shanghai to create the next generation financial services technology not only for China but also globally.

Presenter: Jing Pan, CMO. Jing is responsible for’s marketing and PR efforts, building the brand and acquiring customers via the internet. Prior, she was the founding management team member of AdChina, the former largest advertising technology company in China and currently part of Alibaba’s advertising platform. 

12. BTCC 比特币中国:数字货币的未来  A future of Digital Currency


主讲人:CEO李启元 (Bobby Lee)出生于科特迪瓦,毕业于斯坦福大学;在2013年创立BTCC前,任沃尔玛技术副总裁。 加拿大籍首席运营官缪永权 (Samson Mow)是一名非常资深的游戏人,曾任Ubisoft制作总监;在2015年2月加入BTCC前一直管理自己亲自创办的手游开发企业。瑞典籍首席技术官王立栋 (Mikael Wang)在瑞典创立了一家广受好评的IT咨询机构; 2013年加入BTCC,此前在爱立信工作时曾开发创新性云计算解决方案。该团队将共同为BTCC业务发展带来创新思维、国际化视角与最高的质量标准。

Host Company: BTCC was originally founded as BTCChina in 2011. It is the longest-running and one of the largest bitcoin exchanges worldwide. BTCC plays a leading role in every segment of the bitcoin ecosystem, offering a digital currency exchange, a mining pool, payment processing, consumer wallets, and blockchain engraving. The diverse products and services BTCC offers allow its customers to engage in all aspects of the digital currency spectrum in one integrated platform. Headquartered in Shanghai, BTCC serves a global customer base and has become an industry leader for security, risk mitigation, credibility, and technological innovation. Its mission is to provide the world with the most convenient and trustworthy digital currency services.

Presenter: Chief Executive Officer Bobby Lee was born in the Ivory Coast, educated at Stanford, and worked as vice president of technology of Walmart before taking leadership of BTCC in 2013. Chief Operating Officer Samson Mow is a leading Canadian game industry executive who worked as director of production at Ubisoft and started a mobile game development company before joining BTCC in February 2015. Chief Technology Officer Mikael Wang operated an IT consultancy company in Sweden and developed innovative cloud computing solutions at Ericsson before joining BTCC in 2013. Together, they bring an innovative mindset, international perspective and the highest quality standards to BTCC.

13. XingRen 杏仁医生: 从零到40万注册医生用户的故事 Xingren journey from 0 to 400,000 healthcare professionals

主题公司:公司由Martin Shen马丁医生和徐琳创立,马丁医生有超过十五年医疗领域从业经历,徐琳则具有十五年互联网从业经历。2014.9.3上线至2016年3月,公司已拥有574员工,辐射34个城市,实名且执业认证医生覆盖全国37,774家医院,累计医生数达383,016位。2015年7月,杏仁医生获方源资本领投2亿人民币B轮投资,同月平台上的实名认证医生数突破15万。


Host Company: In 2012, Dr. Shen left the traditional healthcare industry and co-founded XingRen a mobile Healthcare Internet Company, backed by global top VC funding, targeted as transforming healthcare through disruptive innovation. July 2015, Xingren raised an RMB 200M Series B round.

Presenter: Dr. Shen is a physician and senior executive with over 18 years of Healthcare experience spanning Clinical Practice, Hospital Management and Healthcare IT. Dr. Shen has previously held senior industry positions including, Principal for Siemens Health Services (Healthcare IT), Clinical Director AsiaPac for iSOFT Group (CSC Healthcare Systems), and Deputy General Manager for the 1st Sino-US Joint Venture Hospital in China. 

14. Publicis 阳狮媒体: Bridging innovation between startups and global brands


阳狮媒体(Publicis Media)是阳狮集团旗下的四个业务模块之一,其他三个业务模块是Publicis Communications, Publicis.Sapient 和 Publicis Healthcare。阳狮媒体的全球CEO Steve King,领导星传媒体(Starcom)、实力媒体(Zenith)、精锐媒体| Spark(Mediavest| Spark)、突破传播| Blue 449(Optimedia|Blue 449)四个全球品牌,连同数字营销优先、数据驱动的专家团队一起,为客户提供卓越价值并助其实现业务革新。通过遍布全球100多个国家和地区的13,500多名员工,阳狮媒体致力于帮助客户坐享现代媒体所带来的商机。



Host Company: 

Publicis Media is one of the four solutions hubs of Publicis Groupe, alongside Publicis Communications, Publicis.Sapient and Publicis Healthcare. Led by Steve King, CEO, Publicis Media is powered by its four global brands, Starcom, Zenith, Mediavest | Spark and Optimedia | Blue 449, and supported by its digital-first, data-driven Global Practices which together deliver client value and business transformation. Publicis Media is committed to helping its clients navigate the modern media landscape and is present in more than 100 countries with over 13,500 employees worldwide. 

Presenter: Vivian Zhu Chief Digital & Media Officer, Publicis Media Greater China, Publicis Vivian was appointed Chief Digital & Innovation Officer, Publicis Media Greater China in May 2016. Prior to it, she has been Chief Digital Officer Starcom MediaVest Group Greater China and focused on accelerating the agency’s fast growing digital business by fortifying its digital talent pool & capabilities and enriching the agency's digital & analytics products. Her in-depth understanding of how media impacts human behaviour puts her in good stead when it comes to utilising the right insights and tools to optimize communications so that they deliver on strategies. An avid advocate for using data to personalise human experience in the multi-channel and fragmented media realities of today’s world, Vivian also strongly believes in leveraging the latest technological innovations to drive tracking and analysis.

15. 引爆品牌的粉丝能量 Unleash Your Fans Value 


主讲人:曹宇翔,微博高级商业运营总监。背景:阳狮锐奇集团 – 客户总监,欧莱雅中国 – 网络营销市场经理,灵智精实集团 – 数字业务副总监。

Host Company: Sina Weibo - leading social media platform in China. A microcosm of Chinese society, Weibo has attracted a wide range of users, including ordinary people, celebrities and other public figures, as well as organizations, such as media outlets, businesses, government agencies and charities.

Presenter: Micro Cao, Senior Director of Commercial Operations. Work experience: Publicis DIGITAS – Account director; L'Oreal China – Internet marketing manager; EuroRSCG – Associate digital director.

16. 旅游休闲APP:不仅是服务买卖平台 Travel App: Beyond Deals and Discounts

主题公司:一款专注于让人们体验更美好的周末生活而存在的应用。于今年 2 月获得数千万美金 B 轮融资,本轮融资由陌陌领投,上一轮投资机构蓝湖资本和经纬创投跟投。现已是上海迪士尼度假区旅游业界合作伙伴。


Host Company: Zhoumo Qunar (Where to Go on Weekend), a weekend event finder app. In February 2016, it has raised tens of millions USD in Series B financing led by Momo, China's Tinder. It is a partner of Shanghai Disneyland.

Presenter: Xiao Peng, CEO

17. 按需经济如何解放创意阶层?The Happy Marriage of On-Demand Economy and the Creative Industry



Host Company: Tezign is a solution that can fix the employment issue for companies who need a flexible way to deploy human capital. Tezign is an on-demand creative marketplace & workflow solution for designers and companies to use that provides enhanced high quality and optimum cost in an efficient way.

Presenter: Prior to, Daisy was a part of the curating team for the Chinese pavilion at Venice Biennale 2012. She also has experience curating exhibitions in Italy, Spain and Germany.

18. 创客分享:从生产到规模化 How To Build and Scale Your Product


主讲人:Jacob Rothman, 品牌战略

Host Company: Platform88 helps innovators to manufacture and distribute their products throughout the world. P88’s extensive network of vetted factories, industry experts and merchandising hubs has served over 70 clients to bring their innovation into reality. New to manufacturing? Struggling with deciding on your “next step”? With case studies, learn how to build and scale your product.

Presenter: Jacob Rothman - Jacob has more than ten years of experience in manufacturing, branding and retail. A full time “start up rabbi”, he draws from his experience of running a factory in Southern China to help startups.

8X8 SPEAKER EVENT 八分之约企业家分享会


All NewCo attendees get to see the 8X8 Speaker Event! 8X8 is held by Chinaccelerator each year in Shanghai and Beijing. 8 heroes will each speak for 8 minutes on everything they've learned from being an entrepreneur. This time, 8X8 Shanghai will capstone NewCo Shanghai, followed by the NewCo After Party.


NewCo Shanghai is presented by Chinaccelerator, the first startup accelerator in China and Asia. It is a mentorship-driven program helping internet startups from around the world cross borders - from the world into China and from China to the world. It is backed by the venture fund SOSV with $250M AUM operating nine accelerator programs around the world.









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