
您所在的位置:网站首页 百度地图显示边界线 关于百度地图应用技术分享


#关于百度地图应用技术分享| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

主题:关于百度地图应用技术分享 背景:做项目过程中遇到的新需求与优化,具体体现在作战地图、轨迹分析模块。 大纲:百度地图GL版、turf.js、离线版GL、GraphHopper 内容:

1.项目中的轨迹分析优化(通过GraphHopper服务 优化轨迹路线)






      截图 (1).png



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datav.aliyun.com/tools/atlas… 网址将8个市区的轮廓数据下载转坐标后存入项目中,然后用BMapGL.Polygon生成多个多边形。

new BMapGL.Polygon(xinxiangArea, {         strokeWeight: 0.01,   //边框宽度         fillColor: "#DDE4F0", //填充颜色         fillOpacity: 0.5, enableMassClear: false       }); //建       this.map.addOverlay(xinxiang)       this.polygonDistrict.push(xinxiang) 复制代码


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通过在datav.aliyun.com/tools/atlas… 网址下载轮廓点坐标,在其中找到两个点划分出两条线段存入项目,然后用 BMapGL.Polyline生成加载到地图中

// 画边界线     paintingHeZeLine () {       this.paintingHeZeLineRightData = new BMapGL.Polyline(pointsFormLineString(lineRight), { strokeWeight: 2, strokeColor: "#7ABB4F", enableMassClear: false });       this.paintingHeZeLineData = new BMapGL.Polyline(pointsFormLineString(lineLeft), { strokeWeight: 2, strokeColor: "#00CCFF", enableMassClear: false });       this.map.addOverlay(this.paintingHeZeLineData);  //添加覆盖物       this.map.addOverlay(this.paintingHeZeLineRightData);  //添加覆盖物     }, 复制代码


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// 画5公里覆盖物     paintingFivePolygon () {       // 菏泽边界线+5公里边界线+菏泽线的第一个坐标       this.paintingFiveLine = new BMapGL.Polyline(pointsFormLineString(fiveLeft), { strokeWeight: 1, strokeColor: "#FF2A2A", enableMassClear: false });       this.paintingFivePolygonData = new BMapGL.Polygon(pointsFormLineString(fiveArea), { strokeWeight: 1, strokeColor: "#FF2A2A", fillColor: "red", fillOpacity: 0.1, enableMassClear: false });       this.map.addOverlay(this.paintingFiveLine);       this.map.addOverlay(this.paintingFivePolygonData);       // this.paintingFivePolygonHide();     },     //5公里覆盖物展示     paintingFivePolygonShow () {       this.paintingFiveLine.show()       this.paintingFivePolygonData.show()     },     //5公里覆盖物隐藏     paintingFivePolygonHide () {       this.paintingFiveLine.hide()       this.paintingFivePolygonData.hide()     }, 复制代码


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//获取选中种类,maker占比     getProportion (arr, keys, maxNum) {       let p = {         "8": 0,         "13": 0,         "14": 0,         "15": 0,         "17": 0,         "18": 0,         "19": 0,         'all': 0       }       arr.map(item => {         if (keys.includes(8) && item.type == 'ordinary') {           p['8']++           p['all']++         }         if (keys.includes(13) && item.partyMember == '1') {           p['13']++           p['all']++         }         if (keys.includes(14) && item.groupLeader == '1') {           p['14']++           p['all']++         }         if (keys.includes(15) && item.information == '1') {           p['15']++           p['all']++         }         if (keys.includes(17) && item.illegal == '1') {           p['17']++           p['all']++         }         if (keys.includes(18) && item.sensitive == '1') {           p['18']++           p['all']++         }         if (keys.includes(19) && item.outflow == '1') {           p['19']++           p['all']++         }       })       if (p['all'] > maxNum) {         return {           "8": Math.ceil(p['8'] / p['all'] * maxNum),           "13": Math.ceil(p['13'] / p['all'] * maxNum),           "14": Math.ceil(p['14'] / p['all'] * maxNum),           "15": Math.ceil(p['15'] / p['all'] * maxNum),           "17": Math.ceil(p['17'] / p['all'] * maxNum),           "18": Math.ceil(p['18'] / p['all'] * maxNum),           "19": Math.ceil(p['19'] / p['all'] * maxNum),           'all': p['all']         }       } else {         return p       }     },     // 合理分配点位     getBuisnessType (number) {       var selectKeys = this.$refs.tree.getCheckedKeys(true);       var businessList = this.getMarker.businessList || []       // console.log("this.getMarker.businessList", this.getMarker.businessList)       var bs = this.map.getBounds();       var topSelect = this.checkListBusiness[0]       var arr = []       if (topSelect == 1) {         arr = businessList.filter(item => {           return (item.marginal == 1) && bs.containsPoint(new BMapGL.Point(item.lng, item.lat))         })       } else if (topSelect == 2) {         arr = businessList.filter(item => {           return (item.marginal == 0) && bs.containsPoint(new BMapGL.Point(item.lng, item.lat))         })       } else if (topSelect == 3) {         arr = businessList.filter(item => {           return (item.marketType == "town") && bs.containsPoint(new BMapGL.Point(item.lng, item.lat))         })       } else if (topSelect == 4) {         arr = businessList.filter(item => {           return (item.marketType == "countryside") && bs.containsPoint(new BMapGL.Point(item.lng, item.lat))         })       } else {         arr = businessList.filter(item => {           return bs.containsPoint(new BMapGL.Point(item.lng, item.lat))         })       }       var list = []       var jisun1 = 0       var jisun2 = 0       var jisun3 = 0       var jisun4 = 0       var jisun5 = 0       var jisun6 = 0       var jisun7 = 0       var otherArr = []       var allNOSelect = true       var keys = [8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19]       var selectsright = selectKeys.filter(item => {         return keys.includes(item)       })       let proportion = this.getProportion(arr, selectsright, number)       // console.log('proportion:' + JSON.stringify(proportion))       for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {         var item = arr[i]         if (selectsright.length == 0 || selectsright.length == 7) {           var loop = parseInt(number / 7)           if (item.partyMember == '1') {             if (jisun1++ < loop) {               list.push(item)             }           } else if (item.groupLeader == '1') {             if (jisun2++ < loop) {               list.push(item)             }           } else if (item.information == '1') {             if (jisun3++ < loop) {               list.push(item)             }           } else if (item.illegal == '1') {             if (jisun4++ < loop) {               list.push(item)             }           } else if (item.sensitive == '1') {             if (jisun5++ < loop) {               list.push(item)             }           } else if (item.outflow == '1') {             if (jisun6++ < loop) {               list.push(item)             }           } else if (item.type == 'ordinary') {             if (jisun7++ < loop) {               list.push(item)             }           }           if (list.length > number) {             return list           }         } else {           //   var loop = parseInt(number / selectsright.length)           let loop = 0           if (selectKeys.includes(8)) {             if (item.type == 'ordinary') {               loop = proportion['8']               if (jisun1++ < parseInt(loop)) {                 list.push(item)               }             }           }           if (selectKeys.includes(13)) {             if (item.partyMember == '1') {               loop = proportion['13']               if (jisun2++ < parseInt(loop)) {                 list.push(item)               }             }           }           if (selectKeys.includes(14)) {             if (item.groupLeader == '1') {               loop = proportion['14']               if (jisun3++ < parseInt(loop)) {                 list.push(item)               }             }           }           if (selectKeys.includes(15)) {             if (item.information == '1') {               loop = proportion['15']               if (jisun4++ < parseInt(loop)) {                 list.push(item)               }             }           }           if (selectKeys.includes(17)) {             if (item.illegal == '1') {               loop = proportion['17']               if (jisun5++ < loop) {                 list.push(item)               }             }           }           if (selectKeys.includes(18)) {             if (item.sensitive == '1') {               loop = proportion['18']               if (jisun6++ < loop) {                 list.push(item)               }             }           }           if (selectKeys.includes(19)) {             if (item.outflow == '1') {               loop = proportion['19']               if (jisun7++ < loop) {                 list.push(item)               }             }           }           if (list.length > number) {             return list           }         }       }       if (selectsright.length == 0 || selectsright.length == 7) {         if (list.length < number) {           //补齐点           for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {             // debugger             var item = arr[arr.length - 1 - i]             if (list.length < number) {               if (item.type == 'ordinary') {                 list.push(item)               }             }           }         }       }       return list     }, 复制代码


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  数据通过后端接口计算,然后用 BMapGL.Polyline生成加载到地图中

// 获取高危路线     getHighRiskRoute () {       var that = this       for (var i = 0; i < this.getMarker.highRiskRouteList.length; i++) {         var highLine = new BMapGL.Polyline(pointsFormLineString(this.getMarker.highRiskRouteList[i]), { strokeWeight: 6, strokeColor: that.highLineColor[i] })         // that.map.addOverlay(highLine);         that.highRiskRouteData.push(highLine);         // highLine.hide();         highLine.addEventListener("click", function (type) {           if (that.lushuPageShow) {             return           }           that.lushuLine = new BMapGL.Polyline(type.currentTarget.getPath(), { strokeWeight: 6, strokeColor: type.currentTarget.getStrokeColor() })           that.map.addOverlay(that.lushuLine);           // that.highRiskRouteData.push(highLine);           // that.map.addOverlay(type.currentTarget)           that.map.setViewport(that.lushuLine.getPath());           that.saveOverlay()           that.lushuStop();           that.lushuPageShow = true;           that.lushu = new BMapGLLib.LuShu(that.map, that.lushuLine.getPath(), {             autoCenter: true,             icon: new BMapGL.Icon(require('../../assets/images/mapIndex/car.png'), new BMapGL.Size(34, 16)),             speed: 10000,             enableRotation: true           });         })       }     }, 复制代码




// 打开轨迹刻画     paintingBeginLine () {       this.paintingBlock = !this.paintingBlock;       if (this.paintingBlock) {         this.paintingBegin()       }     },     // 地图上描点     paintingBegin () {       if (this.paintingBeginData != true) {         this.paintingBeginData = true;         this.paintingBeginNum += 1;         this.paintingPolyline.push({ line: null, marker: [], deleteMarker: null, });         this.paintingBeginlisten();       }     },     // 监听折线绘画     paintingBeginlisten () {       var that = this;       this.map.addEventListener("click", function ({ latlng }) { //当鼠标单击时         if (that.paintingBeginData) { //判断是否绘制曲线完毕           //创建marker点           var marker = new BMapGL.Marker(latlng, { icon: new BMapGL.Icon(require('../../assets/images/mapIndex/LineMarker.png'), new BMapGL.Size(16, 18), { anchor: new BMapGL.Size(7, 20) }) });           // var marker = new BMapGL.Marker(new BMapGL.Point(e1.point.lng, e1.point.lat));           that.map.addOverlay(marker);           that.paintingPolyline[that.paintingBeginNum].marker.push(marker);           that.startPainting = latlng           // 划线           that.pLine.push(latlng) //存储曲线上每个点的经纬度           if (that.pLine.length < 2) { return; } //当折线上的点只有一个时,不绘制           if (that.paintingPolyline[that.paintingBeginNum].line) {             that.paintingPolyline[that.paintingBeginNum].line.setPath(that.pLine)           } else {             that.paintingPolyline[that.paintingBeginNum].line = new BMapGL.Polyline(that.pLine, { strokeColor: "#589EFF", strokeWeight: 3, strokeOpacity: 1, });             that.map.addOverlay(that.paintingPolyline[that.paintingBeginNum].line); //绘制曲线           }         }       });       this.map.addEventListener("dblclick", function ({ latlng }) { //当鼠标双击时:结束绘制,并可以编辑曲线         if (that.paintingBeginData) {           that.paintingBeginData = false;//停止监听           that.startPainting = null;//把最终开始点去掉           // 线清空,为下一次刻画准备           that.pLine = [];           var marker = new BMapGL.Marker(latlng, { icon: new BMapGL.Icon(require('../../assets/images/mapIndex/LineDelete.png'), new BMapGL.Size(12, 12)) });           marker.setOffset(new BMapGL.Size(10, 10));           that.paintingPolyline[that.paintingBeginNum].deleteMarker = marker;           that.map.addOverlay(marker);           that.paintingPolyline[that.paintingBeginNum].line.disableEditing();//停止绘画           for (var i = 0; i < that.paintingPolyline.length; i++) {             that.paintingPolyline[i].deleteMarker.addEventListener("click", function (type) {               for (var j = 0; j < that.paintingPolyline.length; j++) {                 if (type.currentTarget == that.paintingPolyline[j].deleteMarker) {                   that.map.removeOverlay(that.paintingPolyline[j].line);                   that.map.removeOverlay(that.paintingPolyline[j].deleteMarker);                   for (var k = 0; k < that.paintingPolyline[j].marker.length; k++) {                     that.map.removeOverlay(that.paintingPolyline[j].marker[k]);                   }                 }               }             })           }         }       })     }, 复制代码




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