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小学英语文化节 最新版主持稿 中英文

2024-04-19 08:50:02| 来源: 网络整理

小学英语文化节 最新版主持稿 中英文 时间:2024.4.5


Good morning, everyone. The 17th week is coming. It will be a special week, because we will welcome our English Festival of Jia Lvyuan Primary School.

第十七周来临了,这是特殊的一周,因为我们迎来了嘉绿苑小学英语节。 Now it is the time that we show our talents, report our learning results and also the time of carnival.

现在就是我们展示才华的时刻,汇报成绩的时刻,也是我们共同欢乐的时刻。 Today, let us feel the happiness of learning English.


First of all, let’s welcome Mrs. Ye, the headmaster to express her wishes! Welcome! 现在请大家以热烈的掌声,欢迎我们叶校长讲话。(校长讲话)

Now, let’s welcome Mr. Zhu to express his wishes.掌声有请朱校长讲话! Then, let’s welcome Mrs. Wang to express her wishes! 有请王老师讲话。 Yes, indeed. English as an important tool, it brings us to the world and helps us to enjoy the charming of different cultures.


Now, I announce: the English Festival of Jia Lvyuan Primary School begins now.


Let’s enjoy the wonderful show!

First,let’s welcome five girls from Grade six, Class two to sing Do Rei Mi for us! welcome! 大家掌声欢迎来自六二班的同学带来歌曲Do Rei Mi。

How beautiful! 多么优美的歌声!

Look, Poor George is coming. Let’s welcome three students from Grade Six , Class one and three to tell a story for us. Poor George.


Do you know who is Red Little Red Riding Hood? Yes, 同学们,你们知道小红帽吗?

Miss Zhou, do you know hip-hop? No,no,not this style.


Wow,how handsome! 同学们,街舞表演帅不帅?掌声再次送给胡成涛同学!

Our English festival will last one week. 本届英语节为期1周。

We designed many interesting activities for each grade.


This week is for English. This week is for us.


Learning English in activities. Feeling English in activities. Show success and happiness in activities.

在活动中学习英语,在活动中感受英语,在活动中展示英语学习的成功与快乐吧。 It’s the end of the opening ceremony.


Girls and boys, do you remember this song? “Left, left, right, right, go, turn around, go go go!” Everyone, let’s do together. Music!

Thank you, everyone! Bye~


Honorable leaders, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!

It is a clash of brilliant minds about the management both in Chinese and western enterprises. It is an intimate handshake of international trade cooperation between China and the western countries. And it is also a grand China-Europe business gathering that has far-reaching influence. Yes, it is the grand “Shanshan” Cup 2010 China -Europa SME Forum and Ningbo Entrepreneur Summit Forum. It finally meets you here as scheduled.

Ningbo, one of the gateways to the world in China, has met millions of European entrepreneurs with their dreams over the past years. At present, some of them may be on the move to all parts in China, some of them may be occupied with international conferences and some of them may just sit here. All in all, they are always trying their best to make contribution to the cooperation and development of China-Europe economy. And Ningbo entrepreneurs with cooperative, enterprising, initiative and innovative spirit also sincerely hope that they can have a deeper communication with their European counterparts. At the same time, the annual Ningbo Entrepreneur Summit Forum is held here and it is the grand meeting for the Ningbo entrepreneurs with their spirit to exchange their management thoughts. The forum is held under the auspices of中欧社会论坛基金会、中国民(私)营经济研究会、中国中小企业协会、《经济观察报》、宁波市外经贸局Ningbo Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau、宁波市经济委员会、《东南商报》, and it is also undertaken by 宁波市甬商发展研究会、宁波市职业经理人协会、宁波市企业文化研究会、宁波市公共关系协会. We believe that the forum will be an important and magnificent gathering among Chinese and European entrepreneurs who care for the environment, care for the enterprises and care for the future.

We are honored to have provincial municipal leaders, representatives of 中欧经社论坛 and all the distinguished guests from Chinese and European business circles. Welcome!

First, I’d like to introduce the guests attending our forum, they are:

On behalf of the organizing committee, I warmly welcome all the guests to the forum and thank you all. I also want to thank 杉杉集团、银亿集团、华润卡纳湖谷等单位 for your support and also thank 宁波方琪传媒、唐宁街英语for your assistance! Thank all the media! Thank you!

Now, I declare “Shanshan” Cup 2010 China -Europa SME Forum and Ningbo Entrepreneur Summit Forum open!

Over the years, a scholar has devoted himself to the research and development of 中欧社会论坛 and also has made great efforts and contribution to the friendship and communication between both sides. He is Mr. Xinwang, 本次中欧中小企业论坛中方组委会主任,著名经济学家、《经济观察报》研究院院长. Let’s welcome Mr. Xinwang to make the address! Welcome!

Thanks for Mr. Xinwang’s address. Let’s extend thanks by our warmest applause! Thanks to all of you, especially the great support of European entrepreneurs, we successfully hold this meeting here. Both of the two sides have learnt a lot from each other over the past years. The cooperation in green environmental protection can be seen in many occasions such as 世界博览会and 中国(宁波)节能环保技术与产品博览会. Now let’s welcome Madi, 本次中欧中小企业论坛欧方组委会主任、欧洲经济社会促进会女企业家首席代表 to make an address, welcome!

Meanwhile, this forum is strongly supported by the leaders and the relevant departments of

Ningbo Municipal government, especially the host of this forum, 市经济委员会和市对外贸易经济合作局.

Next, let’s welcome Mr. Yao Zhaohui, 宁波市经济委员会副主任, to make a speech.

Thanks for the excellent speech from Mr. Yao Zhaohui. Next, we will have Mr. Gang Yong, 宁波市对外贸易经济合作局副局长 to make a speech. Let’s welcome!

Thanks for the important words from Mr. Gang Yong. Foreign trade, as one of ways for communication between China and Europe, is gradually becoming the green channel for the bilateral cooperation of sustainable development. We are expecting a significant breakthrough. Now, let’s welcome Mr. Chang Minyi, 宁波市政协副主席 with our warm applause!

Thanks for Mr. Chang Minyi’s address and his great support to this activity.

Recently, “low-carbon economy” has aroused a green storm all over the world and the green enterprises which make constant efforts for the sustainable development are playing the dominant role in this storm. We define green enterprise as: a new enterprise which takes sustainable development as own duty, integrates environmental interests and management in its own enterprise management and achieves effect and also constructs harmonious social development. The theme of this forum is “Sustainable Development of Green Enterprises”. To make it relevant to the theme and let the concept of “green low-carbon economy” take root in all trades and professions in Ningbo and effectively execute the green low-carbon management mode, the organizing committee of the forum invited leaders from the relevant departments and experts to form a “green case enterprise” judging panel. They recommended and chose 18 “green case enterprises” as models and pacesetters of Ningbo green enterprises. These enterprises will leading on the road of Chinese green economy. Next, let’s welcome the representative of the judging panel Mr. Huang Jiangwei, 本次“绿色案例企业”评委会负责人宁波市职业经理人协会副会长、中国营销奖总策划 to make a speech and announce the winners.

Now, let’s welcome the representatives from the first batch of the green case enterprise winners. They are:

Please use one sentence to express your declaration and aspiration about green enterprise and also please touch the crystal ball to show the future blueprint made all by yourselves.

Next, let’s welcome the representatives from the first batch of the green case enterprise winners. They are:

Please use one sentence to express your declaration and aspiration about green enterprise and also please touch the crystal ball to show the future blueprint made all by yourselves.

Now let’s welcome the leaders and experts to present the awards to the representatives of the green case enterprise.

A beautiful future picture has been unfolded in front of us. It is the symbol of green and the symbol of hope. It is the green eco blueprint described together by the representatives from twelve “green case enterprises”. Today, we have college students from Ningbo University of Technology

outside the conference hall for showing one part of the 100-meter picture specially made for this forum and many friends here also take part in the interaction personally to picture a blueprint of green family. This is our good hope and aspiration to the green eco. We hope all the entrepreneurs can cooperate mutually to promote the construction of green enterprises. Let’s express the congratulations by our warmest applause!

Appreciating the presence of “green case enterprises” and the beautiful blueprint, we feel we are creating a brilliant future of Chinese green economy. Is everything so nice as we imagine? And how do the European representatives think about it? Now we are anxious to hear their voices, let us welcome Francesco, 国际管理咨询协会理事会副主席. Welcome!

We are deeply impressed by Francesco’s wonderful remarks. He expressed his view from an international perspective and European thinking and made collisions with our views, thus sparking new ideas. The little spark may burst into a big fire to benefit our enterprises. Next we will invite a guest who not only knows well most of the small and medium enterprises in Germany but also has good acquaintance with the development of Chinese small and medium enterprises. Yes, he is Thomas, 德国中小企业联合总会驻中国的首席代表. Welcome Thomas!

Thomas is the 中小企业联合总会驻中国的首席代表. With his rich experience, Thomas lights the future road of cross-border merger and acquisitions for the entrepreneurs of Chinese small and medium enterprises.

Now I will introduce a secret guest. He is a German. We will think of his name when we mention Ningbo Tengtou Pavilion in Shanghai World Expo. He spent ten years dedicating himself to the construction of Ningbo green economy. We respect him, we thank him. Who is he? He is 爱卡德, 宁波国际商会外籍专家委员会. Let us welcome him to talk about his opinion of environmental protection.

The ten years爱卡德 in China prove us that green eco is not only a common slogan or the energy-saving and emission reduction plan, but also a long-term management system and ideology. The questions he poses set us thinking deeper of the sustainable development.

After listening to the insightful views from European side, we would like to sincerely thank them to bring us the special perspectives and new thoughts. Let us give our warm applause to the European representatives.

As a traditional commercial gang, Ningbo Gang has inherited its unique commercial culture and enterprise spirit on the west coast to the Pacific Ocean for thousands of years. The spirit goes through the ancient and modern time and now it is still shining brightly on Ningbo businessme. Now they have a shining name -- Ningbo Entrepreneur.

Today, the fifth Ningbo Entrepreneur Summit Forum is held. Let us welcome one of the distinguished representatives of Ningbo entreperneurs Mr. Chu Jiwang, president of Ningbo Ruyi Joint Stock Corporation Limited.

Thanks for Mr. Chu Jiwang’s remarks. We can sense the spirit of Ningbo entrepreneurs in his words.

The next guest is the Master of Business Administration, who graduated from China-Europe

International Business School. Based on his knowledge of both China and Europe, he has a new understanding of the bilateral green cooperation. Through his overall insight and ability, we see the mental power behind Yinyi Group which keeps a green way for many years. Now let’s welcome Mr. He Jianping, Vice president of Ningbo Yinyi Group Corporation Limited

Next, we’ll invite the representative of 20xx年十大风云甬商 and the pioneer of develop ing new energy in Ningbo, Mr. Xu Jianxiong, president of Ningbo Feng Shen Feng Dian Science and Technology Corporation Limited.

Just as what Mr. Xu Jiangxiong said, a pioneer enterprise in developing new energy needs persistent efforts and innovation as well as endless passion and motion if it wants to do well in sustainable development. Thanks again for Mr. Xu Jiangxiong’s wonderful speech.

If someone still doubts that green eco protection is just a slogan, or someone ponders the development mode of post-financial crisis era, or someone still worries how deep the cooperation between China and Europe can goes, they can get answers today. I hope you have got it.

At present, we believe that the sustainable development road of green enterprises will go further and further and the opportunities of the bilateral cooperation will be more and more.

At the end of this meeting, we hope China and Europe will have a closer and deeper communication in different fields and wish every envoy here success in your work and a happy life!

This is the end of “Shanshan Cup” 2010 China -Europe SME Forum and Ningbo Entrepreneur Summit Forum. Thank you for your coming. See you!

We would like to ask all the guests home and abroad to come to the platform and have a photo together for our friendship. Thank you for your cooperation.

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