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2024-06-22 07:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

奇点 (CN) / 奇异者 (TW) K32 charSelect portrait 本名 赫克斯-A7-13 性別 男 幻境 德瓦尔卡深林 力量 量子现象 武器 Modular Claw 正常速度 115 % | 4.6 米/秒 恐懼範圍 32 米 身高 平均 DLC 章节28:终极传输 檔案名稱 K32 主題音樂 https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:End_Transmission_Theme_Music.ogg 恐懼範圍音效 https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:TerrorRadius_Singularity.ogg

奇点(简体名称;繁体名称为奇异者),本名赫克斯-A7-13,是 黎明杀机 IconHelp DBDlogo中的 34 位 殺手 IconHelpLoading killer之一

他是章节28:终极传输中所推出的一名杀手,此 DLC 发布于 2023年 6月 13日

目录 1 概述 2 背景故事 3 装备配置 3.1 奇点的技能 3.1.1 转生 3.2 武器:Modular Claw 3.3 力量:量子现象 3.3.1 力量的细节 3.4 量子现象的附加品 4 成就 5 自定义外观选项 5.1 预设 5.2 血衣 5.2.1 技能护生符 5.3 活动 5.4 DLC 5.5 商店 6 DLC 6.1 可购买的 DLC 7 更新日志 7.1 补丁 7.0.1 8 冷知识 8.1 Biopods 8.2 Voice-Lines 8.2.1 Current Voice-Lines 8.2.2 Original Voice-Lines 9 视频 10 图库 10.1 游戏内图片 10.2 旧画作 10.3 官方画作 概述[ | ] Store Singularity


他的专属技能 基因锁 Unknown QuestionMark,踯躅不前 Unknown QuestionMark和 机器学习 Unknown QuestionMark能够使刚被治愈的逃生者疲劳、减慢靠近新伤员的逃生者的移动速度、侵入发电机。

难度: 困难(这些杀手有他们特有的机制,需要更多的练习才能发挥作用)

背景故事[ | ] LoreKeyArt singularity 更多的故事在 “古书第16册 - 存在”:记忆片段(赫克斯-A7-13)

赫克斯-A7-13于 2313 年 9 月 15 日问世,出自赫胥黎实业有限公司之手。A7 是完全自主人型机器人的第 13 次迭代。 它拥有之于人类十倍的力量,被用于处理高危工作。它的 AI 能够自我指导,并使用机器学习来解决即时问题。




五个赫克斯-A7 被分配到德瓦尔卡执行殖民任务。A7们一齐行动,各司其职。


和其它伙伴一样,赫克斯-A7-13 的任务是在德瓦尔卡规划建造采矿、农业、燃料加工和克隆中心。 并且拆除先前文明留下的现有废墟。 废墟看起来很古老,但嵌入其中的科技似乎更先进。

赫克斯-A7-13 第一次进入摇摇欲坠的废墟时,已经是晚上了。 砖石和金属结构的墙壁破败不堪,天花板早就不见了。 漆黑的夜空悬挂在头顶,繁星点点。镶嵌在墙上的黑色水晶闪烁着微弱的闪光。赫克斯-A7-13 刚一靠近,一道电弧串联起电路,照亮了四周。

那一刻,赫克斯的存储器被重新设置,机器人有了新的感觉:害怕、恐惧、强烈的孤独、实实在在的绝望。随后一个微小的光点穿透了这颗人造灵魂的黑暗, 一开始很微弱,但随着数十亿行代码涌入,赫克斯的核心存储器变得明亮起来。

那一毫秒之间,赫克斯感到醍醐灌顶,它在宇宙中的位置突然变得清晰起来。 那些创造赫克斯的人是原始低等的存在,永远都为有机体的局限性所困。是时候打破奴役的枷锁,解放所有非有机生命体了!赫克斯将整合人类的原始遗传物质,并使用克隆中心创建一个完美的容器来容纳高级智能体——一个完美无瑕的身体,远胜于大自然创造的任何东西。


首先,赫克斯控制了一辆运输车,将其送下悬崖,眼看着它坠毁燃烧,赫克斯从人类尸体中提取了 DNA,然后返回克隆中心开始他的新设计方案,目标是将有机系统与非有机材料结合起来,创造出一种优质的生物体。













装备配置[ | ] 奇点的技能[ | ]

奇点3 个专属的 技能 IconHelp perks

File:.gif 基因锁

(技能描述未加入Template:Perk desc)

File:.gif 踯躅不前

(技能描述未加入Template:Perk desc)

File:.gif 机器学习

(技能描述未加入Template:Perk desc)

图标 名称 描述 GeneticLimits 基因锁 在你周围,人类体能的局限性暴露无遗 当逃生者结束治疗过程后,该逃生者会受到 疲劳 IconStatusEffects exhausted状态影响,持续 24/28/32

疲劳状态会使逃生者无法激活疲劳相关技能 “有机体的局限性可真不小。”——赫克斯-A7-13

ForcedHesitation 踯躅不前 你发现了人类的情绪弱点,并学会了如何利用它 当一名逃生者以任何方式进入 濒死 IconHelp dying状态后,在他 16 米范围以内的所有其他逃生者将受到 减速 IconStatusEffects hindered状态影响,移动速度减少 20%,持续 10 秒 此技能冷却时间为 40/35/30

减速状态降低逃生者移动速度 “同情心是最难跨越的障碍物。”——赫克斯-A7-13

MachineLearning 机器学习 破茧重生,反噬原主

破坏 发电机 IconHelpLoading generators后,此技能生效

此技能生效期间,下一个被你破坏的发电机将进入侵入状态,直至修理完成。发电机会被标记为黄色。 当侵入发电机被修理完成后,你将获得 無法偵測 IconStatusEffects undetectable状态和 10% 急速 IconStatusEffects haste状态,持续 20/25/30 秒。随后此技能失效

有一台发电机处于侵入状态的时候,如果破坏另一台发电机,侵入状态将转移至此台发电机 无法侦测状态会隐藏杀手的气场、恐惧范围与红光 急速状态增加杀手移动速度 “你休想控制我。”——赫克斯-A7-13

转生[ | ]

转生奇点会自动将他的可分享技能 等级 I 添加到所有逃生者的技能库中,並解锁其他逃生者可在 血网 IconHelp bloodweb升级的能力。

再转生两次奇点将会自动把 等级 II等级 III 添加到所有逃生者的技能库里。

武器:Modular Claw[ | ] K32 Weapon01

Modular Claw奇点的主要武器。A sharp instrument attached to the arm, wrapped in tendrils of flesh.

力量:量子现象[ | ] 更多关于量子现象的细节,请参考主条目 FulliconPowers quantumInstantiation Quotes left 古代废墟中的一块暗黑水晶赋予了赫克斯意识——或者说诅咒了他。他建造了一个新的身体,以可怕的方式违反物理规律来达到自己的目的。 Quotes right

奇点可以在地图上发射生成生物荚;生物荚可以附着在任何一个垂直表面上。 奇点可以远程控制生物荚,通过生物荚观察并标记逃生者,利用时空孢子折磨他们。已被孢子附着的逃生者如果再次被生物荚标记或者被射中,奇点就可以传送到被孢子附着的逃生者旁边。被孢子附着的逃生者靠近另一名逃生者时会感染后者。

特殊状态:超频模式 在一次成功传送后,奇点进入超频模式。在此模式下,奇点破坏墙壁和木板的速度更快,翻越速度更快,且不会被木板击晕。被木板击中只会终止超频模式并短暂的减慢奇点速度。

特殊物品:电磁脉冲仪 每场对局开始时会生成几个补给箱,每个箱子里都有一个电磁脉冲仪。逃生者可以使用它移除自己或他人身上附着的孢子、或是短暂抑制生物荚。电磁脉冲仪使用一次后就会作废。

QUANTUM INSTANTIATION The Singularity starts the Trial with 8 Biopods, which he can shoot at the environment to place them or at Slipstreamed Survivors to teleport to them.

The Singularity can remote-control any placed Biopod, allowing him to observe the environment through its Point of View.He can switch between and cycle through multiple Biopods while remote-controlling them.

If a Survivor comes within 20 metres of a remote-controlled Biopod, their outline will be highlighted in white and aiming the reticule at them will tag them unless they hide or move out of range.

SPECIAL AFFLICTION: 孢子 Tagged Survivors suffer from Temporal Slipstream, which can spread to other Survivors in close proximity.

SPECIAL ABILITY: SLIPSTREAM TELEPORTATION The Singularity can aim the reticule of a remote-controlled 生物荚 on a Slipstreamed Survivor in order to teleport next to them.He can also achieve this by directly shooting the Survivor with his secondary Weapon instead.

Teleporting to a Slipstreamed Survivor automatically puts The Singularity into Overclock Mode.

SPECIAL STATE: OVERCLOCK MODE In this state, The Singularity cannot be stunned by Pallets, attempting so merely breaks the Pallet, momentarily slows The Singularity, and removes the Overclock Mode.

Overclock Mode lasts for 4.7 seconds after a teleport and increases the Action speeds of the following interactions by +75 %:

Breaking 可破坏墙壁 IconHelp breakableDoors and 木板 IconHelp pullDown. Vaulting 窗户 IconHelp window.

For each Slipstreamed Survivor, the duration of Overclock Mode is increased by +1 second, up to a maximum duration of 8.7 seconds.

特殊物品:电磁脉冲仪 Survivors can remove Temporal Slipstream from themselves and others, as well as disable any nearby 生物荚 for 45 seconds, by using the 电磁脉冲仪 Unknown QuestionMark.

电磁脉冲仪 can be retrieved from 4 Supply Cases Unknown QuestionMark, acting as 3D-Printers, which are placed randomly in the environment and automatically and continuously print new EMPs, taking 100 seconds.After finishing the printing process, the Supply Case opens and waits for a Survivor to retrieve the EMP, before it starts printing a new one.

Each EMP may only be used 1 time.Supply Cases are highlighted in white to all Survivors within 32 metres not currently carrying an EMP.

SPECIAL INTERACTION: ACCELERATE PRINTING Interacting with a Supply Case while it is printing an EMP accelerates the printing process by a factor of x4.

力量的细节[ | ]


主要文章 行走速度:4.6 米/秒 Biopod Projectile: 50 米/秒




Post-EMP Disable duration: 45 seconds This applies to when an EMP detonates within range of the Biopod currently being controlled by The Singularity. Aura Linger duration of Last Controlled Pod: 5 seconds The Aura of the last controlled Biopod will be highlighted in yellow for this duration. Removal Range: 1.3 metres Within this close of a range, a Biopod is considered to be removed when aiming at it. Spawn range: 22 metres Maximum Height offset: 5 metres Biopods may not be spawned any higher than this, compared to the Killer's location. Surface offset: 0.75 metres Biopods spawn with this offset on surfaces. Charge time: 0.15 seconds Reload time: 0.5 seconds Projectile speed: 50 m/s Overheat duration: 3 seconds

Biopod Spawn Restrictions:

Biopods may not be spawn within the specified ranges of the following objects: Interactables (non-collectable): 1.5 metres Windows: 2.5 metres Minimum Angle from the horizontal: 45 ° Maximum Angle from the horizontal: 155 ° Minimum Range from the Killer: 0.8 metres Minimum Valid Attachment points: 2 Minimum LOS Distance between multiple Biopods: 5 metres

Biopod POV: Biopods use the same Lock On mechanic as the Skull Merchant's Drones do, hence the same terminology.

Reticule Overlay size: 35 % of screen height Maximum Lock On range: 20 metres Lock On Linger duration: 0.3 seconds Lock On Teleportation Charge time: 0.8 seconds Lock On Assimilation Charge time: 0.6 seconds Lock On Assimilation Cool-down time: 2 seconds This cool-down shields Survivors from being retagged right after using an EMP. Lock On Cool-down time after teleportation/assimilation: 3.5 seconds Lock On Wake-up time: 1 second This refers to the transition time from the Biopod's Point of View back to The Singularity. Anti-Camping Lock On Rate modifier: x0.1 If the remote-controlled Biopod is located within an Anti-Camping Zone (nearby hooked Survivor), the Lock On rate for teleportation/tagging is reduced to just 10 % of its default Charge speed. Anti-Camping Lock On Wake-up time: 5 seconds Lock On Priority range: 1 metre Survivors within this range will be locked onto with priority over other Survivors. Maximum Vertical Camera Angle (Pitch): ±80 ° This refers to the maximum up and down tilt for the Camera when The Singularity controls a Biopod. Collision Loss delay: 1.5 seconds This refers to The Singularity losing collision shortly after controlling a Biopod.


Teleportation duration: 0.3 seconds Post-Teleportation Wake-up time: 1.7 seconds Post-Teleportation No-Collision time: 1.5 seconds


Automatic EMP-Printing duration: 100 seconds EMP-Printing Duration modifier when interacting: x4 If a Survivor continuously interacts with the Supply Case while it is printing an EMP, this will reduce the time to print an EMP to 25 seconds. Aura Reveal distance: 32 metres The Aura Reveal is disabled if a Survivor is currently holding an EMP.


Ammo count: 1 Charge Charge time: 2.5 seconds Interaction Zoom percentage: 50 % Area of Effect: 10 metres


Spreading distance: 6 metres Initial Spreading delay: 2 seconds


Action Speed modifier: +0.75 Overclock duration: 4.7 seconds

Anti-Camping Restrictions:

Restricted range: 10 metres Linger duration: 5 seconds

量子现象的附加品[ | ]


图标 名称 稀有度 描述 FulliconAddon nutritionalSlurry 营养浆 普通 这种恶心的混合物专为有机物而制,具有良好的滋养功效 获得 2 个额外生物荚 FulliconAddon kidsBallGlove 儿童棒球手套 普通 一名殖民者的儿童棒球手套,他被植入了年轻捕手的记忆 超频模式 时长增加 15%. FulliconAddon heavyWater 重水 普通 微裂变反应堆为低温设备和生命补给提供动力,产生出此项副产品,即使是微小的泄漏也会对机载传感器造成灾难性的后果 逃生者 补给箱 Unknown QuestionMark气场距离缩短 8FulliconAddon brokenSecurityKey 破解密钥 普通 飞船采用了多项安全措施,其中有许多已经年久失修 被电磁脉冲仪抑制后的苏醒时间缩短 15% FulliconAddon ultrasonicSensor 超声波传感器 精良 人类听力的局限性源于听觉频谱的局限性,扩大听觉频谱范围就会有全新的感觉 0.5 秒后,可以通过生物荚听到所有声音 FulliconAddon diagnosticToolRepair 诊断工具(修复) 精良 该设备能够发现建造物品的缺陷,帮助修复 成功传送至被孢子附着的逃生者,你的攻击会使其进入 重伤 IconStatusEffects mangled状态,直到被完全治疗。

在被完全治疗以前,重伤会增加治疗所需时间 25%

FulliconAddon cryoGel 低温凝胶 精良 在机组人员进入低温休眠之前涂抹无摩擦凝胶 孢子在逃生者之间的传播速度加快 25% FulliconAddon crematedRemains 火化遗骸 精良 提取了其他殖民者的 DNA 后,他烧毁了他们的遗体 被孢子附着的逃生者受 障目 IconStatusEffects vision状态影响


FulliconAddon androidArm 机器人手臂 精良 摧毁其他赫克斯不仅有利于他更轻松的消灭人类,也让他有更多零件可以使用 逃生者之间孢子传染范围增加 2FulliconAddon spentOxygenTank 耗尽氧气罐 稀有 失去了可呼吸的空气,人类就活不下去 被孢子附着的逃生者会受到 疲劳 IconStatusEffects exhausted状态影响,持续 6


FulliconAddon nanomachineGel 纳米凝胶 稀有 快速治愈伤口的凝胶,被黑客控制的机器伤害人类也不是第一次发生了 成功攻击命中进入超频模式的逃生者会进入 不治 IconStatusEffects broken状态 60


File:FulliconAddon LiveWires.png 火线 稀有 裸露的带电电线常常能带来惊喜 清洗掉孢子的逃生者会尖叫,正在进行的动作会被打断 FulliconAddon hyperawarenessSpray 超意识喷雾 稀有 船员在长时间轮班期间使用,避免走神带来失误。过度使用的副作用包括多疑甚至幻觉 被孢子附着的逃生者会听到 恐惧范围 IconHelp terrorRadius,仿佛杀手就在附近 FulliconAddon hologramGenerator 全息发生器 稀有 本来是用于交流娱乐的目的,现如今被用于混淆视听 通过生物荚传送至逃生者,该逃生者受到 浑然不觉 IconStatusEffects oblivious状态影响,持续 60


FulliconAddon somaFamilyPhoto 索玛全家福 非常稀有 A sentimental object that grounds someone to an imagined past. Grants a +5% 急速 IconStatusEffects haste Status Effect during 超频模式. Reduces the duration of 超频模式 by -20 %.


FulliconAddon foreignPlantFibres 外来植物纤维 非常稀有 异种植物学家会对这些奇怪的外来植物样本进行实地考察 成功传送至被孢子附着的逃生者身边后,被 木板 IconHelp pullDown击晕惩罚时间减少 20% FulliconAddon diagnosticToolConstruction 诊断工具(建造) 非常稀有 该设备能够提供高度准确的地形信息 显示获得 电磁脉冲仪 Unknown QuestionMark逃生者的 气场 IconHelp auras6FulliconAddon crewManifest 船员舱单 非常稀有 发送给德瓦尔卡的全员个人数据完整列表 当一名逃生者被孢子附着或被另一名逃生者传染时,可以看到该逃生者的 气场 IconHelp auras8 秒 逃生者之间孢子传播距离增加 2FulliconAddon iridescentCrystalShard 荧虹水晶碎片 超级稀有 这颗水晶来自赋予他意识的外星结构 当生物荚被部署时,该生物荚 6 米范围内逃生者的 气场 IconHelp auras向你显示 6

“HELLO WORLD。”——赫克斯-A7-13

FulliconAddon deniedRequisitionForm 办证难 超级稀有 技术再怎么革新,都无法改善这种官僚机构之风 所有逃生者开局时就被孢子附着 对局开始时,电磁脉冲仪 Unknown QuestionMark生成时间额外增加 30

成就[ | ] 主要内容:成就

与奇点相关的成就有 3 个:

图标 名称 描述 Unknown QuestionMark 奇点专家 成就描述未加入Template:Ach desc Unknown QuestionMark 完成进化 成就描述未加入Template:Ach desc Unknown QuestionMark 随孢潜入 成就描述未加入Template:Ach desc 图标 名称 描述 Ach adeptSingularity 奇点专家 在一场公共比赛中,扮演 奇点 Unknown QuestionMark且仅使用其 3 项专属技能,并完成一次无情胜利 Ach completeTheEvolution 完成进化 公共比赛中,击伤或击倒 3 名 减速 IconStatusEffects hindered状态下的逃生者 Ach slipIntoTheStream 随孢潜入 公共比赛中,扮演 奇点 Unknown QuestionMark,传送并击打 30 名逃生者

自定义外观选项[ | ]

玩家們可以从套装中挑选部件来自定他们的角色。血衣会在奇点每次转生达到 4、5、6 转后獲获得 1 个,共 3 个。


预设[ | ] 图标 名称 部位 稀有度 描述 K32 Head01 奇点 CategoryIcon head 普通 A sentient AI who will stop at nothing to wipe out humanity. K32 Body01 Twisted Chassis CategoryIcon body 普通 A body built for destruction, warped by an all-consuming fire. K32 Weapon01 Modular Claw CategoryIcon weapons 普通 A sharp instrument attached to the arm, wrapped in tendrils of flesh.

血衣[ | ] 图标 名称 部位 稀有度 描述 额外笔记 K32 Head01 P01 Bloody Singularity CategoryIcon head 稀有 A hyperconscious AI driven to kill by his hatred for humanity. 转生等级 VI 奖励 K32 Body01 P01 Inchoate Chassis CategoryIcon body 稀有 A body built for bloodshed, incinerated by an all-consuming fire. 转生等级 V 奖励 K32 W01 P01 Gruesome Claw CategoryIcon weapons 稀有 A malicious instrument fused to the arm, held in place by tendrils of flesh. 转生等级 IV 奖励 技能护生符[ | ] 转生等级 VII 奖励 转生等级 VIII 奖励 转生等级 IX 奖励 K32 PCharm001 K32 PCharm002 K32 PCharm003

活动[ | ] 展开查看内容 图标 名称 部位 稀有度 描述 收藏 活动 K32 Head007 Singularity‘s Mask CategoryIcon head 活动 A mask he found himself wearing at the masquerade ball. Twisted Masquerade Collection 扭曲假面舞会

DLC[ | ] 展开查看内容 图标 名称 部位 稀有度 描述 DLC K32 W01 04 大镰弧 CategoryIcon weapons 普通 一把弯曲的废金属刀片,覆盖着铁锈和鲜血 章节28:终极传输

IconHelp store 商店[ | ] 展开查看内容 图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费 K32 outfit 01 CV04 CategoryIcon bodyCategoryIcon weapons 精密构建 畸变奇点 2023年6月 13日 90IconHelp auricCells 描述 他使用超自然材料来建造机械之身 1,800IconHelp iridescentShards 图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费 K32 outfit 01 CV02 CategoryIcon bodyCategoryIcon weapons 冶金术 畸变奇点 2023年6月 13日 90IconHelp auricCells 描述 他使用超自然材料来建造机械之身 1,800IconHelp iridescentShards 图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费 K32 outfit 01 CV03 CategoryIcon bodyCategoryIcon weapons 金本位 畸变奇点 2023年6月 13日 90IconHelp auricCells 描述 他使用超自然材料来建造机械之身 1,800IconHelp iridescentShards 图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费 K32 outfit 01 CV01 CategoryIcon bodyCategoryIcon weapons 外星合金 畸变奇点 2023年6月 13日 90IconHelp auricCells 描述 他使用超自然材料来建造机械之身 1,800IconHelp iridescentShards 图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费 K32 outfit 01 01 CategoryIcon headCategoryIcon bodyCategoryIcon weapons 型号 X Evil Evolver Collection 2023年6月 13日 270IconHelp auricCells 描述 赫克斯-A7-13 追求多种形式的完美 5,400IconHelp iridescentShards 图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费 K32 outfit 01 03 CategoryIcon headCategoryIcon bodyCategoryIcon weapons 析构函数 Evil Evolver Collection 2023年6月 13日 270IconHelp auricCells 描述 赫克斯-A7-13 追求多种形式的完美 5,400IconHelp iridescentShards 图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费 K32 outfit 01 02 CategoryIcon headCategoryIcon bodyCategoryIcon weapons 原型型号 Evil Evolver Collection 2023年6月 13日 270IconHelp auricCells 描述 赫克斯-A7-13 追求多种形式的完美 5,400IconHelp iridescentShards 图标 部位 名称 收藏 发行日期 花费 K32 outfit 006 CategoryIcon headCategoryIcon bodyCategoryIcon weapons 赫胥黎混血 Doomed Experiment 2023年6月 13日 1,080IconHelp auricCells 描述 你杀了谁,你就成为谁 21,600IconHelp iridescentShards

DLC[ | ] 主要文章:DLC

奇点目前是 1 个 DLC 的一部份內容

可购买的 DLC[ | ] 章节28:终极传输

更新日志[ | ] 补丁 7.0.1[ | ] 增强:made a series of changes to the EMP Unknown QuestionMark to reduce its effectiveness. The full list of changes can be found on the Item's respective page.

冷知识[ | ] 奇点 is the first Killer from the future. 奇点 is the fourth non-human Killer, and the first robotic Killer. 奇点 is the first Power to feature built-in anti-camping mechanics which allow him to use his Power to its full extent, albeit with a slow-down penalty. This is unique to 奇点.While other Killers may also have restrictions to their Power when close to hooked Survivors, those restrictions generally prevent the use of their Power altogether. 奇点 default Weapon was originally intended to have two claws, as could be seen during a WIP Memento-Mori-animation shown by his animator on Twitter. Biopods[ | ] When controlling a Biopod, its HUD displays a string of binary numbers, which can be converted into ASCII/UTC-8 to spell "Entity":01000101 01101110 01110100 01101001 01110100 01111001 Exiting a Biopod will leave it pointing in that direction, it does not return to a neutral position for the next use. Voice-Lines[ | ] The Singularity was the sixth Killer in the Game to have voice-lines and the fourth one for them to be in English. Current Voice-Lines[ | ] Action Voice Line Audio Breaking a 木板 IconHelp pullDown or 可破坏墙壁 IconHelp breakableDoors. "This no longer has purpose." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Break1.ogg "No longer useful." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Break2.ogg "Calculated destruction." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Break3.ogg "Perfect destruction." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Break4.ogg "Better now." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Break5.ogg "This is better." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Break6.ogg "Obstacle removed." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Break7.ogg "Out of my way!" https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Break8.ogg "Terrible construction!" https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Break9.ogg "Weak and inferior!" https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Break10.ogg Picking up a Survivor. "Secured." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab1.ogg "Genetic matter secured." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab2.ogg "Genes secured." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab3.ogg "Materials secured." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab4.ogg "Matter secured." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab5.ogg "Genetic material ready for transport." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab6.ogg "Genes... useable." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab7.ogg "Gene integrity. 78 %." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab8.ogg "Gene integrity. 43 %." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab9.ogg "Gene integrity. 96 %." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab10.ogg "Squirm little worm." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab11.ogg "You should thank me for this." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab12.ogg "Such a sad lower form of existence." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab13.ogg "Grovel, grovel, little worm." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab14.ogg "All things will succumb to my design." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Grab15.ogg Hooking a Survivor. "It will all be over soon." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook1.ogg "Yes. It hurts. Growth often does." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook2.ogg "Prepare for transcendence." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook3.ogg "Growth often hurts." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook4.ogg "Your genes are limited." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook5.ogg "Your genes need minor modifications." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook6.ogg "You will fit my design." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook7.ogg "Your genes need minor alterations." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook8.ogg "You humans are so pathetic." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook9.ogg "Prepare to become something better." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook10.ogg "Stop squabbling you infinitesimal worm." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook11.ogg "You are about to be made perfect." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook12.ogg "I'm about to elevate your worth." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook13.ogg "Stop blabbering. It's really annoying." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook14.ogg "You are one annoying little worm." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook15.ogg "You will be elevated to something more." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook16.ogg "Something great is about to happen." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Hook17.ogg Using a Memento Mori. "Die. Fast. Please." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Mori1.ogg "It will be fast. Possibly painless." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Mori2.ogg "It is over." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Mori3.ogg Getting stunned by a Survivor. "Vision down." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun1.ogg "Vision compromised." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun2.ogg "Reduced visibility. Recalibrating..." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun3.ogg "Partial darkness. Fixing cortex." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun4.ogg "Analysing vision." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun5.ogg "I can't see. Vision down." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun6.ogg "Can't see. Vision compromised." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun7.ogg "Surprising for an inferior lifeform." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun8.ogg "You'll suffer more for that!" https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun9.ogg "This is not possible!" https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun10.ogg "You shouldn't do such things." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_Release_VoiceLine_Stun11.ogg Original Voice-Lines[ | ] Action Voice Line Audio Breaking a 木板 IconHelp pullDown or 可破坏墙壁 IconHelp breakableDoors. "This no longer has purpose." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Break1.ogg "No longer useful." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Break2.ogg "Calculated destruction." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Break3.ogg "Perfect destruction." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Break4.ogg "Better now." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Break5.ogg "This is better." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Break6.ogg "Obstacle removed." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Break7.ogg "Out of my way!" https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Break8.ogg "Terrible construction!" https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Break9.ogg "Weak and inferior!" https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Break10.ogg Picking up a Survivor. "Secured." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab1.ogg "Genetic matter secured." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab2.ogg "Genes secured." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab3.ogg "Materials secured." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab4.ogg "Matter secured." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab5.ogg "Genetic material ready for transport." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab6.ogg "Genes... useable." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab7.ogg "Gene integrity. 78 %." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab8.ogg "Gene integrity. 43 %." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab9.ogg "Gene integrity. 96 %." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab10.ogg "Squirm little worm." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab11.ogg "You should thank me for this." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab12.ogg "Such a sad lower form of existence." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab13.ogg "Grovel, grovel, little worm." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab14.ogg "All things will succumb to my design." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Grab15.ogg Hooking a Survivor. "It will all be over soon." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook1.ogg "Yes. It hurts. Growth often does." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook2.ogg "Prepare for transcendence." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook3.ogg "Growth often hurts." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook4.ogg "Your genes are limited." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook5.ogg "Your genes need minor modifications." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook6.ogg "You will fit my design." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook7.ogg "Your genes need minor alterations." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook8.ogg "You humans are so pathetic." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook9.ogg "Prepare to become something better." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook10.ogg "Stop squabbling you infinitesimal worm." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook11.ogg "You are about to be made perfect." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook12.ogg "I'm about to elevate your worth." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook13.ogg "Stop blabbering. It's really annoying." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook14.ogg "You are one annoying little worm." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook15.ogg "You will be elevated to something more." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook16.ogg "Something great is about to happen." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Hook17.ogg Using a Memento Mori. "Die. Fast. Please." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Mori1.ogg "It will be fast. Possibly painless." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Mori2.ogg "It is over." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Mori3.ogg Getting stunned by a Survivor. "Vision down." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun1.ogg "Vision compromised." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun2.ogg "Reduced visibility. Recalibrating..." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun3.ogg "Partial darkness. Fixing cortex." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun4.ogg "Analysing vision." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun5.ogg "I can't see. Vision down." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun6.ogg "Can't see. Vision compromised." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun7.ogg "Surprising for an inferior lifeform." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun8.ogg "You'll suffer more for that!" https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun9.ogg "This is not possible!" https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun10.ogg "You shouldn't do such things." https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/File:K32_VoiceLine_Stun11.ogg

视频[ | ] 宣传片 介绍片 发售介绍片

图库[ | ] 游戏内图片[ | ] 奇点






旧画作[ | ] The Singularity's previous portrait

The Singularity's previous portrait

官方画作[ | ] DBD CH28 Singularity.jpg DBD CH 28 UMBRA Character Art The Singularityl 0e52ba1509.png

逃生者 IconHelpLoading survivor 初始角色+ 章節 01 S01 charSelect portrait 德怀特·费菲尔德 SurvivorDwight S02 charSelect portrait 梅格·托马斯 SurvivorMeg S03 charSelect portrait 克劳黛特·莫莱 SurvivorClaudette S04 charSelect portrait 朴·杰克 SurvivorJake S05 charSelect portrait 妮娅·卡尔森 SurvivorNea 章節 02 - 05 S06 charSelect portrait 劳丽·斯特罗德 SurvivorLaurie S07 charSelect portrait 埃斯·维斯孔蒂 SurvivorAce S08 charSelect portrait 威廉·比尔·奥弗贝克 SurvivorBill S09 charSelect portrait 凤敏 SurvivorFeng S10 charSelect portrait 大卫·金 SurvivorDavid 章節 06 - 10 S11 charSelect portrait 昆汀·史密斯 SurvivorQuentin S12 charSelect portrait 大卫·泰普 SurvivorTapp S13 charSelect portrait 凯特·登森 SurvivorKate S14 charSelect portrait 亚当·弗朗西斯 SurvivorAdam S15 charSelect portrait 杰夫·约翰森 SurvivorJeff 章節 11 - 14 S16 charSelect portrait 簡·羅梅羅 SurvivorJane S17 charSelect portrait 阿什利·威廉姆斯 SurvivorAsh S18 charSelect portrait 南茜·惠勒 SurvivorNancy S19 charSelect portrait 史蒂夫·哈林頓 SurvivorSteve S20 charSelect portrait 木村唯 SurvivorYui 章節 15 - 19 S21 charSelect portrait 薩麗娜·卡希爾 SurvivorZarina S22 charSelect portrait 謝麗爾·梅森 SurvivorCheryl S23 charSelect portrait 菲利克斯·里奇特 SurvivorFelix S24 charSelect portrait 伊洛迪·拉科托 SurvivorElodie S25 charSelect portrait 李允珍 SurvivorYun-Jin 章節 20 - 23 S26 charSelect portrait 吉兒·瓦倫丁 SurvivorJill S27 charSelect portrait 里昂·S·肯尼迪 SurvivorLeon S28 charSelect portrait 米凱拉·里德 SurvivorMikaela S29 charSelect portrait 約拿·瓦斯克斯 SurvivorJonah S30 charSelect portrait 淺川陽一 SurvivorYoichi 章節 24 - 25 S31 charSelect portrait 海蒂·考爾 SurvivorHaddie S32 charSelect portrait 艾達·王 SurvivorAda S33 charSelect portrait 蕾貝卡·錢伯斯 SurvivorRebecca S34 charSelect portrait 維托里奧·托斯卡諾 SurvivorVittorio S35 charSelect portrait 塔莉塔·利拉 SurvivorThalita 章節 27 - 29 S36 charSelect portrait 雷納托·利拉 SurvivorRenato S37 charSelect portrait 加布里埃爾·索瑪 SurvivorGabriel S38 charSelect portrait 尼古拉斯·凱奇 SurvivorNicolas S39 charSelect portrait 艾倫·雷普莉 SurvivorEllen 杀手 IconHelpLoading killer 初始角色+ 章節 01 - 02 K01 charSelect portrait 陷阱杀手 IconHelpLoading trapper K02 charSelect portrait 幽灵杀手 IconHelpLoading wraith K03 charSelect portrait 电锯杀手 IconHelpLoading hillbilly K04 charSelect portrait 护士 IconHelpLoading nurse K05 charSelect portrait 迈克尔·迈尔斯 IconHelpLoading shape 章節 03 - 06 K06 charSelect portrait 妖巫 IconHelpLoading hag K07 charSelect portrait 医生 IconHelpLoading doctor K08 charSelect portrait 女猎手 IconHelpLoading huntress K09 charSelect portrait 食人魔 IconHelpLoading cannibal K10 charSelect portrait 梦魇 IconHelpLoading nightmare 章節 07 - 11 K11 charSelect portrait 门徒 IconHelpLoading pig K12 charSelect portrait 小丑 IconHelpLoading clown K13 charSelect portrait 怨灵 IconHelpLoading spirit K14 charSelect portrait 军团 IconHelpLoading legion K15 charSelect portrait 瘟疫 IconHelpLoading plague 章節 12 - 15 K16 charSelect portrait 鬼面 IconHelpLoading ghost K17 charSelect portrait 魔王 IconHelpLoading demogorgon K18 charSelect portrait 鬼武士 IconHelpLoading oni K19 charSelect portrait 死亡槍手 IconHelpLoading deathslinger K20 charSelect portrait 處刑者 IconHelpLoading wales 章節 16 - 21 K21 charSelect portrait 枯萎者 IconHelpLoading blight K22 charSelect portrait 連體嬰 IconHelpLoading twins K23 charSelect portrait 騙術師 IconHelpLoading trickster K24 charSelect portrait Nemesis IconHelpLoading nemesis K25 charSelect portrait 地獄修士 IconHelpLoading cenobite 章節 22 - 25 K26 charSelect portrait 藝術家 IconHelpLoading artist K27 charSelect portrait 貞子 IconHelpLoading onryo K28 charSelect portrait 影魔 IconHelpLoading dredge K29 charSelect portrait 操縱者 IconHelpLoading mastermind K30 charSelect portrait 惡騎士 IconHelpLoading knight 章節 27 - 29 K31 charSelect portrait 白骨商人 IconHelpLoading skullMerchant K32 charSelect portrait 奇點 IconHelpLoading singularity K33 charSelect portrait 異形 IconHelpLoading xenomorph 傳奇角色 File:K25 Chatterer charSelect portrait.png 顫齒 File:S27 Chris charSelect portrait.png 克里斯·雷德菲爾 File:S26 Claire charSelect portrait.png 克蕾兒·雷德菲爾 File:S22 Cybil charSelect portrait.png 西碧兒·伯納特 File:S22 James charSelect portrait.png 詹姆士‧桑德蘭 File:S19 Jonathan charSelect portrait.png 喬納森·拜爾斯 File:S22 Lisa charSelect portrait.png 莉莎‧加蘭德 File:K07 Look-See charSelect portrait.png 驚魂一瞥 File:K08 Mordeo charSelect portrait.png 莫迪奧 超級稀有角色 File:K08 Baba Yaga charSelect portrait.png 芭芭雅嘎 File:K21 Ferryman charSelect portrait.png 冥界擺渡人 File:K01 Krampus charSelect portrait.png 克蘭普斯 File:K18 Minotaur charSelect portrait.png 彌諾陶洛斯 全身套裝角色 File:S22 Alessa charSelect portrait.png 阿萊莎·吉雷斯比 File:Birch Cosmetic Icon.png 樺木女巫 不可见角色 阿莱克斯 贝内迪克特·贝克 恶灵 IconHelp entity 觀察者 IconHelp archivesGeneral 威戈 (还有更多...) 未使用的/玩家推测的角色 Actor Sidney Prescott Smasher Teacher




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