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#关于吃鱼的英文作文怎么写| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”吃鱼“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Eat fish。以下是关于吃鱼的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Eat fish

"Fish" sounds like "surplus". Chinese people always like to have a surplus at the end of the year, because they think that if they can save something at the end of the year, they can make more fish the next year. Fish can be cooked in various ways, such as boiling and steaming.

The most famous Chinese fish dishes are steamed Weifu, Xihu pickled fish and vinegar steamed fish, while boiled fish with spicy broth. What kind of fish should you choose for the new year is based on auspicious homophonic crucian carp: as the first word of crucian, it sounds like "good luck" in China, so eating crucian carp is considered to bring good luck for the coming year Guoni carp: in the first part, the pronunciation of "carp" in Chinese is the same as the meaning of "gift", so the Chinese think eating carp in the Spring Festival symbolizes praying for Nica: because catfish sounds like eating more than one year, eating catfish is the wish to eat two fish a year, one on New Year's Eve and the other on New Year's day Eating the first half of the fish on New Year's Eve and the remaining fish on the first day of the new year have the same meaning.




Sorry, waiter, there's a shark in my soup, many years before dinosaurs appeared on earth, so before Homo sapiens began celebrating their wedding at lavish weddings, sharks were swimming in the ocean, sharks were older than trees, and they survived at least four mass extinctions, the connection between Homo sapiens, ancient predators and modern humans.




I remember the most unforgettable dish. I make pickled fish because I like to eat fish. My mother is busy and has no time to do it.

So I have to go to the market and buy a bigger fish. If it is clean, maybe I just think it is clean, and then add all the condiments I can think of. Now I can only say that the dish is good, but now I am good at making this dish useless Eat delicious, but also learn to do their own, this is a sesame dish standard.




标签: 初二 英文 作文 万能




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