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2019年11月19日 未分类


To feel, to love, to suffer, to devote herself will always be the text of the life of a woman. 感觉、爱情、受苦、献身,常常构成一个女人的全部生命。

——Balzac ——巴尔扎克

The deepest tenderness a woman can show to a man, is to help him to do his duty. 一个女人给予丈夫的最深的温情就是帮助他尽自己的责任。

——Unknown ——佚名

I think housework is the reason most women go the office. 我认为许多女人从事公职的原因就是摆脱家务劳动。

——Cruse ——克鲁斯

It is not education which makes women less domestic, but wealth. 使得女人少干家务的不是教育,而是财富。

——Unknown ——佚名

Men have sight;women insight. 男人有见识,女人有洞察力。

——Hugo ——雨果

Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. 在女人所有的一切权力中,最大的权力是做母亲。

——Lin Yutang ——林语堂

Women are wiser than men because they know less and understand more. 女人较男人为聪明,因为她们知道的少而理解的多。

——James Stephen ——詹姆斯·斯提芬

Frailty, thy name is woman! 脆弱,你的名字叫女人!

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, Shall win my love. 讨老婆不在乎姿色, 有良心的女人才值得我去爱她。

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, Muddy, ill—seeming, thick, bereft of beauty. 一个任性的女人,就像一池受到激动的泉水, 混浊可憎,失去一切的美丽。

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

A woman is a dish for the gods, if the devil dress her not. 女人是天神的爱宠,要是魔鬼没有把她弄坏。

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

’Tis beauty that doth oft make women proud, But God he knows thy share thereof is small. ’Tis virtue that doth make them most admir’d, The contrary doth make them wond’red at. 一个妇女如果生得美貌,还值得三分骄傲, 可是天晓得,你的脸蛋儿实在太不高明了。 一个妇女如果为人贤德,还值得人家钦佩, 可是你那乖僻的性情只能叫人吃惊。

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

Let not the creaking of shoes nor the rustling of silk betray thy poor heart to woman. 不要让女人的脚步声和窸窸的绸衣裳的声音摄去了你的灵魂。

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. 妇女美貌而无见识,如同金环带在猪鼻上。

——Old Testament ——《旧约全书》

Old, that’s an affront no woman can well bear. 老年,那是个侮辱,没有一个女人能忍受。

——Cervantes ——塞万提斯

A woman’s mind and the winter wind change often. 一个女人的思想和冬天的风一样常常改变。

——English Proverb ——英国谚语

Women must be praised,whether it is true or false. 女人应该受到赞扬,不管它是真是假。

——German Proverb ——德国谚语

Ugliness is the effective guardian of woman. 丑陋是女人的最好防御。

——Greek Proverb ——希腊谚语

A woman hath no other weapon but her tongue. 一个女人除了舌头外没有其他武器了。

——Thomas Bacon ——托马斯·培根

Wicked women bother one. Good women bore one. That is the only difference between them. 邪恶的女人使人讨厌,善良的女人使人厌倦,这就是他们之间的唯一区别。

——Wilde ——王尔德

That perfect disinterestedness and self—devotion of which man seems incapable, but which is sometimes found in women. 纯粹的无私和自我献身的精神在男人身上似乎不可能发现,有时却可在女人身上找到。

——Macaulay ——麦考莱

Woman has, in general much stronger propensity than man to the discharge of parental duties. 一般说来妇女较之男人更倾注于尽到父母的责任。

——Cowper ——考珀

It is surprising how often a woman is holding the ladder a man climbs to success. 令人吃惊的,是女人常常把握着一个男人通往成功的阶梯。

——Unknown ——佚名

Why is the word“tongue”feminine in Greek, Latin, Italian, French, and Germany? 为什么“舌头”这字在希腊、拉丁、意大利、西班牙、法语和德语中都是阴性呢?

——Unknown ——佚名

I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands are as bands. 我知道有一种女人比死还苦,她的心是罗网,手是锁链。

——Old Testament ——《旧约全书》

A truth—telling woman has few friends. 说真话的女人朋友少。

——Danish Proverb ——丹麦谚语

At home like devils, abroad like angels. 在家为魔鬼,出门像天使。

——Proverb ——谚语

Home is the girl’s prison and the woman’s workshop. 家是少女的囚笼,女人的车间。

——Bernard Shaw ——肖伯纳





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