
您所在的位置:网站首页 魔兽世界一键钓鱼 魔兽世界6.2自动钓鱼


2023-09-21 12:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



speed =8 flag = false

Rem startIfColor 1113, 65, "7588E6", 1 Then //上鱼饵的 判断右上角鱼竿buff颜色

        KeyPress "9", 1 //加钓鱼技能鱼饵 放9键    Delay 3000    KeyPress "7", 1 //德拉诺之王地图鱼饵 放7键    Delay 3000

    End If

MoveTo 300, 500KeyPress "space", 1Delay 500KeyPress "8", 1 //鱼虫信息素 Delay 500KeyPress "1", 1 //钓鱼技能 Delay 1000UserVar zsx="300" "左上X"UserVar zsy="250" "左上Y"UserVar zxx="1000" "右下X"UserVar zxy="500" "右下Y"//可以缩小游戏环境,通过抓抓找出合适的范围 1366*768 窗口模式For t = zsy To zxy step 13 //从左到右平移    For i = zsx To zxx step 15//自上而下换行        MoveTo i, t        Delay 10        var = GetCursorShape(0)         If var = 1053591638 Then             GetCursorPos x1, y1             flag = true             Goto qigan        End If        Delay speed*1.5     NextNextRem qiganIf flag = true Then     GetCursorPos x, yEnd If//微移鼠标, 把鼠标放到鱼漂下面几个像素位置 For i = 0 To 1000     MoveTo x + i, y    x1=x    var = GetCursorShape(0)         If var = 965986689 Then         GetCursorPos x2, y2     Exit For     End If

    Delay speed*2Next MoveTo (x2-x1)/2+x1, y GetCursorPos x, y

Delay 200 For i = 0 To 1000     MoveTo x, y + i     var = GetCursorShape(0)     If var = 965986689 Then         GetCursorPos x3,y3        Exit For     End If

    Delay speed*2NextMoveTo x3, y3 + 3// 起竿 没有自动拾取, 用了插件fishbuddy 自动拾取For i=0 to 1000     var = GetCursorShape(0)     If var = 1053591638 Then         MoveTo x3,y3-5         Delay 1000

        RightClick 1        Delay 500

    End If     Delay 10 Next Delay 2000

GetCursorPos x4, y4 If x4 = 1000 Then     Goto startEnd If




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