高考英语140+? 快看这份高级词汇整理

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高考英语140+? 快看这份高级词汇整理

2023-03-13 16:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



In a blink of an eye,这或许最能体现阅卷老师评英文作文时的状态——惊鸿一瞥。面对庞大的评卷任务和每篇100词以上的英语作文,纵使他们想要凝视,却也只得且住。于这成千上万篇作文中,你的作文如何才能被注意,然后被评高分呢?你需要抓住老师的惊鸿一瞥。








普通表述:Thank you for helping me.

高级表述:I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your assistance.

如果,你作为阅卷老师,你可能也会倾向于给第二个表述更高的分数,而不是第一个。第一个表述用了十分简单的thank you for表达感谢,而第二个表述使用了would like to、sincere、gratitude、assistance等短语或词汇。你会明显地感觉到写第二个表述的同学的英语表达能力更强、积累的单词和短语更多。




Since I am excellent in teamwork, I am selected as the team leader.


(2)due to/due to the fact that(由于、应归于)

Due to the fact that it is raining heavily outside, he decides to take a subway to work instead of walking. 或者 Due to the heavy rain, he decides to take a subway to work instead of walking.


(3)on grounds of (以……为理由、根据……)/on account of(由于、因为、为了……的缘故)

He retired early on grounds/account of ill health.


(4)by virtue of(由于、凭借)

I finally achieved my dream by virtue of my diligence and persistence.


(5)owing to(因为、由于)

I finally achieved my dream owing to my industry and insistence.






Child though he is, he knows much.


(2)despite/in spite of(尽管、即使)/despite the fact that/in spite of the fact that(尽管事实是……)

Despite/in spite of being a super star, she is approachable.


Despite/in spite of the tiredness, he continues to work.


Despite the fact that/in spite of the fact that he feels tired, he continues to work.




We thought the assignment would not be too difficult. However we find it impossible to complete it now. (我们原以为这项任务不会太难,但是我们现在发现这不可能完成)

(2)whereas(conj 但是、然而)

Why do some students give up when they encounter difficulty, whereas others who are no more skilled continue to strive and learn?


(3)nevertheless(adv 尽管如此不过、然而)

Nevertheless, you should always focus on process, not only results.


(4)nonetheless(adv 虽然如此、但是)

There was still a long way to go. Nonetheless, some progress had been made.



(1)be traced back to/trace back to/date back to/date from(追溯到……)

The economic globalization can be traced back to the great geographical discovery.


This local custom can trace back to Song dynasty.


(2)function as/serve as(充当、作为)

This sofa also functions as a bed.


(3)consist of/comprise/be comprised of/be composed of(由……组成)

The collection consists of 300 paintings.

The collection comprises 300 paintings.

The collection is comprised of 300 paintings.

The collection is composed of 300 paintings.



I'd appreciate some help. (如果有人帮忙,我将非常感激)

I admire you for sticking to your principles. (我赞赏你恪守原则)

The teacher praised a student for his excellent performance. (老师称赞了一位学生的优秀表现)

A movie celebrating an ancient hero will be held tomorrow on the playground. (明天在操场上将会放映一场赞颂一个古代英雄的电影)


Your help is greatly appreciated. (你提供的帮助令人感激)

The school is widely admired/praised for its excellent teaching. (这所学习因教学优秀而远近称誉)

Qi Baishi is a celebrated painter in China.(齐白石是中国著名的画家)




(9)multiple/numerous/various/diverse/a multitude of(adj 大量的、各种各样的)

(10)have a significant influence/impact/effect on……(对……有巨大影响)

(11)be full of/be filled with/be teeming with/be brimming with(充满……)

(12)about/concerning/regarding(prep 关于,就……而论)




(16)of equal importance/of great importance(同等重要/十分重要)

(17)pine for/long for/thirst for(盼望、渴望)

(18)be versed in/be expert in/be skilled in(熟练、精通、擅长)

(19)have a command of/have a grasp of(掌握)




(23)generally/honestly/relatively/briefly/frankly speaking(总的而言/老实说/相对而言/简单而言/坦白而言)

(24)utilize/take advantage of(利用、使用)

(25)depend on/rely on(依赖、依靠)

(26)the technique of(……的技巧)

(27)rely primarily on(主要依赖于)

(28)be separate from(远离)

(29)social and cultural contexts(社会和文化氛围)

(30)strive for(争取、奋斗)

(31)from all walks of life(来自各行各业)


(33)most often(大多数时候)

(34)at will(任意、随意)

(35)be responsible for/be liable for(对……负责/有……责任、有……义务)

(36)burst out laughing/burst into laughter(突然大笑)

(37)marvel at(惊叹于、惊异于)


(39)on a large scale(大规模地)


(41)relish doing……(享受做……)

(42)deliver a speech/lecture(发表演讲/讲座)

(43)a fervent hope(强烈的希望)

(44)to this day(直到今天)

(45)the widespread belief(普遍认为)

(46)give rise to/cause(导致)


(48)martial art(武术)


(50)it is no wonder that(难怪)

(51)have high expectations of sb(对某人有很高的期望)



(54)in accordance with(按照、依据、根据)


(56)oriental(东方地)oriental art(东方艺术)

(57)ascend the mountain(登山)



(60)it seems as if/though(似乎)

(61)the masses/the multitude(大众)

(62)regardless of(不管、不顾)

(63)have a firm understanding/command of(有深入理解/掌握)

(64)be familiar with/be familiar to(熟悉)

(65)be exposed to(被暴露在、处在)

(66)at the core of(在……的核心)

(67)take ……for granted(认为……理所当然)

(68)draw inspiration from(从……获得灵感)


(70)capture the market(占领市场)


(72)instrumental(有帮助的 )

(73)a fleeting moment of happiness(转瞬即逝的幸福时刻)





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