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#人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册课文+单词表+音频| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2019人教版高中英语选择性必修四单词表UNIT 1 SCIENCE FICTION 默写fiction / f k n/ n. 小说;虚构的事science fiction [informal sci-fi] [abbr. SF] 科幻小说(或影片等)test out 检验;测试bonus / b n s/ n. 意外收获;奖金;红利more like更像是;更接近ridiculous /r d kj l s/ adj. 愚蠢的;荒谬的;荒唐的integrity / n teɡr ti/ n. 诚实正直;完整;完好dignity / d ɡn ti/ n. 庄重;庄严;尊严salary / s l ri/ n. 薪水;薪金absurd / b s d/ adj. 荒谬的;荒唐的appointment / p ntm nt/ n. 预约;约会;委任nail /ne l/ n. 指甲;趾甲;钉子. vt. (用钉子)钉牢;固定saleswoman / se lzw m n/ n. 女售货员;女推销员guilty / ɡ lti/ adj. 内疚的;有罪的;有过失的suspend /s spend/ vt. 悬;挂;暂停;暂缓ladder / l d (r)/ n. 梯子;阶梯dismiss /d s m s/ vt. 让(某人)离开;解散;解雇;消除declare /d kle (r)/ vt. 表明;宣称;公布whereas / we r z/ conj. 然而;但是;尽管rumour / ru m (r)/ n. 谣言;传闻presume / pr zju m; vt. & vi. NAmE -'zu:m/ 假设;假定fare /fe (r)/ n. 车费;船费;飞机票价weekly / wi kli/ adj. 每周的. n. 周刊on a… basis 根据;以……的方式(基准)calculate / k lkjule t/ vt. 计算;核算;预测chairwoman / t e w m n/ n. 女主席;女董事长;女委员长gramme /ɡr m/ n. [ NAmE ɡram] 克(重量单位)flour / fla (r)/ n. 面粉;(谷物磨成的)粉venue / venju / n. 活动场地(如音乐厅、会场等)salesman / se lzm n/ n. 售货员;推销员alien / e li n/ n. 外星人(生物);外国人. adj. 陌生的;外星的;外国的pros and cons 事物的利与弊;支持与反对blurred /bl d/ adj. 模糊不清的;难以区分的superior /su p ri (r); sju -/ adj. 更好的;占优势的;(在级别或重要性上)更高的superior to 比……更好;更胜一筹take over 占上风;取而代之;接管;接手inaction / n k n/ n. 无行动;不采取措施conflict with 与……冲突或抵触labour / le b (r)/ n. 劳动(者);体力劳动. vi. 奋斗;努力工作leather / le (r)/ n. 皮革;[pl.]皮衣;皮外套lever / li v (r); n. NAmE / lev r/ 操纵杆;杠杆panel / p nl/ n. 控制板;仪表盘;专家咨询组inch / nt / n. 英寸(长度单位,等于2. 54厘米)backwards / b kw dz/ adv. [NAmE backward] 向后;倒着;往回grip /ɡr p/ vt. & vi. 紧握;抓紧hazy / he zi/ adj. 模糊的;朦胧的;困惑的niece /ni s/ n. 侄女;外甥女fetch /fet / vt. (去)拿来;(去)请来handkerchief / h k t f/ n. 手帕;纸巾lamp /l mp/ n. 灯;台灯turn out关掉;熄灭;在场;使朝外;结果是pace / pe s/ n. 速度;步伐;节奏. vt. & vi. 确定速度;调整节奏fall away (逐渐)减少;消失division /d v n/ n. 分开;分隔;差异;除(法)puff /p f/ n. (烟、气等的)一缕;少量;喘息urge / d / n. 强烈的欲望;冲动. vt. 催促;力劝;大力推荐have an urge to有强烈的欲望做某事random / r nd m/ adj. 随机的;不可思议的maximum / m ks m m/ adj. 最大极限的. n. 最大量;最大限度explode / k spl d/ vi. & vt. 爆炸;爆破jolt /d lt/ n. 震动;摇晃;颠簸. vt. & vi. (使)震动;摇晃flip /fl p/ vt. & vi. (使)快速翻转;(用手指)轻抛stun /st n/ vt. 使震惊,使昏迷mud /m d/ n. 泥;泥浆overstatement / v ste tm nt/ n. 夸大;夸张UNIT 2 ICONIC ATTRACTIONS 默写iconic /a k n k/ adj. 符号的;图标的foundation /fa n de n/ n. 创建;基础;地基political /p l t kl/ adj. 政治的didgeridoo / d d ri du / n. 迪吉里杜管located /l ke t d/ adj. 位于equator / kwe t (r)/ n. 赤道koala /k ɑ l / n. 考拉;树袋熊barbecue / bɑ b kju / n. (abbr. BBQ) 户外烧烤;烤架bakery / be k ri/ n. 面包(糕饼)店;面包厂joint /d nt/ n. 公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所);关节. adj. 联合的;共同的butcher / b t (r)/ n. 肉贩;屠夫;刽子手premier / premi (r)/ adj. NAmE /pr 'm r/ 最著名的;第一的;首要的. n. 总理;首相herb /h b/ n. 药草;香草;草本dim sim / d m 's m/ (特指澳大利亚的)点心hollow / h l / adj. 中空的;空心的vibrate /va 'bre t/ vt. & vi. (使)振动horn /h n/ n. (乐器)号pitch /p t / n. 音高straightforward / stre t f w d/ adj. 坦率的;简单的slogan / sl ɡ n/ n. 标语;口号minister / m n st (r)/ n. 部长;大臣;外交使节prime minister 首相;总理frog /fr ɡ/ n. 蛙;青蛙arrow / r / n. 箭;箭头entitle / n ta tl/ vt. 给……命名(或题名);使享有权利getaway / ɡet we / n. 适合度假的地方dive /da v/ vi. & n. (dived/dove, dived) 潜水;跳水;俯冲kayaking / ka k / n. 划皮艇peak season高峰季节freedom / fri d m/ n. 自由;不受……影响的状态domain /d me n/ n. /d me n/ 领域;领土;范围sponsor / sp ns (r)/ vt. NAmE /'spɑ ns r/ 倡议;赞助;主办. n. (法案等的)倡议者;赞助者liberty / l b ti/ n. 自由golf /ɡ lf/ n. 高尔夫球运动strait /stre t/ n. 海峡sample / sɑ mpl/ n. 样本;样品monument / m njum nt/ n. 纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹kiwi / ki wi / n. 几维(新西兰鸟)geyser / ɡi z (r)/ n. / ɡa z r/ 间歇泉sulphuric /s l'fj r k/ pool 硫黄池manuka /m 'nu:k / honey 麦卢卡蜂蜜bungee / b nd i/ jumping 蹦极跳a flock /fl k/ of —群(羊或鸟)geothermal / d i θ ml/ park 地热公园distribution / d str bju n/ n. 分布;分配;分发pouch /pa t / n. 育儿袋;小袋子;荷包temporary / tempr ri/ adj. 暂时的;短暂的phase /fe z/ n. 阶段;时期trunk /tr k/ n. 树干licensed /la snst/ adj. 得到正式许可的license / la sns/ vt. 批准;许可. n. (=licence) 许可证;执照session / se n/ n. —场;一段时间;会议frequency / fri kw nsi/ n. 发生率;重复率;(声波或电磁波振动的)频率violent / va l nt/ adj. 暴力的;猛烈的violence / va l ns/ n. 暴力;暴行nest /nest/ n. 巢穴;鸟窝;秘密窝点mammal / m ml/ n. 哺乳动物biology /ba l d i/ n. 生理;生物学hatch /h t / vi. 孵出;破壳. vt. 使孵出;策划;(尤指)密谋capacity /k p s ti/ n. 能力;容量a handful of少数人(或物);一把(的量)fence /fens/ n. 栅栏;围栏prison /'pr zn/ n. 监狱;监禁grand /ɡr nd/ adj. 大;宏大的UNIT 3 SEA EXPLORATION 默写tale / te l/ n. 故事;叙述merchant / m t nt/ n. 商人;批发商. adj. 海上货运的set sail 起航;开航extend / k'stend/ vt. 扩展;使伸长;延长negotiate /n ɡ ie t/ vt. 商定;达成(协议). vi. 谈判;磋商;协商fleet /fli t/ n. 舰队;机群;车队behold / b h ld/ vt. (beheld, beheld) 看;看见league /li:ɡ/ n. 等级;水平;联合会;联赛in a league of one’s own 独领风骚royal / r l/ adj. 皇家的;王室的;高贵的spice /spa s/ n. (调味)香料withdraw / w dr / vi. & vt. (withdrew, withdrawn) (使)撤回;撤离withdraw from 退出;撤回channel / t nl/ n. 航道;海峡;频道maritime / m r ta m/ adj. 海的;海运的;海事的bond /b nd / n. 纽带;关系 vt. & vi. 增强信任关系;使牢固结合in hand在手头;可供使用politics / p l t ks/ n. 政治;政治观点profession /pr fe n/ n. 职业;行业tourNAmEnt / t n m nt/ n. 锦标赛;联赛mixture / m kst (r)/ n. 混合;结合体;混合物laptop / l pt p/ n. 笔记本电脑;便携式电脑coverage / k v r d / n. 新闻报道;覆盖范围press conference记者招待会;新闻发布会applaud / pl d/ vt. & vi. 鼓掌. vt. 称赞;赞赏tax /t ks/ vt. 对……征税;使纳税. n. 税;税款manned /m nd/ adj. 有人控制的;需人操纵的submersible /s b m s bl/ n. 潜水器;可潜船underwater / nd w t (r)/ adv. 在水下. adj. 水下的coral / k r l/ n. 珊瑚migration /ma ɡre n/ n. 迁移;迁徙;移居directory /d rekt ri/ n. 名录;电话号码簿;(计算机文件或程序的)目录meanwhile / mi nwa l/ adv. 与此同时;(比较两方面)对比之下exploit / k spl t/ vt. 开发;利用;剥削gallon / ɡ l n/ n. 加仑(容积单位,1英制加仑约等于4. 5升)murder / m d (r)/ vt. 谋杀;凶杀;毁坏. n. 谋杀;凶杀mercy / m si/ n. 仁慈;宽恕;恩惠possession / p ze n/ n. [usually pl.] 个人财产;拥有;控制opponent / p n nt/ n. 反对者;对手;竞争者log / l ɡ/ NAmE l ɡ/ vt. 把……载入正式记录;记录. n. 正式记录;日志;原木marine /m ri n/ adj. 海的;海产的;海生的arrest / rest/ n. 逮捕;拘留;中止. vt. 逮捕;拘留;阻止UNIT 4 SHARING 默写parcel /'pɑ sl/ n. 包裹. vt. 裹好;打包jam /d m/ n. 果酱;堵塞mail /me l/ n. 邮件;信件;邮政. vt. 邮寄;发电邮给secondary /'sek ndri/ adj. 中学的;次要的clay /kle / n. 黏土;陶土dust /d st/ n. 沙土;灰尘. vi. & vt. 擦灰dusty /'d sti/ adj. 布满灰尘的weed /wi d/ n. 杂草;野草. vt. & vi. 除杂草chorus /'k r s/ n. 合唱曲;合唱团. vt. 合唱;齐声说a chorus of齐声;异口同声cotton /'k tn/ n. 棉布;棉花uniform /'ju n f m/ n. 校服;制服. adj. —致的;统一的not to mention更不用说;且不说tablet /'t bl t/ n. 平板电脑;便笺本;药片rubber /'r b (r)/ n. 橡皮;黑板擦;橡胶washroom /'w ru m/ n. 洗手间;厕所rigid /'r d d/ adj. 死板的;固执的bubble /'b bl/ vi. 起泡;沸腾tube /tju b/ n. 管子;管状物circus /'s k s/ n. 马戏团chemist /'kem st/ n. 化学家;药剂师;药房shade / e d/ vt. 给……遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗. n. 阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分jaw /d / n. 额;下巴wrinkle /'r kl/ vt. & vi. (使脸上)起皱纹;皱起. n. 皱纹forehead /'f hed; 'f r d/ n. 额;前额hut /h t/ n. 简陋的小房子(或棚、舍)housing /ha z / n. 住房;住宅platform /'pl tf m/ n. 平台;站台;舞台fireplace /'fa ple s/ n. 壁炉saucer /'s s (r)/ n. 茶碟;杯托kettle /'ketl/ n. (烧水用的)壶;水壶pan /p n/ n. 平底锅;烤盘jar /d ɑ (r)/ n. 罐子;坛子ripe /ra p/ adj. 成熟的;时机成熟的grill /ɡr l/ n. 烤架;烤肉餐馆doorway /'d we / n. 门口;出入口;门道leftover /'left v (r)/ adj. 吃剩的;残留的. n. 吃剩的食物;遗留物handshake /'h nd e k/ n. 握手drag /dr ɡ/ vt. 拖;拽. vt. & vi. 缓慢而费力地移动privilege /'pr v l d / n. 优惠待遇;特权plug /pl ɡ/ vt. 封堵;补足. n. 堵塞物;插头;插座disabled /d s'e bld/ adj. 有残疾的;丧失能力的resign /r 'za n/ vi. &vt. 辞职;辞去deserve /d 'z v/ vt. 值得;应得;应受lately /'le tli/ adv. 最近;不久前;近来input /' np t/ n. 情况;信息;投入;输入. vt. 输入tune /tju n; NAmE tu n/ n. 曲调;曲子. vt. 调音;调节;调频道contract /'k ntr kt/ vt. 感染(疾病);与……订立合同(或契约). n. 合同;契约grant /ɡrɑ nt/ vt. 同意;准许. n. 拨款NAmE /ɡr nt/take for granted 认为……是理所当然;对……不予重视cardiac /'kɑ d k/ adj. 心脏病的;心脏的circuit /'s k t/ n. 巡回;环形线路disability / d s 'b l ti/ n. 缺陷;障碍consultation / k ns l'te n/ n. 咨询;咨询会capsule /'k psju:l/ n. 胶囊;太空舱relay /'ri le ; NAmE r 'le / vt. 转发;转播. n. 接力赛;接班的人relay to 转达给……;转发给……criterion /kra 't ri n/ n. (pl. criteria /-ri s/) 标准;准则;原则stability /st 'b l ti/ n. 稳定(性);稳固(性)pray /pre / vi. & vt. 企盼;祈祷pray that但愿hypothetical / ha p 'θet kl/ adj. 假设的;假定的UNIT 5 LAUNCHING YOUR CAREER 默写bounce /ba ns/ vi. & vt. (使)弾起;上下晃动. n. 弹性;弹跳;活力bounce around 蹦来蹦去;弹来弾去aptitude / pt tju d/ n. 天资;天赋head start 起步前的优势scenario /s nɑ ri / n. 设想;方案;预测lawyer / l j (r)/ n. 律师assemble / sembl/ vt. 组装;装配. vi. & vt. 收集;聚集;集合drawer /dr (r)/ n. 抽屉a chest of drawers 抽屉柜breast /brest/ n. 乳房;胸部hydrogen / ha dr d n/ n. 氢;氢气radium / re di m/ n. 镭wrist /r st/ n. 手腕;腕关节bridegroom / bra dɡru m/ n. 新郎geometry /d i m tri/ n. 几何学;几何图形debt /det/ n. 债务;欠款categorise / k t ɡ ra z/ vt. 把……分类(加以归类)profile / pr fa l/ n. 简介;概述;侧面轮廓. vt. 扼要介绍;概述;写简介participant /pɑ t s p nt/ n. 参与者;参加者code /k d/ n. 代码;密码. vt. 编码;把……译成密码orient / rient/ vt. 使适应;使面对;确定方向detective /d tekt v/ n. 侦探;警探graphic / ɡr f k/ n. 图表;图形;图画. adj. 绘画的;图案的estate / ste t/ n. 庄园;住宅区;工业区(real) estate agent 房地产经纪人accountant / ka nt nt/ n. 会计;会计师spy /spa / n. 密探;间谍. vi. 从事间谍活动. vt. 突然看见;发现justice / d st s/ n. 公平;公正;合理accuse / kju z/ vt. 控告;控诉;谴责come to a conclusion 得出结论greedy / ɡri di/ adj. 贪婪的;贪心的entrepreneur / ntr pr n (r)/ n. 创业者;企业家receptionist /r sep n st/ n. 接待员resume / rezjume / n. NAmE 'rez me / (BrE CV) (求职用的)履历;简历socialist / s l st/ adj. 社会主义的. n. 社会主乂者communist / k mj n st/ adj. 共产主义的. n. 共产主义者dedicate / ded ke t/ vt. 把……奉献给fox /f ks/ n. 狐狸;狡猾的人council / ka nsl/ n. 委员会;市政服务机构canal /k n l/ n. 运河;灌溉渠attend to关怀;照料;处理supervise / su p va z/ vt. & vi. 主管;指导;监督handwriting / h ndra t / n. 书法;书写;笔迹disk /d sk/ n. 磁盘;盘parking / pɑ k / n. 停车位;停车camel / k ml/ n. 骆驼fry /fra / n. 油煎的食物. vt. & vi. 油炸;油炒;油煎purse /p s/ n. 钱包;皮夹子(尤指女用)sew /s / vi. & vt. (sewed, sewn/sewed)缝制;缝;做针线活knit /n t/ vt. & vi. 编织;针织;(使)紧密结合. n编织的衣服;针织衫wool /w l/ n. 毛;毛线;毛料intermediate / nt mi di t/ adj. 中级的;中等的;中间的priority /pra r ti/ n. 优先事项;首要的事;优先proficiency /pr f nsi/ n. 熟练;娴熟;精通cage /ke d / n. 笼子. vt. 关在笼子里collar / k l (r)/ n. (动物)颈圈;衣领flea collar 灭蚤颈圈finance / fa n ns/ n. 资金;财政;金融. vt. /fa n ns/ 提供资金receipt /r si t/ n. 收据;接收certificate /s t f k t/ n. 合格证书;证明employer / m pl (r)/ n. 雇主;老板desert / dez t/ n. 沙漠;荒漠acquire / kwa (r)/ vt. 获得;购得Marie Curie /m 'ri: kj ri/ 玛丽·居里(居里夫人)注:黑体部分为课标词和短语;白体部分为非课标词;专有名词在每单元词表后面单独列出(此表省略)。22019人教版新教材选择性必修四全册课文及翻译Unit1 Reading and ThinkingSATISFACTION GUARANTEED(Adapted)保证满意(改编)Larry Belmont worked for a company that made robots. Recently it had begun experimenting with a household robot. It was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife,Claire.拉里·贝尔蒙特在一家制造机器人的公司工作。最近,它开始试验家用机器人。拉里的妻子克莱尔要测试一下。Claire didn’t want the robot in her house,especially as her husband would be away on a business trip for three weeks,but Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldn’t harm her or allow her to be harmed. It would be a bonus. However,when she first saw the robot,she felt alarmed. His name was Tony. He seemed more like a human than a machine. He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice,although his facial expression never changed.克莱尔不想把机器人放在家里,尤其是她的丈夫要出差三个星期,但拉里说服她,机器人不会伤害她,也不会让她受到伤害。这将是一个奖金。然而,当她第一次看到机器人时,她感到惊慌失措。他叫托尼。他看起来更像一个人而不是一台机器。他高大英俊,头发光滑,声音低沉,尽管他的面部表情从未改变。On the second morning,Tony brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing. She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. Now she was being looked after by a robot that looked so human,and it was disturbing.第二天早上,托尼给她送来早餐,然后问她是否需要帮忙穿衣。她觉得很尴尬,赶紧叫他走。现在她被一个看起来像人类的机器人照顾着,这让人很不安。One day,Claire mentioned that she didn’t think she was clever. Tony said that she must feel very unhappy to say that. Claire thought it was ridiculous that she was being offered sympathy by a robot, but she gradually admired his wisdom and integrity and began to trust him. He always treated her with dignity. She told him how she was unhappy that her home wasn’t elegant enough for Larry,who wanted to improve his social position with a bigger salary. She wasn’t like Gladys Claffern,one of the richest and most powerful women around.有一天,克莱尔说她认为自己不聪明。托尼说她说这话一定很不高兴。克莱尔认为机器人给她同情是可笑的,但她逐渐钦佩他的智慧和正直,开始信任他。他总是对她很有尊严。她告诉拉里,她对自己的家不够优雅感到非常不满,拉里想用更高的薪水来提高自己的社会地位。她不像格拉迪斯·克拉芬,她是世界上最富有、最有权势的女人之一。As a favour,Tony promised to help Claire make herself more beautiful and her home more elegant. So Claire borrowed some library books for him to read,or rather,scan. She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page. How absurd,she thought. He was just a machine.作为帮助,托尼答应帮助克莱尔使自己更漂亮,使她的家更优雅。所以克莱尔借了一些图书馆的书给他看,或者更确切地说,扫描。她惊奇地看着他的手指翻着每一页。多么荒谬,她想。他只是一台机器。Tony gave Claire a new hairstyle and improved her makeup. As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops,he wrote out a list of things that he would need for his work on the house. Claire went downtown and bought these things. She had an appointment to paint her nails,then she went into an expensive clothes shop. The saleswoman there was rude to her,so she rang Tony and told him she was being treated badly. He spoke to the woman,who immediately changed her attitude. Claire thanked Tony,telling him that he was a“dear”. As she turned around,there stood Gladys Claffern. How awful to be discovered by her,Claire thought. By the look on her face,Claire knew that Gladys thought they were in a relationship. After all,she knew Claire’s husband’s name was Larry,not Tony. Although it was completely innocent,Claire felt guilty.托尼给克莱尔换了一个新发型,改善了她的妆容。由于不允许他陪她去商店,他写了一张他在房子里工作所需物品的清单。克莱尔去市区买了这些东西。她约好涂指甲,然后走进一家昂贵的服装店。那里的女售货员对她很粗鲁,所以她打电话给托尼,告诉他她受到了不好的待遇。他和那个女人说话,她立刻改变了态度。克莱尔感谢托尼,告诉他他是个“亲爱的”。她转过身来,格拉迪斯·克拉芬站在那里。克莱尔想,被她发现是多么可怕。从她脸上的表情来看,克莱尔知道格拉迪斯以为他们在谈恋爱。毕竟,她知道克莱尔的丈夫叫拉里,不是托尼。虽然完全是无辜的,克莱尔还是感到内疚。When Claire got home,she wept. Gladys was everything Claire wished to be. Tony told her she was being sensitive and was just as good as Gladys. He suggested that she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return. By that time,Tony expected that the house,which was being completely transformed,would be ready.克莱尔到家时哭了。格拉迪斯是克莱尔想要的一切。托尼告诉她她很敏感,和格拉迪斯一样好。他建议她在他离开拉里回来的前一天晚上邀请格拉迪斯和她的朋友到家里来。到那时,托尼预计正在完全改造的房子已经准备好了。Tony worked steadily on the improvements. Claire tried to help by working on a light suspended from the ceiling,but she fell off the ladder. Even though Tony had been in the next room,he managed to catch her in time. As he held her,she felt the warmth of his body. She screamed,pushed him away,and ran to her room.托尼在不断改进。克莱尔试图帮忙,在天花板上吊着一盏灯,但她从梯子上摔了下来。尽管托尼在隔壁房间,他还是及时抓住了她。当他抱着她时,她感到了他身体的温暖。她尖叫着,把他推开,跑回了自己的房间。The night of the party arrived. The clock struck eight. The guests would be arriving soon,so Claire dismissed Tony for the rest of the night. At that moment,Tony took her in his arms,bringing his face close to hers. She heard him declare that he did not want to leave her the next day,and that he felt more than just the desire to please her. Then the front door bell rang.晚会的晚上到了。钟敲了八下。客人很快就要到了,所以克莱尔把托尼打发走了。就在那一刻,托尼把她抱在怀里,把脸贴近她的脸。她听到他宣布他不想第二天离开她,他不仅仅是想取悦她。然后前门的门铃响了。UNIT 1 Using LanguageTHE TIME MACHINE(Adapted)时光机(改编)It was at ten o’clock today that the first of all Time Machines began its career. I gave it a last check,and sat myself in the leather seat. I pushed the starting lever on the main panel forwards an inch then immediately backwards again. Looking around,I saw my laboratory exactly as before. Had anything happened I thought my mind had tricked me. Then I saw the clock. A moment before,it was a minute or so past ten;now it was nearly half past three!今天十点钟,第一台时间机器开始了它的事业。我给了它最后一张支票,自己坐在真皮座椅上。我将主面板上的启动杆向前推了一英寸,然后又立即向后推。环顾四周,我看到我的实验室和以前一模一样。发生什么事了吗?我以为我的思想欺骗了我。然后我看到了钟。刚才是十点一分左右,现在快三点半了!I drew a breath,gripped the lever and pushed it forwards. The laboratory went hazy around me. My niece came in to fetch something,maybe her handkerchief,apparently without seeing me. It probably took her a minute,but to me she moved like a rocket! I pushed the lever further. Night came as if a lamp was being turned out,and in another moment came the day. Tomorrow night came,then skipped to day,again and again,faster and faster still.我吸了一口气,握紧杠杆,把它往前推。实验室在我周围变得模糊不清。我侄女进来拿东西,也许是她的手帕,显然没有看见我。她可能花了一分钟,但对我来说她像火箭一样移动!我把操纵杆推得更远。夜幕降临,仿佛一盏灯熄灭了,又过了一会儿,白昼降临了。明晚来了,又跳到白天,一次又一次,越来越快。It is hard to explain the strange and unpleasant feeling of time travelling. It felt like I was being driven fast on a winding road. As my pace grew faster,the walls of the laboratory fell away,and I was left in the open air. The sun and moon looked as if they were being thrown across the sky,but soon there was division between night and day. Around me I saw trees growing like puffs of smoke;they grew,spread,and died in moments. I saw huge buildings rise up,then disappear like in a dream. The whole surface of the earth was being changed,melting and flowing before my eyes. I calculated that I was being pushed through time at hundreds of years a minute.很难解释时间旅行的奇怪和不愉快的感觉。感觉我在一条蜿蜒的路上开得很快。随着我的步子加快,实验室的墙壁也倒塌了,我被留在了户外。太阳和月亮看起来像是被抛向天空,但很快就有了白天和黑夜的分界。在我周围,我看到树木像一股烟一样生长;它们生长,蔓延,瞬间死亡。我看见巨大的建筑物拔地而起,然后像梦一样消失了。整个地球表面都在改变,在我眼前融化流动。我算了一下,我是以每分钟几百年的速度被时间推过去的。I had a strong urge to look at the random things that were being flashed before my eyes! I had thought about the risk of stopping the Time Machine many times. So long as I travelled at maximum speed,it didn’t matter. But if I stopped and the same space was being occupied by something else,we would be forced together and explode like a bomb! Like an impatient fool,I pulled the lever backwards hard. With a sudden jolt,the Time Machine was flipped on its side,and I was thrown through the air.我有一种强烈的冲动,想看看眼前闪现的那些随机的东西!我曾多次考虑过停止时光机的风险。只要我以最快的速度行驶,那没关系。但是如果我停下来,同一个空间被别的东西占据了,我们就会被迫在一起,像炸弹一样爆炸!像一个不耐烦的傻瓜,我使劲向后拉操纵杆。随着一个突然的震动,时间机器被翻转过来,我被抛向空中。I was stunned for a moment,and then heard the sound of thunder. I was sitting in the rain in some mud next to the machine.“A fine welcome,”I said,“for a man who has travelled thousands of years to be here!”我惊呆了一会儿,然后听到了雷声。我在雨中坐在机器旁边的泥地里。“这是一个很好的欢迎,”我说,“对于一个旅行了几千年来到这里的人来说!”选修四UNIT 2 Iconic AttractionsReading and Thinking25 Sep 9月25日Next week I’m travelling to Australia to visit a friend there over the school holidays. I plan to keep this blog to record my experiences and what I learn. I have already done some research on the country. Located to the south of the equator,below many other countries on the globe,it’s often informally referred to as“down under”.下周我要去澳大利亚,在学校放假期间去拜访一位朋友。我计划保留这个博客来记录我的经历和我学到的东西。我已经对这个国家做了一些研究。它位于赤道以南,低于地球上许多其他国家,通常被非正式地称为“down under”。I have also read about some iconic sites,such as the Sydney Opera House and the Great Ocean Road,and animals like the cute koalas and kangaroos. I can’t wait to see all of them! However,as I major in social studies,I’m more interested in meeting people in Australia and experiencing their culture,food,and way of life.我也读过一些标志性的景点,比如悉尼歌剧院和大洋路,还有可爱的考拉和袋鼠等动物。我迫不及待地想看到他们所有人!然而,由于我主修社会学,我更感兴趣的是会见澳大利亚的人,体验他们的文化、食物和生活方式。1 Oct10月1日I’m here in Sydney! Since I arrived,my friend has brought me to my first open-air barbecue and has also shared many different but yummy meals with me,so my first impressions of Australia have been all about food! A lot of typical Australian food,such as the Sunday roast,is originally British. Bakeries,fast-food joints,butcher shops,cafes,and restaurants everywhere provide some of the premier food experiences in the world. The influence of Asian cultures,on the other hand,led to the introduction of bean curd and Asian herbs,along with Australian versions of foods like the Chinese-inspired dim sum.我在悉尼!自从我来到澳大利亚,我的朋友带我参加了我的第一次露天烧烤,还和我分享了许多不同但美味的饭菜,所以我对澳大利亚的第一印象都是关于食物的!许多典型的澳大利亚食物,如星期天烤肉,原来是英国的。世界各地的面包店、快餐店、肉店、咖啡馆和餐馆都提供了一些世界一流的美食体验。另一方面,亚洲文化的影响,导致豆腐和亚洲草药的引入,以及澳大利亚版本的食物,如中式点心。3 Oct10月3日My friend and I have arrived in Katherine,a town in Australia’s Northern Territory. We’re here to learn about the life and customs of the Aborigines,who are native to Australia. The Aboriginal population might be small,but its influence is still visible. For example,“Bondi” in “Bondi Beach” is an Aboriginal word meaning “water breaking over rocks”.我和我的朋友已经到了凯瑟琳,澳大利亚北部地区的一个小镇。我们来这里是为了了解澳大利亚土著人的生活和习俗。土著人口可能很少,但其影响仍然显而易见。例如,“邦迪海滩”中的“邦迪”是一个土著词,意思是“水冲破岩石”。To survive in this vast land on the ocean,the Aborigines had to be in close contact with nature. This shows in their music,too,which celebrates the natural world and the spiritual world around them. Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground,among which there is an amazing instrument called the didgeridoo.为了在这片辽阔的海洋上生存,土著人必须与大自然保持密切的联系。这也体现在他们的音乐中,歌颂着他们周围的自然世界和精神世界。他们的大多数乐器实际上只是在地上发现的棍子,其中有一种叫迪吉里多的神奇乐器。The didgeridoo is made from a tree branch which is hollow. To play the didgeridoo,you put your mouth on one end and blow while vibrating your lips. Unlike a horn,there are no finger holes. The didgeridoo player has to change the shape of his mouth in order to change pitch. A skilled player can play for a long time without stopping to breathe. He does this by continually breathing in through his nose while breathing out through his mouth and into the didgeridoo. I tried to learn how to play it,but after trying for hours,I was convinced that I could never make a musical sound with this instrument!迪吉里多是由一根中空的树枝做成的。演奏迪吉里多,你把你的嘴放在一端,一边吹一边振动你的嘴唇。不像喇叭,没有指孔。迪吉里多的球员必须改变他的嘴的形状才能改变球场。一个熟练的玩家可以玩很长时间而不停地呼吸。他这样做是通过不断地用鼻子吸气,同时用嘴呼气,进入迪吉里多。我试着学习如何演奏它,但经过几个小时的努力,我确信我永远不能用这种乐器发出音乐的声音!6 Oct10月6日It’s almost time for me to say goodbye to Australia. I’ve enjoyed my time here very much. After being here for a while,my biggest impression is the complicated mix of peoples and cultures that make up the nation. Although the main cultural influence since 1788 has been Western culture,minority cultures have also played a part in shaping the unique Australian culture,with many of the new cultural influences contributed by immigrants. It is said that now nearly half of all Australian citizens were either born overseas or have parents who were born overseas.我差不多该跟澳大利亚说再见了。我在这里过得很愉快。在这里呆了一段时间后,我印象最深的是组成这个国家的各种民族和文化的复杂混合。尽管自1788年以来,主要的文化影响是西方文化,但少数民族文化也在形成独特的澳大利亚文化方面发挥了作用,许多新的文化影响是由移民造成的。据说现在几乎一半的澳大利亚公民不是出生在海外,就是父母出生在海外。Personally speaking,what I like most about Australia is the people themselves. They have a straightforward and free-and-easy attitude towards life,and their friendliness and warmth made me feel at home wherever I went.就我个人而言,我最喜欢澳大利亚的是人民本身。他们对生活的态度直截了当、洒脱自如,他们的友好和热情让我无论走到哪里都有宾至如归的感觉。After experiencing Australia,I have to say that I agree with the tourism slogan:“There’s nothing like Australia.”在经历了澳大利亚之后,我不得不说我同意旅游业的口号:“没有什么能比得上澳大利亚。”UNIT 2 Using LanguageTHE AMAZING ANIMALS OF AUSTRALIA澳大利亚的神奇动物Our topic today is “Creatures Unique to Australia”,with questions answered by wildlife expert,Dr Jim Smith.我们今天的主题是“澳大利亚特有的生物”,野生动物专家吉姆·史密斯博士回答了我们的问题。Australia has lots of unique animals,but which animal is a symbol of the country 澳大利亚有许多独特的动物,但哪种动物是这个国家的象征?It has to be the kangaroo,as it has a wide distribution throughout the country. It’s a tough animal that has to survive in a difficult environment. Also,it cannot walk backwards,so it is always moving forwards. This expresses the strength and resolve of the Australians as individuals and as a nation. Baby kangaroos weigh only two grammes at birth. They then find their way into their mother’s pouch—a kind of pocket—to stay safe and warm. They sleep and drink milk in that temporary,protected environment until they are about seven or eight months old. After this phase,they go out to try their legs. After they learn to jump,they gradually spend less time with their mother and learn to be independent. Kangaroos may look cute,but encounters with them don’t always end so well. Kangaroos can hit and kick very hard,so please folks,if you see some kangaroos,remember they’re not for petting!它一定是袋鼠,因为它在全国分布很广。它是一种坚韧的动物,必须在艰苦的环境中生存。而且,它不能向后走,所以它总是向前走。这表达了澳大利亚人作为个人和国家的力量和决心。小袋鼠出生时只有两克重。然后,它们会进入母亲的口袋——一种安全保暖的口袋。他们在这种临时的、受保护的环境中睡觉和喝牛奶,直到七八个月大。在这个阶段之后,他们会出去试一下自己的腿。在他们学会了跳跃之后,他们逐渐减少了和母亲在一起的时间,学会了独立。袋鼠看起来很可爱,但与它们的相遇并不总是那么顺利。袋鼠能很用力地打和踢,所以请各位,如果你们看到一些袋鼠,记住它们不是用来抚摸的!Koalas are cute,and we see so many pictures of people holding them. But in many places in Australia,it is against the law to even touch them. Can you clarify that 考拉很可爱,我们看到很多人抱着考拉的照片。但在澳大利亚的许多地方,触碰它们都是违法的。你能澄清一下吗?They are really quite cute,but the truth is,koalas are very sensitive creatures who can easily panic because of even small changes in their environment. They spend quite a lot of time eating,sleeping,and hanging onto tree trunks,so interaction with humans can cause them a lot of stress. Because of this,the government began to make laws against touching koalas,in the interest of animal protection,as well as public safety. So,if you see one in the wild,you shouldn’t approach it to pick it up or even touch it. If you want to hold a koala,you have to go to certain licensed zoos where animal experts make sure that the koalas selected for each session are in a good state for human contact and that they are handled for only a limited time and on a limited frequency of occasions.它们真的很可爱,但事实是,考拉是非常敏感的动物,它们很容易因为环境的微小变化而惊慌失措。它们花了大量的时间吃东西、睡觉、挂在树干上,因此与人类的互动会给它们带来很大的压力。正因为如此,为了保护动物和公共安全,政府开始制定法律禁止接触考拉。所以,如果你在野外看到一只,你不应该接近它去捡起它,甚至触摸它。如果你想养一只考拉,你必须去一些有执照的动物园,那里的动物专家要确保每节课选出来的考拉都处于良好的状态,便于人类接触,而且只在有限的时间和有限的场合处理。So,we’ve talked about some cute animals. What about animals which aren’t so cute 所以,我们讨论了一些可爱的动物。那些不那么可爱的动物呢?My favourite is a little creature called the Tasmanian devil. If you are out camping in Tasmania and come across one,the experience might scare you! Tasmanian devils hunt at night,so you won’t usually see them,but you may hear their loud cries when they are fighting or eating. The noise they make could wake the dead. Frightening! They are about the size of small dogs and look like rather large black rats. They also have a terrible smell! Their diet is mostly dead animals. Fortunately,despite their name,they are generally not violent towards people.我最喜欢的是一种叫塔斯马尼亚魔鬼的小动物。如果你在塔斯马尼亚野营时遇到一个,这种经历可能会吓到你!塔斯马尼亚魔鬼在晚上狩猎,所以你通常不会看到他们,但你可能会听到他们大声喊叫时,他们战斗或吃。他们发出的噪音可能会把死人吵醒。可怕的!它们有小狗那么大,看起来像相当大的黑鼠。它们也有难闻的气味!他们的饮食大多是死动物。幸运的是,尽管他们的名字,他们一般不会对人施暴。Australia also has some animals that many people have never heard of,for example,the duck-billed platypus. Is that some kind of bird 澳大利亚也有许多人从未听说过的动物,例如鸭嘴兽。那是某种鸟吗?Not at all. While it may lay eggs in a nest like a bird,it’s really a primitive mammal,with a unique biology. Its eggs hatch after about ten days,and then the baby platypus nurses from its mother like all other mammals. Its nose looks like a duck’s bill,and it has feet like a duck’s so it can dive under the water,but it’s covered in hair. Do you know what’s really strange about a platypus The platypus doesn’t use its senses of sight or smell to find food. It has a capacity to find food in the water by using electrical sensors in its bill. There are only a small handful of animals in the world that can do that!一点也不。虽然它可能像鸟一样在巢中产卵,但它确实是一种原始哺乳动物,具有独特的生物学特性。大约10天后,鸭嘴兽的卵孵化出来,然后鸭嘴兽宝宝像其他哺乳动物一样从母亲那里哺育。它的鼻子看起来像鸭嘴,它的脚也像鸭子,所以它可以潜到水下,但它全身都是毛。你知道鸭嘴兽有什么奇怪的地方吗?鸭嘴兽不使用视觉或嗅觉来寻找食物。它有能力通过在账单中使用电子传感器在水中寻找食物。世界上只有一小部分动物能做到这一点!UNIT3 Sea ExplorationReading and ThinkingREACHING OUT ACROSS THE SEA横跨大海Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation of mankind’s greatest achievements. To complete the great map of the world was a strong passion for the people of early civilisations. Marco Polo’s tales inspired European explorers to search for sea routes from west to east. However,merchants and explorers from the East set sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did.贸易和好奇心经常是人类最伟大成就的基础。完成这幅伟大的世界地图是早期文明人民的强烈热情。马可波罗的故事启发了欧洲探险家寻找从西到东的海上航线。然而,东部的商人和探险家比哥伦布早很多年从东向西航行。In ancient times,silk from China found its way overland to India,the Middle East,and Rome,along what became known as the Silk Road. A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean,centered around Ceylon(now Sri Lanka). Here,merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate trade deals,which also led to more awareness of each other’s cultures. Over the centuries,further trading allowed more exploration of the regions to the west of China,as recorded in Du Huan’s Record of My Travels in the eighth century.在古代,中国的丝绸沿着丝绸之路陆路到达印度、中东和罗马。一条横跨海洋的贸易路线也沿着印度洋沿岸延伸,以锡兰(现在的斯里兰卡)为中心。在这里,来自中国和其他许多地方的商人会面,商谈贸易交易,这也使他们对彼此的文化有了更多的了解。几个世纪以来,进一步的贸易使中国西部地区得到了更多的探索,正如杜桓在我八世纪游记中所记载的那样。Later,the Ming Dynasty further developed relations with these regions. Between 1405 and 1433,seven large fleets sailed west on voyages of trade and exploration. These fleets were a sight to behold and were in a league of their own at that time. Under the command of Zheng He,they set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea,and then to the east coast of Africa. African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures of friendship in return for gold,silk,and spices. Although China withdrew from further expeditions after 1433,these land and sea routes remained active channels between other cultures for centuries.后来,明朝进一步发展了与这些地区的关系。1405年至1433年间,7艘大型船队向西航行,进行贸易和勘探。这些舰队是一个看得见的景象,在当时是属于他们自己的联盟。在郑和的指挥下,他们从南中国海起航,越过印度洋到达红海入海口,再到非洲东海岸。非洲皇室送礼物,如长颈鹿作为友谊的象征,以换取黄金、丝绸和香料。尽管中国在1433年后退出了进一步的探险,但这些陆路和海路在几个世纪以来一直是其他文化之间的活跃通道。To reach out across the sea remains a strong desire today. The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He are being revisited with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road,which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative.如今,跨越海洋仍然是一种强烈的愿望。由郑率领的古代海上航线,他将被重新访问,二十一世纪海上丝绸之路,这是“一带一路”倡议的一部分。The aim of this initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas,and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world. Trading has grown greatly in recent years,and will continue to do so in years to come. China has invested billions in systems and services along these routes,which will help to greatly develop the whole area for the benefit of future trade and cultural exchange.这一倡议的目的是鼓励跨越历史丝绸之路地区的合作与贸易,加强中国与世界各国的联系。近年来,贸易有了很大的增长,今后几年还将继续增长。中国在这些线路上投资了数十亿美元的系统和服务,这将有助于整个地区的大发展,有利于未来的贸易和文化交流。China has also joined its friends across the sea on other important projects. Although the ancient sea routes of Zheng He have been travelled many times,there are still many other places left to explore. In recent years,China has joined other nations on several expeditions to explore the Arctic. From a scientific point of view,there is an urgent need to study the Arctic in order to understand climate change and its effects.中国还与它的海上朋友们一道参与了其他重要项目。虽然郑和的古代海路已经走了很多次,但还有很多地方有待探索。近年来,中国与其他国家一道进行了几次北极探险。从科学的角度来看,迫切需要研究北极,以便了解气候变化及其影响。Hundreds of years on,and with the latest technology in hand,the need to trade and the desire to enhance relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future.几百年过去了,在掌握最新技术的情况下,贸易的需要和增进关系的愿望将推动中国在遥远的未来跨越海洋。UNIT 3 Using Languagetext1:文本1:When people talk of exploring the sea more,they usually mean exploiting it. Sea exploration has caused many problems and will continue to cause more.当人们谈论更多地探索海洋时,他们通常是指开发海洋。海洋勘探造成了许多问题,并将继续造成更多的问题。More exploration means more pollution. The Deepwater Horizon spilled over 200 million gallons of oil into the sea in 2010. Plastic pollution is also bad,killing many birds and fish,and has even been found in our tap water.更多的勘探意味着更多的污染。2010年,“深水地平线”号向海中泄漏了超过2亿加仑的石油。塑料污染也很严重,杀死了许多鸟类和鱼类,甚至在我们的自来水中也发现了塑料污染。Mining for resources is very damaging,especially in the Arctic. Because of climate change,there is less ice now,which means we can look for more fossil fuels further north. But if we burn these,the ice will melt more and this negative cycle will continue. Climate change is warning us that something is very wrong.开采资源破坏性很大,特别是在北极地区。由于气候变化,现在的冰越来越少,这意味着我们可以在更远的北方寻找更多的化石燃料。但如果我们燃烧这些,冰会融化得更多,这种负循环还会继续。气候变化正在警告我们,有些事情是非常错误的。Overfishing is another problem. Whales and dolphins are also hunted for their meat or for so-called research. Although this was banned in 1982,some countries are still “murdering” these intelligent creatures without mercy. The sea is home to life,not human beings’ possessions. It is huge,but it is more sensitive than we think. If we do not protect it,future generations will not forgive us.过度捕捞是另一个问题。鲸鱼和海豚也被猎杀以获取它们的肉或进行所谓的研究。尽管这在1982年被禁止,一些国家仍然毫不留情地“谋杀”这些聪明的生物。海洋是生命的家园,而不是人类的财产。它是巨大的,但它比我们想象的更敏感。如果我们不保护它,后代就不会原谅我们。Text 2文本2To truly understand our planet,we must explore the oceans which cover most of it. Opponents may be concerned,but sea exploration is important for our future. For example,scientific research ships can help address important issues such as climate change. We need to understand what is happening to our planet so that we can take action. Therefore,more research is necessary.为了真正了解我们的星球,我们必须探索覆盖地球大部分的海洋。反对者可能会担心,但海洋探险对我们的未来很重要。例如,科学研究船可以帮助解决气候变化等重要问题。我们需要了解我们的星球正在发生什么,这样我们才能采取行动。因此,有必要进行更多的研究。Understanding more about the sea will also help us manage its resources better. Logging new species will improve our understanding of life on the earth. It may help us discover new medicines,as well as new sources of food and energy. Accessing the deep ocean may also help us to predict events such as earthquakes.更多地了解海洋也将有助于我们更好地管理海洋资源。砍伐新物种将提高我们对地球上生命的了解。它可以帮助我们发现新的药物,以及新的食物和能源来源。进入深海也可以帮助我们预测地震等事件。The population of the world is growing and we need new resources for future development. There are probably vast amounts of resources under the sea and ice,not just oil and gas but also valuable minerals.世界人口在增长,我们需要新的资源来促进未来的发展。海底和冰下可能有大量的资源,不仅仅是石油和天然气,还有宝贵的矿产。Of course,there are still environmental risks. However,these should be balanced with economic needs. Hopefully,as technology improves,we may have more options for managing this balance.当然,还有环境风险。然而,这些应该与经济需求相平衡。希望随着技术的进步,我们可以有更多的选择来管理这种平衡。UNIT 4 Reading and ThinkingVOLUNTEERING IN THE BUSH在丛林里做志愿者8 March3月8日I just got a parcel from home! It took about two weeks to arrive,and it was a bit damaged,but it was so nice to get some sweets and jam from home;I’ve been dying to have some of my favourite sweets,and it’s always nice to get mail!我刚从家里收到一个包裹!它花了大约两个星期才到达,而且有点破损,但能从家里弄到一些糖果和果酱真是太好了;我一直渴望得到一些我最喜欢的糖果,收到邮件总是很好!So I’ve been here in the jungle for about a month now. My secondary school is a bush school. The classrooms are made of bamboo,with clay floors and roofs of grass. It takes me only a few minutes to walk to school down a dusty track covered in weeds. When I reach the school grounds,I’m greeted by a chorus of“good morning”from the boys. Unlike students in our country,these boys do not wear cotton uniforms,and many of them also have to walk a long way,sometimes for up to two hours,just to get to school.我已经在丛林里呆了一个月了。我的中学是一所灌木学校。教室是竹子做的,地板是粘土,屋顶是草。沿着布满杂草的尘土飞扬的小路,我只花了几分钟就走到了学校。当我到达学校时,男孩们齐声向我问好。与我国学生不同的是,这些男孩不穿棉服,他们中的许多人也要走很长的路,有时要走两个小时,才能到学校。There’s no electricity, running water or even textbooks,not to mention laptops,tablets,or other modern devices! All the students have are pencils,rubbers,and paper. I’m still trying to adapt to these conditions. I’ve had to become much more imaginative in my teaching. Science is my most challenging subject as my students have no concept of doing experiments. There is no equipment,and since there isn’t even a washroom,if I need water I have to carry it from my house in a basin! It’s important not to be too rigid about rules here,too. The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere! The class became a circus as the boys,who had never come across anything like this before,started jumping out of the windows. Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students—few will ever become chemists—and most will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway. To be honest,I doubt whether I’m making any difference to these boys’ lives at all.没有电,没有自来水,甚至没有课本,更不用说笔记本电脑,平板电脑,或其他现代设备了!所有的学生都有铅笔、橡皮和纸。我还在努力适应这些条件。我必须在教学中变得更有想象力。科学是我最具挑战性的科目,因为我的学生没有做实验的概念。因为没有设备,甚至连洗手间都没有,如果我需要水,我就得用脸盆把水从家里拿出来!这里的规则也不要太死板,这很重要。前几天我给孩子们看一个化学实验,不知不觉,混合物从试管里冒出来,到处都是!这个班成了一个马戏团,因为男孩们以前从来没有遇到过这样的事,他们开始从窗户跳出来。有时我想知道化学对这些学生有多重要,很少有人会成为化学家,而且大多数人在8年级之后都会回到自己的村庄。老实说,我怀疑我是否能改变这些孩子的生活。17 April4月17日Last weekend I made my first visit to a remote village,home to one of our students,Tombe. Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first,up a mountain from where we had fantastic views,and then down a shaded path to the valley below. When we arrived at the village,Tombe’s mother,Kiak,saw us coming and started crying“ieee ieee”. We shook hands with all the villagers. Everyone seemed to be related to Tombe.上周末我第一次去了一个偏僻的村庄,那里是我们的一个学生汤贝的家。我和另一位老师先走了两个半小时到达那里,爬上一座山,从那里我们可以看到美妙的景色,然后沿着一条阴暗的小路走到下面的山谷。当我们到达村子的时候,汤贝的母亲凯看到我们来了,就哭了起来。我们和所有的村民握手。每个人似乎都和汤比有关系。Tombe’s father,Mukap,a man with a strong jaw and a wrinkled forehead,led us to his house,a low,round bamboo hut with no windows,with a door just big enough to get through,and with grass sticking out of the roof—this shows it is a man’s house. Such housing is dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. Fresh grass had been laid on the floor and there was a platform for Jenny and me to sleep on. There was a fireplace in the centre of the hut. The only possessions I could see were one broom,a few saucers,a kettle ,cups,pans ,and a couple of jars.Tombe的父亲,Mukap,一个强壮的下巴和皱巴巴的额头,把我们领到他的房子,一个低矮的,圆的没有窗户的竹屋,门刚好够穿过,屋顶上有草,这表明这是一个男人的房子。这样的房子里面很暗,所以我们的眼睛需要时间来调整。新鲜的草铺在地板上,还有一个供我和珍妮睡觉的平台。小屋中央有一个壁炉。我所能看到的只有一把扫帚、几个碟子、一个水壶、杯子、平底锅和几个罐子。Mukap built a fire outside and laid stones on it to heat. He then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum with kau kau,ripe corn,and greens. He then covered the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam. It smelled delicious. We ate inside the hut sitting round the fire. I loved listening to the family talking softly to each木卡普在外面生了一堆火,并在上面放了石头加热。然后,他把滚烫的石头放在一个空油桶里,里面装着秋葵、成熟的玉米和青菜。然后他用香蕉叶覆盖蔬菜,让它们蒸一下。闻起来很香。我们坐在火炉旁的小屋里吃饭。我喜欢听家人彼此轻声交谈other in their language,even though I could not participate much in the conversation. Luckily,Tom be interpreted for us.其他人用他们的语言,即使我不能参加太多的对话。幸运的是,汤姆能为我们翻译。Later,I noticed a can standing upside down on the grill over the fire. After a while,Tombe threw it out of the doorway. Tombe told me that the can was heated to dry out the leftover food. His family believes that leftovers attract bad spirits in the night,so any leftover food is dried up in a can and the can is then thrown out of the hut.后来,我注意到一个罐子倒立在炉火上方的烤架上。过了一会儿,汤比把它扔出了门口。汤比告诉我,罐头是加热的,以使剩下的食物变干。他的家人认为,剩菜会在晚上招来坏情绪,所以任何剩菜都要放在罐头里晾干,然后把罐头扔出小屋。We left the village the next morning after many goodbyes and firm handshakes. My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home. That evening I fell happily into bed. It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.第二天早上,我们在多次道别和握手之后离开了村子。我的肌肉酸痛,膝盖发抖,我们拖着自己下山回家。那天晚上我高兴地躺在床上。能和汤贝的家人呆一天真是太荣幸了。UNIT 4 Using LanguageHello! My name is Zhan Bingbing.你好!我叫詹冰冰。Lately,all of us have seen Chinese people on TV in far-off places in the world,helping other countries to develop. We see Chinese workers building roads in the Congo,a port in Pakistan,railways in Panama,and an airport in Sri Lanka. And we see Chinese miners,oil workers,agricultural experts,mechanics,and doctors working in nearly every corner of the world. And some people may ask,“Is it worth it Why help people overseas when China has many areas that are still in need of development ”最近,我们都在电视上看到中国人在世界遥远的地方帮助其他国家发展。我们看到中国工人在刚果修建公路,在巴基斯坦修建港口,在巴拿马修建铁路,在斯里兰卡修建机场。我们看到中国矿工、石油工人、农业专家、机械师和医生几乎在世界的每个角落工作。有些人可能会问,“值得吗?中国还有许多需要发展的领域,为什么还要帮助海外的人呢?”I had the same questions myself. But for me,it was much more personal. You see,my mother is a medical doctor,and for the last two years,she has been working as a volunteer consultant in Tanzania,Africa,as a part of a medical team sent by the Chinese government.我自己也有同样的问题。但对我来说,这更私人。你看,我母亲是一名医生,近两年来,她一直在非洲坦桑尼亚做义工顾问,是中国政府派出的医疗队的一员。To be honest,when my mother first left for Africa,I was upset. My mother cooked me dinner every night,and she took good care of me. But more importantly,she was my best friend. We talked together,we spent our leisure time together,and except for school and work,we were never apart. So I was unhappy about her leaving without even asking for my input.说实话,当我母亲第一次去非洲的时候,我很难过。我妈妈每天晚上都给我做饭,她很照顾我。但更重要的是,她是我最好的朋友。我们一起聊天,一起度过闲暇时光,除了上学和工作,我们从未分开。所以我很不高兴她没有征求我的意见就走了。But then I began to hear about the work she was doing in Tanzania,a country that has many health problems,and now I am singing a different tune. Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania. And,while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth,many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted, such as electricity,running water,cars and good transport systems,and supermarkets. One project that my mother worked on was helping to build a cardiac hospital. Prior to this,if a Tanzanian had a heart condition and needed surgery,they would have to go abroad. Since this was quite expensive,many people went without medical treatment and some even died. Now,not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital,but people in neighbouring countries are helped as well. It has made a big difference to their lives. My mother also does a circuit of the rural villages to provide medical treatment,help those with disabilities,and provide consultation and training for local doctors. In addition,her team has given patients a new malaria treatment invented in China,and this has saved many lives.但后来我开始听说她在坦桑尼亚做的工作,这个国家有很多健康问题,现在我唱的是另一首歌。许多在中国很少见的危险疾病在坦桑尼亚很常见。而且,虽然这个国家很美丽,有很多自然财富,但许多人很穷,生活中没有我们认为理所当然的东西,如电力、自来水、汽车和良好的运输系统,以及超市。我母亲参与的一个项目是帮助建立一所心脏病医院。在此之前,如果坦桑尼亚人有心脏病需要手术,他们就必须出国。由于这是相当昂贵的,许多人去没有医疗,有些人甚至死亡。现在,不仅坦桑尼亚人得到了医院的帮助,邻国的人们也得到了帮助。这对他们的生活产生了很大的影响。我母亲还环游农村,为残疾人提供医疗、帮助,并为当地医生提供咨询和培训。此外,她的团队还为患者提供了中国发明的一种新的疟疾治疗方法,这挽救了许多人的生命。Today,I want to relay to you that I’m proud of the work my mother has done,and I am now supportive of it. Is her work worth it Yes,to the lives of the people she is helping,it is worth it. But by any criteria this work is worth it to us as well,because it shows that we are global citizens interested in world stability,and that we feel responsible for others and are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Everyone deserves a fair chance in life. When I think of all the things that we as Chinese citizens can be most proud of,helping others comes at the top of this list. Now that I understand how important my mother’s work is,I’ve decided to become a volunteer myself to help people in other lands. In the future,I pray that you will do the same.今天,我要向大家转达,我为我母亲所做的工作感到骄傲,现在我支持这项工作。她的工作值得吗?是的,对她所帮助的人来说,这是值得的。但从任何标准来看,这项工作对我们来说都是值得的,因为它表明,我们是对世界稳定感兴趣的全球公民,我们感到对他人负责,并准备建立一个拥有人类共同未来的社会。每个人在生活中都应该有一个公平的机会。当我想到我们作为中国公民最值得骄傲的事情时,帮助别人排在首位。现在我明白了母亲的工作是多么重要,我决定自己成为一名志愿者,帮助其他国家的人们。今后,我祈祷你也会这样做。Thank you!谢谢您!UNIT 5 Reading and ThinkingWORKING OUT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO弄清楚你想做什么As an adult,one of the first questions you are asked when meeting someone new is,“What do you do ”This is because your career is a very important part of who you are. The career you have defines your life,and so taking time to think about it is an essential exercise for young people.作为一个成年人,当你遇到一个新朋友时,你首先被问到的问题之一是,“你是做什么的?“这是因为你的职业是你的一个非常重要的组成部分。你所从事的职业决定了你的生活,因此花时间思考对年轻人来说是一项必不可少的锻炼。The best time to start thinking about possible careers is while you are still at school,before you make any choices about your further education. This,however,is not always easy. Some people know what they want to do from a young age,but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.开始考虑可能的职业的最佳时机是在你还在学校的时候,在你对你的继续教育做出任何选择之前。然而,这并不总是容易的。有些人从小就知道自己想做什么,但也有许多人只是脑子里蹦蹦跳跳着一些想法。One of the most effective ways to get some insight on a possible career path is to complete a “career aptitude test”. The results of the test will tell you about your strengths and interests,and some tests also suggest careers that you may be suited to. Having this information will provide you with a better chance of finding a job you like.对可能的职业道路有一些见解的最有效的方法之一是完成“职业能力倾向测试”。测试结果会告诉你你的优势和兴趣,有些测试也会建议你适合的职业。有了这些信息,你就有更好的机会找到你喜欢的工作。There are many free tests online,so give one a try. Getting a head start in considering your future career may help you for the rest of your life. You don’t want to look back in years to come and say,“I wish I had thought more about what I really wanted to do.”网上有很多免费的考试,试试看吧。在考虑你未来的职业生涯时抢先一步可能会对你的余生有所帮助。你不会想在未来的岁月里回首往事,说:“我真希望我能多想想自己真正想做的事情。”There are many different kinds of career aptitude tests. Some ask questions about your personal interests and attitudes. Others focus more on asking you to rate different kinds of work scenarios,like working as a librarian or a lawyer. Of course,while completing these sorts of tests,it is very important to be honest—and don’t worry—there are no right or wrong answers.职业能力倾向测试有很多种。有些人会问一些关于你个人兴趣和态度的问题。其他人则更关注于让你对不同类型的工作场景进行评分,比如当图书管理员或律师。当然,在完成这类测试时,诚实是非常重要的,不要担心没有对错答案。Career Aptitude Test example Page 1 of 10职业能力倾向测试示例第1页,共10页How do you feel about the work tasks below 你觉得下面的工作任务怎么样?Assemble a chest of drawers组装抽屉柜Drive an ambulance开救护车Help develop a cure for breast cancer帮助开发治疗乳腺癌的方法Analyze the elements hydrogen and radium分析元素氢和镭Design a new range of wrist accessories设计一系列新的腕部配件Design clothes for brides and bridegrooms为新郎新娘设计服装Teach children geometry教孩子几何Help and advise people in serious debt帮助和建议负债累累的人Manage a hair and nail shop管理美发店Provide investment advice提供投资建议Check and edit education materials检查和编辑教材Categorize employee profiles对员工档案进行分类One popular test asks the participants to grade their preferences for a variety of work tasks. Their answers are then analyzed and divided up between six different types of work personalities. The participant is then given a chart showing their score for each type of work personality. The top three scores are used to make a code that indicates the participant’s overall work personality. This code is then used to generate a list of career suggestions.一个流行的测试要求参与者对各种工作任务的偏好进行评分。然后对他们的答案进行分析,并将其分为六种不同类型的工作性格。然后给参与者一张图表,显示他们对每种工作个性的得分。前三名的分数用来制作一个代码,表明参与者的整体工作个性。然后使用此代码生成职业建议列表。Your test results are below. Your work personality code is A-I-R.你的测试结果如下。你的工作个性代码是A-I-R。R:Hands on,active,technicalR: 动手,主动,技术I:Observant,intellectual一: 敏锐的,聪明的A:Creative,imaginative,originalA: 富有创意、想象力、独创性S:Helpful,people-oriented,responsibleS: 乐于助人,以人为本,负责任E:Persuasive,confidentE: 有说服力,自信C:Organized,detail-orientedC: 有条理,注重细节The career suggestions are also based on your education and experience level,but you can look at higher-level careers as well,which is very useful for high school students. For example,you could look at the basic careers to see what work you might like now,and then look at the more advanced careers so you know what you may like to aim for in the future. This is a great tool to help plan your career and let you know what targets you need to reach to get there.职业建议也基于你的教育和经验水平,但你也可以考虑更高层次的职业,这对高中生非常有用。例如,你可以看看基本的职业,看看你现在喜欢什么样的工作,然后再看看更高级的职业,这样你就知道你未来的目标是什么。这是一个很好的工具来帮助你规划你的职业生涯,让你知道你需要达到什么目标才能达到。In conclusion,career aptitude tests are clearly a very useful tool. However,it is important to remember that they are only meant for guidance. The secret to a good career is finding something that you are passionate about. So try a few tests online and start thinking about your future career right now!总之,职业能力倾向测试显然是一个非常有用的工具。然而,重要的是要记住,他们只是为了指导。好职业的秘诀是找到你热爱的东西。所以,现在就在网上尝试一些测试,开始思考你未来的职业生涯吧!UNIT 5 Using LanguageSUMMER CAMP HELPERS WANTED!需要夏令营帮手!Are you an active and outgoing person Are you passionate about Chinese culture Would you like to meet and help young people from other countries 你是一个积极外向的人吗?你对中国文化有热情吗?你想认识并帮助其他国家的年轻人吗?The Frog & Fox Summer Camp Council is looking for enthusiastic high school students to join our team as camp helpers at our summer camp next year! Our camp is located in a beautiful area near a quiet canal,where you will sleep in tents under the stars.青蛙和狐狸夏令营理事会正在寻找热情的高中生加入我们的团队,作为夏令营的帮手,明年我们的夏令营!我们的营地位于一个美丽的地区,靠近一条安静的运河,在那里你可以在星星下的帐篷里睡觉。We are building a team of keen young people to help us attend to hundreds of students from all over the world. You will be required to supervise and/or help out in a variety of tasks and recreational activities.我们正在建立一支由热心的年轻人组成的团队,帮助我们照顾来自世界各地的数百名学生。你将被要求监督和/或帮助完成各种任务和娱乐活动。Successful applicants will ideally have the following:成功的申请人最好具备以下条件: a good level of English 良好的英语水平 good organizational and teamwork skills 良好的组织和团队合作能力 a passion for Chinese and international culture 热爱中国和国际文化 experience with animals 体验动物 a friendly,welcoming attitude,and good handwriting! 友好、欢迎的态度和良好的笔迹!Send your CV and cover letter to:receptionist@FAFSC. com.)请将简历和求职信寄至:FAFSC接待员。通信)1 Keep the parking area clean,guide new guests to the reception area,etc.1保持停车场清洁,引导新客人进入接待区等。2 Camel rides,barbecue & fry,calligraphy,purse sewing,knitting with wool,etc.2骑骆驼、烧烤炒菜、书法、包缝、毛线编织等。Dear Sir/Madam,尊敬的先生/女士:I would like to apply for the position of camp helper. Please find my CV attached.我想申请营员的职位。附上我的简历。I believe I would be a valuable addition to your team. My English is at an intermediate level,and I have travelled to several English-speaking countries. I have also helped to organize a three-day tour of my city for visiting exchange students.我相信我会成为你们团队的一员。我的英语处于中级水平,我去过几个讲英语的国家。我还帮助组织了一次为期三天的交流生参观活动。I have experience in working with animals,and I have also volunteered at a local library to help organize the children’s section. I am a team player and I enjoy working with others. I have been captain of my school table tennis team for two years,so I know how to lead and decide on priorities.我有与动物打交道的经验,我还志愿在当地的一家图书馆帮助组织儿童部分。我是一个有团队精神的人,我喜欢和别人一起工作。我当了两年学校乒乓球队的队长,所以我知道如何领导和决定优先事项。With my proficiency in Chinese calligraphy,I could also conduct classes for your visitors to help them learn more about this beautiful aspect of Chinese culture.凭借我对中国书法的精通,我还可以为你们的来访者授课,帮助他们更多地了解中国文化的这一美丽方面。The prospect of welcoming exchange students to our country is very exciting,and I am keen to use my skills to give them a warm welcome and an experience they will always remember.欢迎交换生来我国的前景是非常令人兴奋的,我渴望用我的技能给他们一个热烈的欢迎和他们永远记住的经历。I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.我期待着尽快收到你的来信。






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