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2024-07-12 20:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

《1257AD增强版》V3.1中文版发布 日期:2019-08-16 10:35:05 作者: 分类:骑马与砍杀1全系列 浏览:次       《1257AD》是一款成名已久,粉丝众多,历史度还原度极高,非常经典的中世纪欧洲MOD。像大家比较熟悉的《血与尘》也是《1257AD》的子MOD。中文站微信公众号早在4年前已经持续对该款战团MOD进行推广,也是推广度最高的一款国外MOD。目前公众号内关于《1257AD》相关的推送文章已高达近40篇,内容非常丰富,感兴趣的骑友可以在公众号的下拉菜单中的MOD&攻略中选择“1257AD怀旧专题”中进行查看。   《1257AD增强版》是《1257AD》的正统续作,作者obamaladen得到了《1257AD》原作者DrTomas的授权,最初版于去年12月初全新发布。今年7月底《1257AD增强版》更新至最新版V3.1,中文站骑友LycenYao进行了及时更新汉化。目前骑砍中文站的下载中心也已整合了所有补丁,正式发布《1257AD增强版》V3.1中文版,为广大骑友提供迅雷高速下载服务。     下载地址:  1257AD 增强中文版 v3.1[战团MOD]     


  《1257AD增强版》新特性  添加了大量新装备,模型,城市网格  已优化更流畅  新攻城菜单  骑射AI  技能具有更多作用  矛可以上刺  地形影响大地图速度  士兵落马可能直接摔死  提高了战马冲撞伤害  国王和领主会死,会被刺杀,会被处决;会随机生成新领主,新国王!  新阵型系统  大量游戏参数可以由玩家调节  外交系统(贸易,结盟,互不侵犯)  内战系统  可选大混战开局:开局所有国家和其所有相邻国家开战  和城镇铁匠对话可以升级极品装备   


《1257AD增强版》V3.1 更新日志  翻译:骑马娶歪果仁@骑马与砍杀中文站 1). Decapitation now works on town centers/castle courtyards too. 修改在城市或者城堡战斗{攻城或者守城}也会有斩首 2). Fixed marshall being appointed even if the player was king. This only happened if the player took control of a existing faction. 修复了元帅被任命为国王的问题,只有当玩家控制一个现有的势力时,才会发生这种情况 3). Fixed player inability to give a fief to one of his vassals if he became king of a existing faction. 修复了当玩家成为一个现有派系的国王时,不能分封领地给封臣 4). Fixed minister not recognizing the player as the king when talking about the resolve dispute quest. 修正了大臣在谈论解决争端时不承认玩家是国王的问题。  5). Fixed town fights not working in the streets and courtyard. Also removed it from taverns. 修复了市民不工作在街道和庭院搏斗,同样也把他们从酒馆中去除了。 6). Fixed plural CTT names not updating. 修复了自定义兵种复数名称不变动的问题 7). Fixed town_merc_respawn script errors. 修复了城镇物品重生发生的脚本错误 8). Removed options to replace temporary minister with spouse or companions. Now the minister is the minister and that's it. No need to assign anyone else to do a better job. 去除了用配偶或者同伴接任临时首席大臣的选项。现在首席大臣就是首席大臣,不需要指派其他人 9). Fixed siege bug (besiegers attacking the center after conquering it). 修复了围城BUG【进攻方在攻占成功后,又再一次发动进攻】 10). Added player auxiliary feature (take control of one of your troops after you get knocked out) to manor bandit attacks and bandit lairs. 增加一项功能,在你被击败后可以控制你的士兵进攻庄园的土匪和强盗巢穴 11). Fixed player kingdom parties spawning without troops and causing crashes when talking to them when the player faction didn't have a culture assigned to it. 修复了当玩家没有指定一个文化时,与领主交谈会导致王国没有军队甚至会崩溃 12). Fixed: when asking someone about the location of a created random lord the answer was always incorrect. 修复了当询问某个随机领主位置时,都是错误的情况 13). Added notification when a random lord is created for the player faction. 为玩家派系创建新的领主时,会给一个通知! 14). Added Azgad town fights to castles. 在城堡里面增加了一个阿兹加德镇的战斗 15). Fixed town fights happening when the player was the owner of the fief. 修复了当玩家时该封地的主人时,街上还是会发生市民斗殴情况 16). Fixed guards that had the same troop ID as the prison guard of that faction having the prison dialogue. 修复了监狱守卫相同的名字情况,现在只有作为那个派系的监狱守卫才有对话 17). New game: Kingdoms will start campaigning earlier at a new game. 开新档;在游戏早期会有王国发生竞选 18). Added kingdom culture to faction notes. 在派系文档中加入了这个派系的王国文化 19). Player will be taken prisoner if he's knocked out during a town fight. 玩家在城镇战斗被击败时,玩家会被俘虏 20). Changed orange text messages to yellow for better visibility. 将橙色文本信息改为黄色,提高可见性! 21). Fixed player losing relations with village lord if he killed a fugitive. 修复了玩家杀死一个逃犯,会和村庄掉关系 22). Fixed execute prisoner dialogue string error. 修复了处决囚犯对话发生字符错误 23). Player can enter the prison from the town menu if he's the town lord. 如果玩家时城镇的持有者,可以通过城镇菜单进入监狱 24). Added one on one fights to tournaments again, but this time both participants are restricted to fight on foot and with a two handed sword. 恢复竞技赛中一对一的战斗,不过这场战斗只能步行作战,也只能用双手剑! 25). Changed MINIMUM lord creation and threshold options for all fiefs to 0 from 1 like the readme says it does. 将所有封地最小的领主创建阈值从1改为0 26). Fixed mongolian camps spawning without a set limit and causing performance issues (now the maximum at one time is 20). 修复了蒙古包无限繁殖的问题,现在最多二十个 27). Apparently the freelancer equipment bug was fixed. I don't know if this is present in the v3.0 as well. 从军之路【小兵之路】的装备已修复,我不知道在3.0中是否也存在这个问题 28). Reduced the manor spawn radius to 5 from 7. This will decrease the chances of a manor spawning in inaccessible terrain. 将新建庄园的半径从7减少到5,这将减少一个庄园在难以前往的地形产生的机会! 29). Reduced the minimum amount of skills required to enlist in a division in freelancer 减少了需要从所需的最低技能 Mounted: 2 or more in ridin 骑马;2以上或者跟多的骑术点 Archery: 2 or more in power draw or throwing or 100 proficiency with crossbows 射箭;2或2以上的强弓或者投掷点,或者一百熟练度的弓弩 Infantry: 2 or more in power strike 步兵;2以上的强击点 You still need to be of the same level as the troop you want to enlist (so senior knight = level 28) 还是需要和你想从军的部队同一个级别【比方说你想成为骑士,除了技能点达标了,等级也需要达标必须28级才能成为骑士】 30). Fixed tavern bounties not working properly. Also fixed village fights activating when the quest was active in that village. 修复了赏金任务的错误,也修复了当任务在这个地方时,没有激活任务! 31). New game: Minor edit to mounted troop levels. 开新档;对骑兵部队进行小修改 32). New game: Fixed vassal and prince starts having incorrect titles. 开新档;修复了领主和王子不正确的名称 33). New game: Fixed all noble starts receiving king start item modifiers (e.g. player vassal getting champion horses). Now they receive items on their level. 开新档;修复了所有贵族收到国王的物品修改【列入玩家领主获得冠军马匹】现在他们收到与他们水平一样的物品 34). New game: Fixed Floris bank slots being overriden by new slots and causing the player to already have acres in fiefs in a new game. 开新档;修复了在弗洛里斯银行,之前的投资被新的投资覆盖 35). Fixed Byzantine tier 3 infantry having tier 5 armor while the tier 4 infantry had tier 4 armor. 修复了拜占庭势力的3阶兵种拥有5级甲,而4阶兵种只有4级甲的错误 


对1257AD原版作者DrTomas的采访  翻译:大猫头@骑马与砍杀中文站 1.Hello, DrTomas. You are quite possibly one of the first modders who created a historically-accurate total conversion project for this game. You founded and start developing 1257 AD in 2010 and it is still one of those mods that draws new players on a regular basis. 8 years!.  So, lets start with an introduction of yourself for those who don’t know you. 问:你好,DrTomas。你大概是最早一批做出完成度比较高的史实类骑砍mod的制作者了。2010年起你开始制作1257AD,目前仍然定期吸引到新玩家。8年了!所以让我们来介绍一下你自己吧。   Answer: Hi i’m Tomas and these days I am a professional software engineer and a technical lead in a software company. 答:你好,我叫Tomas,是一名职业软件工程师,目前在一家软件公司担任技术主管。   Back in the good olden days I was the lead developer for 1257AD mod, I was responsible for all code related tasks, scening as well enforcing historical accuracy where possible. While originally 1257ad was not started by me. Othr was the one that started it originally. I, however, did start contributing early in the mods development cycle - first by historical research, letter by scening and finally taking over coding for the mod and the drive behind the mod.  回溯到那段美好岁月里,我那时还是1257AD的制作组组长,我负责所有代码编写,也制作一些场景,力争严格尊重史实。不过1257AD项目不是由我发起的,Othr是发起人。我很早就加入了制作组,先对这段历史做了调研,然后制作场景,最后编写了所有代码,并对mod进行推广。    Also, Dr in DrTomas stands for Drunkard. 对了,我名字DrTomas里的Dr意思是Drunkard(醉汉)。   2. How did you get started on modding this sequel for the first time? Did you have any past experiences? Why did you want to mod this game? 问:你最初为何想做个全新MOD?你之前有相关经验吗?为什么要给骑砍做mod?    Answer: I did not have any experience in modding, I was still a university student at the time and it was purely a hobby for me. It did allow to greatly improve my coding skills and set the right mindset for the future of my career. And I found that Mount and Blade series was prefer place for me to fulfil my ideas.  答:我之前没有mod制作经验,那时我还是个大学生,做1257AD只是我的小爱好,但这极大地提高了我的编程能力,也给我指明了未来的职业方向。骑砍这款游戏可以很好地实现我的想法。   3. I know you specificly for your coding work, but I assume you have knowledge in every aspect of modding. Did you do most of the stuff by yourself?  问:你精通编程,应该也有其他方面的mod制作知识,你是独自做了1257AD的大部分工作吗?    Answer: When I took over 1257ad, all of the coding of the mod was done by me and all the work related to it (balancing, tweaking, ect). I also did some scening time to time. Graphical part of the mod was kuauik’s territory and all the in game armours, weapons is done by him. We also had a numerous contribution from our community to help - research, scening was something that helped us a lot.  答:让我接手1257AD时,所有代码都是我写的,包括调整平衡性,优化数据等等,我也做点场景建模。贴图是Kuauik做的,包括所有铠甲武器模型。论坛社区给我们提供了很多帮助,比如历史调研,分享场景模型等等。    4. What was your drive behind making 1257 AD? How was the overall process like? Did you have a team?  I assume research was the toughest part.  问:是什么激励你去制作1257AD的?整个制作流程是怎么样的?你请了团队吗?我猜调研历史是比较费事的一块。     Answer: I greatly enjoy the time period it was set and at the time I was still doing  some medieval reenactment. So i guess Mount and Blade allowed me to do reenactment virtually, in some way.   答:我很喜欢公元1257年这段历史,我平时也参加中世纪历史重演,骑砍使我在电脑上就能历史重演了。    It was mainly two of us most of the time as a team - I was mainly focusing on coding, while Kuauik was responsible for the graphical part of the mod. We actually worked very well together, because mostly we shared the same idea of what the mod should be. Without him, I doubt there would be 1257ad - one of the best person I have ever worked with.  制作组多数时间只有我和Kuauik两个人,我写代码,Kuaurik做贴图,我们俩合作得很愉快,因为我们对这个mod有相同的理解。可以说,没有Kuaurik可能就没有1257AD,他是我合作过的最棒的人。     Research was greatly assisted by the community, so while certain parts might have been tough to find info on, others where plenty available and provided by our fans.  历史调研主要由论坛网友帮忙完成,有些历史资料很难找,好在1257AD的粉丝们提供了大量史料。    5. Did you struggle too much for the amount of modders were quite few in number? And - it was a period of learning module system for basicly everyone since it came out just about the same year, so there weren’t many knowledgeable people around. Was this fun, being the first one to learn about certain features? Or - was it demotivating at the times?  问:当年(2010年)你是否因为制作组人数太少而遇到很多困难?骑砍官方的Module System(native的py源代码)那年刚刚发布出来,懂的人几乎没有,全靠你自己去钻研。那你钻研Module System时是感到很有趣还是觉得这是一件苦差事?   Answer: I can’t say we struggled, I believe having a big team on a hobby project can complicate things sometimes more than help. And it was primarily a hobby, so the process should be enjoyable otherwise there’s no purpose to it. 答:其实我没觉得有多困难,我认为制作组里人数太多反而会适得其反。既然做mod是我的爱好,当年我做得挺开心的,不然我干嘛要去做呢。   On what’s related to module system - it’s a horrible contraption, very cumbersome to code, but not that hard when you get the idea behind it. And it’s limitations really allowed to improve creativity - as some workarounds could have been quite creative. 提到Module System,那真是个可怕的玩意,代码太过于冗杂,不过当你看懂它到底写了什么,也没什么难的了。Module System的限制反而提高了我的创造力,为了绕过这些限制我不得不用了一些很创新的手段。(这句翻译得不准确)   6. Do you think your modding experience influenced you in any way? Maybe, your professional career or your studies? Was it purely a hobby for you? 你觉得做mod的经历在哪些方面影响了你?比如你的事业或学习上?还是说纯粹是个爱好?   Answer: It was purely a hobby for me, but it did allow to grow certain way of looking at things (especially when it comes to code related things). And I believe it did help boost my career in some way and i learned a lot. 答:纯粹是个爱好,不过也让我在看待一些事上有所长进,尤其是代码上的事。我相信这对我职业方向有点激励,我从中学到了很多。    7. What do you think of the future? Any plans for bannerlord? Are you working on an indie game or warband mod, maybe?  问:你未来还有什么打算?计划为砍2做mod吗?有没有可能做点独立游戏或者还是给战团做mod?    Answer: If bannerlord would ever come out, I guess i would at least try to mod something light. Probably won’t be doing anything as heavy as 1257 any time soon, because i just do not have the time for it (I’m married, have a job and a dog, so no time). Time will tell, however. 答:如果砍2有生之年能发布的话,我至少会尝试做点小mod,但估计不会再做1257AD这种大型mod了,因为我没时间做了。我结婚了,要工作,还要照顾好狗,所以没空了。以后再说吧,谁知道呢。    8. What is your favourite warband mod? Why do you like it? Also, is there any project that caught your attention lately?  问:你最喜欢那个战团mod?为什么?最近有吸引你的新mod吗?   Answer: I liked Brytenwalda, Gekokujo and Vikingr. I like historical mods. 答:我喜欢不列颠,下克上和维京(不是维京征服)这种历史类mod    9. What is your overall impression of the modding community of this game? 问:你对骑砍论坛mod区有什么感受?   Answer: Quite communal and helpful… most of the time :) It does not seem as active as it was several years ago, but Warband is a pretty old game now. 答:多数时间很共享很有帮助,但是现在不如以前活跃了,毕竟战团老游戏了。   10. And - lastly. Would you like to say anything to creative people who’re reading this interview at the moment? :) 问:最后,有什么要对观众说的吗?   Answer: Get back to work, you slackers! 答:滚去干活,懒鬼!     更多《1257AD增强版》游戏截图 643.jpg 644.jpg 645.jpg 646.jpg 647.jpg   下载地址: 1257AD 增强中文版 v3.1[战团MOD]


上一篇:私兵大陆(赛瑞米林):破碎的彼岸 更新至V0.68


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