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导读: 34个,关于”健康饮食的句子“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Healthy eating sentences。以下是关于健康饮食的句子的八级英语句子。

关于”健康饮食的句子“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Healthy eating sentences。以下是关于健康饮食的句子的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Healthy eating sentences

1、Results The creation of a pilot by healthy hotels promotes healthy eating to the model street and create a good environment for healthy eating. 结果通过健康酒店试点的创建,推广至健康饮食示范街,营造了良好的健康饮食环境。

2、He attributes his good health to careful living. 他认为他的健康是注意饮食起居的结果。

3、She vows to do so through healthy eating. 她发誓要通过健康饮食达到目的。

4、Our diet plays a major role in determining our health--or lack of it. The 6th rules this area, also. 同时第六宫亦掌管健康,因为我们的饮食于健康上扮演著重要的角色。

5、Findings suggest that youth with diabetes have a general understanding of healthy eating and face similar barriers and facilitators to healthy eating as nondiabetic children do. 结果暗示出糖尿病青少年患者对健康饮食由一个基本的了解,与非糖尿病儿童一样面临着健康饮食的辅助与障碍。

6、I resumed healthy eating on the fourth day. 在第四天,我又恢复了健康的饮食。

7、Families whose children get well-balanced meals should know that vitamin supplements won't make their kids any healthier. 饮食均衡的孩子的家庭应该知道维生素补充剂并不能使他们的孩子更为健康。

8、Teach healthy habits. Get your child involved with age-appropriate physical activities and feed him a balanced diet. 培养健康习惯:让孩子参加适龄的体育活动,饮食结构要平衡。

9、I think to keep a health diet is the first important thing.我认为保持一个健康的饮食是最重要的事情。

10、and a "health-conscious" diet of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, rice, pasta and lean proteins like fish. 还有一种“健康意识”的饮食,有全谷物、新鲜果蔬、米饭、面食和鱼瘦肉蛋白饮食。

11、Humans need a healthy diet and keeping the balance of phosphate in the diet may be important for a healthy life and longevity. 研究人员表示:“人们需要健康的饮食,保持饮食中磷酸盐摄入的平衡可能对健康和长寿非常重要。

12、Healthier lunchrooms, the thinking goes, will ensure not just that kids get better lunches, but that they learn healthy eating habits. 按照这种思路,健康的餐厅不仅可以让孩子们吃到更好的午餐,更可以让他们学到健康的饮食习惯。

13、However, they could not account for everything, including generally healthy or less-healthy eating habits. 然而,他们可能没有考虑一切,包括一般健康或不太健康的饮食习惯。

14、Guxiang No. 9 adheres to the philosophy of green, nutrition and health. 谷香九号坚持绿色、营养、健康的饮食理念。

15、A healthy diet is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat. 健康的饮食应是高纤维低糖分和低脂肪。

16、Does this mean that the glycemic index is the healthiest -following this sort of a plan that would come from this -is that the healthiest way to eat? 这是否意味着血糖指数是最健康的指标,遵循基于此的饮食规划,是否就是最健康的饮食呢

17、We try to stay fit and eat healthy to expand our lifespan. 我们努力保健,通过健康的饮食来延长寿命。

18、Chronic alcohol abuse and an unhealthy diet are known to cause acute and chronic pancreatitis. 长期无节制饮酒和不健康的饮食会引起急性和慢性胰腺炎。

19、A healthy diet should consist of wholefood. 健康饮食应由全天然食物构成。

20、B: A balanced diet and exercise are the keys to good health. 均衡饮食与锻炼是健康的关健。

21、Find more healthy snack options from the No-Cook Diet . 寻找更多的选择健康的零食从 无库克饮食。

22、We'll talk about whether food can promote health; of course it can if done right, and we'll talk about the specific properties of food that promote good health and what can be done to increase the opportunity of food to improve the public's health in a national and international way. 我们将讨论食物是否能促进健康,当然,适当的饮食能促进健康,我们还将讨论健康食品的特殊性质,以及我们如何,通过食物来提高,全国乃至全世界公众的健康水平

23、Those include exercising, losing weight if necessary, and eating a healthy, low-fat, low-salt diet. 运动、减肥(如果需要)、食用健康、低脂肪、低盐饮食。

24、Started eating healthier (I eat a whole-food vegan diet now). 健康饮食。(现在,我已完全食素。)

25、Okay. That eating healthy is a girl thing to do, correct. What else? 追求饮食健康是女孩子的事,很好,还有呢


26、A well balanced diet can improve your state of mind. 一个健康均衡的饮食可以改善你的精神状态。

27、Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating. 她母亲是健康饮食矢志不渝的倡导者。

28、in my opinion we should develop good healthy eating habits. 希望采纳哦。

29、Overall, kids who ate junky fast-food diets at age 3 had a small drop in IQ at age 8.5, compared with kids eating healthy foods. 总体而言,吃了快餐饮食的xx岁孩子的8.xx岁智商相对吃健康食品的孩子们有小幅下跌。

30、Eat more fruit and vegetables, keep a healthy diet and avoid sugar tall adipose tall food, more exercises, disdain bad habit. 〖求教〗一篇五句话英语作文:多吃水果蔬菜,保持饮食健康,避免含糖高脂肪高的食物,多锻炼身体,鄙弃不良习惯。

31、Here are some of my favorite food and healthy eating trends for '09. 这里就是我在xx年所最喜爱的食品和健康的饮食趋势。

32、I prefer healthy eating - lots of fruit and vegetables. 我更喜欢健康的饮食——多吃水果和蔬菜。

33、She is depending on the diet to recover. 她靠吃指定饮食来恢复健康。

34、Buy: wine, tea, aquatic product, vegetables, health food, seasoning, food & beverage processing. 采购: 酒类, 茶类, 水产品, 蔬菜。健康食品, 调味品, 食品饮料加工。

35、If an unhealthy diet is the cause, a better diet can provide the answer to this problem. 如果不健康的饮食是病因,更好的饮食可以提供这个问题的答案。

36、There had to be some way to combine cooking with healthful eating. 总该有办法把烹饪和健康的饮食结合起来吧。

37、Unhealthy eating habits can be socially learned. 一个人可以通过社交而习得不健康的饮食习惯。

38、Eat well. A well-balanced eating strategy will help you feel better now and later. 饮食健康。营养平衡的饮食有助于使你现在并且持续的感觉更加良好。

39、It's no doubt that eating unhealthily will result in illness. 毫无疑问,饮食不健康会导致疾病。

40、EatSmart dishes plus red rice build good eating habits. 选择有「营」菜式配红米饭,养成健康饮食习惯。

41、There are no hard and fast rules for planning healthy meals. 在安排健康饮食方面,没有什么一定之规。

42、Overweight in children is generally caused by unhealthy eating. 儿童过胖通常是白于不健康饮食引起的。

43、A carrion diet is the foundation of sound health. 阿腐肉的饮食是健康的良好基础。

44、I enjoyed reading the lively debate about healthy eating, in response to my pescetarian eating blog. 我喜欢看那些由我的鱼素饮食博客而引发的关于健康饮食的真实辩论。

45、There are obvious continuities between diet and health. 日常饮食与健康之间有着明显的逻辑关系。

46、The Food Guide Pyramid is an easy way to create a healthy diet. 食物指南金字塔是一种创造健康饮食习惯的简单方法。

47、You can see the overall contribution of diet to health is very important. 大家可以看出饮食对健康而言至关重要

48、It's no good for your health to surfeit yourself. 暴饮暴食有妨你的健康。

49、Less healthy but perhaps favored by kids is the Burger King cheeseburger with fries and Dr. Pepper. 健康度降低但为孩子喜欢的汉堡王芝士汉堡加油炸食品、饮料可乐。

50、In the era of fitness and health worship, people have become obsessed with exercise and dieting. 在崇尚健康的时代,人们暖衷于体育运动和健康饮食。


51、I was somewhat wrong about whether they would think the vegetarian diet was healthier than the meat eaters diet. 我有点疑惑是否他们觉得素食者的饮食要健康于肉食者。

52、This includes eating healthily and exercising on a regular basis. 这包括健康的饮食和常规的体育锻炼。

53、An over-weight arch enemy who personifies unhealthy eating. 过重的头号敌人,谁的化身不健康的饮食。

54、The FSA agrees breakfast cereals are a good way to start the day and an important part of the diet, as per their eight healthy eating tips. 食品标准局在其公布的八大健康饮食贴士中也认同:早餐麦片是开始一天的上选食物,也是日常健康饮食的一个重要组成部分。

55、But overall, you want to make sure you have a healthy diet. 但整体上,你要确保你有一个健康的饮食习惯。

56、Let's talk about how we know about the link of diet and health. 那我们是如何得知饮食与健康的关系的呢

57、In addtion, having a good diet is also a good way to keep fit. 此外,均衡的饮食也是保持健康的好方法。

58、Holt-Lunstad said that spouses can promote healthy habits, such as encouraging each other to see a doctor and to eat healthy. 霍尔特·龙史塔德说,妻子或丈夫能帮助另一半养成好的健康习惯,例如鼓励对方做例行身体检查,或健康饮食。

59、He had and unhealthy diet and he did no exercise. 他吃和不健康的饮食并且他没有做锻炼。

60、Help establish healthy-eating habits. Offer healthy meals and snacks, but be careful to let your daughter make choices about the food she eats. 帮助您女儿培养健康的饮食习惯。为她准备健康的正餐和零食,不过您要学习让您女儿自己选择她要吃的食物。

61、Physical - Exercise and eat healthy to increase your physical energy. 身体—锻炼身体、健康饮食可以提高你的体力。

62、Broiling summer, what kind of food to eat to just be healthy diet? 酷热的夏天,吃什么样的食物才算是健康饮食。

63、Now we talked before about a diet that would follow the glycemic index, that's another pretty helpful method to follow. 我们之前还谈论过,基于血糖指数的饮食法,那是另一种健康饮食法之一

64、It looks from this kind of thing like the Mediterranean Diet is one example of a healthy diet. 由此可见,地中海式饮食是健康饮食之一

65、Hold annual promotion activities and diet education workshops for interested communities. 举办年度性推广活动以宣导健康的饮食习惯。

66、Now, let's talk about healthy diets and what kind of diets people might optimally eat. 我们再来谈谈健康饮食,以及最佳饮食结构

67、It's fine to build some fave foods into your healthy diet plan. 建立一些最爱的食物到健康饮食计画是不错的事。

68、Foods low in salt and sodium are an essential part of a healthy diet. 食品中的盐和低钠是健康饮食的重要组成部分。

69、The students were also asked about several health-risk behaviors, including non-diet soda consumption;lack of physical activity; 他们还询问了学生的一些健康危险行为,包括饮用非饮食苏打饮料;

70、She likens it to healthy eating following the logic that if you can load your plate with healthy food you’ll have no room for the unhealthy choices. 她将其喻作遵从逻辑的健康饮食:当我们将健康食物盛满食盘,那些不健康的食品自然会失去容身之处。

71、Get your juices flowing to plan healthy menus by browsing healthy recipes online and in cookbooks. 上网查询或者读读烹饪书籍,找寻健康的菜谱来计划你的健康饮食吧。

72、Eat Healthy: Cut down on the sugar and fat 健康饮食:减少食用糖和脂肪。

73、When it comes to healthy eating, I always find that "everything old is new again". 每当说到健康的饮食,我常常发现过去的饮食重焕生机。

74、Fruits and vegetables are part of a well-balanced and healthy eating plan. 水果和蔬菜是健康平衡饮食计划的一部分。

75、Results: The major problems were irregular diet, imbalanced diet, lack of nutrition, and lack of diet-related knowledge. 结果:农村妇女中普遍存在一些不合理的饮食行为,膳食不平衡、食物种类单一、缺乏营养饮食健康知识。

英文句子模板76:Healthy eating sentences

76、Multivitamins and other dietary supplements will not replace an unhealthy diet. 复合维生素和其它饮食补剂并不能弥补一顿不健康的饮食。

77、Veronica:She's got a bee in her bonnet about healthy eating after reading a diet book, and she's trying to make him eat a more healthy diet. 维罗妮卡:她读了一本讲日常饮食的书之后,对健康饮食著迷,要爸爸吃健康一点的东西。

78、Scientists have recommended that the low-fat, high-fibre Mediterranean diet is a model for healthy eating and a long life. 低脂肪、高纤维的地中海式饮食习惯是健康饮食和长寿饮食的典范。

79、Answer: C. Few health authorities recommend that you add alcohol to your diet if it's not something you currently enjoy. 有健康专家建议把酒类加进健康饮食中,即使你现在并不喜好喝酒。

80、Traditionally, dietary patterns recommended for health have been low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets, which generally are not palatable. 传统的健康饮食模式为低脂、高碳水化合物的饮食,而这些饮食通常不那么美味。





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