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2023-07-14 14:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

饥荒:联机版Don't Starve Together Don't Starve Together Logo.png开发者 科雷娱乐平台 Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, PS4, Xbox One类型 动作冒险,生存恐惧,沙盒,roguelike模式 多人游戏

饥荒:联机版(Don't Starve Together,简称DST)是饥荒的续作,以多人游戏模式为特色和核心,原定于2014年的夏天发布[1]。



目录 1 特色内容 1.1 特色机制 1.1.1 新王朝 1.1.2 旧神归来 2 Xbox成就 3 解谜 4 其他信息 5 脚注 特色内容 这里是关于“特色内容”的部分内容,详情请参见这里。 与来自各个地方的生存者一同生存。 自由选择房间风格:社交合作竞争疯狂。 使用专用服务器、玩家托管和局域网服务器进行游戏。 高度自由的管理模式:与好友或者是与陌生人在一同生存。 为了保持游戏平衡,删去了一些物品,并取消了一些控制台指令。 特色机制 文件:DST everyone's dead.png 所有玩家死亡时的对话框 鬼魂机制:当玩家死亡时,角色鬼魂和一个骷髅会代替当前角色出现在死亡点上。除了移动和作祟之外,鬼魂不会拥有任何能力。每一个鬼魂的存在都会造成3.3点/分的理智值惩罚,最高可达10点/分。 一个告密的心 复活机制:加入了许多的复活物品,在复活之后,玩家会根据当前生命值受到25%的生命值上限惩罚,最高可达75%。 丰富内容:几乎包含原版和巨人国DLC的全部内容,随着时间推移,船难DLC和猪镇DLC的部分内容也加入了饥荒联机版。 新王朝 新王朝的发行海报


旧神归来 旧神归来的宣发海报


还有一些其他的内容平衡,请参见这里 Xbox成就

Xbox One版本的饥荒:联机版有36个成就,列表如下:

成就 需求 点数 文件:Not Dead Yet.jpg Not Dead Yet Survived 20 consecutive days. 15 文件:Stayin' Alive.jpg Stayin' Alive Survived 35 consecutive days. 30 文件:I Will Survive.jpg I Will Survive Survived 55 consecutive days. 30 文件:I'm a Survivor.jpg I'm a Survivor Survived 70 consecutive days. 60 文件:Bachelor of Science.jpg Bachelor of Science Built a Science Machine. 15 文件:Master of Science.jpg Master of Science Built an Alchemy Machine. 15 文件:Doctor of Science.jpg Doctor of Science Built a Shadow Manipulator. 15 文件:Honorary Doctor of Science.jpg Honorary Doctor of Science Built a Prestihatinator [sic]. 15 文件:Worming My Way In.jpg Worming My Way In Willingly jumped down a gross hole. 15 文件:Make it Rain.jpg Make it Rain Struck a deal with a large porky monarch. 15 文件:What a Lovely Day.jpg What a Lovely Day Grew a pretty flower. Aw. 30 文件:Busy Bee.jpg Busy Bee Harvested some sweet, sweet honey from an overflowing beebox. 15 文件:Quick and Thimble.jpg Quick and Thimble Demonstrated your formidable sewing skills. 15 文件:Pig Pen.jpg Pig Pen Had six simultaneous pigman followers. What a party! 15 文件:Tough Crowd.jpg Tough Crowd Had four simultaneous rock lobster followers. Snappy! 15 文件:Not Your Momma.jpg Not Your Momma Witnessed the miracle of Tallbird motherhood. 30 文件:Tree Whisperer.jpg Tree Whisperer Soothed an enraged tree. 15 文件:Open Sesame.jpg Open Sesame Found a hole in the ground. Wow! 15 文件:Open Sesame.jpg Open Sesame Found a hole in the ground. Wow! 15 文件:Quakin' in My Boots.jpg Quakin' in My Boots You felt the earth move under your feet and the sky tumblin' down. 15 文件:Tentacle Express.jpg Tentacle Express Travelled in the exact opposite of style. 15 文件:Turtling.jpg Turtling Wore Snurtle Shell Armor and a Shelmet at the same time. 15 文件:We All Die Alone... Together!.jpg We All Die Alone... Together! Visited a public world. 15 文件:If You Build It They Will Come.jpg If You Build It They Will Come Hosted a public world for 40 consecutive days. 30 文件:A Giving Heart.jpg A Giving Heart Brought a friend back from the dead. 30 文件:These Kids are our Future.jpg These Kids are our Future Give resources to a new player after establishing yourself for 20 days. 30 文件:Express Yourself.jpg Express Yourself Showed everyone your true feelings with an emote. 15 文件:Sunday Best.jpg Sunday Best Donned a fashionable character skin. 15 文件:Shifty, but Thrifty.jpg Shifty, but Thrifty Crafted a new clothing item with the help of a mysterious Innkeeper. 15 文件:Death Perception.jpg Death Perception Defeated a Deerclops. 30 文件:Insecticide Regicide.jpg Insecticide Regicide Defeated a Spider Queen. 30 文件:Ancient History.jpg Ancient History Defeated an Ancient Guardian. 30 文件:Gone South.jpg Gone South Defeated a Moose. Or a Goose. Or both? 60 文件:BEARserker!.jpg BEARserker! Defeated a Bearger. 60 文件:No Fly Zone.jpg No Fly Zone Defeated a Dragonfly. 60 文件:Beast of the Bottomless Stomach.jpg Beast of the Bottomless Stomach Domesticated a wild beefalo. 60 文件:Defier of Odds.jpg Defier of Odds You filled your achievement case to brimming. 100 解谜 这里是关于“解谜”的部分内容,详情请参见这里。


link={{{2}}}其他信息 饥荒:联机版亦有被翻译为“不要饿死在一起”或者“不要一起饿死”。 薇诺娜是第一个联机版独占角色。 饥荒:联机版同时拥有独占的线上活动。 脚注 ↑ 科雷于2014年5月6日发布的论坛更新 - 2014年夏季,多人模式测试版就要来了!(Forums Update: Don't Starve Together - Multiplayer Alpha Officially Coming Summer 2014) ↑ 科雷在2014年11月25日发布的论坛更新:联机版更新路线图 ↑ 科雷于2016年8月8日发布的论坛更新:新的王朝开始了! ↑ 科雷与2019年5月16日发布的论坛更新




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