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2024-06-26 00:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”介绍学校食堂“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Intduction to school can。以下是关于介绍学校食堂六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to school can

O school can o school has a large can. We often have breakfast and lunch in the can. It pvides us with a vaety of food in the morning.

At noon, we can have milk, eggs, bacon and coffee. We pvide different foods ry day, for example, vegetables and ce fm Monday to Wednesday, noodles and dumplings. On Thsday and Fday, all the food is delicious And nuttion, the pce is very reasonable, welcome to o can.




Now, many people think that it is good for college students to do part-time jobs. On the one hand, it gives students an opportunity to understand the society and learn to be independent. On the other hand, they can also get financial rewards and work expeence, such as teaching or sales practice, which s them gw.

Moreover, they can put what they have learned into practice and understand their strens and weaknesses Howr, many people think that part-time jobs may have some negative effects on students, which will take them a lot of time and ener. What's worse, some students may be too keen on money and may ntually neglect their studies. In my opinion, I am in favor of part-time job, but we must keep a balance beeen work and study.

After all, learning is o main task in school.




Dear Mr. President, this letter was sent to you by one of yo students. O students are the main customers of the school can.

Unfortunately, we feel that the there is not satiactory, and sometimes the nuttion of the food is not satiactory. Some of us are getting thinner and weaker in college. Moreover, sometimes people in the can give us steamed bread with dirty hands, and the cost of university is a little high.

Some people may say that meases have been taken and the situation is impving. For example, IC card has replaced the money in the can, and the attitude of the staff is also changing. But in my opinion, although I am a little dissatiied with the crent situation of the can, I beli that in the efforts of all relevant personnel Thank you, Mr.

President. This letter is fm one of yo students. You know, o students are the main customers of the school can, but unfortunately, we find that the there is sometimes not satiactory, so the food has no pper nuttion.

In the University, some of us are getting thinner and weaker. Sometimes the people in the can send us steamed bread with dirty hands. Moreover, in the University, the ticket pce is higher Some people may say that meases have been taken and things are getting better.

For example, IC cards have replaced money. In Kant, the attitude of staff is changing, but in my opinion, pgress is not so rapid and though.



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