每日新闻播报(September 23)

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每日新闻播报(September 23)

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每日新闻播报(September 23)

chinadaily.com.cn 2021-09-23 16:32

分享到微信 CLOSE 为正常播放该音频,请使用IE9及以上版本IE浏览器或其它浏览器。 Embed Audio Tourism revenue during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday reached 37.15 billion yuan (about $5.75 billion), recovering to 78.2 percent of that in 2019.[Photo/Xinhua]

>88M trips made during holiday中秋假期旅游出游8816万人次

The three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday saw about 88.16 million domestic trips generating revenue of 37.15 billion yuan, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.文化和旅游部9月21日披露,中秋节假期3天,全国累计国内旅游出游约8816万人次,实现国内旅游收入371.5亿元人民币。

Chinese traffic police ensured smooth flow of travel during the holiday, creating a sound environment for people to go home for family reunions or visit tourist attractions, the Ministry of Public Security said Tuesday. 公安部9月21日表示,中秋节假期全国道路交通安全形势平稳,为群众返乡团圆或旅游观光创造了良好道路交通环境。

As of 5 pm Tuesday, no large congestion had occurred and no major road accidents were reported. 截至9月21日17时,未发生大范围、长距离交通拥堵,未接报一次死亡5人以上道路交通事故。

An average of 155,000 officers were dispatched every day and 54,000 police vehicles were mobilized to patrol, maintain traffic order and crack down on serious violations such as overcrowding cars and drunk driving.公安部日均投入警力15.5万人次、警车5.4万余辆次巡逻管控,秩序疏导,严查超员超载、酒驾醉驾等严重交通违法。


Workers weld at a workshop of an automobile manufacturing enterprise in Qingzhou city, East China's Shandong province, Feb 28, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]


>OECD releases economic outlook OECD: 2021年中国经济将增长8.5%

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said in its interim economic outlook released on Tuesday the global economy is expected to grow by 5.7 percent this year, 0.1 percentage point down from its May forecast. 9月21日,经济合作与发展组织发布最新中期经济展望报告,预计今年全球经济将增长5.7%,比5月份的预测下调0.1个百分点。

The unevenness of the recovery, which reflects countries' pre-COVID 19 strengths and weaknesses as well as their policy approaches during the pandemic, is worsened by large differences in vaccination rates between countries, it said. 报告指出,各经济体在新冠疫情暴发前优劣势不同、疫情期间应对措施不同,导致全球经济复苏仍不平衡,而各国之间疫苗接种率的巨大差异使情况更加恶化。

The Chinese economy is expected to grow by 8.5 and 5.8 percent in 2021 and 2022 respectively, as in the May forecast. 报告还预测,中国经济在2021年与2022年的增长率将分别达到8.5%和5.8%,与经合组织5月公布的增长预期持平。

The United States saw its 2021 outlook revised down from 6.9 percent in May to 6.0 percent. 美国2021年经济增长率的预测从5月份的6.9%下调至6.0%。

But the forecast for 2022 is upgraded to 3.9 percent from 3.6 percent in May. 但2022年美国经济增长率的预测从5月份的3.6%上调至3.9%。

Eurozone GDP is expected to grow by 5.3 percent in 2021. 报告还预测,欧元区经济在2021年将增长5.3%。


Su Bingtian (center) celebrates after winning in the men's 100m final at China's 14th National Games in Xi’an, Shaanxi province, on Sept 21, 2021. [Photo by Wei Xiaohao/for chinadaily.com.cn]


>Su claims National Games title全运会苏炳添9秒95百米夺冠

Su Bingtian stormed to victory in the men's 100-meter final at China's 14th National Games on Tuesday, winning his first title of the quadrennial event with a new Games record. Su, who set an Asian record of 9.83 seconds last month at the Tokyo Olympics, dipped under the 10-second barrier once again as he clocked 9.95 seconds to win gold for Guangdong province. 9月21日晚,在第十四届全运会男子"百米飞人"大战中,苏炳添以9秒95的成绩夺冠,这是他个人的首个全运会冠军,同时也创下了新的全运会纪录。苏炳添上个月刚在东京奥运会上跑出了9秒83的成绩,刷新了亚洲纪录,这次再度跑入 10秒大关,为广东队添得一枚金牌。

The 32-year-old Olympic hero enjoyed overwhelming support from the 17,277-strong crowd at the Xi'an Olympic Center Stadium. "I want to say 'thank you' to them and wish them a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. The 9.95 is a gift to them."这位32岁的奥运冠军在西安奥体中心体育场获得了17277名观众的热情支持,苏炳添说:"非常感谢他们!祝愿大家中秋节快乐!我希望用9秒95这个成绩献给大家,作为中秋节的礼物。"


Passengers with face masks are seen in a bus in New York City, the United States, Aug 2, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]


>US to ease travel restrictions美将放宽外国旅客旅行限制

The United States plans to ease travel restrictions on all fully vaccinated foreign visitors starting in November, the White House said Monday. Fully vaccinated foreign nationals and American citizens returning to the United States from abroad will be required to take a pre-departure Covid-19 test within three days of their flight and show proof of a negative result before boarding. They will also need to do a viral test three to five days after arrival.美国政府9月20日宣布,将自11月开始对所有完成新冠疫苗接种的外国旅客放宽旅行限制。完成疫苗接种的外国旅客和返回美国的美国公民将被要求在飞机起飞前72小时内进行新冠病毒检测,并须在登机前出示检测结果阴性证明,在到达美国后的3至5天内还须再次进行检测。

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention plans to issue a contact tracing order requiring airlines to collect information from US-bound travelers, including phone number and email address. Airlines will be required to keep contact tracing information for 30 days. 美国疾控中心还计划发布接触者追踪令,要求航空公司收集前往美国的旅客信息,如电话号码和电子邮箱地址,并保留联系信息30天。

"Fully vaccinated," as per the CDC, includes those who have received not only the vaccines approved for use in the US but those listed for emergency use by the World Health Organization but have not yet received such approval in the US.美国疾病控制与预防中心表示,美国在放宽的旅行限制中认可的新冠疫苗,不仅包括在美国授权通过的疫苗,还包括被世界卫生组织列为紧急使用但尚未在美国获得批准的疫苗。


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