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三、履行新时代军队使命任务III. Fulfilling the Missions and Tasks of China’s Armed Forces in the New Era

进入新时代,中国军队依据国家安全和发展战略要求,坚决履行党和人民赋予的使命任务,为巩固中国共产党领导和社会主义制度提供战略支撑,为捍卫国家主权、统一、领土完整提供战略支撑,为维护国家海外利益提供战略支撑,为促进世界和平与发展提供战略支撑。In the new era, to meet the strategic demands of national security and development, China’s armed forces firmly implement the missions and tasks entrusted by the CPC and the people. They endeavor to provide strategic support for consolidating the leadership of the CPC and the socialist system, safeguarding national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, protecting China’s overseas interests, and promoting world peace and development.

维护国家领土主权和海洋权益Safeguarding National Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights and Interests

中国拥有2.2万多千米陆地边界、1.8万多千米大陆海岸线,是世界上邻国最多、陆地边界最长、海上安全环境十分复杂的国家之一,维护领土主权、海洋权益和国家统一的任务艰巨繁重。China has a land border of more than 22,000 km and a coastline of over 18,000 km, China surpasses most of countries in the number of neighboring countries, the length of land border, and the complexity of maritime security. Therefore, it is a daunting task for China to safeguard its territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests, and national unity.

中国军队严密防范各类蚕食、渗透、破坏和袭扰活动,维护边防安全稳定。中国同周边9个国家签订边防合作协议,同12个国家建立边防会谈会晤机制,构建起国防部、战区、边防部队三级对外交往机制,常态化开展友好互访、工作会谈和联合巡逻执勤、联合打击跨境犯罪演练等活动。同哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、俄罗斯、塔吉克斯坦开展边境裁军履约工作。加强中印方向稳边固防,采取有力措施为和平解决洞朗对峙事件创造有利条件。强化中阿边境管控,严防暴恐分子渗透。加强中缅方向安全管控,维护边境地区安宁和人民安全。2012年以来,中国边防部队同邻国军队共进行3300余次联合巡逻,举行8100余次边防会晤,在中越、中缅方向开展边境扫雷约58平方千米,封围雷场约25平方千米,排除地雷等爆炸物约17万枚。China’s armed forces maintain a rigorous guard against encroachment, infiltration, sabotage or harassment so as to safeguard border security and stability. China has signed border cooperation agreements with 9 neighboring countries and set up border meeting mechanisms with 12 countries. China’s armed forces have established mechanisms for exchanges with neighboring countries at three levels: national defense ministry, Theater Commands (TCs), and border troops. They conduct regular friendly mutual visits, working meetings, joint patrols and joint exercises targeting transnational crime with their foreign counterparts. They work together with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan to implement the border disarmament treaty. They strive to promote stability and security along the border with India, and take effective measures to create favorable conditions for the peaceful resolution of the Donglang (Doklam) standoff. They enhance control along the border with Afghanistan to guard against the infiltration of terrorists. They strengthen security management along the border with Myanmar, so as to secure stability and public safety in the border areas. Since 2012, China’s border troops have completed over 3,300 joint patrols and conducted over 8,100 border meetings with their foreign counterparts. They have cleared mines from 58 square kilometers of land, closed 25 square kilometers of landmine area, and disposed of 170,000 explosive devices such as landmines along the borders with Vietnam and Myanmar.

组织东海、南海、黄海等重要海区和岛礁警戒防卫,掌握周边海上态势,组织海上联合维权执法,妥善处置海空情况,坚决应对海上安全威胁和侵权挑衅行为。2012年以来,组织舰艇警戒巡逻4600余次和维权执法7.2万余次,维护海洋和平安宁和良好秩序。China’s armed forces defend important waters, islands and reefs in the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the Yellow Sea, acquire full situation awareness of adjacent waters, conduct joint rights protection and law enforcement operations, properly handle maritime and air situations, and resolutely respond to security threats, infringements and provocations on the sea. Since 2012, China’s armed forces have deployed vessels on over 4,600 maritime security patrols and 72,000 rights protection and law enforcement operations, and safeguarded maritime peace, stability and order.

组织空防和对空侦察预警,监视国家领空及周边地区空中动态,组织空中警巡、战斗起飞,有效处置各种空中安全威胁和突发情况,维护空中秩序,维护空防安全。China’s armed forces conduct air defense, reconnaissance and early warning, monitor China’s territorial air and peripheral air space, carry out alert patrols and combat takeoff, and effectively respond to emergencies and threats to maintain order and security in the air.

着眼捍卫国家统一,加强以海上方向为重点的军事斗争准备,组织舰机“绕岛巡航”,对“台独”分裂势力发出严正警告。Aiming at safeguarding national unity, China’s armed forces strengthen military preparedness with emphasis on the sea. By sailing ships and flying aircraft around Taiwan, the armed forces send a stern warning to the “Taiwan independence” separatist forces.

保持常备不懈的战备状态Maintaining Combat Readiness

军队保持战备状态,是有效应对安全威胁、履行使命任务的重要保证。中央军委和战区联合作战指挥机构严格落实战备值班制度,常态组织战备检查、战备拉动,保持随时能战状态,不断提高联合作战指挥能力,稳妥高效指挥处置各类突发情况,有效遂行各种急难险重任务。2018年,中央军委组织全军战备突击检查和部队整建制拉动,行动范围覆盖21个省、自治区、直辖市和东海、南海部分海域。Maintaining combat readiness is an important assurance of effective response to security threats and fulfillment of tasks. The Central Military Commission (CMC) and the TCs’ joint operations commands perform combat readiness duties strictly, and conduct regular inspections and drills to ensure combat readiness at all times. Consistent efforts are made to improve the capabilities of joint operations command to exercise reliable and efficient command over emergency responses, and to effectively accomplish urgent, tough and dangerous tasks. In 2018, the CMC conducted surprise inspections throughout the armed forces and organized readiness drills for the units, covering 21 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government, and parts of the East China Sea and South China Sea.

解放军和武警部队强化战备观念,严格战备制度,加强战备值班执勤,扎实开展战备演练,建立正规战备秩序,保持良好战备状态,有效遂行战备(战斗)值班、巡逻执勤等任务。The PLA and the People’s Armed Police Force (PAP) give greater priority to combat readiness. Efforts are made to strictly act on relevant regulations and procedures, fulfill readiness duties, conduct targeted exercises and training, and maintain standardized order, with a view to staying ready to act when required and effectively carrying out readiness (combat) duties.

开展实战化军事训练Carrying Out Military Training in Real Combat Conditions

军事训练是和平时期军队的基本实践活动。中国军队坚持把军事训练摆在重要位置,牢固树立战斗力这个唯一的根本的标准,完善军事训练法规和标准体系,建立健全训练监察体系,组织全军应急应战军事训练监察,落实练兵备战工作责任制,开展群众性练兵比武活动,不断提高实战化训练水平。Military training is the basic practice of the armed forces in peacetime. China’s armed forces put military training in an important position and take combat effectiveness as the sole and fundamental criterion. In order to enhance realistic training, they optimize the policy framework and criteria in this respect, establish and improve the relevant supervision system, conduct supervision on military training for emergencies and combat across the services, implement the responsibility system for training and readiness, and organize extensive contests and competitions to encourage officers and soldiers to step up military training.

全军兴起大抓实战化军事训练的热潮。2012年以来,全军部队广泛开展各战略方向使命课题针对性训练和各军兵种演训,师旅规模以上联合实兵演习80余场。Military training in real combat conditions across the armed forces is in full swing. Since 2012, China’s armed forces have carried out extensive mission-oriented training tailored to the specific needs of different strategic directions and exercises of all services and arms, including 80 joint exercises at and above brigade/division level.

各战区强化联合训练主体责任,扎实开展联合训练,结合各战略方向使命任务,组织“东部”“南部”“西部”“北部”“中部”系列联合实兵演习,努力提高联合作战能力。The TCs have strengthened their leading role in joint training and organized serial joint exercises codenamed the East, the South, the West, the North and the Central, to improve joint combat capabilities.

陆军广泛开展军事训练大比武,实施“跨越”“火力”等实兵实装实弹演习。海军拓展远海训练,航母编队首次在西太平洋海域开展远海作战演练,在南海海域和青岛附近海空域举行海上阅兵,组织“机动”系列实兵对抗演习和成体系全要素演习。空军加强体系化实案化全疆域训练,组织南海战巡、东海警巡、前出西太,常态化开展“红剑”等系列体系对抗演习。火箭军组织对抗性检验性训练、整旅整团实案化训练,强化联合火力打击训练,常态化开展“天剑”系列演习。战略支援部队积极融入联合作战体系,扎实开展新型领域对抗演练和应急应战训练。联勤保障部队推进融入联合作战体系,组织“联勤使命-2018”等系列演习演练。武警部队按照覆盖全国、高效联动、全域响应、多能一体的要求,实施“卫士”等系列演习。The PLA Army (PLAA) has organized training competitions and conducted live exercises codenamed Stride and Firepower. The PLA Navy (PLAN) has extended training to the far seas and deployed the aircraft carrier task group for its first far seas combat exercise in the West Pacific. It has organized naval parades in the South China Sea and the waters and airspace near Qingdao, and conducted a series of live force-on-force exercises codenamed Mobility and systematic all-elements exercises. The PLA Air Force (PLAAF) has strengthened systematic and all-airspace training based on operational plans. It has conducted combat patrols in the South China Sea and security patrols in the East China Sea, and operated in the West Pacific. It has completed a series of regular system-vs.-system exercises such as Red Sword. The PLA Rocket Force (PLARF) has organized force-on-force evaluation-oriented training and training based on operational plans at brigade and regiment levels, strengthened training for joint strikes, and completed regular exercises such as Heavenly Sword. The PLA Strategic Support Force (PLASSF) has made active efforts to integrate into the joint operations systems. It has carried out confrontational training in new domains and trained for emergencies and combats. The PLA Joint Logistic Support Force (PLAJLSF) has striven to align itself with the joint operations systems, and conducted exercises such as Joint Logistics Mission 2018. The PAP has developed to meet the requirements of nationwide coverage, effective connectivity, all-area response and integrated functions, and conducted a series of exercises including Guard.

维护重大安全领域利益Safeguarding Interests in Major Security Fields

核力量是维护国家主权和安全的战略基石。中国军队严格核武器及相关设施安全管理,保持适度戒备状态,提高战略威慑能力,确保国家战略安全,维护国际战略稳定。Nuclear capability is the strategic cornerstone to safeguarding national sovereignty and security. China’s armed forces strengthen the safety management of nuclear weapons and facilities, maintain the appropriate level of readiness and enhance strategic deterrence capability to protect national strategic security and maintain international strategic stability.

太空是国际战略竞争制高点,太空安全是国家建设和社会发展的战略保障。着眼和平利用太空,中国积极参与国际太空合作,加快发展相应的技术和力量,统筹管理天基信息资源,跟踪掌握太空态势,保卫太空资产安全,提高安全进出、开放利用太空能力。Outer space is a critical domain in international strategic competition. Outer space security provides strategic assurance for national and social development. In the interest of the peaceful use of outer space, China actively participates in international space cooperation, develops relevant technologies and capabilities, advances holistic management of space-based information resources, strengthens space situation awareness, safeguards space assets, and enhances the capacity to safely enter, exit and openly use outer space.

网络空间是国家安全和经济社会发展的关键领域。网络安全是全球性挑战,也是中国面临的严峻安全威胁。中国军队加快网络空间力量建设,大力发展网络安全防御手段,建设与中国国际地位相称、与网络强国相适应的网络空间防护力量,筑牢国家网络边防,及时发现和抵御网络入侵,保障信息网络安全,坚决捍卫国家网络主权、信息安全和社会稳定。Cyberspace is a key area for national security, economic growth and social development. Cyber security remains a global challenge and poses a severe threat to China. China’s armed forces accelerate the building of their cyberspace capabilities, develop cyber security and defense means, and build cyber defense capabilities consistent with China’s international standing and its status as a major cyber country. They reinforce national cyber border defense, and promptly detect and counter network intrusions. They safeguard information and cyber security, and resolutely maintain national cyber sovereignty, information security and social stability.

遂行反恐维稳Countering Terrorism and Maintaining Stability

中国坚决反对一切形式的恐怖主义、极端主义。中国武装力量依法参加维护社会秩序行动,防范和打击暴力恐怖活动,维护国家政治安全和社会大局稳定,保障人民群众安居乐业。China firmly opposes all forms of terrorism and extremism. As mandated by law, China’s armed forces participate in operations for maintaining social order, prevent and combat violence and terrorism, safeguard political security and social stability, and secure the public’s right to live and work in peace.

武警部队执行重要目标守卫警戒、现场警卫、要道设卡和城市武装巡逻等任务,协同国家机关依法参加执法行动,打击违法犯罪团伙和恐怖主义活动,积极参与社会面防控,着力防范和处置各类危害国家政治安全、社会秩序的隐患,为“平安中国”建设作出重要贡献。2012年以来,每年均动用大量兵力担负执勤安保、反恐处突、海上维权执法等任务,参加二十国集团领导人峰会、亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议、“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛、金砖国家领导人会晤、上海合作组织青岛峰会等警卫安保任务近万起,参与处置劫持人质事件和严重暴力恐怖事件671起。2014年以来,协助新疆维吾尔自治区政府打掉暴力恐怖团伙1588个,抓获暴力恐怖人员12995人。The PAP fulfills missions such as guarding key targets, on-site security protection, setting check points on key passages, and armed urban patrols. In accordance with the law, the PAP supports civil authorities in law enforcement operations to combat criminal gangs and terrorist activities, actively participates in the maintenance of public order, and prevents and responds to potential threats to China’s political security and social order, thus making a significant contribution to the Peaceful China initiative. Since 2012, the PAP has deployed large numbers of troops annually in security duties, counter-terrorism, emergency response, and maritime rights protection and law enforcement. It has completed around 10,000 security assignments during major events such as the G20 Summit, the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, the BRICS Leaders Meeting, and the SCO Qingdao Summit, and participated in the response to 671 hostage situations, incidents of severe violence, and terrorist attacks. Since 2014, the PAP has assisted the government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in taking out 1,588 violent terrorist gangs and capturing 12,995 terrorists.

解放军依法协助地方政府维护社会稳定,参加重大安保行动及处置其他各类突发事件,主要承担防范恐怖活动、核生化检测、医疗救援、运输保障、排除水域安全隐患、保卫重大活动举办地和周边地区空中安全等任务。The PLA supports the civil authorities in maintaining social stability, provides security for major events, and responds to emergencies in accordance with the law. It is mainly tasked with missions such as counter-terrorism, NBCE detection and test, medical relief, and transport support. It disposes of potential safety hazards in the waters and protects security in the air over and around major event venues.

维护海外利益Protecting China’s Overseas Interests

海外利益是中国国家利益的重要组成部分。有效维护海外中国公民、组织和机构的安全和正当权益,是中国军队担负的任务。Overseas interests are a crucial part of China’s national interests. One of the missions of China’s armed forces is to effectively protect the security and legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese people, organizations and institutions.

中国军队积极推动国际安全和军事合作,完善海外利益保护机制。着眼弥补海外行动和保障能力差距,发展远洋力量,建设海外补给点,增强遂行多样化军事任务能力。实施海上护航,维护海上战略通道安全,遂行海外撤侨、海上维权等行动。The PLA actively promotes international security and military cooperation and refines relevant mechanisms for protecting China’s overseas interests. To address deficiencies in overseas operations and support, it builds far seas forces, develops overseas logistical facilities, and enhances capabilities in accomplishing diversified military tasks. The PLA conducts vessel protection operations, maintains the security of strategic SLOCs, and carries out overseas evacuation and maritime rights protection operations.

2017年8月,中国人民解放军驻吉布提保障基地正式投入使用。自开营以来,已为4批次护航编队保障维修器材,为百余名护航官兵提供医疗保障服务,同外军开展联合医疗救援演练等活动,并向当地学校捐赠600余件教学器材。In August 2017, the PLA Djibouti Support Base entered service. The base has provided equipment for the maintenance of four escort task groups, offered medical services for over 100 officers and sailors on board, conducted joint medical exercises with foreign militaries, and donated over 600 teaching aids to local schools.

2015年3月,也门安全局势严重恶化,中国海军护航编队赴也门亚丁湾海域,首次直接靠泊交战区域港口,安全撤离621名中国公民和279名来自巴基斯坦、埃塞俄比亚、新加坡、意大利、波兰、德国、加拿大、英国、印度、日本等15个国家的公民。When the security situation in Yemen deteriorated in March 2015, a PLAN escort task group sailed to the Gulf of Aden, berthed for the first time directly in an engagement area, and evacuated 621 Chinese citizens and 279 foreign citizens from 15 countries including Pakistan, Ethiopia, Singapore, Italy, Poland, Germany, Canada, the UK, India and Japan.

参加抢险救灾Participating in Disaster Rescue and Relief

参加国家建设事业、保卫人民和平劳动,是宪法赋予中国武装力量的使命任务。依据《军队参加抢险救灾条例》,中国武装力量主要担负解救、转移或者疏散受困人员,保护重要目标安全,抢救、运送重要物资,参加道路(桥梁、隧道)抢修、海上搜救、核生化救援、疫情控制、医疗救护等专业抢险,排除或者控制其他危重险情、灾情,协助地方人民政府开展灾后重建工作等任务。Participating in national development and protecting the public’s rights to work in peace are the responsibilities of China’s armed forces mandated by the Constitution of the PRC. As stipulated in the Regulations on Participation in Emergency Rescue and Disaster Relief by China’s Armed Forces, China’s armed forces are mainly tasked with rescuing, transferring and evacuating trapped populations; ensuring the security of important targets; salvaging and transporting important materials; conducting specialized operations such as restoration of transport facilities including roads, bridges and tunnels, maritime search and rescue, NBC rescue, epidemic control and medical relief; eliminating or controlling other major threats, dangerous situations and disasters; and supporting civil authorities in post-disaster reconstruction.

2012年以来,解放军和武警部队共出动95万人次、组织民兵141万人次,动用车辆及工程机械19万台次、船艇2.6万艘次、飞机(直升机)820架次参加抢险救灾。先后参加云南鲁甸地震救灾、长江中下游暴雨洪涝灾害抗洪抢险、雅鲁藏布江堰塞湖排险等救灾救援行动,协助地方政府解救、转移安置群众500余万人,巡诊救治病员21万余人次,抢运物资36万余吨,加固堤坝3600余千米。2017年,驻澳门部队出动兵力2631人次,车辆160余台次,协助特别行政区政府开展强台风“天鸽”灾后救援。Since 2012, the PLA and the PAP have deployed 950,000 soldiers, 1.41 million militia, 190,000 vehicles and items of equipment, and sortied 26,000 vessels and 820 aircraft in emergency response and disaster relief. They have participated in rescue and relief efforts such as the earthquake in Ludian County of Yunnan Province, the rainstorm and flood in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the removal of the barrier lake in the Yarlung Zangbo River. They have assisted local governments to rescue and transfer over 5 million people, treated over 210,000 patients, transported over 360,000 tons of goods, and reinforced over 3,600 km of levees. In 2017, the PLA Macao Garrison sent 2,631 soldiers and over 160 vehicles to assist the government of Macao Special Administrative Region in its relief efforts in the wake of Typhoon Hato.

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