ponticello是什么意思 ponticello的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

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ponticello是什么意思 ponticello的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2024-04-09 16:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  ponticello是什么意思 ponticello的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  1. 意义及来源:’ponticello’是一个来自意大利语的音乐术语,用于描述弦乐器演奏时弓在桥上的位置,通常用于弦乐合奏中的演奏细节,可以让音乐带来更多的音色和表现力。

  2. 使用场合:在音乐课上,ponticello常常是作为一种技巧性演奏方法而被介绍,在练习时,学生应该注意弓的位置和力度,以达到更好的效果。

  3. 表现效果:当弓放在桥上时,弦乐器的声音会变得更为尖锐,高音更为突出,这种技巧的使用可以带来更强的音乐表现力,使音乐更加生动有力。

  4. 练习方法及注意点:在练习ponticello时,需要控制好力度和角度,以免音乐过于刺耳或不够清晰。同时,也要注意对音乐的情感表现,融入其中,以使音乐更加动人心弦。


  1. The violinist expertly played the last movement of the piece with a beautiful ponticello that impressed the audience. (这位小提琴家在演奏中灵活运用了ponticello技法,给观众留下了深刻的印象。)

  2. The cello section used ponticello to bring out the haunting melody of the composer’s piece. (大提琴组运用ponticello技巧将作曲家的哀婉旋律演绎得淋漓尽致。)

  3. The music teacher demonstrated how to play ponticello correctly to the students, and then asked them to practice it on their own. (音乐老师向学生们讲述了如何正确使用ponticello,并要求他们自己练习。)

  4. The composer wrote a section that called for the violins to play ponticello, creating an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. (作曲家在作品中安排了一节需要小提琴演奏ponticello,营造出一种诡异而深刻的氛围。)

  5. The orchestra director reminded the cellists to use ponticello in the upcoming performance to add richness to the music. (乐队指挥提醒大提琴手在即将到来的演出中使用ponticello技巧,以丰富音乐表现力。)



  1. 在这个小提琴曲中,你需要使用大马架来创造一种清晰而明亮的声音。

  2. 小提琴家使用不同的弓技巧,包括使用大马架,来改变演奏的音色。


  1. In this violin piece, you need to use ponticello to create a clear and bright sound.

  2. Violinists use different bowing techniques, including using ponticello, to change the tone of their playing.



  例句:The cello is lower than the violin. (大提琴的声音比小提琴低沉。)




  例句:Ahn Trio: A modern take on piano, violin, cello (安氏三重奏:钢琴、小提琴和大提琴的现代呈现)


  例句:He plays the cello beautifully. You play the piano well (翻译:他的大提琴拉得很优雅 你的钢琴弹得很迷人)

  ponticello一般作为名词使用,如在sul ponticello([网络] 靠近琴码演奏;意琴马;琴马奏)等常见短语中出现较多。

  sul ponticello[网络] 靠近琴码演奏;意琴马;琴马奏1. Ahn Trio: A modern take on piano, violin, cello (翻译:安氏三重奏:钢琴、小提琴和大提琴的现代呈现)

  2. He plays the cello beautifully. You play the piano well (翻译:他的大提琴拉得很优雅 你的钢琴弹得很迷人)

  3. Kuhlau: Grand Trio, Op. 119, for flute, cello and piano in G. (翻译:库劳:g大调三重奏,作品119,给钢琴、长笛、大提琴。)

  4. My cello and my voice are layered to create this large sonic canvas. (翻译:我的大提琴和我的声音都分层了 挥洒出这幅音乐的画布 )

  5. I’m paying you to give cello lessons, not to pervert my child. (翻译:我给你钱是要你教大提琴的 不是要你来教坏我的孩子的)

  6. The slow movement opens with a cello solo. (翻译:慢乐章开头是一段大提琴独奏。)

  7. He sang, played cello, drew… (翻译:他会唱歌、会拉大提琴、会画画… … 他还是位杰出的演讲者 He sang, played cello, drew…)

  8. The project will fulfil an unrealised aspect of Ponti’s original design: visitor access to the seventh floor, which offers “sweeping views of the Rocky Mountains”, the team said. (翻译:设计团队说:“这个项目将完成Ponti设计的原建筑没有实现的部分:访客能够进入到第七层,在这里落基山脉尽收眼底”。)

  9. ‘Cause I am pretty, I’m vulnerable, I play the cello. (翻译:因为我长得好看 现在很受伤 而且我会拉大提琴)

  ://www.ted.com/talks/caroline_lavelle_casts_a_spell_on_cello.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/caroline_lavelle_casts_a_spell_on_cello.html)

  11. Notes of a cello, contralto, canary. (翻译:大提琴、女低音、金丝雀的颤音。)

  12. Billy’s been so swamped I had to cancel cello and Latin. (翻译:我也这么觉得 Billy负担太大 我只好取消了大提琴和拉丁语)

  13. I felt better with the cello in part because I had long arms. (翻译:我拉大提琴感觉好点… …部分因为我的胳膊长)

  14. – Well… It has to be quiet for the cello lessons, so your apartment… (翻译:大提琴课必须非常安静 所以你的大厅…)

  15. I wasn’t too sure if that cello was gonna make it out alive. (翻译:我当时都不知道 那把大提琴能不能幸存下来)

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