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#rent造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、The landlord has put the rent up again.房东又提高房租了。

2、You haven't paid your rent for two months.I'm ending your lease.你三个月没有交房租了,我要跟你终止合同。

3、How much rent do you have to pay for a house like this?住这样的房子,你们得交多少房租?

4、Tribute, service, or rent paid by a feudal tenant to a lord交租封建时代佃农向领主缴纳或提供的贡品、劳役或租税

5、I want to rent a car for a week我要租一辆车使用一个星期。

6、All three sets of houses are vacant, and she's making no attempt to rent them out.三套房子都是空的,她也不打算把将它们出租出去。

7、Rent a fast sports car and speed down the Autobahn.租一辆快速跑车在高速公路上跑一回。

8、I want to rent a car for a week.我要租一辆车使用一个星期。

9、I want to rent a house with street frontage, and open a restaurant.我想租一间门面房,开一个小餐馆。

10、From the dock here you can rent watercraft and do something that very few know about.在那里的码头上你可以租到船以及做一些很少有人知道的事情。

11、If you rent that apartment, will you stay there for a long time如果你租了那个套间,你会在那里住很长时间吗?

12、He had to lower the rent of his house.他不得不减低房租。

13、We always pay the rent in advance.我们总是预先付房租。

14、We could rent a tandem bicycle. It's not expensive at all.我们可以租一辆双人自行车,一点儿也不贵。

15、A: Would you like to rent the house?你想租那栋房子吗?

16、I want to rent a furnished house.我想要有家具的房子。

17、It's much safer to rent an apartment through a real estate agency.通过房地产中介公司租房安全多了。

18、I want to rent a large sedan.我要租一辆大轿车。

19、I went into a leasehold property at four hundred and fifty dollars rent per year.我住进了年租金450美元的房子。

20、The rent had to be paid, not to speak of school fees.房租要交,更不要说还要交学费。

21、In the meantime, these folks get to live rent free.在此期间,这些人的生活得轻松。

22、Besides, the management fee and rent are reasonable for your company.而该大厦的管理费及租金又非常合理,最适合你公司租用。

23、Will you rent me this television?你把这台电视机租给我行吗?

24、From the dock here, you can rent watercraft and do something that very few know about.从码头这里,你能够租到船只,做些很少人听说过的事。

25、We will fix the rent at 100 a week我们要把租金定为每周100英镑

26、My brother is a room for rent if I never saw one.What a dope!没有人比我弟弟更傻了,天下第一大傻瓜。

27、Firms can rent anything from a one-person office to a whole floor.从一人办公室至整个楼层,公司都可以租赁。

28、Can you rent a DVD on your way home from work?你能在下班回家的路上租片DVD吗?

29、Some parents would rather their children rent houses outside the school instead of living a dorm.有些家长宁愿自己的孩子出去租房住,也不想他们住在学校的寝室里。

30、She lives there rent free.她住在那儿,免收房租。

rent翻译n. 租金, 房租, 出租物, 裂缝, 破裂处, 分裂vt. 租用, 租出vi. 出租a. 分裂的, 破裂的rend的过去式和过去分词【法】 租, 租金, 租费相关词组: for rent 详情




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