
您所在的位置:网站首页 韩国人要服兵役几年 在朝鲜服兵役是怎样一种感受?(双语)


2024-01-24 21:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Thanks to these diets, North Korean soldiers are said to be several inches shorter than their South Korean counterparts – a sensitive subject for the North, wrote Adam Cathcart, as tensions flared on the peninsula last month.

由于这些食物,朝鲜士兵据说会比韩国士兵矮几英寸,Adam Cathcart写道,韩国对于朝鲜是一个敏感话题,上个月朝鲜半岛局势紧张。

On meagre rations the soldiers not only have to train but are given physical tasks such as helping farmers on their rice paddy fields. Many become very thin and hungry, and desperate to escape.


The military police are always on the look out for soldiers who’ve escaped to look for food. Sometimes these soldiers steal from civilians and farming stockrooms because they’re so hungry. If it’s edible, they’ll steal it.


I’ve heard that some senior officers will even order soldiers to go out and steal. If they fail they may be punished.


In my high school class there were 25 boys. Five went to college and the remaining 20 went into the military. Half of those were returned home suffering from the effects of malnutrition.


Soldiers are given home leave to recover. Most are too weak to even walk by themselves, so their parents pick them up and feed them back to health. When they improve they go back to the army.


The lucky ones serve in the special unit, or serve under good officers who take care of them. The unlucky ones die of hunger before their parents have a chance to help them. The only thing these parents pray for is the safe return of their sons.


North Korea may be the worst place in the world to do military service.

朝鲜可能是全世界服役最恐怖的地方。来源:The Guardian





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