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11. Resurrection《复活》

If you prefer your tearjerkers to be more classic (and in this case, written by one of the best novelists of all time), then Tolstoy’s Resurrection is vital reading. One of his less famous works, though it was his last, Resurrection details the life of a nobleman whose actions land a maid into prostitution and eventually a prison wrought with some of the worst conditions possible. His attempts to redeem himself and save her are both harrowing and tragic all at once. 如果比起经典(最好小说家的作品)来,你更喜欢催人泪下的作品,那你该读托尔斯泰的《复活》。尽管它是托尔斯泰的最后一部作品,但它不怎么出名。它详细描述了一个贵族的生活,这个贵族的行为让一名侍女变成了妓女并最终入狱,从而经历了最为恶劣的环境。他试图去自我救赎并拯救她,这既悲痛又悲壮。

The Giving Tree

12. The Giving Tree《爱心树》

Technically, The Giving Tree is a poem, not a novel. But the poignant message underneath it will prompt you to revisiting the beautiful words and illustrations again and again. It provokes sadness from us; not only because of the story itself but also because of the real implications that come with the human condition. People will be arguing over the “true” meaning behind this classic for years to come.从技术的角度来讲,《爱心树》是一首诗,而不是一本小说。但是里面隐含的凄美信息会让你一遍又一遍地重温那优美的文字和插画。它让我们忧伤;不仅仅因为故事本身,也因为它对人类而言的真正含义。未来几年,人们会一直争论这部经典背后的“真正”含义。

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

13. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter《心是孤独的猎手》

Taking place in the 1930s, this book captures the struggles of a group of small-town misfits who yearn desperately to make something more out of their lives. Their individual stories revolve around the fascinating perspective of a deaf and mute man named John, and the book is a dark reflection of the mistreatment spurred by the human condition. You’ll be shocked at the atrocities that happen toward the end of the book.故事的背景是20世纪30年代。书中描述了一群小镇上和社会格格不入的人因拼命渴望着更好的生活而进行的挣扎。他们各自的故事围绕着聋哑人约翰引人入胜的前景而展开。这本书反映了因人的境况而引起的虐待。当你看到书末的暴行,你一定会感到震惊的。

Revolutionary Road

14. Revolutionary Road《革命之路》

Nothing seems to depress people more than the failure of the American dream, which is what Revolutionary Road presents in spades. Full disclosure: I did watch the movie before reading the book for this one, but I wish I hadn’t. The story of Frank and April Wheeler, who want nothing more than to break out of the depressing rut of suburbia, shows a darker side to the 1950s, an era typically regarded as peaceful and happy. Though the movie captures this tone fine, the book is much more likely to grab you.没什么能比美国梦的失败更令人抑郁的了,这也是《革命之路》所呈现的内容。剧情透露:在看小说之前我就看过这部电影,但是我希望我没有。故事讲述的是弗兰克和爱波只想远离那郁闷的郊区生活,展示了20世纪50年代的黑暗一面,而那个年代通常被视为和平和幸福的一代。虽然电影把这个基调把握得很好,但书更有可能抓住你的心。

Bridge to Terabithia

15. Bridge to Terabithia《仙境之桥》

Even if you have already watched the movie based on this instant classic by Katherine Paterson, I strongly recommend you pour some time into the book. It takes your imagination on a bit of a roller-coaster ride and then leaves you hanging to fall, as the world it has created so well begins to fall apart. The turmoil that Jesse, the main character, goes through during the end of the book is one of the hardest events I’ve ever read through.即使你已经看过基于凯瑟琳•帕特森的这一经典之作改编的电影,我也强烈推荐你抽出一些时间来读这本书。它会把你的想象力带到过山车上,然后当它所创建的如此美好的世界开始分崩离析时,它会让你感觉从空中掉下来。主人公杰西在书末所经历的动荡,是我看书时最难受的时刻。

Wisdom Hunter

16. Wisdom Hunter《智慧搜寻者》

Unlike many of the other books on this list, the somber tones of Wisdom Hunter occur very early in the story, getting brighter over time. After the tragic death of his daughter, a former pastor’s family completely falls apart. At the end of his rope, he discovers that his daughter gave birth to a baby girl before her passing, setting him on a 20-year journey to find his grandchild. His journey spans countries and memorable experiences, but his own personal growth is what makes this story an unforgettable triumph.和这份清单上的很多书不同,《智慧搜寻者》阴沉的基调很早就显现出来,随着时间越来越明亮。在女儿悲惨地死后,前牧师的家庭彻底分崩离析。在他计穷力竭之时,他发现了他的女儿在去世之前生了一个女孩儿,让他开始了寻找孙女的20年旅程。他的旅程跨越了很多国家,形成了很多难以忘怀的经历,但他自己的成长使得这个故事成为令人难忘的典范。

One Day

17. One Day《一天》

Another story that spans 20 years, One Day tells the story of two friends who love each other, but life prevents them from forming a real relationship. As the story progresses, so does their bond, resulting in a climax that is difficult to feel unaffected by. Their love story is tragic, gripping and sure to make you cry toward the end.又一个跨越20年的故事。《一天》讲述的是两个互相爱慕的朋友之间的故事,但是生活没能促成他们形成真正的恋爱关系。随着故事的推进,他们的关系也在发展,最后到达了高潮,让人为之动容。他们的爱情故事是凄惨的、紧扣心弦的,故事的结尾肯定会让你哭泣。

Anne of Green Gables

18. Anne of Green Gables《绿山墙的安妮》

A literary classic (and one of the most quotable movies the 1980s gave us), Anne of Green Gables is the story of a young orphan girl growing up in the early 1900s. Though she was mistakenly adopted by a family who wanted a boy, she wins their hearts, along with the other residents of her town on Prince Edward Island. A beautiful story that is filled with strife, angst, zaniness and sadness, these novels are must-reads.《绿山墙的安妮》是一本文学经典之作(20世界80年代留给我们的最适合引用的一部电影)。它讲述的是一个年轻的孤儿女孩在20世纪早期成长的故事。尽管收养她的家庭原先想要一个男孩,但她赢得了他们的心,以及爱德华王子岛镇上的其他居民的心。这是一个美丽的故事,充满了纷争、焦虑、滑稽、悲伤这些小说必备的元素。

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

19. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close《特别响,非常近》

Narrated by a 9-year-old boy named Oskar, this 2005 novel borrows its sorrow from topical events. Young Oskar loses his father during the September 11 terrorist attack in 2001, an event that changes his life forever and leads him on an adventure through New York City. His story is touching and extraordinary.由9岁的男孩奥斯卡讲述,这本2005年的小说借用热点事件营造悲伤的氛围。年轻的奥斯卡在2001年911恐怖袭击中失去了父亲,这件事永远改变了他的生活, 让他开始了在纽约的冒险。他的故事非常感人且不同寻常。

The Lovely Bones

20. The Lovely Bones《可爱的骨头》

The Lovely Bones is sad for a lot of reasons. In one way, its main tragedy comes from the untimely death of a young girl at the hands of an elusive murderer. It’s also a story about a family struggling to come to grips with their loss and their obsession to avenge her.有很多理由可以说明《可爱的骨头》是本悲伤的书。首先, 悲剧主要来自一个年轻的女孩在一个难以捉摸的凶手手中英年早逝。另外,一家人努力奋斗来应付损失并坚持要为她复仇。

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