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#非主流是什么意思、发音和在线翻译| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 非主流在线翻译

1. 因此,通俗文学是一种表达非主流意识的亚文化现象。    The social classing theory of social science is the theoretical basis of this chapter.

2. 本公司主要销售韩服、非主流服饰、鞋服与饰品。    This company mainly sells Han Fu, the non-mainstream clothing, the shoes clothing and the accessories.

3. 非主流什么意思

3. 而从文化整体的角度来看,这些非主流因素则更为重要。    From the perspective of culture as a whole, these non-mainstream factors are more important.

4. 帜,那么你就离开它,做自己,那才是真正的非主流。    Flag, then you leave it, do their own, that is the real non-mainstream.

5. 全新熊猫牌系列产品主要针对美洲非华人市场,上市后,不但受到主流各大超市连锁的青睐,韩国、日本、越    The products drew large consumer attention right after its launch. into other Asian supermarket chains serving the Korean, Japanese

6. 计划是接受主流的信用卡和借贷卡同时也为非持卡的朋友准备了相当数量的其他付款平台。    Theplan is to accept every major credit and debit card alongside a numberof other payment platforms for those that do not have cards.

7. 必须正确认识和处理意识形态领域的矛盾与斗争,坚持主流意识形态建设与非主流意识形态管理相结合的原则,巩固马克思主义一元化指导地位,建设社会主义核心价值体系,形成全民族奋发向上的精神力量和团结和睦的精神纽带,不断推进社会主义和谐社会建设进程。    It is necessary for us to correctly comprehend and deal with ideological contradiction and struggle, insist on the combination of mainstream and non-mainstream ideology management, consolidate Marxism as the guiding thought, constrcut the key value system of socialism to form moral force of leading people working hard for the prosperity and spiritual tie of harmony and unity, to advance the construction of the socialis...

8. 在这个世界上,汉子最贵重非主流另类个性网名的产业就是一个女人的心。    The most precious possession that everes to a man in t你好s world is a woman`s heart.

9. 虽然一度被视为非主流的科学问题,但天体生物学已成为正式的研究领域。    Though once considered outside the mainstream of scientific inquiry, astrobiology has become a formalized field of study.

10. 非主流就是年轻、时尚和叛逆的代名词,是90后身上的自带标签!    Be not the mainstream is young, vogue and traitorous pronoun, it is 90 the back of a person go up carry tag oneself!

11. 其文本在审美特质,思维方式上迥异于汉族诗歌,代表着中国诗歌中异质、非主流的部分。      They tried their best to rebuild their national culture by deep animadverting and practicing in diverse style.

12. 我们要针对看这批用户,他们的年纪很小,喜欢好听的歌曲,时尚的东西,或者非主流的之类,所以尽量要搞到这些资源发到论坛里去,然后拿到各各学校的贴吧去宣传,这样内涵中带有广告,只有这样才能有回头客。      We should are aimed at see this approve an user, their age is very small, like Orphean song, fashionable thing, perhaps be not the and so on of the mainstream, want to do these resource hair to go in forum as far as possible so, take each next of each school stick go publicizing, ad is contained in such connotation, only such ability have later guest.

13. 台湾艺坛上颇富盛名的当代艺术家吴天章(1956-),在1990 年代大举启用自主性女性形象和女性化男子形象作为作品的主角,在作品中各自展现了批判性和非批判性的性别意识,与台湾艺坛上歧视女体的主流风潮分别呈现谋合与对抗的状态。      Wu Tien-Chang, a famous contemporary artist in Taiwan. In 1990s, Wu released lots of works in which main characters are females and feminized males. In this thesis, I reveal that these female and feminized male individuals respectively and paradoxically carried sexual discriminatory or anti-discriminatory ideologies.

14. 非主流的现实主义是以曹禺、夏衍等为代表的现实主义剧作家,主要是对主潮的革命现实主义话剧而言。      This chapter also discusses the difference between main current realism and sub-current realism in nature and their developing tendencies from three aspects.

15. 目前,我国学校音乐教育对地方传统音乐越来越淡化或漠视,作为中国地方传统音乐之一的祁剧及其传承正从历史上的主流形式转化为非主流、边缘化的形式。      At present, Qiyang opera, one of Chinese local traditional music forms, is falling from the main stream to less influential one, because our music schooling pays less attention to the study of local traditional music education.

16. 自认为很潮、很IN、很非主流的那一群人,他/她们在我们眼中是快要玩完的90后。面对他们时,我们也不能睥睨以待,因为他/她们总是很喜欢嚣张地嘲笑我们已经进入大叔、大妈的行列,我们落伍、老土、喜欢怀旧这些都是他们的笑资!      Now I am sitting in the Helsinki School of Economy's Liabaray to enjoy their advanced internet service and try my best to remeber what had happened after I left my beloved motherland.

17. 我其实也是很好的艺术家和一个半非主流。      I am also a rather good artist and simi-gothic.

18. 然而近年sevoflurane及desflurane的使用成为主流,在文献回顾中,sevoflurane及desflurane被认为是较不易引起恶性高热之气体麻醉剂,且desflurane所导致的恶性高热症状有可能是不易辨认的延迟性非典型症状。      Sevoflurane was thought to be a less potent triggering agent of MH; however, in literature review, the onset of MH after exposure to sevoflurane may be associated with calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

19. 这是38届的鹿特丹国际电影节,我在到了影院之后,拿了份schedule看,但是荷兰文,看不懂,故放包之,这次在电影节上映的电影大部分都是一些非主流的电影,不是那么商业化,唯一让大家都知道的估计就是《Slumdog Millionaire》了,至于其它的电影,我在看了好多好多海报之后,都不知道几部,最后晃了半天,我决定看一部叫做《Guidance》的电影,我之所以选这部是因为在那个时间段要放的几部片子我都不懂片名,它们像是西班牙文又似葡萄牙文还似法文貌似又像意大利文,最后没办法,我只认识Guidance这个单字,票价9欧,还算合理。      Guidance is a cat and mouse game between an overweight man in his fifties and the young Carl Arendsen, who wants to establish himself as a therapist. In the opening scene, we see Carl be inspired by a confrontational workshop. The man in his fifties is Roy Blomberg, who was wrestling with a plethora of psychosomatic complaints and has been home for 18 months. The locum who replaces his general practitioner one day is convinced that Roy's problems are between his ears. Roy's wife happens to meet a self-assured Carl, who adopts an unconventional methodology. After a little pressure, the husband gives in to his wife and withdraws with Carl to his spartan hut in the Swedish countryside.

20. 也有人指出在不同的渠道,资本市场的非主流产品中发挥了主意。      It was also noted in different avenues of the capital market of non-mainstream products in playing his mind.




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