剑桥雅思7 Test 4 Section 1听力原文与答案 homestay application

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剑桥雅思7 Test 4 Section 1听力原文与答案 homestay application

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剑桥雅思7 Test 4 Section 1听力原文与答案 homestay application

剑桥雅思7 Test 4的这篇雅思听力Section 1是典型的住宿场景,涉及到住宿申请者的姓名、护照号码、居住时间、目前专业、对住宿的具体要求等。剑桥雅思系列书籍中类似的内容还有剑桥雅思4 Test 3 Section 1和剑桥雅思5 Test 4 Section 1。大家可以交叉比较下他们之间的异同。


雅思备考听力篇 剑7 test 4 section 1 雅思听力高频词汇

剑桥雅思7Test4听力Section1答案解析 Homestay application

剑7 test 4 Section 1雅思听力原文

OFFICER: Yes, what can I do for you?

STUDENT: My friend is in homestay… and she really enjoys it… so I’d like to join a family as well.

OFFICER: Okay, so let me get some details. What’s your name?

STUDENT: My name is Keiko Yuichini.

OFFICER: Could you spell your family name for me?

STUDENT: It’s… Yuichini, that’s Y-U-I-C-H-I-N-I.  Example

OFFICER: And your first name?

STUDENT: It’s Keiko. K-E-I-K-O.  Q1

OFFICER: That’s Keiko Yuichini… okay… and you’re female. And your nationality?

STUDENT: I’m Japanese.

OFFICER: Right and could I see your passport, please?

STUDENT: Here it is…

OFFICER: Okay… your passport number is JO 6337… And you’re how old?  Q2

STUDENT: I’m twenty-eight years old.

OFFICER: Now, you live at one of the colleges… which one?

STUDENT: Willow College, umm… Room 21C

OFFICER: Right, 21C Willow College, and how long are you planning on staying with homestay?

STUDENT: About four months… longer if I like it…  Q3

OFFICER: And what course are you enrolled in?

STUDENT: Well, I’ve enrolled for twenty weeks in the… um… Advanced English Studies because I need help with my writing… and I’m nearly at the end of my first five-week course.  Q4


OFFICER: Okay… Do you have any preference for a family with children or without children?

STUDENT: I prefer… I mean I like young children, but I’d like to be with older people… you know… adults… someone around my age.  Q5

OFFICER: Okay, and what about pets?  Q6

STUDENT: I am a veterinarian so that’s fine… the more the better.

OFFICER: All right, now what about you? Are you a vegetarian or do you have any special food requirements?

STUDENT: No, I am not a vegetarian… but I don’t eat a lot of meat… I really like seafood.  Q7

OFFICER: And what are your hobbies?

STUDENT: I like reading and going to the movies.

OFFICER: Do you play any sports?

STUDENT: Yes, I joined the handball team, but I didn’t like that… so I stopped playing. Now I play tennis on the weekend with my friends…  Q8

OFFICER: All right, let’s see, name, age, now the location. Are you familiar with the public transport system?

STUDENT: No… I’m not really because I have been living on campus… I’ve been to the city a few times on the bus, but they are always late.

OFFICER: What about the trains?

STUDENT: I like catching the train… they are much faster…  Q9

OFFICER: Now, let me go check on the computer and see who I’ve got… Listen, leave it with me… I’ll check my records and I’ll give you details this afternoon.  Q10

STUDENT: Thank you for helping me…

OFFICER: It’s a pleasure. Bye.


剑7 test 4 Section 1雅思听力答案

1. Keiko

2. JO6337

3. 4 months

4. (Advanced) English (Studies)

5. (young) children

6. pets

7. seafood

8. tennis

9. (the) trains

10. this/that afternoon

剑桥雅思7 Test 4 Section 2听力原文与答案

剑桥雅思7 Test 4 Section 3听力原文与答案

剑桥雅思7 Test 4 Section 4听力原文与答案

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