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2023-05-02 04:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



*Simon为前雅思考官Simon老师范文戳领:《Simon 9分范文合集+写作技巧整理》.pdf

Some people believe school children should not be given homework by their teachers; others think homework plays a big role in children’s education. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

People’s opinions differ as to whether or not school children should be given homework. While there are some strong arguments against the setting of homework, I still believe that it is a necessary aspect of education.

There are several reasons why people might argue that homework is an unnecessary burden on children. Firstly, there is evidence to support the idea that homework does nothing to improve educational outcomes. Countries such as Finland, where school children are not given homework, regularly top international educational league tables and outperform nations where setting homework is the norm. Secondly, many parents would agree that the school day is already long enough, and leaves their children too tired to do further study when they return home. Finally, it is recognised that play time is just as beneficial as study time from the perspective of brain development.

In spite of the above arguments, I support the view that homework has an important role to play in the schooling of children. The main benefit of homework is that it encourages independent learning and problem solving, as children are challenged to work through tasks alone and at their own pace. In doing so, students must apply the knowledge that they have learnt in the classroom. For example, by doing mathematics exercises at home, students consolidate their understanding of the concepts taught by their teacher at school. In my view, it is important for children to develop an independent study habit because this prepares them to work alone as adults.

In conclusion, homework certainly has its drawbacks, but I believe that the benefits outweigh them in the long term.


1. 尽管有很多反对家庭作业的呼声,我觉得它是有必要的2. 有些人因为以下原因反对家庭作业- 家庭作业没有提升- 学生在学校已经很累- 玩耍对大脑发展同样有效3. 家庭作业在教育中至关重要- 作业培养孩子独立解决问题的能力,同时巩固所学知识- 举例:数学题巩固数学概念4. 总结:家庭作业有弊端,但仍很重要作答:针对问题、充分展开







Firstly, there is evidence to support the idea that homework does nothing to improve educational outcomes. Countries such as Finland, where school children are not given homework, regularly top international educational league tables and outperform nations where setting homework is the norm.



2. 连贯性:合理衔接


a. 逻辑上虽然连贯,但是没有像范文中第二段的 “firstly, secondly, finally”等连接词。这样在阅读的过程中会给考官带来很大的困扰,因为他们需要自行通过意思判断不同的分点。更不用说有时考生范文语言不清晰,逻辑混乱,考官要能看出分论点简直天方夜谭。


b. 第二,连词有很多,但逻辑上接不起来,那也是王婆卖瓜。这边我用一个学生写的关于环保类话题的作文举下反例:

Global warming has severe harmful effects on the environment. The rise of the temperature around polar area is causing an increasing area of glaciers to melt. As a result, many polar bears have lost their natural habitat. For example, Indonesia has recently announced that its capital city will be soon relocated as Jakarta is extremely vulnerable to rising sea level.

这位同学举的例子非常到位,但可惜尽管有for example的支持,后面的例子逻辑上也无法和前文接上。修改也很简单,在for example前面加上“The melting ice also leads to the rise of sea level, threatening cities of low elevations”。这句话一方面用also来引出冰川融化带来的另外一个弊端,另一方面通过低海拔城市受到的来自全球气候变暖的威胁衔接印尼迁移首都的例子。而再回看Simon范文中的举例,做数学题巩固数学概念和前文的论述衔接是非常到位的。

最后在段落的衔接方面,范文收尾呼应,都分别指出虽然家庭作业有弊端,但自己还是认为家庭作业是有必要的。此外,第三段开头:In spite of the above arguments, I support the view…也很好得起到了承上启下的作用。


3. 词汇:正确使用、难词

最后两项评分标准的第一条都是“正确使用”,这也正是很多同学扣分所在。基础不扎实的同学很容易在单词的搭配上出现问题,因为这些同学大部分的一个路径是“在背单词的时候背到了一个生词/阅读听力里遇到过这个生词 – 把它用到写作里吧,考官是native speaker应该能懂(不,考官已经晕了)”。



词汇这一点,native speaker在写作中有最大的优势,massive daily exposure使得他们对于常用单词的用法无比熟悉。当然,这篇范文中单词使用都非常准确,并且用到了一些相对难的单词。用这句话为例:

Countries such as Finland, where school children are not given homework, regularly topinternational educational league tables and outperform nations where setting homework is the norm.

这句话用到了动词top,educational league tables,outperform, norm这些相对较难的词

大多数同学,在保证不出错的基础上,可能只能写出“Unlike other countries, Finland do not give homework to its school children. However, students from Finland usually achieve higher grades than students from other countries”这样的句子。

4. 语法:正确使用、语法多样性


拿整个第二段为例:前两句话分别出现了两个同位语从句:“reason why”和“idea that”;







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本文作者:Wally 雅思8分 核桃英语雅思作文学科督导 宾夕法尼亚大学TESOL专业硕士曾专门针对中国留学生设计了适合国内考生的考试培训、英语日常交际以及英语学术写作的课程。熟知雅思写作评分标准,掌握大小作文各类题型的写作结构,能够帮助学生快速提升雅思作文成绩。




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