
您所在的位置:网站首页 雅思作文原题 2022年10月29日雅思大作文真题参考范文:每个人都应该在学校待到18岁


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摘要:上海新航道雅思培训班 小编为大家整理了2022年10月29日雅思大作文真题参考范文:每个人都应该在学校待到18岁,每次考试后新航道雅思 小编会在1-2天内更新雅思机经回忆

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Everybody should stay at school until 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2022/10/29)




Living in a society inundated with ferocious competition, young people in modern age are expected to be highly educated and qualified. Accordingly, the proposal to raise the school leaving age until the age of eighteen is propounded, which sparks vigorous contentiousness . While some people have a few reservations, I find myself in staunch agreement with such a movement.


这次的task2又是一道典型的旧题,虽然整体难度并不大,题目中绝 对化的限定词everybody也需要关注;可以通过对比讨论“让所有年轻人18岁前全日制学习”的好处和坏处来展开全文;

Ø inundated with 充斥着;充满

Ø ferocious adj.激烈的;强烈的

Ø accordingly adv. 因此

Ø propound v.提出;提议

Ø contentiousness n.争论;争议

Ø have a few reservations v.持有保留意见

Body 1

Beyond all doubt, ploughing into the study under 18 ,young people are more likely to obtain certain qualifications, laying a solid foundation for their future career prospect. With excellent academic environment and abundant teaching resources in schools, by no means would the students fail to concentrate on the study. In this case, most high school graduates would enjoy strong probability to further their advanced studies in universities and seek for a decent job with their credentials. By this token, attending schools for a longer period of time is definitely a wise investment for the young themselves.



Ø beyond all doubt adv. 毫无疑问地;

Ø plough into v.投入;

Ø by no means adv.绝不;

Ø further v.推进;

Ø credentials n. 文凭;凭证;

Ø by this token adv.由此看来

Body 2

Additionally, a mandatory policy for students to stay in school until at least they are eighteen , in large part, boosts the social harmony . Adolescence is a special period, in which young people,with immature minds, tend to lack self-control and the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Apart from imparting knowledge for its own sake, teachers also play an indispensable role in helping students instill correct moral values and become law-abiding citizens. Without judicious preparations and code of ethics to support and restrain themselves, the young, in all likelihood, will engage in anti-social behaviors .



Ø boost v.促进

Ø judicious preparations 充分准备;

Ø in all likelihood 极有可能;

Body 3

Nonetheless, such a strategy does come with its own dark sides,which fails to take into account the actual desires and rights of students, those who are not academically proficient and enthusiastic in particular. Rather than trapping them in a compulsive education system, it is better for them to climb into society, which allows them to gain social experience beforehand and become economically independent. Meanwhile, longer-term of obligatory education is bound to aggravate the ongoing financial burden of the government for high demanding in school facilities and faculty recruitment.



Ø take into account v.考虑到

Ø proficient adj. 精通的

Ø climb into society v.进入社会

Ø is bound to 必然会;一定会


To recapitulate, to seek an ideal mode of education is one of the mission in our time. Encouraging all teenagers to accomplish the secondary school until 18, from my perspective, is a win-win situation for both adolescents and the whole society.



Ø win-win situation 双赢的局面;








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