溪上飞檐:浙江音乐学院校园微更新 / 朱培栋

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溪上飞檐:浙江音乐学院校园微更新 / 朱培栋

2024-07-17 12:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

溪上飞檐:浙江音乐学院校园微更新 / 朱培栋-line+建筑事务所、gad 溪上飞檐:浙江音乐学院校园微更新 / 朱培栋-line+建筑事务所、gad 编辑:李博超 | 校对:李博超 | 2022.06.10 21:37

“溪上飞檐”外观  ©line+

设计单位  line+建筑事务所、gad

项目地点  浙江杭州

建成时间  2021年9月

建筑面积 409平方米








“溪上飞檐”外观  摄影:朱润资


Zhejiang Conservatory of Music, where " Floating Cornice on the Brook” is located, the country's tenth and only newly constructed professional music education college. At the time of the design competition ten years ago, reflecting on the current pattern of conventional enclosed universities surrounded by walls, Zhu Peidong, the Chief Architect, has tried to take "an Open Music Art Park" as a new spatial prototype, and operated in the form of landscape and settlement namely "Flowing Landscape, Hidden Mountain Residence" - the operation of this landscape and settlements – to breaks away from the scale and interface of the traditional university campus to seek a more free and open new spatial prototype of art college construction.


以“开放的音乐艺术公园”为空间场景的原型  摄影:姚力流动地景,隐山乐居  摄影:姚力


Since the campus was built and put into use in 2015, with the gradual running-in of the campus software and hardware supports, and the improvement of the operation and maintenance management level, the management team of the college decided to declare the whole campus as a 4A cultural tourist attraction. Thus, it provides us with a practice opportunity to continue the original intention of design in the form of campus micro-renewal, and helps the campus to expand its identity dimension from the "open campus" at the design level to the "public scenic spot" at the social and ecological level.


俯瞰“溪上飞檐”与“音谷云廊”  ©line+“溪上飞檐”外观  ©line+





The layout of campus buildings varies with the land use and is divided into two groups, north and south, with distinct morphological characteristics and distinction. On the north side, it is the natural landscape architecture embedded in the mountain and on the south side,it is the ceremonial space with clear artificial boundaries. The design leaves the middle part blank, connecting the north and south campus groups with flowing curving walkways, meandering channels along the mountain and natural landscape.


双廊并行,串联南北  ©line+“溪上飞檐”与“音谷云廊”  ©line+


As an important infrastructure upgrade for the campus 4A scenic spot evaluation, strengthening the public attributes of the middle section of the campus and activating the existing campus space have become the proposition purpose of our Open-ended micro-renewal.


“溪上飞檐”外观  ©line+


Through the retrospection of our original design intention at that time, combined with the current new needs of development inside and outside the campus, we finally selected the rainwater garden along the mountain canal in the middle section of the campus, which was originally left blank, and embedded a linear pedestrian system with minimal intervention approach on the site.


场地原貌  ©line+改造后的场地现状  摄影:朱润资


Borrowing from the traditional Chinese painting technique of scattered perspective and translating the spatial elements of "Plank, Corridors, Cornice, Bridges" of classical Chinese gardens, we try to superimpose multiple focal points, spatial forms and behavioral scenes in the longitudinal space of Floating Cornice on the Brook, so that people can gain a circuitous and diversified spatial experience and reading perspective when walking and viewing,, aiming to activate the existing inefficient idle space in this section of campus and improve the campus public roaming experience.


散点透视分析  ©line+

“溪上飞檐”外观  ©line+


On the north side of Floating Cornice on the Brook, the wooden plank path gently floating on the ground is used as the guide, connecting the music department building which fades along the mountain and entwines with the remaining sound; On the south side, it ends with the unilateral cantilevered steel bridge and platform base, facing the campus canteen that linear spread out on the ground. Thus, it has formed the natural walking path at the foot of Wangjiang Mountain, providing a new experience of walking from north to south of the campus through woods and Brooks for teachers and students and visitors.


连接校园南北的步行新体验  摄影:朱润资





In the boundary of the campus’ central part of, the newly-built Floating Cornice on the Brook and the Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music, which has been in use for many years, are parallel, integrating into the natural mountain scenery in the middle of the campus, forming a campus public space system that can induce diversified daily behaviors. Ten years ago, Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music was designed in accordance with the overall concept of the campus, emphasizing the design entry point of soft curves and flowing landscape. The solid volume of fair-faced concrete contains the delicate texture shaping by board grain, and at present constitutes the established design basis for our campus micro-renewal.


俯瞰“溪上飞檐”与“音谷云廊”  摄影:朱润资


The new steel and wood folding corridor Floating Cornice on the Brook on the east side and concrete corridor Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music on the west side are added. One is light and the other is heavy, one is virtual and the other is real, one is folding and bending, one is soft and the other is rigid. They connect the north and south of the campus in different ways, and form a dialogue spanning over a decade in the form and topography, structure and materials of each other. They form the hidden boundary of Zhejiang Conservatory of Music facing the Natural Mountain and gentle slope landform in the middle. In the corridor, in line with the flowing space structure of the campus, the landscape presents a geometric linear shape. The landscape road and corridor are like melody and notes, guiding the crowd to move dynamically across the campus.


“溪上飞檐”与“音谷云廊”形成跨越十年的东西对话  摄影:朱润资

“溪上飞檐”南北视角  摄影:朱润资



跨溪穿林 / 蜿蜒徐行



Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music forms barrier blocking the noise with half-open fair-faced concrete corridor, while the Floating Cornice on the Brook leads the mountain into the garden with fully transparent steel and wood folding corridor. The concrete corridor curve is soft and steel and wood folding corridor twists and turns with distinct nodes. The corridor of the two materials follows their own terrain characteristics to interpret the two forms of the corridor.


流线与植被分析  ©line+东侧曲折笃定的“溪上飞檐”和西侧曲线灵动的“音谷云廊”  摄影:朱润资、姚力


There is a height difference of 1 to 4 meters on the east and west sides of the original site of Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music, and the outer side is the campus and the urban roadway. Compared with the monotonous retaining wall, the semi-arch wind and rain corridor cantilevered continuously not only eliminates the interference of traffic noise, but also poetically builds a traffic space to overlook the distant scenery of mountains and shelter the wind and rain. The roof is then covered with soil to blend into the landscape, softening the eastern boundary of the campus.


双廊剖面 ©line+柔化校园东侧边界的“音谷云廊”  摄影:姚力曲折笃定的“溪上飞檐”  摄影:朱润资


Looking west along the Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music, there is Wangjiang Mountain. At its feet, the Floating Cornice on the Brook along the mountain edge, zigzagging forward across the Brook, compound by the spatial elements of "Plank, Corridors, Cornice, Bridge", and integrating the behavioral scenes carried by walking along the mountain, paly with water, walking along the brook and winding paths, creating a multiple and composite spatial experience path.


空间元素的转译  ©line+


Plank: In order to avoid the disturbance to the original environment of the site, the folding corridor is elevated across the brook, as close to the water as possible, avoiding the native trees in each folding, and fitting the trend of the mountain.


采用跨溪架空的方式,尽量伏低贴近水面  摄影:朱润资避开原生乔木,并贴合山体的坡向走势  ©line+


Corridor: On top of the plank, the roof is set up on columns to form a corridor, which bends in accordance with the trend of the mountain edge and the bank, and folds into the brook in the middle. Pedestrians can take several steps to sit next the brook, integrating the functions of sitting, watching and strolling and creating a shared leisure place.


栈之上立柱架檐,顺应山缘驳岸之势弯折  ©line+由“廊”落步三两阶,行人即可闲坐溪面  摄影:朱润资


Cornice: simplify the traditional sloped roof ridge and eaves, smooth the slope difference of double-sloped roof, so that Cornice appears light and unobtrusive. The Cornice are twisted and folded on the Plank to form a bench for lounging and a buttress that defines the beginning and the ends.


轻盈与消隐之态  ©line+

将“檐”扭转并折放在栈道上,即为闲坐的长椅与界定首尾的扶壁  摄影:朱润资


Bridge: A small pool is formed in front of the campus dining hall from the brook. A steel bridge with a slight tilt is set up on the pool, cantilevering unilaterally and entering the slope lightly.


在食堂前的一汪小池上架起钢“桥”,轻巧入坡  摄影:朱润资


In contrast to Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music with continuous curvature, by using fold lines with clear nodes and morphological translation of various spatial elements in garden space, Floating Cornice on the Brook constructs three-dimensional composite forms in horizontal and vertical directions, and builds a self-consistent system that compounds behavior and scene.


材料结构爆炸分析  ©line+构筑起行为与场景复合的自洽体系  摄影:朱润资



虚与实 / 刚与柔



The roof structure of Floating Cornice on the Brook is a box-shaped beam with an I-shaped beam and the roof is an abstract form of double slope and four-corner polygonal roof. Corresponding to the four corners polygonal roof, the ceiling forms an inverted pyramid. All the fulcrum points converge at the apex of the pyramid, so that the roof with a north-south length of 113 meters are supported on the ground by only five slender steel columns. Vertical structural members are thus minimized use.


结构分析  ©line+构造节点详图  ©line+檐内吊顶形成四棱锥,所有支点均集合于棱锥的顶点  摄影:朱润资


Viewed from the far side of Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music, the steel column of Floating Cornice on the Brook looks like a tree trunk. The horizontal member Cornice thus becomes the visual focus, presenting the effect of Cornice overhanging over the Brook, and realizing the integration with the surrounding landscape.


“檐”呈现溪上轻飞的视觉效果,渗透周边景致  ©line+


Wood seams are set aside at the junction of the block surfaces of the four-pyramid pine ceiling along the Floating Cornice on the Brook, and LED lamp bars are inlaid to strengthen the geometric relationship of the block surfaces and form a smooth and simple light effect.


内镶LED灯条,强化了块面的几何关系  摄影:朱润资


At night, the lamp belt is lit, and the ceiling and column are like umbrella frames. Lights on the roof outline the path of people.


“溪上飞檐”日景夜景效果对比  摄影:朱润资


In contrast to the void presented by integration with the surrounding landscape, Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music uses solid materials as a screen and satisfies the functional premise of sound blocking and soil retaining. Meanwhile, following the vertical height difference on both sides, the construction is adapted to local conditions. The special-shaped fair-face concrete is designed with multiple controlled curvature segments and 600 sections with acoustic gain performance to form a soft and continuous single-arm cantilever structure by setting out each half meter in sections.


“音谷云廊”以实为屏,形成柔和连续的单臂悬挑结构  摄影:姚力


The operation and maintenance of the campus have become normal after years of use. In order to reduce the interference of construction behavior to the campus teachers and students, the construction of the Floating Cornice on the Brook was carried out in summer vacation. During the construction process, the main components of the steel structure were prefabricated in the factory and then transported to the site in sections for assembly, which has shortened the construction period and ensured better accuracy. Clear fold line joints and segmental assembled prefabricated steel structure make Floating Cornice on the Brook show a state of hardness, and forms a void and solid comparison as well as couple hardness with softness.


“溪上飞檐”外观  ©line+



暖与冷 / 表与里



In terms of materials, the Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music of fair-faced concrete presents stronger spatial tension. In contrast, because of its smaller scale and fit to the mountain, the Floating Cornice on the Brook adopts more natural timber to build, and the spatial is comfortable and relaxed for pedestrians.


音谷云廊与溪上飞檐材料分析  ©line+木纹理由表及里,相映成趣  摄影:朱润资、姚力


In contrast to Floating Cornice on the Brook is the implicit expression of the timber in the inner wall of the Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music. The formwork frame of the flow curve and irregular structure of the supporting concrete corridor is composed of 80mm fir board and bamboo plywood board. The timber transfer texture refines the large screen seems as clouds and waves into a tactile intimacy scale and shelter of rustic sense. From the outside to the inside, the Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music sets each other off with the real wood grain texture of the steel wood folding corridor.


云廊的木模板混凝土和折廊的松木板  ©line+

“溪上飞檐”外观  摄影:朱润资


Floating Cornice on the Brook uses wood to convey two forms of discourse of a single material. The dark burnt fir board is used for the roof covering and seats, which is resistant to natural corrosion and hidden the folding corridor in the woods. The ceiling and corridor buttress are made of primary red cedar wood, presenting natural color. Inside the corridor, pedestrians are accommodated with warm texture.


“溪上飞檐”外观  摄影:朱润资


As the sun sets, the primary red board cedar ceiling reflects the light and shadow of the brook. At this time, the folding corridor is a comfortable and relaxed leisure space, where people lean on the fence to watch the fish, pick up the steps and sit and leisurely stroll. Floating Cornice on the Brook are extended in a friendly manner, guiding people inside and outside the school to participate in artistic activities.


“溪上飞檐”外观  摄影:朱润资





As an important node of the ecological axis of the campus, Floating Cornice on the Brook, with the concept of rain garden, tries to build a campus sponge landscape that combines ecological sustainability with landscape art and behavior participation.


“溪上飞檐”外观  摄影:朱润资地表流径汇入溪流  ©line+“溪上飞檐”外观  摄影:朱润资


There is a natural transition between the Brook and the traffic and pedestrian roads in the middle of the campus as well as the Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music through the lawn buffer zone, bush buffer zone and the brook landscape belt. Combined with the design of the corridor without contact with water, the natural gentle slope on both sides of the corridor enters the water by steps on brook bank without disturbing the growth of aquatic plants. Through the comprehensive purification of plants and sand, the water quality of natural precipitation can be improved, and the water gradually infiltrated into the soil to conserve groundwater and supply landscape water.


海绵景观系统设计分析  ©line+

“溪上飞檐”外观  ©line+





Floating Cornice on the Brook a freedom and openness public space was built for Zhejiang Conservatory of Music which seems to complete. Floating Cornice on the Brook serves teachers and students with the improved campus infrastructure, and integrates natural resources and seasonal landscape scenes to benefit the public. With new forms, structures and materials, it forms an interesting east-west dialogue with the original Cloud Corridor in the Valley of Music, completes the linear open space in the middle of the campus, and connects the buildings in the north and south areas. Thus, a public culture and art space that is open and shared with the city and permeated with the nature is formed.


“溪上飞檐”外观  ©line+


Being open for use over the years, Zhejiang Conservatory of Music has held many national and provincial music and art activities for the public. Within the macro scale of the art park, Floating Cornice on the Brook improves the campus infrastructure and artificial ecological environment by constructing a natural rhythmic walking corridor, benefiting various public groups. In the microscopic scale of regional ecology, it is a rest space based on biodiversity.


“溪上飞檐”外观  摄影:朱润资


As the poem says: "Nature is full of the image of time, nature stays, and time flies, all from the perfect; So the light from above shines on mankind like the flowers near the trees."


“溪上飞檐”外观  摄影:朱润资


设计图纸 ▽


总平面图  ©line+底层平面图  ©line+立面图  ©line+








设计团队:孙啸宇、周洋(建筑);金剑波 、张文杰、池晓媚(景观)















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