
您所在的位置:网站首页 阿玛丽亚乌尔曼 阿马利娅·乌尔曼中国首次个展:优越


2024-07-05 15:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Address: 201, East Tower, World Financial Center, No.1 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China


阿马利娅·乌尔曼,优越2/22/2016,100 x 158.5 cm,富士照片印刷装裱于复合铝板,2016,图片由艺术家提供

Amalia Ulman, Privilege 2/22/2016,100 x 158.5 cm, Fuji Photo Print on Aluminium Dibond Under Clear Composite, 2016, Courtesy of Amalia Ulman


展览简介Exhibition Information

金杜艺术中心将于3月22日到5月19日推出艺术家阿马利娅·乌尔曼(Amalia Ulman)在中国的首次个展“优越”。展览设计借由一个独特的“办公室迷宫”装置,呈现包括15张照片和3部录像在内的系列作品。展出的摄影作品来自艺术家最新的《优越》系列以及其2014年完成的系列《卓越与完美》。此次展览旨在将乌尔曼的艺术实践中贯常的表达方式介绍给中国观众,通过对大众意识中典型角色的扮演,揭露当下人们在网络与现实,职业生活和私生活中的矛盾与反差。

阿马利娅·乌尔曼,优越9/16/2016,100 x 100 cm,富士照片印刷装裱于复合铝板,2016,来源:黄勖夫(木木美术馆)收藏,北京

Amalia Ulman, Privilege 9/16/2016, 100 x 100 cm, Fuji Photo Print on Aluminium Dibond Under Clear Composite, 2016, Courtesy of Michael Xufu Huang ( M WOODS Museum) Collection,Beijing


阿马利娅·乌尔曼,卓越与完美(Instagram更新,2014年7月8日)(#itsjust-different),125 x 125 cm,C类印刷装裱于铝板,2015,来源:黄勖夫(木木美术馆)收藏,北京

Amalia Ulman, Excellences & Perfections (Instagram Updated, 8th July 2014) (#itsjust-different), 125 x 125 cm,

C-Type Print Dry Mounted on Aluminium, Mounted Black Edge Frame, 2015, Courtesy of Michael Xufu Huang ( M WOODS Museum) Collection,Beijing



Amalia Ulman , Reputation, Installation view, 2016, New Galerie, Paris, Courtesy of Amalia Ulman

金杜艺术中心展出的这两个系列的作品,皆探讨了当代女性生活中生理身份与社会身份的共存及矛盾: 网络一方面给予人表达的自由幻象,一方面对人的想象力和欲求加以操控。“职业”一方面解放了女性,另一方面又把她们塑造进另一种难以挣脱的模型……在“网络”,“女性身份”以及“城市职业生活”成为大多数中国人不可回避的日常语境时,乌尔曼的艺术直接而鲜明地提供了一个汇集了真实元素的幻境,刺激每个观者反思和感受日常生活中的戏剧性和困境。


KWM artcenter is pleased to present Amalia Ulman's first solo exhibition in China entitled ‘Privilege’ from 22 March to 19 May 2018. The exhibition presents a site-specific labyrinthine installation in which 15 photographs and 3 video works are exhibited. The photographs are both from her first photographic series ‘Excellences and Perfections’ as well as her ongoing series ‘Privilege’. The aim of the exhibition is to introduce Ulman’s practice to a new audience exposing the contradictory roles of contemporary professional and private life as they play out amongst a monopoly of contemporary stereotypes.

阿马利娅·乌尔曼,优越1/14/2016,100 x 150 cm,富士照片印刷装裱于复合铝板,2016,图片由艺术家提供

Amalia Ulman, Privilege 1/14/2016, 100 x 150 cm, Fuji Photo Print on Aluminium Dibond Under Clear Composite, 2016, Courtesy of Amalia Ulman

Amalia Ulman plays with different contemporary identity roles of women on the social media platform - Instagram. She interacts with her audience. She presents the performance including the interactive behavior itself as the final art work in photographs and installations. In her series “Privilege”, an ongoing project from 2015, the artist performs as a white-collar worker and caricature of herself producing works that allude to a women's professional life during pregnancy and how it sits within certain labor roles including the art world. The works especially emphasise a women's experience during pregnancy as the physiological and psychological can often divide; how the women acts as a kind of modern day Avalokitesvara as she multitasks and how a freedom yet imprisonment sentiment is often felt. Also showing are 3 video projections from the series, one starring Bob the Pigeon, a bird companion who has become her confidante after appearing in her office and interrupting her productivity.

阿马利娅·乌尔曼,优越10/14/2016,100 x 100 cm,富士照片印刷装裱于复合铝板,2016,图片由艺术家提供

Amalia Ulman, Privilege 10/14/2016, 100 x 100 cm, Fuji Photo Print on Aluminium Dibond Under Clear Composite, 2016, Courtesy of Amalia Ulman

In addition to the latest series, the exhibition also includes selected images from Amalia Ulman’s ‘Excellences and Perfections’ project, created in 2014. In this series, Ulman used popular hashtags from micro-celebrities on the popular social network, and took on the roles of ‘cute girl’, ‘sugar baby’ and ‘life goddess’.The work underlines how the internethas given people an illusion of freedom of speech, while manipulating their imagination and recording their desires at the same time. Both projects, highlighted at KWM, explore the inherent contradiction and co-existence between the physiological identity and social / professional identity in contemporary female life.

阿马利娅·乌尔曼,周一卡通,展览现场图,2017,底波拉 沙莫尼画廊,慕尼黑,图片由艺术家提供

Amalia Ulman, Monday Cartoons, Installation view, 2017, Deborah Schamoni, Munich, Courtesy of Amalia Ulman

On the one hand ‘Work’ can liberate women, but it can also transform the persona into a role that is then hard to break free from. As the awareness of urban professional life and female identity have become unavoidable in the Chinese work place, Ulman's art, directly and uniquely, provides a fantasy out of real elements, stimulating each viewer to reflect upon and feel the dramatic dilemmas of everyday life.


关于艺术家About the Artist

©阿马利娅·乌尔曼 Amalia Ulman

艺术家阿马利娅·乌尔曼1989年出生于阿根廷,在西班牙长大,随后在伦敦中央圣马丁学院学习艺术,现生活工作于洛杉矶。她的作品主要以第一人称的语气,模糊了艺术家和被研究对象的区分。作品往往以幽默温柔的假象,探索阶级模仿以及消费主义和身份认知之间的关系。除了视频、雕塑和装置作品,她的多学科实践包含了使用社交媒体、杂志摄影、采访、自我推销和品牌代言作为工具,为虚构的叙事体小说创造素材。乌尔曼的行为艺术作品“卓越与完美”被Rhizome画廊 和新美术馆(纽约)收藏并在Tate当代美术馆及白教堂艺术中心(伦敦)展出。她的近期作品包括视频论文《私人编年史》(Frieze Live,2015),《优越》(线上行为表演,2016), 并有一系列展览:“劳动的舞蹈”(Arcadia Missa画廊,伦敦),“名誉”(新画廊,巴黎),“尊严”(James Fuentes画廊,纽约),“不容忍”(BARRO画廊,布宜诺斯艾利斯),“星期一漫画”(Deborah Schamoni 画廊 慕尼黑),“Atchoum!”(Sympa画廊,菲雅克)和“新世界1717”(外滩美术馆,上海)。

Amalia Ulman (b. 1989) is an artist with an office in downtown L.A. Born in Argentina but raised in Spain, she studied Fine Arts at Central Saint Martins in London. Her works, which are primarily voiced in the first person, blur the distinction between the artist and object of study, often creating humorous, gentle deceptions, while exploring class imitation and the relationship between consumerism and identity. In addition to video, sculpture and installation work, her multidisciplinary practice has involved the use of social media, magazine photoshoots, interviews, self-promotion and brand endorsements as tools for the fabrication of fictional narratives. Ulman’s performance Excellences & Perfections was archived by Rhizome and the New Museum (New York) and exhibited at the Tate Modern and Whitechapel Gallery (London). Her most recent works are the video essay Annals of Private History (Frieze Live, 2015), and Privilege (online performance, 2016) and its subsequent solo shows: Labour Dance at Arcadia Missa (London), Reputation at New Galerie (Paris), Dignity at James Fuentes (New York), Intolerance at BARRO (Buenos Aires), Monday Cartoons at Deborah Schamoni (Munich), Atchoum! at Galerie Sympa (Figeac) and NEW WORLD 1717 at Rockbund Art Museum (Shanghai).


关于展览About the Exhibition


“Amalia Ulman: Privilege” sponsored by Hong Kong Grand Prosperity Culture & Art Fund, the Queue and World Financial Centre · Beijing. The exhibition is special supported by media: AD, artnet, Beijing Youth Weekly, CAIXIN Culture, Culture Potato, L’OFFICIEL HOMMES, NF People, Noblesse, OCULA, Vice China, XER, YITIAO.

*按首字母顺序排列 Arranged in alphabetical order


关于金杜艺术中心About the KWM artcenter

金杜艺术中心于2016年10月20日正式开幕,位于北京CBD区环球金融中心。艺术中心由金杜律师事务所与金杜艺术基金支持创立。中心包括展览展示空间和教育教学空间, 将用于呈现专业的当代艺术展览,协助金杜基金收藏国内外的优秀当代艺术家作品。同时开展与时尚,设计,建筑的跨界合作,以及一系列多角度的艺术教育活动和课程,培养艺术爱好者,拓展高品质审美和趣味的国民影响力。通过在金杜全球多个事务所的展示活动,以及与国际艺术机构的互动,增强中国艺术的国际影响,成为中国当代文化的有力传播者。

The KWM artcenter opened on 20th October 2016. It is located on the second floor of the WFC centre CBD in Beijing. The new art center is supported by the law firm King & Wood Mallesons and an KWM artcenter affiliated private art fund. The KWM artcenterhas over 700 sqm of exhibition space, including an exhibition space, a VIP room and an educational space. It will be used to present and promote artists both domestically and overseas. In particular, it will act as a rare art institution at the heart of the economic central area in Beijing. It will providehigh-quality art educational activities and courses aimed to cultivate artlovers and collectors. It serves to improve the international influence o fChinese Art and become a powerful communicator of Chinese Contemporary Art.






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