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2023-08-04 02:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265















teb_local_plannerstepback_and_steerturn_recovery 设置并测试优化



在本教程中,学习如何检查优化轨迹的反馈; 提供了一个示例,其可视化当前所选轨迹的速度分布。























1.机器人卡住,禁止机器人向任何方向转弯。 2.退回空间,转向。 3. 在机器人退后的位置扫描导航的代价地图。4.检测到最近障碍物的方向并尝试向相反方向转弯。



#include #include #include // register as a RecoveryBehavior plugin PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(stepback_and_steerturn_recovery, StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery, stepback_and_steerturn_recovery::StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery, nav_core::RecoveryBehavior) namespace stepback_and_steerturn_recovery { StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery::StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery () : global_costmap_(NULL), local_costmap_(NULL), tf_(NULL), initialized_(false) { TWIST_STOP.linear.x = 0.0; TWIST_STOP.linear.y = 0.0; TWIST_STOP.linear.z = 0.0; TWIST_STOP.angular.x = 0.0; TWIST_STOP.angular.y = 0.0; TWIST_STOP.angular.z = 0.0; } StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery::~StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery () { delete world_model_; } void StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery::initialize (std::string name, tf::TransformListener* tf, cmap::Costmap2DROS* global_cmap, cmap::Costmap2DROS* local_cmap) { ROS_ASSERT(!initialized_); name_ = name; tf_ = tf; local_costmap_ = local_cmap; global_costmap_ = global_cmap; /* local_costmap_->getCostmapCopy(costmap_); world_model_ = new blp::CostmapModel(costmap_); */ world_model_ = new base_local_planner::CostmapModel(*local_costmap_->getCostmap()); cmd_vel_pub_ = nh_.advertise("cmd_vel", 10); recover_run_pub_ = nh_.advertise("recover_run", 10); ros::NodeHandle private_nh("~/" + name); /* { bool found=true; found = found && private_nh.getParam("linear_x", base_frame_twist_.linear.x); found = found && private_nh.getParam("linear_y", base_frame_twist_.linear.y); found = found && private_nh.getParam("angular_z", base_frame_twist_.angular.z); if (!found) { ROS_FATAL_STREAM ("Didn't find twist parameters in " getRobotPose(p); gm::Pose2D pose; pose.x = p.getOrigin().x(); pose.y = p.getOrigin().y(); pose.theta = tf::getYaw(p.getRotation()); return pose; } void StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery::moveSpacifiedLength (const gm::Twist twist, const double distination, const COSTMAP_SEARCH_MODE mode) const { double distination_cmd = distination; double min_dist_to_obstacle = getMinimalDistanceToObstacle(mode); std::string mode_name; double time_out; switch (mode) { case FORWARD: mode_name = "FORWARD"; time_out = step_forward_timeout_; if (min_dist_to_obstacle < distination) { distination_cmd = min_dist_to_obstacle - obstacle_patience_; ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "obstacle detected before moving %s", mode_name.c_str()); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "min dist to obstacle = %.2f [m] in %s", min_dist_to_obstacle, mode_name.c_str()); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "moving length is switched from %.2f [m] to %.2f in %s", distination, distination_cmd,mode_name.c_str()); } break; case FORWARD_LEFT: mode_name = "FORWARD_LEFT"; time_out = steering_timeout_; if (min_dist_to_obstacle < obstacle_patience_) { distination_cmd = 0.0; ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "obstacle detected before moving %s", mode_name.c_str()); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "min dist to obstacle = %.2f [m] in %s", min_dist_to_obstacle, mode_name.c_str()); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "stop turning because an obstacle is too close in %s", mode_name.c_str()); } break; case FORWARD_RIGHT: mode_name = "FORWARD_RIGHT"; time_out = steering_timeout_; if (min_dist_to_obstacle < obstacle_patience_) { distination_cmd = 0.0; ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "obstacle detected before moving %s", mode_name.c_str()); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "min dist to obstacle = %.2f [m] in %s", min_dist_to_obstacle, mode_name.c_str()); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "stop turning because an obstacle is too close in %s", mode_name.c_str()); } break; case BACKWARD: mode_name = "BACKWARD"; time_out = step_back_timeout_; if (min_dist_to_obstacle < distination) { distination_cmd = min_dist_to_obstacle - 2 * obstacle_patience_; ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "obstacle detected before moving %s", mode_name.c_str()); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "min dist to obstacle = %.2f [m] in %s", min_dist_to_obstacle, mode_name.c_str()); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "moving length is switched from %.2f [m] to %.2f in %s", distination, distination_cmd, mode_name.c_str()); } break; default: break; } const double frequency = 5.0; ros::Rate r(frequency); const gm::Pose2D initialPose = getCurrentLocalPose(); int log_cnt = 0; int log_frequency = (int)obstacle_check_frequency_; ros::Time time_begin = ros::Time::now(); while (double dist_diff = getCurrentDistDiff(initialPose, distination_cmd, mode) > 0.01) { double remaining_time = dist_diff / base_frame_twist_.linear.x; double min_dist = getMinimalDistanceToObstacle(mode); // time out if(time_out > 0.0 && time_begin + ros::Duration(time_out) < ros::Time::now()) { //cmd_vel_pub_.publish(scaleGivenAccelerationLimits(TWIST_STOP, remaining_time)); cmd_vel_pub_.publish(TWIST_STOP); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "time out at %s", mode_name.c_str()); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "%.2f [sec] elapsed.", time_out); break; } // detect an obstacle if(min_dist < obstacle_patience_) { //cmd_vel_pub_.publish(scaleGivenAccelerationLimits(TWIST_STOP, remaining_time)); cmd_vel_pub_.publish(TWIST_STOP); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "obstacle detected at %s", mode_name.c_str()); ROS_WARN_NAMED ("top", "min dist to obstacle = %.2f [m] in %s", min_dist, mode_name.c_str()); break; } //cmd_vel_pub_.publish(scaleGivenAccelerationLimits(twist, remaining_time)); cmd_vel_pub_.publish(twist); if(log_cnt++ % log_frequency == 0) { ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "no obstacle around"); ROS_INFO_NAMED ("top", "min dist to obstacle = %.2f [m] in %s", min_dist, mode_name.c_str()); } ros::spinOnce(); r.sleep(); } return; } double StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery::getCurrentDiff(const gm::Pose2D initialPose, const COSTMAP_SEARCH_MODE mode) const { const gm::Pose2D& currentPose = getCurrentLocalPose(); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "current pose (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)", currentPose.x, currentPose.y, currentPose.theta); double current_diff; switch (mode) { case FORWARD: case BACKWARD: current_diff = getDistBetweenTwoPoints(currentPose, initialPose); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "current_diff in translation = %.2f", current_diff); break; case FORWARD_LEFT: case FORWARD_RIGHT: current_diff = initialPose.theta - currentPose.theta; current_diff = fabs(current_diff); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "initialPose.Theta = %.2f, currentPose.theta = %.2f", initialPose.theta, currentPose.theta); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "current_diff in angle = %.2f", current_diff); default: break; } return current_diff; } double StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery::getCurrentDistDiff(const gm::Pose2D initialPose, const double distination, COSTMAP_SEARCH_MODE mode) const { const double dist_diff = distination - getCurrentDiff(initialPose, mode); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "dist_diff = %.2f", dist_diff); return dist_diff; } double StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery::getMinimalDistanceToObstacle(const COSTMAP_SEARCH_MODE mode) const { double max_angle, min_angle; gm::Twist twist = TWIST_STOP; switch (mode) { case FORWARD: twist.linear.x = linear_vel_forward_; max_angle = M_PI/3.0; min_angle = -M_PI/3.0; break; case FORWARD_LEFT: twist.linear.x = linear_vel_forward_; max_angle = M_PI/2.0; min_angle = 0.0; break; case FORWARD_RIGHT: twist.linear.x = linear_vel_forward_; max_angle = 0.0; min_angle = -M_PI/2.0; break; case BACKWARD: twist.linear.x = linear_vel_back_; max_angle = M_PI/3.0; min_angle = -M_PI/3.0; break; default: break; } const gm::Pose2D& current = getCurrentLocalPose(); double min_dist = INFINITY; for(double angle = min_angle; angle < max_angle; angle+=sim_angle_resolution_) { twist.angular.z = angle; gm::Pose2D pose_to_obstacle = getPoseToObstacle(current, twist); double dist_to_obstacle = getDistBetweenTwoPoints(current, pose_to_obstacle); if(dist_to_obstacle < min_dist) min_dist = dist_to_obstacle; } ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "min_dist = %.2f", min_dist); return min_dist; } int StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery::determineTurnDirection() { // simulate and evaluate cost const gm::Pose2D& current = getCurrentLocalPose(); gm::Twist twist = TWIST_STOP; twist.linear.x = linear_vel_forward_; vector dist_to_obstacle_r; vector dist_to_obstacle_l; double max = M_PI/2.0; double min = - max; for(double angle = min; angle < max; angle+=sim_angle_resolution_) { twist.angular.z = angle; gm::Pose2D pose_to_obstacle = getPoseToObstacle(current, twist); double dist_to_obstacle = getDistBetweenTwoPoints(current, pose_to_obstacle); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) for %.2f [m] to obstacle", twist.linear.x, twist.linear.y, twist.angular.z, dist_to_obstacle); if(angle > 0.0) dist_to_obstacle_l.push_back(dist_to_obstacle); else if(angle < 0.0) dist_to_obstacle_r.push_back(dist_to_obstacle); else ;// do nothing } // determine the directoin to go from cost /* double sum_l = 0.0; double sum_r = 0.0; double ave_l = 0.0; double ave_r = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < dist_to_obstacle_l.size(); i++) sum_l += dist_to_obstacle_l[i]; for(int i = 0; i < dist_to_obstacle_r.size(); i++) sum_r += dist_to_obstacle_r[i]; ave_l = sum_l / dist_to_obstacle_l.size(); ave_r = sum_r / dist_to_obstacle_r.size(); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "sum_l = %.2f, sum_r = %.2f", sum_l, sum_r); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "size_l = %d, size_r = %d", (int)dist_to_obstacle_l.size(), (int)dist_to_obstacle_r.size()); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "ave_l = %.2f, ave_r = %.2f", ave_l, ave_r); */ double min_l = *min_element(dist_to_obstacle_l.begin(), dist_to_obstacle_l.end()); double min_r = *min_element(dist_to_obstacle_r.begin(), dist_to_obstacle_r.end()); ROS_INFO_NAMED ("top", "min_l = %.2f [m], min_r = %.2f [m]", min_l, min_r); int ret_val; if(min_l < min_r) ret_val = RIGHT; // if obstacle settles on left, turn right else ret_val = LEFT; // vice versa return ret_val; } double StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery::getDistBetweenTwoPoints(const gm::Pose2D pose1, const gm::Pose2D pose2) const { double dist_to_obstacle = (pose1.x - pose2.x) * (pose1.x - pose2.x) + (pose1.y - pose2.y) * (pose1.y - pose2.y); return sqrt(dist_to_obstacle); } void StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery::runBehavior () { ROS_ASSERT (initialized_); ROS_INFO_NAMED ("top", "*****************************************************"); ROS_INFO_NAMED ("top", "********Start StepBackAndSteerTurnRecovery!!!********"); ROS_INFO_NAMED ("top", "*****************************************************"); std_msgs::Bool run_state; // when starting recovery, topic /run_state_ shifts to true run_state.data = true; recover_run_pub_.publish(run_state); int cnt = 0; const double stop_duaration = 1.0; while(true) { cnt++; ROS_INFO_NAMED ("top", "==== %d th recovery trial ====", cnt); // Figure out how long we can safely run the behavior const gm::Pose2D& initialPose = getCurrentLocalPose(); // initial pose ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "initial pose (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)", initialPose.x, initialPose.y, initialPose.theta); ros::Rate r(controller_frequency_); // step back base_frame_twist_.linear.x = linear_vel_back_; ROS_INFO_NAMED ("top", "attempting step back"); moveSpacifiedLength(base_frame_twist_, step_back_length_, BACKWARD); ROS_INFO_NAMED ("top", "complete step back"); double final_diff = getCurrentDiff(initialPose); ROS_DEBUG_NAMED ("top", "final_diff = %.2f",final_diff); // stop for (double t=0; t 20Hz timer2 = n_.createTimer(ros::Duration((0.5)/controller_freq), &L1Controller::goalReachingCB, this); // Duration(0.05) -> 20Hz //Init variables Lfw = goalRadius = getL1Distance(Vcmd); foundForwardPt = false; goal_received = false; goal_reached = false; cmd_vel.linear.x = 1500; // 1500 for stop cmd_vel.angular.z = baseAngle; //Show info ROS_INFO("[param] baseSpeed: %d", baseSpeed); ROS_INFO("[param] baseAngle: %f", baseAngle); ROS_INFO("[param] AngleGain: %f", Angle_gain); ROS_INFO("[param] Vcmd: %f", Vcmd); ROS_INFO("[param] Lfw: %f", Lfw); //Visualization Marker Settings initMarker(); } void L1Controller::initMarker() { points.header.frame_id = line_strip.header.frame_id = goal_circle.header.frame_id = "odom"; points.ns = line_strip.ns = goal_circle.ns = "Markers"; points.action = line_strip.action = goal_circle.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; points.pose.orientation.w = line_strip.pose.orientation.w = goal_circle.pose.orientation.w = 1.0; points.id = 0; line_strip.id = 1; goal_circle.id = 2; points.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::POINTS; line_strip.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_STRIP; goal_circle.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CYLINDER; // POINTS markers use x and y scale for width/height respectively points.scale.x = 0.2; points.scale.y = 0.2; //LINE_STRIP markers use only the x component of scale, for the line width line_strip.scale.x = 0.1; goal_circle.scale.x = goalRadius; goal_circle.scale.y = goalRadius; goal_circle.scale.z = 0.1; // Points are green points.color.g = 1.0f; points.color.a = 1.0; // Line strip is blue line_strip.color.b = 1.0; line_strip.color.a = 1.0; //goal_circle is yellow goal_circle.color.r = 1.0; goal_circle.color.g = 1.0; goal_circle.color.b = 0.0; goal_circle.color.a = 0.5; } void L1Controller::odomCB(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& odomMsg) { odom = *odomMsg; } void L1Controller::pathCB(const nav_msgs::Path::ConstPtr& pathMsg) { map_path = *pathMsg; } void L1Controller::goalCB(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::ConstPtr& goalMsg) { try { geometry_msgs::PoseStamped odom_goal; tf_listener.transformPose("odom", ros::Time(0) , *goalMsg, "map" ,odom_goal); odom_goal_pos = odom_goal.pose.position; goal_received = true; goal_reached = false; /*Draw Goal on RVIZ*/ goal_circle.pose = odom_goal.pose; marker_pub.publish(goal_circle); } catch(tf::TransformException &ex) { ROS_ERROR("%s",ex.what()); ros::Duration(1.0).sleep(); } } double L1Controller::getYawFromPose(const geometry_msgs::Pose& carPose) { float x = carPose.orientation.x; float y = carPose.orientation.y; float z = carPose.orientation.z; float w = carPose.orientation.w; double tmp,yaw; tf::Quaternion q(x,y,z,w); tf::Matrix3x3 quaternion(q); quaternion.getRPY(tmp,tmp, yaw); return yaw; } bool L1Controller::isForwardWayPt(const geometry_msgs::Point& wayPt, const geometry_msgs::Pose& carPose) { float car2wayPt_x = wayPt.x - carPose.position.x; float car2wayPt_y = wayPt.y - carPose.position.y; double car_theta = getYawFromPose(carPose); float car_car2wayPt_x = cos(car_theta)*car2wayPt_x + sin(car_theta)*car2wayPt_y; float car_car2wayPt_y = -sin(car_theta)*car2wayPt_x + cos(car_theta)*car2wayPt_y; if(car_car2wayPt_x >0) /*is Forward WayPt*/ return true; else return false; } bool L1Controller::isWayPtAwayFromLfwDist(const geometry_msgs::Point& wayPt, const geometry_msgs::Point& car_pos) { double dx = wayPt.x - car_pos.x; double dy = wayPt.y - car_pos.y; double dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); if(dist < Lfw) return false; else if(dist >= Lfw) return true; } geometry_msgs::Point L1Controller::get_odom_car2WayPtVec(const geometry_msgs::Pose& carPose) { geometry_msgs::Point carPose_pos = carPose.position; double carPose_yaw = getYawFromPose(carPose); geometry_msgs::Point forwardPt; geometry_msgs::Point odom_car2WayPtVec; foundForwardPt = false; if(!goal_reached){ for(int i =0; i< map_path.poses.size(); i++) { geometry_msgs::PoseStamped map_path_pose = map_path.poses[i]; geometry_msgs::PoseStamped odom_path_pose; try { tf_listener.transformPose("odom", ros::Time(0) , map_path_pose, "map" ,odom_path_pose); geometry_msgs::Point odom_path_wayPt = odom_path_pose.pose.position; bool _isForwardWayPt = isForwardWayPt(odom_path_wayPt,carPose); if(_isForwardWayPt) { bool _isWayPtAwayFromLfwDist = isWayPtAwayFromLfwDist(odom_path_wayPt,carPose_pos); if(_isWayPtAwayFromLfwDist) { forwardPt = odom_path_wayPt; foundForwardPt = true; break; } } } catch(tf::TransformException &ex) { ROS_ERROR("%s",ex.what()); ros::Duration(1.0).sleep(); } } } else if(goal_reached) { forwardPt = odom_goal_pos; foundForwardPt = false; //ROS_INFO("goal REACHED!"); } /*Visualized Target Point on RVIZ*/ /*Clear former target point Marker*/ points.points.clear(); line_strip.points.clear(); if(foundForwardPt && !goal_reached) { points.points.push_back(carPose_pos); points.points.push_back(forwardPt); line_strip.points.push_back(carPose_pos); line_strip.points.push_back(forwardPt); } marker_pub.publish(points); marker_pub.publish(line_strip); odom_car2WayPtVec.x = cos(carPose_yaw)*(forwardPt.x - carPose_pos.x) + sin(carPose_yaw)*(forwardPt.y - carPose_pos.y); odom_car2WayPtVec.y = -sin(carPose_yaw)*(forwardPt.x - carPose_pos.x) + cos(carPose_yaw)*(forwardPt.y - carPose_pos.y); return odom_car2WayPtVec; } double L1Controller::getEta(const geometry_msgs::Pose& carPose) { geometry_msgs::Point odom_car2WayPtVec = get_odom_car2WayPtVec(carPose); double eta = atan2(odom_car2WayPtVec.y,odom_car2WayPtVec.x); return eta; } double L1Controller::getCar2GoalDist() { geometry_msgs::Point car_pose = odom.pose.pose.position; double car2goal_x = odom_goal_pos.x - car_pose.x; double car2goal_y = odom_goal_pos.y - car_pose.y; double dist2goal = sqrt(car2goal_x*car2goal_x + car2goal_y*car2goal_y); return dist2goal; } double L1Controller::getL1Distance(const double& _Vcmd) { double L1 = 0; if(_Vcmd < 1.34) L1 = 3 / 3.0; else if(_Vcmd > 1.34 && _Vcmd < 5.36) L1 = _Vcmd*2.24 / 3.0; else L1 = 12 / 3.0; return L1; } double L1Controller::getSteeringAngle(double eta) { double steeringAnge = -atan2((L*sin(eta)),(Lfw/2+lfw*cos(eta)))*(180.0/PI); //ROS_INFO("Steering Angle = %.2f", steeringAnge); return steeringAnge; } double L1Controller::getGasInput(const float& current_v) { double u = (Vcmd - current_v)*Gas_gain; //ROS_INFO("velocity = %.2f\tu = %.2f",current_v, u); return u; } void L1Controller::goalReachingCB(const ros::TimerEvent&) { if(goal_received) { double car2goal_dist = getCar2GoalDist(); if(car2goal_dist < goalRadius) { goal_reached = true; goal_received = false; ROS_INFO("Goal Reached !"); } } } void L1Controller::controlLoopCB(const ros::TimerEvent&) { geometry_msgs::Pose carPose = odom.pose.pose; geometry_msgs::Twist carVel = odom.twist.twist; cmd_vel.linear.x = 1500; cmd_vel.angular.z = baseAngle; if(goal_received) { /*Estimate Steering Angle*/ double eta = getEta(carPose); if(foundForwardPt) { cmd_vel.angular.z = baseAngle + getSteeringAngle(eta)*Angle_gain; /*Estimate Gas Input*/ if(!goal_reached) { //double u = getGasInput(carVel.linear.x); //cmd_vel.linear.x = baseSpeed - u; cmd_vel.linear.x = baseSpeed; ROS_DEBUG("\nGas = %.2f\nSteering angle = %.2f",cmd_vel.linear.x,cmd_vel.angular.z); } } } pub_.publish(cmd_vel); } /*****************/ /* MAIN FUNCTION */ /*****************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { //Initiate ROS ros::init(argc, argv, "L1Controller_v2"); L1Controller controller; ros::spin(); return 0; }


#include #include #include #include "ros/ros.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MPC.h" #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; /********************/ /* CLASS DEFINITION */ /********************/ class MPCNode { public: MPCNode(); int get_thread_numbers(); private: ros::NodeHandle _nh; ros::Subscriber _sub_odom, _sub_path, _sub_goal, _sub_amcl; ros::Publisher _pub_odompath, _pub_twist, _pub_ackermann, _pub_mpctraj; ros::Timer _timer1; tf::TransformListener _tf_listener; geometry_msgs::Point _goal_pos; nav_msgs::Odometry _odom; nav_msgs::Path _odom_path, _mpc_traj; ackermann_msgs::AckermannDriveStamped _ackermann_msg; geometry_msgs::Twist _twist_msg; string _globalPath_topic, _goal_topic; string _map_frame, _odom_frame, _car_frame; MPC _mpc; map _mpc_params; double _mpc_steps, _ref_cte, _ref_epsi, _ref_vel, _w_cte, _w_epsi, _w_vel, _w_delta, _w_accel, _w_delta_d, _w_accel_d, _max_steering, _max_throttle, _bound_value; double _Lf, _dt, _steering, _throttle, _speed, _max_speed; double _pathLength, _goalRadius, _waypointsDist; int _controller_freq, _downSampling, _thread_numbers; bool _goal_received, _goal_reached, _path_computed, _pub_twist_flag, _debug_info, _delay_mode; double polyeval(Eigen::VectorXd coeffs, double x); Eigen::VectorXd polyfit(Eigen::VectorXd xvals, Eigen::VectorXd yvals, int order); void odomCB(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& odomMsg); void pathCB(const nav_msgs::Path::ConstPtr& pathMsg); void goalCB(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped::ConstPtr& goalMsg); void amclCB(const geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr& amclMsg); void controlLoopCB(const ros::TimerEvent&); }; // end of class MPCNode::MPCNode() { //Private parameters handler ros::NodeHandle pn("~"); //Parameters for control loop pn.param("thread_numbers", _thread_numbers, 2); // number of threads for this ROS node pn.param("pub_twist_cmd", _pub_twist_flag, true); pn.param("debug_info", _debug_info, false); pn.param("delay_mode", _delay_mode, true); pn.param("max_speed", _max_speed, 2.0); // unit: m/s pn.param("waypoints_dist", _waypointsDist, -1.0); // unit: m pn.param("path_length", _pathLength, 8.0); // unit: m pn.param("goal_radius", _goalRadius, 0.5); // unit: m pn.param("controller_freq", _controller_freq, 10); pn.param("vehicle_Lf", _Lf, 0.25); // distance between the front of the vehicle and its center of gravity _dt = double(1.0/_controller_freq); // time step duration dt in s //Parameter for MPC solver pn.param("mpc_steps", _mpc_steps, 20.0); pn.param("mpc_ref_cte", _ref_cte, 0.0); pn.param("mpc_ref_epsi", _ref_epsi, 0.0); pn.param("mpc_ref_vel", _ref_vel, 1.5); pn.param("mpc_w_cte", _w_cte, 100.0); pn.param("mpc_w_epsi", _w_epsi, 100.0); pn.param("mpc_w_vel", _w_vel, 100.0); pn.param("mpc_w_delta", _w_delta, 100.0); pn.param("mpc_w_accel", _w_accel, 50.0); pn.param("mpc_w_delta_d", _w_delta_d, 0.0); pn.param("mpc_w_accel_d", _w_accel_d, 0.0); pn.param("mpc_max_steering", _max_steering, 0.523); // Maximal steering radian (~30 deg) pn.param("mpc_max_throttle", _max_throttle, 1.0); // Maximal throttle accel pn.param("mpc_bound_value", _bound_value, 1.0e3); // Bound value for other variables //Parameter for topics & Frame name pn.param("global_path_topic", _globalPath_topic, "/move_base/TrajectoryPlannerROS/global_plan" ); pn.param("goal_topic", _goal_topic, "/move_base_simple/goal" ); pn.param("map_frame", _map_frame, "map" ); pn.param("odom_frame", _odom_frame, "odom"); pn.param("car_frame", _car_frame, "base_link" ); //Display the parameters cout




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