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2024-07-13 13:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”做体育锻炼“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Do physical exercise。以下是关于做体育锻炼四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Do physical exercise

College students should take part in physical exercise. Physical exercise is an essential part of college life. Howr, there are also some college students who do not like to participate in sports activities.

They think that sports activities waste time and affect their study. For college students, it is unwise to stay away fm physical exercise, becse physical exercise is harmless to them, but beneficial to them. First of all, taking part in physical exercise can students to be stng and energetic.

Physical exercise is an effective way to reli presse and maintain a happy mood. By participating in sports activities, students can have the opportunity to contact and communicate with others, so as to impve their social ability. Colleges and universities pvide many sports facilities for students, and students can according to their own happiness Good and need to choose freely.

For me, I like all kinds of ball s, especially football and basketball. I have gained a lot fm these sports. I am glad to end the physical exercise, which is beneficial to ry college student.

Therefore, I should not hesitate to participate in sports activities.





The best way to stay healthy now people are and aware of the importance of health. They have different ways to stay healthy. Some people exercise ry day.

Others try to keep a balanced diet. In my opinion, physical exercise is the best way to keep healthy. My suggestion is that physical exercise is the best way for people to keep healthy.

The first reason is that physical exercise s Reducing a person's unnecessary fat and weight medical experts report that fat redundancy is one of the cses of vaous diseases, some of which are n fatal. The second reason is that physical exercise can keep people in good shape. For example, thugh physical exercise, men can have stng bodies and look cool, while women can have slim bodies and look very good Betiful, that's why so many people exercise in the park.

In a word, in the playgund and vaous fitness clubs, I beli that the best way to keep fit is to do physical exercise. We can remember the following points: do physical exercise ry day, you should stay away fm doctors.




Recently, we conducted a svey of people's physical exercise, and the results showed that people exercise in , while others nr do. First of all, people can't do physical exercise becse they don't know how to do it or it's inconvenient to do it. Second, some people say that there are no facilities.

The main reason is that people lack time, which accounts for half of the people. Howr, physical exercise is very important becse it can not only exercise o bodies, but also ptect us fm diseases. The government should take meases.

First of all, people should save time for sports.




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