Android JetPack Compose实现网络请求分页加载,ExoPlayer视频列表、全屏无缝播放

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Android JetPack Compose实现网络请求分页加载,ExoPlayer视频列表、全屏无缝播放

2023-04-14 02:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

最近几天在学习谷歌的JetPack Compose,给我最大的感受就是便捷,往往使用RecyclerView和Adapter需要实现的功能,包括自定义View,或者简单到一个View的自定义,代码比起Compose要多了很多。 复制代码

自己尝试实现了一款视频列表播放简单Demo,代码还有很多需要优化的地方。 目前只是实现了简单的效果:列表播放,全屏,返回按键,暂停恢复,后台暂停。




网络请求依然用retrofit, 视频列表API随便找一个即可,分页跟上次一样选用Paging3,个人感觉非常搭配Jetpack Compose 复制代码


播放器可以选用 ijkplayer,我就用ExoPlayer,自己贴了个controller_view上去。 复制代码


同一个PlayerView,全屏的时候 ,先从列表item中remove(),然后addView()给 ,竖屏反之。 复制代码 二、分页与网络请求:

​ 实例化Retrofit:

object RetrofitClient { private val instance: Retrofit by lazy { val logInterceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor() if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { //显示日志 logInterceptor.level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY } else { logInterceptor.level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.NONE } val okhttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(logInterceptor) .connectTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)//设置超时时间 .retryOnConnectionFailure(true).build() Retrofit.Builder() .client(okhttpClient) .baseUrl(BASE_URL) .addConverterFactory(GsonConverterFactory.create()) .build() } fun createApi(clazz: Class): T { return instance.create(clazz) as T } } 复制代码


interface VideoListService { @GET("api/v4/discovery/hot") suspend fun getVideoList( @Query("start") itemStart: Int = 1, @Query("num") pageSize: Int = 6 ): VideoStore } 复制代码


class VideoListDataSource(private val repository: Repository) : PagingSource() { private val TAG = "--ExamSource" override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState): Int? { return null } override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams): LoadResult { return try { val currentPage = params.key ?: 1 val pageSize = params.loadSize // 每一页请求几条数据 val everyPageSize = 4 // 第一次初始请求,多加载一点 val initPageSize = 8 // 当前请求的起始位置,指起始下标 val curStartItem = if (currentPage == 1) 1 else (currentPage - 2) * everyPageSize + 1 + initPageSize val responseList = repository.getVideoList(curStartItem, pageSize = pageSize) .videoList ?: emptyList() // 上一页页码 val preKey = if (currentPage == 1) null else currentPage.minus(1) // 下一页页码 var nextKey: Int? = Log.d(TAG, "currentPage: $currentPage") Log.d(TAG, "preKey: $preKey") Log.d(TAG, "nextKey: $nextKey") if (responseList.isEmpty()) { nextKey = null } LoadResult.Page( data = responseList, prevKey = preKey, nextKey = nextKey ) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() LoadResult.Error(e) } } } 复制代码


谷歌之前推荐的架构库 **官方Android应用架构库(Architecture Components)**推荐将ViewModel中的网络请求数据库交互部分交给Repository来处理,而ViewModel专注于业务和UI交互,并等待Repository去拿网络数据,大部分应用不需要每次都请求新的页面数据,最好是缓存到本地。于是该架构推荐Room数据库作为本地缓存,这样是比较完美的,也就是请求完列表页面数据给Room, 页面绘制优先拿Room的数据。但是我这里没有考虑实现。 ​

object Repository { suspend fun getVideoList(itemStart: Int, pageSize: Int) = RetrofitClient.createApi( .getVideoList(itemStart, pageSize) } 复制代码


这里拿到是PagingData 的流,被viewModel收集,需要传入协程作用域,Paging内部会安排发送流:

/** * The actual job that collects the upstream. */ private val job = scope.launch(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) { src.withIndex() .collect { mutableSharedSrc.emit(it) pageController.record(it) } }.also { it.invokeOnCompletion { // Emit a final `null` message to the mutable shared flow. // Even though, this tryEmit might technically fail, it shouldn't because we have // unlimited buffer in the shared flow. mutableSharedSrc.tryEmit(null) } } 复制代码 val videoItemList = Pager( config = PagingConfig( pageSize = 4, initialLoadSize = 8, // 第一次加载数量 prefetchDistance = 2, ) ) { VideoListDataSource(Repository) }.flow.cachedIn(viewModelScope) 复制代码 三、加载列表

上面viewModel 我们得到Flow { ContentInfoList( collectAsLazyPagingIDataList = collectAsLazyPagingIDataList, context = context, viewModel = viewModel ) } is LoadState.Error -> ErrorPage() { collectAsLazyPagingIDataList.refresh() } is LoadState.Loading -> LoadingPageUI() } } @ExperimentalCoilApi @Composable fun ContentInfoList( context: Context, collectAsLazyPagingIDataList: LazyPagingItems, viewModel: MainViewModel ) { val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState() val focusIndex by derivedStateOf { lazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex } LazyColumn( state = lazyListState ) { itemsIndexed(collectAsLazyPagingIDataList) { index, videoItem -> // 传入列表卡片Item VideoCardItem( videoItem = videoItem!!, isFocused = index == focusIndex, onClick = { Toast.makeText(context, "ccc", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() }, index = index, viewModel = viewModel ) } // 加载下一页业务逻辑 when (collectAsLazyPagingIDataList.loadState.append) { is LoadState.NotLoading -> { itemsIndexed(collectAsLazyPagingIDataList) { index, videoItem -> VideoCardItem( videoItem = videoItem!!, isFocused = index == focusIndex, onClick = { Toast.makeText(context, "ccc", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() }, index = index, viewModel = viewModel ) } } is LoadState.Error -> item { NextPageLoadError { collectAsLazyPagingIDataList.retry() } } LoadState.Loading -> item { LoadingPageUI() } } } } /** * 页面加载失败重试 * */ @Composable fun ErrorPage(onclick: () -> Unit = {}) { Column( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center, horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally ) { Image( modifier = Modifier.size(219.dp, 119.dp), painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_default_empty), contentDescription = "网络问题", contentScale = ContentScale.Crop ) Button( modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp), onClick = onclick, ) { Text(text = "网络不佳,请点击重试") } } } /** * 加载中动效 * */ @Composable fun LoadingPageUI() { Box( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxSize() .padding(170.dp), contentAlignment = Alignment.Center ) { val animator by rememberInfiniteTransition().animateFloat( initialValue = 0f, targetValue = 360f, animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable( tween(800, easing = LinearEasing), repeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart ) ) Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) { translate(80f, 80f) { drawArc( color = RedPink, startAngle = 0f, sweepAngle = animator, useCenter = false, size = Size(80 * 2f, 80 * 2f), style = Stroke(12f), alpha = 0.6f, ) } } } } /** * 加载下一页失败 * */ @Composable fun NextPageLoadError(onClick: () -> Unit) { Row( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(8.dp), verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically, horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center, ) { Button(onClick = onClick) { Text(text = "重试") } } } 复制代码 四、列表的Item Item中需要嵌入播放器,由于播放器和布局是java代码写的,所以涉及两者相互调用。 LaunchedEffect:利用它,我们可以在@Compose中使用协程,官方文档是这么描述的: *要在可组合函数中安全地调用挂起函数,请使用launchedeeffect可组合函数。当launchedeeffect进入Composition时,它会启动一个协程,并将代码块作为参数传递。如果LaunchedEffect离开组合,协程将被取消*。 复制代码



if(当前item的下标 == 第一个可见Item的下标){ 布局播放器并preper }else{ 贴一张视频封面占位 } 复制代码 卡片上面的文字和封面部分: @ExperimentalCoilApi @Composable fun VideoCardItem( videoItem: VideoItem, isFocused: Boolean, onClick: () -> Unit, index: Int, viewModel: MainViewModel? ) { val videoInfo = videoItem.videoInfo Card( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(start = 5.dp, top = 5.dp, end = 5.dp, bottom = 5.dp), shape = RoundedCornerShape(10.dp), elevation = 8.dp, backgroundColor = if (isFocused) gray300 else MaterialTheme.colors.surface ) { Column( modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp) ) { Text( text = "$index: ${videoInfo?.description}", style = MaterialTheme.typography.h6 ) Text( modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 8.dp), text = videoInfo?.title ?: "", style = MaterialTheme.typography.body1, color = gray600 ) var width = 1280 var height = 720 videoInfo?.playInfo?.let { if (it.isNotEmpty()) { width = it[0].width height = it[0].height } } if (isFocused) { ExoPlayerView(isFocused, videoInfo, viewModel) } else { // 截断以下图片Url val coverUrl = videoInfo?.cover?.feed?.substringBefore('?') CoilImage( url = coverUrl, modifier = Modifier .aspectRatio(width.toFloat() / height) .fillMaxWidth() ) } } } } 复制代码 播放器部分,需要在Compose调用Android SDK的UI逻辑,俗称Compose调用Android: @ExperimentalCoilApi @Composable fun ExoPlayerView(isFocused: Boolean, videoInfo: VideoInfo?, viewModel: MainViewModel?) { val context = LocalContext.current // 获取播放器实例 val exoPlayer = remember { ExoPlayerHolder.get(context = context) } var playerView: MyPlayerView? = null var width = 1280 var height = 720 videoInfo?.playInfo?.let { if (it.isNotEmpty()) { width = it[0].width height = it[0].height } } if (isFocused) { videoInfo?.let { LaunchedEffect(key1 = videoInfo.playUrl, key2 = it) { val playUri = Uri.parse(it.playUrl) val dataSourceFactory = VideoDataSourceHolder.getCacheFactory(context) val mediaSource = when (Util.inferContentType(playUri)) { C.TYPE_DASH -> DashMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory) .createMediaSource(MediaItem.fromUri(playUri)) C.TYPE_HLS -> HlsMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory) .createMediaSource(MediaItem.fromUri(playUri)) else -> ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory(dataSourceFactory) .createMediaSource(MediaItem.fromUri(playUri)) } exoPlayer.setMediaSource(mediaSource) exoPlayer.prepare() } } // Compose中使用传统Android View ,谷歌文档有这样的描述: /** *你可以在Compose UI中包含一个Android View层次结构。如果你想使用在Compose中还不能使用的UI元素,比如AdView或 * MapView,这种方法特别有用。这种方法还允许重用您设计的自定义视图。要包含视图元素或层次结构,请使用AndroidView可组 * 合。AndroidView被传递一个lambda,返回一个View。AndroidView还提供了一个更新回调函数,当视图膨胀时调用它。每当在 * 回调中读取State时,AndroidView就会重新组合。 */ AndroidView( modifier = Modifier.aspectRatio(width.toFloat() / height), factory = { context -> // 创建你需要的ViewGroup 或者 View val frameLayout = FrameLayout(context) frameLayout.setBackgroundColor(context.getColor(android.R.color.holo_purple)) frameLayout }, update = { frameLayout -> // 假如你定义了状态,则状态发生改变或者它的父节点状态改变,这里都会重建 logD("update removeAllViews, playerViewMode: ${PlayerViewManager.playerViewMode}, isFocused:$isFocused") if (PlayerViewManager.playerViewMode == PlayViewMode.HALF_SCREEN) { frameLayout.removeAllViews() if (isFocused) { playerView = PlayerViewManager.get(frameLayout.context) // 切换播放器 MyPlayerView.switchTargetView( exoPlayer, PlayerViewManager.currentPlayerView, playerView ) PlayerViewManager.currentPlayerView = playerView playerView?.apply { player?.playWhenReady = true (parent as? ViewGroup)?.removeView(this) } frameLayout.addView( playerView, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ) viewModel?.saveFrameLayout(frameLayout) logD("update, frameLayout:$frameLayout") } else if (playerView != null) { playerView?.apply { (parent as? ViewGroup)?.removeView(this) PlayerViewManager.release(this) } playerView = null } } } ) DisposableEffect(key1 = videoInfo?.playUrl) { onDispose { logD("--onDispose, isFocused: $isFocused") if (isFocused) { playerView?.apply { (parent as? ViewGroup)?.removeView(this) } exoPlayer.stop() playerView?.let { PlayerViewManager.release(it) } playerView = null } } } } } 复制代码



if (isFocused) { // .... }else{ // 这里是Compose中插入Android View AndroidView( modifier = Modifier.aspectRatio(width.toFloat() / height), factory = { context -> val coverLayout = FrameLayout(context) coverLayout.setBackgroundColor(context.getColor(android.R.color.darker_gray)) coverLayout }, update = { coverLayout -> val coverUrl = videoInfo?.cover?.feed?.substringBefore('?') // 这里在Android View中插入Compose,使用ComposeView coverLayout.addView(ComposeView(context).apply { // id需要注册在res/values/ids.xml文件中,可省略 id = setContent { MaterialTheme { CoilImage( url = coverUrl, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth() ) } } }) } ) } 复制代码

Android View与Compose调用其实还有很多,这块了解有限。下面再说说播放器逻辑:


复制代码 五、exoPlayer播放器: 播放器创建: /** * 播放器实例创建 * */ object ExoPlayerHolder { private var exoplayer: SimpleExoPlayer? = null fun get(context: Context): SimpleExoPlayer { if (exoplayer == null) { exoplayer = createExoPlayer(context) } exoplayer!!.addListener(object : Player.Listener { override fun onPlayerError(error: PlaybackException) { super.onPlayerError(error) Toast.makeText(context, error.message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() logD("onPlayerError:${error.errorCode} ,${error.message}") } override fun onVideoSizeChanged(videoSize: VideoSize) { super.onVideoSizeChanged(videoSize) logD("onVideoSizeChanged:${videoSize.width} x ${videoSize.height} | ratio: ${videoSize.pixelWidthHeightRatio}") } override fun onSurfaceSizeChanged(width: Int, height: Int) { super.onSurfaceSizeChanged(width, height) logD("onSurfaceSizeChanged:$width x $height") } }) return exoplayer!! } // 创建ExoPlayer实例 private fun createExoPlayer(context: Context): SimpleExoPlayer { return SimpleExoPlayer.Builder(context) .setLoadControl( DefaultLoadControl.Builder().setBufferDurationsMs( // 设置预加载上限下限 DefaultLoadControl.DEFAULT_MIN_BUFFER_MS, DefaultLoadControl.DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER_MS, DefaultLoadControl.DEFAULT_BUFFER_FOR_PLAYBACK_MS / 10, DefaultLoadControl.DEFAULT_BUFFER_FOR_PLAYBACK_AFTER_REBUFFER_MS / 10 ).build() ) .build() .apply { // 播放模式,设置为不重复播放 repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ONE } } } 复制代码



这里用到了androidx.core.util.Pools工具,他是个对象池,复用对象池中的对象,可以避免频繁创建和销毁堆中的对, 进而减少垃圾收集器的负担。设置为2就够用了,acquire()先获取对象,如果没有获取到就创建,使用完后release()即归还给对象池。 复制代码 /** * 用来管理 PlayerView * */ object PlayerViewManager : ExoEventListener { var currentPlayerView: MyPlayerView? = null var playerViewMode = PlayViewMode.HALF_SCREEN var activity: MainActivity? = null var viewModel: MainViewModel? = null private val playerViewPool = Pools.SimplePool(2) fun get(context: Context): MyPlayerView { return playerViewPool.acquire() ?: createPlayerView(context) } fun release(player: MyPlayerView) { playerViewPool.release(player) } /** * 创建PlayerView * */ private fun createPlayerView(context: Context): MyPlayerView { val playView = (LayoutInflater.from(context) .inflate(R.layout.exoplayer_texture_view, null, false) as MyPlayerView) playView.setShowMultiWindowTimeBar(true) playView.setShowBuffering(MyPlayerView.SHOW_BUFFERING_ALWAYS) playView.controllerAutoShow = true playView.playerController.setExoEventListener(this) initOther(playView) return playView } } 复制代码 缓存设置与缓存策略:


/** * 缓存基本设置,exo内部会提供一个命名 exoplayer_internal.db 的数据库作为缓存 * */ object CacheHolder { private var cache: SimpleCache? = null private val lock = Object() fun get(context: Context): SimpleCache { synchronized(lock) { if (cache == null) { val cacheSize = 20L * 1024 * 1024 val exoDatabaseProvider = ExoDatabaseProvider(context) cache = SimpleCache( // 缓存文件地址 context.cacheDir, // 释放上次的缓存数据 LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor(cacheSize), // 提供数据库 exoDatabaseProvider ) } } return cache!! } } /** * 设置缓存策略 * */ object VideoDataSourceHolder { private var cacheDataSourceFactory: CacheDataSource.Factory? = null private var defaultDataSourceFactory: DataSource.Factory? = null fun getCacheFactory(context: Context): CacheDataSource.Factory { if (cacheDataSourceFactory == null) { val simpleCache = CacheHolder.get(context) val defaultFactory = getDefaultFactory(context) cacheDataSourceFactory = CacheDataSource.Factory() .setCache(simpleCache) // 设置Uri协议相关参数,用来从缓存做读取操作 .setUpstreamDataSourceFactory(defaultFactory) // 设置CacheDataSource工厂类型,用来读取缓存 .setCacheReadDataSourceFactory(FileDataSource.Factory()) // 缓存写入设置 .setCacheWriteDataSinkFactory( CacheDataSink.Factory() .setCache(simpleCache) .setFragmentSize(CacheDataSink.DEFAULT_FRAGMENT_SIZE) ) } return cacheDataSourceFactory!! } private fun getDefaultFactory(context: Context): DataSource.Factory { if (defaultDataSourceFactory == null) { defaultDataSourceFactory = DefaultDataSourceFactory( context, Util.getUserAgent(context, context.packageName) ) } return defaultDataSourceFactory!! } } 复制代码 六、 源码:





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