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2024-07-13 18:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”钱历史演变过程“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The histocal evolution of money。以下是关于钱历史演变过程初三英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The histocal evolution of money

These rapid changes affect us in different ways. First of all, in today's world, changes always happen in a certain place. National scientific and technological changes have bught new breakthughs and new pducts.

Third, access to the la information enables people to baden their hozons. We should take an active attitude to change rapidly. It is a challenge and opportunity for modern people, becse change has changed life, With the rapid dlopment of the world, we hope that the new changes can leave a blliant record in human history, and make some changes have a siificant impact on the impvement of life style and living conditions.

With the of modern machines, people work efficiently and have leise time. Economic and political changes are changing with each passing day. We live in a rapidly changing world, and world leaders must immediately respond to new sis of the political situation that have made people accustomed to seeing these great changes in the modern world.




What's the most useful thing, it's definitely a comr, but you know what's the most useful pgram ladies and gentlemen, incredible thing Google Earth, I'm se a lot of people know what "Google" is. As you know, Google is a company with the largest search engine in the world, and it has dloped some great pgrams, such as valley Song talk, its function is QQ and MSN, as well as Google Desktop, Google Gup and so on. Anyway, Google Earth is so magical that you can't imagine today without yo own operation.

I want to tell you how it works. First of all, you can see a earth here, which is the simulation. Second, you can double-click where you want to go, and yo vision will be enlarged.

How clear yo vision is depends not on yo comr, but on nasayes, the only one Of cose, it has ed to receive pictes fm saarth s in Eupe. What's important about this place is whose photos are clearer. More importantly, Ge is completely free.

Thank you for yo attention.


什么是最有用东西,绝对是计算机,但是,你们知道什么是最有用程序女士们先生们,难以置信东西谷歌地球我相信很多人都知道“谷歌”东西是什么,就像你知道,谷歌是一家拥有世界上最大搜索引擎公司,它也了一些很棒程序,例如,谷歌talk,它能是QQ和MSN,还有谷歌桌面、谷歌群组等等。不管怎样,谷歌地球是如此神奇,你很难想象今天没有你自己运行,我要告诉你它是如何工作首先,你可以在这里看到一个地球,这是模拟第二,你可以双击你想去地方,你视野会放大,你视野有多清晰并不取决于你电脑,而是取决于NASAYes,唯一NASAYes,在,当然,一些欧洲国家已经做到了通用电气公司(Google earth)帮个忙,从接收图片,从卫星接收图片。这个地方更重要是谁照片更清晰。



One of the eight planets in the solar , the tation of the earth fm west to East, combined with the tation nd the sun and the earth's tation, cses the earth to have day and night and seasonal changes (the speed of the earth's tation and tation is different, becse of the influence of the gravity of the nearby planets and the earth's atmosphere, oceans and the earth's inteor mateal factors, the earth's tation is not the same The tation axis changes in and the direction of the earth in the body. The centfugal force at the earth's poles csed by the earth's tation inertia makes the sphere gradually expand to the equator and become a slightly flattened ellipsoid. The polar radius is about KM shorter than that of the equator.

The earth is composed of a sees of concentc layers. There are core mantle (mantle crust) structe in the earth's inteor, water sphere and atmosphere outside the earth, as well as maeti The layer, which forms the sunding solid earth, is a betiful planet, well before the birth of the pmordial solar nebulae a billion years ago.



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