信贷分析师(Credit Analyst)之工作内容和面试技巧

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信贷分析师(Credit Analyst)之工作内容和面试技巧

2024-06-10 11:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 什么是Credit Analyst     信贷分析师(Credit Analyst)是金融领域的专业人才,主要专长于分析个人和企业的信誉度。通过分析借款人的财政历史和对于当前市场条件的判断,他们可以判断借款人是否有能力偿还债务,这个工作主要是分析贷款业务的收回和风险评估。


2. 信贷分析师做什么    1. 数据收集和分析:信贷分析师主要收集所有和财政相关的数据,包括消费模式、盈利状况等。收集好数据后,则通过财务报表对之进行分析,以估算金融贷款的风险。 2. 提出建议:在分析好数据之后,信贷分析师则会给客户提出专业建议,包括付款计划,或者需要做出的任何关于程序或者政策的变更。 3. 建模:除了分析之外,信贷分析师还要建立金融以及统计模型,以预测不同情况下的信贷风险。不同的参数例如法律法规的变化,市场变化都会考虑在内。


3. 如何准备面试     1. 想要应聘信贷分析师,你需要对你的目标公司进行全面的了解,包括他们的业务流程及运营。这些可以帮助你能很好的回答如“为什么选择这间公司”以及关于公司的任何问题。 2. 熟读你要应聘职位的工作描述。从应聘要求中找到你较想做的部分,并把它和你的技能以及过往经历联系起来。 3. 如果你有相关工作经历,做好准备把它和你要应聘的工作联系起来。 4. 同时,你需要思考是什么原因让你决定选择信贷分析师作为你的职业领域。在面试中,你很有可能会被问道为什么选择相关专业,以及是什么吸引你进入这个行业。

4. 面试题总结    信贷分析师的面试问题主要涵盖以下几个方面:基础问题、应聘者过往经历问题、金融专业问题、行业问题、以及宏观市场问题。快来看看小编精心总结的各类面试题吧!属于纯英文版本,以便读者原生态品味;  

  Basic Questions 1. What are your strength and weaknesses? Share your experiences regarding the same. 2. Walk me through your resume. 3. Tell me about yourself. 4. Where do you see yourself five years down the line? 5. Why did you leave your previous job? 6. How would you deal with criticism?

Work Experience Qustions 1. Have you applied any new technology or information in your previous job? If yes, what was it and how did it help your company? 2. An experience where you faced a difficult situation or a complaint which you resolved? 3. Tell me an effective method you have used to determine likely profitability of loans. 4. Tell me about a situation at your previous office where you identified a complex problem and identified the solution. How did it help your employer? 5. Have you helped coach or mentor someone in your previous job? What did you do and what improvements you saw in that person in terms of know-how and skills?

Finance Questions 1. What is the concept of Free Cash Flow? 2. What is terminal value? 3. What according to you would be a safe Debt/Equity ratio? 4. Tell me the various parameters to decide if you can lend $10million to a company. 5. Tell me an effective method you would have used to generate financial ratios and gauge customers’ financial status. 6. What does a Credit Rating agency do? 7. What are the current Treasury Rate, LIBOR and CRR? 8. What methods do you use to compare the liquidity, profitability, and credit histories of corporations?

Industry Questions 1. What is the process for considering credit to a customer? 2. Tell me a few characteristics which are important for a credit analyst? 3. Do you have proficiency in related financial software’s and technology? 4. Which are the skill sets you possess that makes you suited for the position?

Market Questions 1. What things are included in a cash flow statement?What is working capital? 2. If I buy machinery for my business what would be the effect on the financial statements? 3. How is the income statement linked to the balance sheet? 4. What is the reason for increase in accounts receivable, a cash decline on the cash flow statement? 5. Tell me two most recent business news.




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