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2024-02-16 23:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

3. put off 延期

put off表示推迟、延期,一般情况下跟delay可以替换。

He put off the meeting, because he got up too late. 他推迟了会议,因为他太晚起床了。

He put off the meeting, because he got up too late. 他推迟了会议,因为他太晚起床了。

4. procrastination 拖延症


Procrastination is the thief of time.拖延是时间的小偷。

Procrastination is the thief of time.拖延是时间的小偷。

5. procrastinator 拖延症患者


I've never in my life seen a happyprocrastinator. 在我的生活里我从来都没见过一个快乐的拖延者。

I've never in my life seen a happyprocrastinator. 在我的生活里我从来都没见过一个快乐的拖延者。

6. deadline 限期


We always finish our tasks until the deadlines. 我们经常到限期才完成任务。

We always finish our tasks until the deadlines. 我们经常到限期才完成任务。

7. chronic lateness 惯常迟到;迟到综合征

chronic是形容词,表示“慢性的;长期的;习惯性的”,慢性病可以说chronic disease。

Studies have shown that chronic lateness has cost countries such as Ecuador billions per year. 多项研究显示:迟到综合征每年给一些像厄瓜多尔这样的国家带来几十亿损失。

Studies have shown that chronic lateness has cost countries such as Ecuador billions per year. 多项研究显示:迟到综合征每年给一些像厄瓜多尔这样的国家带来几十亿损失。

8. unpunctuality 不守时


Unpunctuality is a very bad trait that the superiors are reluctant to see. 不守时,是上司不愿意看到的一种特质。

Unpunctuality is a very bad trait that the superiors are reluctant to see. 不守时,是上司不愿意看到的一种特质。


indecisive: 犹豫不决

on the fence:意思同上,但是更口语、更有趣,因为fence是篱笆的意思,on the fence顾名思义就是坐在篱笆上,忽左忽右、不能决定



“On the fence”更多用在一些比较重要的事情上,表达你的观点:


“I'm on the fence between the chicken and the fish", 这个说法很怪

"I can't decide between the chicken and the fish”更好


You are waffling again:你又在优柔寡断了


acrophobia: 恐高症

除了I'm acrophobic, 你也可以说I am experiencing vertigo: 我很晕!

Vertigo describes the dizzy feeling you get when you look down from high: vertigo就是从高处向下看,那种晕眩、紧张的感觉

I've met many foreigners who experience vertigo when they go to tall buildings in Shanghai: 我在上海遇过好多外国人,一上摩天高楼就晕

aerophobia: 飞行恐惧症

It means you are afraid of taking the airplane: 就是不敢坐飞机,“Aero-”就是和飞行相关的Fear of flying: 怕坐飞机, 更口语的说法。

Airsick: 晕机

Seasick: 晕船

Carsick: 晕车

hydrophobia: 恐水症

I'm slightly hydrophobic: 我稍微有点恐水症

The ocean makes me very nervous: 看到大海就恐慌


claustrophobia: 密闭恐惧症

The fear of small spaces or enclosed spaces: 对拥挤或者密闭空间的恐惧

A lot of foreigners say riding the bus or subway in China makes them claustrophobic because they're not used to such crowded spaces:

很多外国人在中国坐公车、坐地铁会觉得有点密闭恐惧症, 因为他们没接触过那么多的人

agoraphobia: 公共空间恐惧症

It's fear of pubic spaces, not an enclosed space: 是对公共空间的恐惧,不是刚才那个密闭空间

xenophobia: 对外国事物、外国人的恐惧

You hear this word a lot this year: 今年这个词用的特别多

Unfortunately, there seems to be a rise of xenophobia in many parts of the world: 世界上很多地方这种情绪都在上升

像Brexit (英国脱欧)、Trump要在美国边境造一座墙的言论,就常被解读成xenophobia的体现。

Phobia, Phobic


I've got...phobia (名词)


I'm ...phobic (形容词)


I am afraid of height.

I am afraid of flying.

I have a fear of sth.


Obsessive compulsive disorder: 强迫症


I've got OCD: 我有强迫症

I'm slightly OCD: 我有一点强迫症

I'm really OCD: 我超级强迫症


Trypophobia is an tense fear of clustered small holes and bumps: 密集恐惧症的意思

It gives you goosebumps all over your body: 让你浑身起鸡皮疙瘩》goose是鹅的意思,所以英语里说“鹅皮疙瘩”, 说说这个词的构成:



英语里,这个概念并不用phobia表达;而是Awkward:尴尬 (说的时候可以配上图男演员James McAvoy的表情)

Socially awkward: 社交场合容易尴尬


I'm socially awkward:我有尴尬症

Someone is socially awkward: 某人有尴尬症*社交场合



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