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2024-03-23 19:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英语新闻词汇:“双创”用英文怎么说? 时间:2018-12-26 10:09:31


  9月27日,国务院发布了《关于推动创新创业高质量发展打造“双创”升级版的意见》(下称《意见》)。   The State Council, China's Cabinet, recently issued a document on promoting high-quality and upgraded mass entrepreneurship and innovation. The move is aimed at further optimizing the business environment, lowering the cost of entrepreneurship and innovation, enhancing the leading role of technology and innovation in the economy, and improving the service capacity of supporting platforms.   国务院近日发布关于推动创新创业高质量发展打造“双创”升级版的意见,进一步优化创新创业环境,大幅降低创新创业成本,增强科技创新引领作用,提升支撑平台服务能力。   《意见》提出“双创”升级版的六大目标:   1、创新创业服务全面升级(upgrade service capacity in mass entrepreneurship and innovation)。   2、创业带动就业能力明显提升(mass entrepreneurship will be upgraded to drive up employment)。   3、科技成果转化应用能力显著增强(enhance transformation of scientific achievements)。   4、高质量创新创业集聚区不断涌现(build more high-quality innovation clusters)。   5、大中小企业创新创业价值链有机融合(promote integration of large, medium, and small enterprises in the value chain of entrepreneurship and innovation)。   6、国际国内创新创业资源深度融汇(integrate domestic and international innovation resources)。   围绕上述目标,《意见》提出一系列“升级”举措:   简政放权释放创新创业活力   administration will be further streamlined and more power will be delegated to lower level departments in order to inject vitality into innovation and entrepreneurship   放管结合营造公平市场环境   keep a right balance between delegation and the exercise of control to build a fair market environment   优化服务便利创新创业   upgrade service to facilitate innovation and entrepreneurship   加大财税政策支持力度   supportive fiscal policy will be strengthened   建立完善知识产权管理服务体系   improve management and service system of intellectual property rights   在全国高校推广创业导师制,强化大学生创新创业教育培训   a tutorial system will be rolled out to include innovation education and training in universities   鼓励和支持科研人员积极投身科技创业   those involved in research in the field of science will be encouraged to build technology-based businesses   提升孵化机构和众创空间服务水平   improve the "incubators" for innovation and entrepreneurship and service space for innovators   完善“互联网+”创新创业服务体系   further promote Internet Plus innovation and the entrepreneurship service system   【相关词汇】   质量强国、制造强国   Manufacturer of advanced and quality products   打造众创、众包、众扶、众筹平台   Platforms will be created for crowd innovation, crowd support, crowdsourcing, and crowdfunding   普惠金融和绿色金融   Inclusive and green finance   大众创业,万众创新   Mass entrepreneurship and innovation   精准扶贫脱贫   Targeted poverty alleviation   供给侧结构性改革:去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板   Supply-side structural reform: Cutting overcapacity, destocking, deleveraging, reducing costs and identifying growth areas 分享到:




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