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#城市Grad[1963南斯拉夫]高清资源BT下载| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

影片基本信息: 【导演】:日沃因·帕夫洛维奇 【主演】: Branka Jovanovic/Mihajlo Kostic-Pljaka/Ljiljana Sljapic 【标签】: 剧情 【制片地区/国家】:南斯拉夫 【年份】:1963 【语言】:Serbian 【上映时间】: 1963 【片长】: 71 min. 【原名】:Grad 【又名】:Град 【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:7.5 【IMDb链接】: tt0386494 【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net 剧情介绍/剧照:

在这部城市剧情片中,Grad is a psychological drama about the thin line that separates depression and melancholy. It gives us the opportunity to understand that the alienation of the modern socialist man is not just a social problem, but also a poetic aestheticization of urban thinking and behaviour. For Pavlovic, Bapca, and especially Rakonjca, self-destruction is not a defence mechanism, but a lifestyle. Exploring new areas of old sites, Grad is, in a figurative sense, the first Yugoslavian film that deals with the suburb as a metaphor of alternative culture. Through their analysis of public consciousness, the three directors project their secret Bauhaus, seeking its shadow in the hidden areas of obsolete thought, in the everyday of Socialism. The film ends up in a real suburb of Belgrade, defining a new border area between intimacy and claustrophobia, Neoclassicism and Constructivism, night and day, village and city, sound and images, present and future.

Three stories (Love, Heart, The Hoop), set in urban, alienated world of a big city. This is the only officially banned movie in history of Yugoslavia.

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