NetworkX的dicts of dicts以及解决Seven Bridges of Königsberg问题

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NetworkX的dicts of dicts以及解决Seven Bridges of Königsberg问题

#NetworkX的dicts of dicts以及解决Seven Bridges of Königsberg问题| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Graph :无向图,支持自环,不支持节点间多条边;

DiGraph :有向图,支持自环,不支持节点间多条边;

MultiGraph :无向图,支持节点间多条边;

MultiDiGraph :有向图,支持节点间多条边;


图形内部数据结构基于邻接列表表示,并使用Python字典数据结构实现。图邻接结构被实现为Python字典;外部字典由节点键入值,这些值本身是由相邻节点键入与该边缘相关联的边缘属性的字典。这种“dict of dicts”结构允许快速添加、删除和查找大型图中的节点和邻居。底层数据结构由类定义中的方法(编程接口“API”)直接访问。另一方面,所有函数都只通过这些API方法而不是直接作用于数据结构来操纵类似图形的对象。这种设计允许用实现相同方法的替代数据结构替换基于“dicts of dicts”的数据结构。




解决Seven Bridges of Königsberg






import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_edge("A", "B", label="a") G.add_edge("B", "A", label="b") G.add_edge("A", "C", label="c") G.add_edge("C", "A", label="d") G.add_edge("A", "D", label="e") G.add_edge("B", "D", label="f") G.add_edge("C", "D", label="g") positions = {"A": (0, 0), "B": (1, -2), "C": (1, 2), "D": (2, 0)} edge_labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, "label") nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos=positions, node_size=500) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos=positions, font_color="w") nx.draw_networkx_edges( G, pos=positions, edgelist=[("A", "D"), ("B", "D"), ("C", "D")], arrowstyle="-" ) nx.draw_networkx_edges( G, pos=positions, edgelist=[("A", "B"), ("B", "A"), ("C", "A"), ("A", "C")], arrowstyle="-", connectionstyle="arc3,rad=0.2", ) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos=positions, edge_labels=edge_labels, label_pos=0.2)


证明能不能?其实很简单,一次走7桥,需要A B C D字母的序列长度是8.每个地区经过的桥数可以确定经过该地区的次数。A5个桥,则经过A 3次,同理3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9.不等于8.说明不可以一次走完。

He described his logic as follows:

If we cross bridge a, we walk from A to B, In this case, our travel route is denoted as AB.If we cross first a and then f, our route will be ABD.So, sequential use of n bridges is denoted with n+1 capital letters.Since we need to cross each of 7 bridges, our route should consist of a sequence of A, B, C and D of length 8.

He also stated the fact that number of appearances of each land mass in the route depend on the number of bridges it has.

A has 5 bridges. All these 5 bridges should appear in our Euler Path exactly once. Then, A should appear in our route for 3 times.B has 3 bridges. It should appear in the route for 2 times.C has 3 bridges. It should appear in the route for 2 times.D has 3 bridges. It should appear in the route for 2 times.Then, the total length of the route should be 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9.

It is obvious that we cannot satisfy both of these conditions at the same time. Therefore, Euler concluded that there is no solution to Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem (I.e. Königsberg does not have an Euler Path).


Euler generalized the method he applied for Königsberg problem as follows:

A graph has an Euler Path if and only if the number of vertices with odd degree() is either zero or two.

If there are two vertices with odd degree, then they are the starting and ending vertices.If there are no vertices with odd degree, any vertex can be starting or ending vertex and the graph has also an Euler Circuit.


odd degree :与其相连的边数目为奇数的顶点NetworkX实现不允许具有孤立节点的图具有欧拉路径和/或欧拉电路。因此,欧拉路径或欧拉回路不仅必须访问图的所有边,还必须访问图中的所有顶点。A directed graph must be strongly connected and every vertex of it must have equal in degree and out degree.semi_eulerian :它可能有一个具有不同起点和终点的欧拉路径。如上所述,如果且仅当:there are exactly two vertices of odd degree, andall of its vertices belong to a single connected component.For a directed graph to has an Eulerian Path, it must have at most one vertex has out_degree - in_degree = 1,at most one vertex has in_degree - out_degree = 1,every other vertex has equal in_degree and out_degree, andall of its vertices belong to a single connected component of the underlying undirected graph (I.e. Should be weakly connected).


import networkx as nx nx.is_eulerian(G) nx.has_eulerian_path(G) nx.is_semieulerian(G) nx.eulerize(G) nx.eulerian_path(G) nx.eulerian_circuit(G)

NetworkX implements several methods using the Euler’s algorithm. These are:

is_eulerian : Whether the graph has an Eulerian circuiteulerian_circuit : Sequence of edges of an Eulerian circuit in the graph.eulerize : Transforms a graph into an Eulerian graphis_semieulerian : Whether the graph has an Eulerian path but not an Eulerian circuit.has_eulerian_path: Whether the graph has an Eulerian path.eulerian_path : Sequence of edges of in Eulerian path in the graph.


NetworkX Reference

NetworkX — NetworkX documentation

Euler’s Algorithm — NetworkX Notebooks




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