温州市第二十一中学 学校简介

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温州市第二十一中学 学校简介

2024-07-12 19:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


温州市第二十一中学是一所直属于温州市教育局的公办完全中学。其前身为鹿城区南郊中学,1999年经温州市人民政府批准升格改制;2002年,学校被温州市人民政府列为 “面向二十一世纪的温州十大名校”之一; 2009年,开始创办温州市首个“双学籍•双语言•双文凭•双通道”中澳合作高中VCE课程班;2014年被浙江省教育厅确认为“浙江省二级普通高中特色示范学校”,2015年荣获“温州市模范集体”称号,2018年被浙江省教育厅评为“浙江省数字校园示范学校”,2019年被评为浙江省精准教学项目实验学校,2020年12月该校“基于大数据的个性化学习”被《中国教师报》评为中国课堂改革十大样本之一,2021年,被评为浙江省教科研先进集体、浙江省优秀教师发展学校、温州市“清廉学校”,2022年被评为浙江省校本研修先进集体,2019-2022年连续三次被评为温州市高中教育教学质量优秀单位,2023年,成功创成浙江省现代化学校。



学校秉承“为学日益,以正兴邦”的校训,坚持 “教育为了人的自我生成”办学理念,注重个性特长和人文教育,有效促进了学生的全面发展和个性发展。


学生竞赛成绩喜人,在浙江省数学、物理、生物、化学、信息技术等竞赛中,有多人次获奖, 2人获市“小科学家”称号;田径、足球、羽毛球等项目在温州市处于领先水平,初、高中男子足球队多次卫冕省市级校园足球联赛冠军,智能机器人项目跻身全国一流水平行列。


        Wenzhou No. 21 Middle School is a public comprehensive middle school directly under Wenzhou Education Bureau, previously called Southern Suburb Middle School in Lucheng District, which was reformed in 1999 approved by Wenzhou Municipal Government. In 2002, Wenzhou No. 21 Middle School was listed as one of “Ten Famous Schools in Wenzhou in 21st Century” by Wenzhou Municipal Government. In 2009, our school established the first Sino-Australia cooperative high school course program featured by “dual registrations, dual languages, dual certificates and dual channels”. In 2014, our school was recognized by Zhejiang Provincial Education Department as “Zhejiang 2nd Level Common Senior Middle School’s Model School”,in 2015 was awarded as “Wenzhou Model Group”,in 2018  “Zhejiang Digital Campus Model School” by Zhejiang Provincial Education Department,and in 2019  “Zhejiang Quality-Oriented Education Model School” by Zhejiang Provincial Education Department .In December 2020, “The Personalized Learning Based on Mega-Data” of our school was rated as one of the ten samples of China Class Reform.In 2021, our school was awarded as “Excellent School of Teaching Scientific Research in Zhejiang Province” and “Zhejiang Excellent School for Teachers’ Development”.During 2019 and 2022, our school was awarded as Excellent High School of Outstanding Education Quality in Wenzhou three times consecutively , and in 2023 is awarded as Zhejiang Modernized School. 

  Located by Nantang River and Bailu Sandbank and close to National four A tourist scenic area, Impression Nantang Cultural Leisure Tourist Area, our school enjoys exceptional advantages in location, and therefore has a unique feature of Jiangnan water towns. Our school covers an area of nearly 150 mu, with a 55344.99 metre square building area and 29523.68 greening area. With the greening rate reaching 37.35%, our school is awarded as “Zhejiang Green School”. Our school has first class modernized educational facilities, such as gym, art show centre, soccer pitch, tennis and badminton courts etc. Besides, laboratories, creation centre, robot lab, centre for psychology services, life experience centre, meteorological station, greenhouse, dragon boat cultural base, spacious students’ dormitories and Provincial Class A canteen provide teachers and students with an idealistic environment for study, work and life.

  Our school consists of three departments, Junior Middle School, High School and Australian College of Education, and Wenzhou Overseas Chinese School. There are 55 classes with a total of 2100 students and 231 staff members, among whom there are 101 senior teachers, 2 “Provincial New Star Educationist”, 4 “Wenzhou Famous Teachers”, 2 “Wenzhou Famous Homeroom Teachers”, 40 teachers who have been awarded “Wenzhou New Star Educationists”, “Wenzhou Backbone Teachers”, “Wenzhou Veteran Teachers” and “Wenzhou Outstanding Teachers”, 4 “Wenzhou Moral Model Teachers” and 8 “Wenzhou Backbone Homeroom Teachers”.

  With the guidance of the school motto, “Accumulate wisdom through studying to regenerate our nation with justice”, and the education philosophy, “Education is for students’ self-development”, our school is focused on students’ personalities and humanity education, and therefore effectively enhances students’ all round and personalized development.

Taking advantage of the opportunities of the reform of the curriculum, the National Entrance Examination to College and International Education, our school has made outstanding achievements in curriculum, teaching, moral education and students’ admission into higher education institutes. We have constructed streamed school-based curriculum system, pyramid curriculum structure and Huiyuan Pagoda curriculum structure. With the four school-based curriculum groups of Tang River culture, the combined curriculum of high school and vocational school, International Understanding Curriculum and Comet Science and Technology Curriculum becoming mature, this caters for the needs of students all around development. We attempt to deepen classroom teaching reform, actively exploring new classroom teaching ecology of “focus on studying”, with the carrier of study plan. Besides, we innovate the means of moral education, with “3 all” education paradigm and “5 education” model, implementing “Tang River Trickling•Sunshine Youth” series activities, among which Tang River Leisure Festival is listed as one of the 28 Most creative curricular at home and abroad by China Teachers’ Newspaper. Our school has made significant progress in Entrance Examinations to High School and College. The High School’s teaching quality has been greatly enhanced , and the school is steadily developed with multiple features. During 2019 and 2022, our school was awarded as Excellent High School of Outstanding Education Quality in Wenzhou three times, in 2022 was awarded one of “Wenzhou Feature Subject (high school history) Bases” and Wenzhou Featured Program (Accurate teaching) Bases”; Junior Middle School’s teaching quality has made breakthroughs these years. Our school’s average score of 2022 Entrance exam to high school was listed the top 16.9% of all 355 middle schools in Wenzhou. In 2022, our school was awarded as “Wenzhou Project Learning Model School” and “ Wenzhou After-School Service Model School (Compulsory Education Schools)”. Until now, there have been more than 60% students of Australian College of Education have been admitted into world famous universities, ranking top 60 in the world, and 100% graduates have been admitted into the universities around the world. In 2022 , Australian College of Education made record high achievements in VCE Exams. The highest ATAR score is 96.6, which is the highest in all VCE Schools in China. 11 students’ ATAR score were rated in top 10% of all VCE students worldwide, 71% students’ ATAR reached the admission standard of Melbourne University (QS rank: 27).

Our school students have also accomplished brilliant results in different competitions. Many students have won awards in Zhejiang Provincial mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and IT competitions, and two students have won the title of “Little Scientist”. Our school takes a leading position in track and field, soccer and badminton. Our soccer teams of junior middle school and high school have won the champion titles several times in Wenzhou Campus Soccer League. Our school’s intelligent robot program is even at the leading edge nationwide.

At present, our school is implementing principal accountability system reform steadily, and is actively exploring the innovative paradigm of project learning based education, promoting teachers and students to be freer learners; based on high quality development prospective, we are actively exploring the innovative means of  moral education management and innovative practice of wisdom classrooms with the background of Internet Plus, so as to create innovative personalized study platform with the background of Mega data. With more accurate and effective personalized study guidance, our school is positioning our students on the world stage to achieve their wonderful life!




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