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2023-07-21 20:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”中国游客不文明行为“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Uncivilized behavior of Chinese tourists。以下是关于中国游客不文明行为的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Uncivilized behavior of Chinese tourists

Even if we see the sign of "No Spitting" in the public area of China, it will appear that there is no spitting behavior in the public area of China, even if we see the sign of "No Spitting" in the public area of China, it will appear that there is no spitting behavior in Chinese public places, However, there are still some tourists who sneak to the corner or toilet to smoke, sometimes even causing smoke alarms of foreigners. They like to keep silent in public places. When they want to talk to each other, they will speak in a very weak voice, so that people around them will not be disturbed by their conversation.

However, some Chinese tourists usually speak loudly in public places, which makes people around feel uncomfortable Some travelers also violate the traffic rules, instead of crossing the road on the zebra crossing. They cross the road anywhere and ignore the fast-moving cars. They are often run over by fast-moving cars and lose their lives.

Therefore, they become the victims of traffic accidents. In order to overcome their bad social behavior, they need to do so. In order to enable them to receive re education and improve their social morality, we strongly urge these people to change their bad habits when they travel abroad in the future.

Their behavior will not leave any bad impression on foreigners.




Nowadays, the unprecedented surge of Chinese tourists has brought them high visibility. Their bad behavior and impoliteness in foreign countries have even become the world's top news. Spitting, jumping in line, arguing, scribbling on historical buildings, and even fighting are all caused by Chinese tourists.

In China, there are many reasons for this phenomenon. On the one hand, some people To express strong feelings, on the other hand, some people release their own pressure, and some people just have a poor sense of public morality, which may lead to their uncivilized behavior in public places, which has caused great damage to the environment of tourist destinations. In order to deal with the damage to the common national image, we should arouse people's social conscience and stop polluting the tourist destination.

Improving people's behavior is an ongoing task that should start from the beginning of school.




How to deal with uncivilized behaviors in the process of tourism, such as writing on historical sites, has been discussed for a long time, or this kind of thing happens more frequently in China than in any other country. What can we do to prevent these behaviors? Although we have been advocating the education of tourists for many years, in my opinion, the situation is not better than expected, we still need to drum up We should encourage the education of tourists, but there are some changes. We should not only publicize "don't do something", but also explain the reasons and explanations that signing everywhere is not cool.

On the contrary, we have to feel ashamed. Comparing us with foreigners can also increase our awareness and behavior in public places to witness the immoral behaviors in public places. I still remember that I was the first The first time I took the Beijing subway was an early morning.

I was rushing to school. I was preparing to buy a ticket. I found many people waiting in front of me, but no one was on the line.

① immoral behavior in public places caused a series of problems. The most serious one is that it may have a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility, and we will continue to ignore others On the contrary, we will not respect the reform of this phenomenon one day. It is certainly not easy to focus on the actual implementation and cost-effectiveness.

I suggest that the society should show from all aspects that those who do not respect the public interest will be severely punished. Therefore, we should formulate more stringent policies to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible. We all expect a world without thieves.

Everyone has responsibility. Personal responsibility is very important to the construction of a harmonious socialist society. Eb9ee7ad ① immoral public behavior.

① immoral public behavior. ② advocacy. ③ social responsibility.

① unethical behavior in public. ② implementation. ③ cost effectiveness.

④ public welfare. ① sharing great responsibility. ② demonstration.








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