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#英语作文造纸术发明| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”造纸术发明“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The invention of paper。以下是关于造纸术发明托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The invention of paper

Paper is one of China's fo great inventions and an eye-catching invention in the history of human civilization. China is the earliest silk weaving country in the world. Many diseases such as cocoon hook silk, residual bad cocoon and silkworm cocoon were finished by using the silk thread flo prepared by floating flo.

When some cotton flo were left in the cordor, the floating flo were , and the residual flo in bamboo gallery were piled up into a thin layer In the first year of the Eastern Han and Yuan Dynasties, Xing Cai Lun impved paper. He used tree bark, hemp, cotton wadding, rags, fishing nets and other plant mateals to crush, imitate, and bake paper Since the invention of paper technolo, the ogin of modern paper has been integrated into social and cultal life in a new way, and gradually spread in China. Later, it has spread all over the world.

The sheet fiber pducts used for wting, pnting, painting or packaging are generally suspended by plant fiber pulping water, combined with on-line interweaving, preliminary dehydration, compression and drying Cheng is the first country to invent paper in the world. According to archaeological findings, flax fiber has been used in China fm the Western Han Dynasty to a few years B.C., with a all amount of high cost, which has not been populazed since ancient times. Chinese people have long known how to raise silkworms.

Silk reeling was a lower class nation in Qin and Han Dynasties, and cocoons were very popular as silk thread technolo. This method of treating sub cocoon layer is called dft flocculation method In addition, ancient China used lime or plant grey water to degumm. This technolo also pvided inspiration for paper- plant fiber degumming.




At first, paper was used as a tool to record important nts and data before the invention of paper. Tortoise shells, animal bones, gold and stone, bamboo slips, wood and cloth were used to record and remember things. It is usually called the year when paper was invented.

According to histocal records, the invention of paper was reported to the Chinese emper by Cai Lun, an official of the impeal cot. Howr, according to recent archaeological investigations, how early was the actual invention of paper Years ago, the ancient paper at Xuanquanzhi site in Dunhuang, Gansu Pvince, Northwest China, was apparently made ding the rei of Emper Wu beeen B.C. and B.C The great contbution of Ming, the supply of cheap paper means that great ideas can be wtten on paper and can be tranitted quickly and widely to most people by reading the advanced nate and new ideas of human beings.

It has pmoted and accelerated the pace of human civilization and dlopment. The invention of paper enched culte and literate, pduced and great works, and passed on to most people.




China is one of the fo ancient civilizations in the world. It has a long history and ch cultal reli. It is the inventor of compass, paper, gunpowder and great wall pnting.

The Grand C and Karez water conservancy pject are the three ancient pjects in China and the symbol of the ch culte of the Chinese nation. China has expeenced pmitive society, slavery society, feudal society, semi feudal and semi colonial society and the present socialist society .



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