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2024-05-24 00:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Apology-道歉,在工作中由于各种原因,我们需要向别人道歉say sorry. 那么关于道歉这一块,下面就分析了四种在商务/外贸中经常会遇到的场景,并针对这四种场景进行分析和道歉。喜欢的小主可以先收藏哦,以备不时之需~

tips, 首先,道歉应该要及时,并且尽量一次性结束,不要拖拉太久,以免引起更多的不愉快。其次,要尽量解释清楚原因。最后,要提供解决方案。相比起一味的道歉,如果能提出解决方案的话,那就会对方更信服。

场景1. 对未能及时回复的道歉&解释


eg. My apologies for the late reply. (很抱歉未能及时回复。tips, My apologies for + ... 万能句式,可以背诵下来哦)

eg. I am sorry about replying to your last email so late.(很抱歉这么晚才恢复您的上一封邮件)

eg. We apologize for the delay in responding to your request for a project quotation. (我们很抱歉没能及时您的工程报价的邮件。)

接下来就提供各种各种理由给大家参考哦, 大家可以随便选,随便用哦。

2) 解释A--- 不在(是个万用的理由哦)

eg. I was on a sick leave/ personal leave yesterday. (昨天我请病假/事假了。)

eg. I was on vacation for the last 10 days. (前10天我休假了。)

eg. Our company was closed for Public Holiday.(我们的公司放假了。)

tips, 如果在正常的工作日,因为各种原因(eg,出差business trip,请假on leave,而无法回复顾客邮件的话, 最好能设置邮件自动回复,告知顾客你暂时不能回复邮件,这样会更好哦)

3) 解释B--- 无法登录邮箱,电脑故障 (我的laptop就常坏,崩溃...)

eg. My laptop crashed and I lost all the data. (我的电脑坏了,我的资料都丢了。)

eg. Our email server was down this morning, and I could not access my email.(今天早上我们的邮箱服务器出故障,我无法登录邮箱。)

eg. Our Internet connection was down all day yesterday, and I could not acces my email. (我们的网络昨天断了一天,我无法登录邮箱)

4) 解释C--- 工作原因

eg. We have been in meetings since Monday morning, and I didn't have the chance to reply your email. (我从周一上午就一直在开会,所以没能抽出时间回复您的邮件。)

eg. Due to some emergency, I didn't have time to read any emails until this morning. (由于一些突发状况,知道今晨我才有时间读邮件。)

5)解释 D---各种原因

eg. I had to attend a funeral and was out of office yesterday. (昨天我不得不参加一个葬礼,所以我不在公司。)

eg. I had to attend to some personal business last week. (上周我不得不处理一些私事。)

eg. I had a minor surgery last week and tood a rest at home till yesterday. (上周我做了一个小手术,直到昨天为止,我一直在家里休息。)

场景2. 对给对方造成的不便进行道歉

eg. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. (很抱歉给您带来了不便。)

eg. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused by the error in delivery charges. (请接受我们的道歉,由于运费上的差错而给你造成了不便。)

eg. On behalf of our company, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience you experienced because of a mistake made by our colleague. (我代表我们公司向您致歉,由于我们同事的失误而让您经历的不便表示道歉。)

场景3. 对失误表示道歉

tips, 如果对方先在邮件中指出我方的错误,那么回复对方时,可感谢对方指出的失误,并强调这是一时失误,向对方表示类似的失误以后不会在发生哦。


eg. Thank you for pointing it out. (谢谢您把它指出来。)

eg. Many thanks for calling this to our attention. (感谢您让我们注意到这一点。)

2) 对失误表示道歉

eg. I am sorry that you've received the wrong order.(很抱歉让您收到错误的订货。)

eg. I understand your dispointment. (我理解您的失望心情。)

eg. We apologize for this unususal occurrence. (对于这次异常的事情,我们表示道歉)

eg. You have our promise that such a mistake will not happen again in the future. (我们向您保证,这种失误以后不会在发生了。)

eg. We inadvertently sent you the wrong shipment. (我们不慎给您发错了货。)


eg. We have couriered 100ctns by air to your office at our cost today. (今天我们自己付费寄了100箱货到您的办公室)-- tips, 勇于承担责任并提出了解决方案,棒棒的。

eg. We would like to offer 10% discount to your next order as a small compensation for the inconvenience. (作为这次不便的小小补偿,我们愿意给您的下一次订单提供10%的折扣。) tips, 又有机会和借口跟进下次的订单。


eg. Many thanks for your patience. (感谢您的耐心。)

eg. We value our relationship. (我们很重视与贵公司的关系。)

场景4. 对发货延误表示道歉

通常分两种情况,1.错误在自己,首先要道歉,然后就要提出解决方案并保证类似的事情不会在犯。 2. 错误不在自己,则要向对方说明延误的原因, 然后最好提出解决方案。


eg. We are sorry that you have not received your order.(我们很抱歉,您还没有收到您的订货。)

eg. Firstly, please allow me to apologize for the uncessary inconvenience caused by the late delivery. (首先,请允许我对因发货延误而造成的不必要麻烦表示道歉。)

2) 解释延误原因

eg. The typhoon has caused the delay in your shipment. (由于台风,所以给贵司的发货有所延误。)

eg. With the holidays approaching, we are experiencing a large backlog in orders. (由于假期临近,我公司积压了很多未了结订单。)


eg. As soon as the goods ready, we will ship them out by air at our cost. (货一好,我们就会自己付费空运给你寄出。)

eg. We have slot in your order into our production, and we will ship them out immediately once they are ready. (我们已经在插队生产您的产品,只要一生产出来,就会立刻安排发货。)

eg. Currently we are looking into alternative ports and will inform you with a new delivery schedule. (我们目前正在寻找其他港口,我们会很快通知您新的发货日期。)


eg. Many thanks in advance for your patience and understanding. (提前感谢您的耐心和理解。)

eg. We sincerely hope that the delay will not cause serious inconvenience. (我们诚挚的希望这次延误不会造成严重的不便。)






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