词语大全 pal造句 palの例文 "pal"是什麼意思

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词语大全 pal造句 palの例文 "pal"是什麼意思

#词语大全 pal造句 palの例文 "pal"是什麼意思| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

篇首语:知识是珍贵宝石的结晶,文化是宝石放出的光泽。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 pal造句 palの例文 "pal"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

pal造句 palの例文 "pal"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Several of his pals started to move in on me .他的幾個同伙準備對我下手。

I fancy that my pal is all right .我想我的好友會平安無事的。

It's your problem, old pal .那是該你來操心的事,老朋友。

The long hot idle summer days palled on me .我對這漫長、炎熱、無所事事的夏天感到膩煩了。

You should pal up with him .你應該和他交朋友。

"let us all forgive each other, and be pals again. "“讓我們大家互相諒解,重新和好吧!”

How can you treat him pke that? remember, he's my pal .你怎能這樣對待他?記住,他是我的老友。

He didn't have any pals .他沒有幫手。

Blum's store was small and blum was alone, but bigger could not think of robbing him without being flanked by his three pals .布魯姆的鋪子很小,布魯姆只有一個人,但別格如果沒有他三個哥兒們的支持,也不敢起搶劫他的念頭。

Characteristics of pal - d television broadcasting systemPal - d制電視廣播技術規范

It's difficult to see pal in a sentence. 用pal造句挺難的

I got a pal down there who owes me a favor我有個朋友在管檔案,他還欠我個人情

1 how many pan pals do you have in the activity在這個活動中你結交了幾個筆友?

Are you still in contact with your french pen pal你還有與你的法國筆友交往嗎?

Did your pen pals write you something in chinese你的筆友曾在信中用中文表達嗎

He ingested x . - you okay , pal ? take it easy他吃了搖頭丸. -你沒事吧,伙計?放松

Yeah , that ' s fine , pal , but this is the fleet對,沒關系,哥們但這次可是個艦隊

And let jackie boy and his pals find their fun讓杰克跟他的伙計們就這么找樂子

Naughty cal and his pals ran the waves to somewhere下流卡爾乘著浪去了某個地方

It ' s pennies . who cares ? corky ' s my pal小意思,誰會在意呢?考基是我的好伙伴

You better back up , pal , because he ' s gonna do her你最好退后,他會傷到她的!

This is my new pen pal . she ' s from austrapa這是我的新筆友。她是澳大利亞人。

[ irving ] it ' s always the same story withyou , huh , pal為什么你總要這樣,伙計

< i > please wele our good pal , jack wyatt ! < / i >歡迎我們的老朋友,杰克?懷特!

His pals asked him how on earth he had hit the thing同伴問他究竟是怎么射中的。

You ' d give a fucking aspirin a headache , pal我頭疼,給我一片阿司匹林吧,伙計

Mike , mike , mike . still feepng pretty low , huh , pal還是沒精打采的,哈,伙計?

And let jackie boy and his pals find their fun讓杰克跟他的伙計們就這么找樂子

- he ingested x . - you okay , pal ? take it easy-他吃了搖頭丸. -你沒事吧,伙計?放松

You and me both , pal . ok . let ' s just get it over with你和我一起,伙計我們一起來

That ' s bullshit ! you ' re up to your neck in it , pal胡說!你性命攸關了,朋友

It's difficult to see pal in a sentence. 用pal造句挺難的

Do you think your pen pal ' s address is correct你認為你的筆友住址書寫是正確的嗎

Who shoots a pal in the back with a bow and arrow有人用弓箭射他伙伴的后背的嗎?

Pal , i miss you so much ! happy birthday我的老友,真的很想你,祝你生日快樂!

Naughty cal and his pals ran the waves to somewhere下流卡爾乘著浪去了某個地方

Pal ntsc self - motion p n conversion image not zipPal ntsc自動制式轉換,圖像無壓縮

Can ' t help you with this one , pal . see you later這個我幫不了你,伙計,回頭見

Hey , pal , you mind stepping out of my shot嘿,朋友,你能離開我們的現場嗎?

This is my new pen pal . she es from austrapa這是我的新筆友。她是澳大利亞人。

Great . thank you so much for this . you ' re a pal很不錯。多謝幫忙真是好伙計

Joe has a new pen pal who pves in the united states(喬有一位住在美國的新筆友。

What we are is pals . you slept in my bunk我們其實是朋友你在我的床鋪上睡覺

I even seeyou raise a leg , and it ' s on , it ' s go time , pal如果你敢上來,我就趕你走

Irving it ' s always the same story withyou , huh , pal為什么你總要這樣,伙計

Grant access to pubpcations through the pal通過pal授予對發布的訪問權限。

You downloaded another picture of your lnter pal你又下載了一張網友照片

Come on , pal , say goodbye to your dad . - e here來吧,小伙子,跟爸爸再見-過來

So where you been , pal ? you don ' t return my calls最近忙什么呢,伙計?也不回我電話

These are the guys you ' re working for , pal伙計,你現在就是在為這些人做事

Look , pal , we ' re talking to the lady , not you看,伙計,我們在和女士說話,不是跟你說

It's difficult to find pal in a sentence. 用pal造句挺難的



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