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#attainable造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Is it attainable with available resources?它是否可以通过可利用的资源来实现?

2、No high-sounding rhetoric, just want to take action to achieve an attainable aspiration.没有冠冕堂皇的说辞,只是想以行动,去实现一个可以实现的愿望。

3、Your goal should be attainable within a reasonable time frame.你的目标应该是一个合理的时间框架内实现的。

4、To give you an idea of how attainable all of this is, here are some facts worth considering.为了让你了解所有这些是如何得出的,此处有一些值得考虑的事实。

5、This standard is easily attainable by most students.这个标准大多数学生都容易达到。

6、Translating the marketing requirements into attainable media objectives.把市场要求转化为可达成的媒体目标。

7、It is unrealistic to believe perfection is an attainable goal.相信可以达到完美是不现实的。

8、Some are attainable to the average consumer and some aren't.其中一些对普通消费者是可以实现的,而一些不是。

9、Your goals should be attainable and specific.你的目标必须可以达到而且要具体。

10、The WFS target was still attainable if concrete and concerted action was taken, SOFI noted.《世界粮食不安全状况》报告认为,如果采取切实和协调一致的行动,世界粮食首脑会议的目标依然可以实现。

11、It is the first time attainable rare earth elements were confirmed on the seafloor.这是海底可利用的稀土元素资源量首次得到确认。

12、Another benefit of setting attainable goals is you can always up the ante.制定能够企及的目标还有另一个好处:那就是你可以不断设定更高的目标。

13、Set small, attainable goals.制订几个能够做到的小目标。

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