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2024-04-13 23:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

AWESOME Sink.png 本文内容未按编辑标准达到应有的水平。

如果可以,请协助 改进该页面 此 讨论页面 包含标准编辑信息。Reason: "Need restructure."

本文内容未按编辑标准达到应有的水平。如果可以,请协助 改进该页面 此 讨论页面 包含标准编辑信息。Reason: "Need restructure." Color Gun Color Gun.png Paints factory buildings and vehicles. The color can be

adjusted prior to painting.

解锁 Flower Petals Research - Color Gun 弹药 Color Cartridge 弹夹尺寸 100 射程 100 m 每秒造成伤害 2 /s Stack Size 1 Sink Value 860 Blueprint Path



制作 所需零件 材料 模板:ResourceBreakdown

{{#cargo_store:_table = crafting_recipes

product = Color Gun recipeName = Color Gun experimental = unreleased = alternateRecipe = 0 mainRecipe = 1 researchTier = Flower Petals Research - Color Gun craftedIn = inCraftBench = inWorkShop = craftingTime = craftingClicks = productCount = productsPerMinute = 0 product2 = productCount2 = productsPerMinute2 = 60 product3 = productCount3 = productsPerMinute3 = 60 product4 = productCount4 = productsPerMinute4 = 60 quantity1 = ingredient1 = quantity2 = ingredient2 = quantity3 = ingredient3 = quantity4 = ingredient4 = quantity5 = ingredient5 = quantity6 = ingredient6 = quantity7 = ingredient7 = quantity8 = ingredient8 = quantity9 = ingredient9 = quantity10 = ingredient10 =


Color Cartridge Color Cartridge.png Ammo for the Color Gun.Necessary to change the color of

factory buildings and vehicles.

解锁 Flower Petals Research - Color Cartridges Stack Size 200 Sink Value 10 Blueprint Path



制作 所需零件 材料 模板:ResourceBreakdown

{{#cargo_store:_table = crafting_recipes

product = Color Cartridge recipeName = Color Cartridge experimental = unreleased = alternateRecipe = 0 mainRecipe = 1 researchTier = Flower Petals Research - Color Cartridges craftedIn = inCraftBench = inWorkShop = craftingTime = craftingClicks = productCount = productsPerMinute = 0 product2 = productCount2 = productsPerMinute2 = 60 product3 = productCount3 = productsPerMinute3 = 60 product4 = productCount4 = productsPerMinute4 = 60 quantity1 = ingredient1 = quantity2 = ingredient2 = quantity3 = ingredient3 = quantity4 = ingredient4 = quantity5 = ingredient5 = quantity6 = ingredient6 = quantity7 = ingredient7 = quantity8 = ingredient8 = quantity9 = ingredient9 = quantity10 = ingredient10 =


Fuel Energy 900 MJ Stack Energy 180 GJ Burn Time 模板:FuelBurnTime Stack Burn Time 模板:FuelBurnTime{{#cargo_store:

_table = fuels

name = Color Gun energy = 900 burnTime = stackSize = 200 bioFuel =


The Color Gun is a hand-held tool that allows the color theme of

buildings to be changed, improving the aesthetics of the factory and

allowing color-coding. It consumes one Color Cartridge for each use and

has a magazine size of 100. When reloading, it consumes color cartridges from

the engineer's inventory.

The Color Cartridge is ammunition for the Color Gun. Each cartridge

provides one shot for the Color Gun, regardless of the size of the colored

object or even if a paint-able object was hit or not.

Color Cartridge can also be used as a fuel for Vehicles. At 900 MJ,

it is the 3rd most energy efficient non-radioactive fuel item in the game

after  Battery (6000 MJ) and  Packaged Turbofuel (2000

MJ). It can't be used as a fuel for Biomass Burner or other generators


目录 1 Unlock 2 Obtaining 2.1 Crafting 3 Changing Color 4 Non-paintable objects 5 Current issues 6 Trivia 7 Gallery 8 History Unlock It can be unlocked by completing the Flower Petals Research in the


Obtaining Crafting

{{#cargo_store: _table = crafting_recipes | product = Color Gun | experimental = 0 | unreleased = 0 | researchTier = Flower Petals Research - Color Gun | alternateRecipe = 0 | mainRecipe = 0 | recipeName = Color Gun | craftedIn = | inCraftBench = 0 | inWorkShop = 1 | craftingTime = | craftingClicks = 20 | productCount = 1 | productsPerMinute = 0 | product2 = | productCount2 = | productsPerMinute2 = 0 | product3 = | productCount3 = | productsPerMinute3 = 0 | product4 = | productCount4 = | productsPerMinute4 = 0 | quantity1 = 5 | ingredient1 = Iron Plate | quantity2 = 80 | ingredient2 = Screw | quantity3 = 40 | ingredient3 = Wire | quantity4 = | ingredient4 = | quantity5 = | ingredient5 = | quantity6 = | ingredient6 = | quantity7 = | ingredient7 = | quantity8 = | ingredient8 = | quantity9 = | ingredient9 = | quantity10 = | ingredient10 = }} Lua错误 在模块:RenderCraftingRecipesTable的第215行:attempt to index upvalue 'cargo' (a nil value)

Lua错误 在模块:RenderCraftingRecipesTable的第215行:attempt to index upvalue 'cargo' (a nil value)

Changing Color

While the Color Gun is equipped, 模板:Mouse to choose one of the 16

preset color themes. The preset color for each theme can be edited, but doing

so will also update all buildings which use that theme. The top-left color

theme is the default orange and blue that all buildings start with. Changing

this theme changes all unpainted buildings.

Each color theme consists of two colors. In the right-click menu, the player

can use the sliders to edit each color, which uses the HSV color space. By

clicking on the numbers on the right side a number can be manually entered.

A building aimed by the color gun will be highlighted. The paint cursor at the

center of the game window indicates whether the current target can be painted:

if it is paintable, it shows the paint bucket icon with a drop. If not, it

will show a 'X' beside the paint cursor.

Preset Color Codes Primary Secondary HSV RGB HEX HSV RGB HEX 16, 0.93, 0.95 242, 77, 17 #F24D11 232, 0.57, 0.26 29, 34, 66 #1D2242 211, 0.77, 0.65 38, 100, 166 #2664A6 36, 0.64, 0.34 87, 65, 31 #57411F 11, 0.91, 0.8 204, 52, 18 #CC3412 234, 0.2, 0.38 78, 79, 97 #4E4F61 236, 0.32, 0.18 31, 32, 46 #1F202E 147, 0.34, 0.36 61, 92, 75 #3D5C4B 221, 0.08, 0.81 190, 185, 207 #BEB9CF 232, 0.57, 0.26 29, 34, 66 #1D2242 91, 0.61, 0.73 127, 186, 73 #7FBA49 232, 0.57, 0.26 29, 34, 66 #1D2242 319, 0.65, 1 255, 89, 203 #FF59CB 232, 0.57, 0.26 29, 34, 66 #1D2242 176, 0.48, 0.87 115, 222, 215 #73DED7 232, 0.58, 0.26 29, 34, 66 #1D2242 35, 0.79, 0.49 125, 84, 26 #7D541A 180, 0.06, 0.35 84, 89, 89 #545959 35, 0.29, 0.96 245, 215, 174 #F5D7AE 232, 0.58, 0.26 29, 34, 66 #1D2242 263, 0.66, 0.98 148, 85, 250 #9455FA 232, 0.58, 0.26 29, 34, 66 #1D2242 159, 0.69, 0.64 0, 135, 78 #0874E 232, 0.58, 0.26 56, 56, 56 #1D2242 52, 0.65, 0.93 237, 217, 83 #EDD953 232, 0.58, 0.26 29, 34, 66 #1D2242 65, 0.14, 0.31 78, 79, 68 #4E4F44 232, 0.58, 0.26 29, 34, 66 #1D2242 309, 0.79, 0.47 120, 25, 106 #78196A 232, 0.58, 0.26 29, 34, 66 #1D2242 0, 0, 0.22 56, 56, 56 #383838 235, 0.1, 0.87 200, 202, 222 #C8CADE Non-paintable objects Electric Locomotive Freight Car Tractor Current issues When using a paint gun, it will cause the engineer's running speed to slow

down for a brief moment, then resumes back to normal running speed.

When painting pumps, players must restart the game before the color change is


When painting pipelines, the flow indicator will remain the same color as

before while the rest of the pipe changes color. Players must restart the game

before the color change on the flow indicator is visible.

Trivia A color cartridge will be consumed even if the engineer aimed at nothing or

painted a building with the same colors it already had.

Sometimes the color won't change instantly and will have a few seconds of


Despite its description, it cannot paint vehicles, not even by changing

the default color scheme. Train cargo containers will have the

color of the current station for the load/unload

animations until the animation finishes, after which their color reverts.

Gallery Freight Platform color coding.png

Several Freight Platforms painted

With the Color Gun. Pipeline Pumps on Walls.png

Pipelines, Pipeline Pumps and a few

History Patch Production cycle shortened, production values are


v · d · e物品部件 矿物  铝土矿  •   钦矿  •   煤矿  •   铜矿  •   原油 ( 桶装)  •   铁矿  •   石灰石  •   粗石英  •   三矿  •   硫矿  •   铀矿  •   水 ( 桶装)动植物  Alien Carapace  •   Alien Organs  •   Flower Petals  •   Leaves  •   Mycelia  •  Power Slug (文件:Green.png Green Power Slug, 文件:Yellow.png Yellow Power Slug, 文件:Purple.png Purple Power Slug)  •   Wood回血物品  Bacon Agaric  •   Beryl Nut  •   Paleberry  •   Medicinal Inhaler其他资源  FICSIT Coupon  •   Geyser  •   Hard Drive  •   HUB Parts  •   Mercer Sphere  •   SomersloopComponents EstablishingStage Tier 0 文件:Biomass (Leaves, Wood).png Biomass  •   Cable  •   Concrete  •   Copper Ingot  •   Iron Ingot  •   Iron Plate  •   Iron Rod  •   Reinforced Iron Plate  •   Screw  •   WireTier 2  Copper Sheet  •   Solid Biofuel  •   Modular Frame  •   Rotor  •   Smart PlatingDevelopmentStage Tier 3  Steel Beam  •   Steel Ingot  •   Steel Pipe  •   Versatile FrameworkTier 4  Automated Wiring  •   Encased Industrial Beam  •   Heavy Modular Frame  •   Motor  •   StatorExpansionStage Tier 5  Adaptive Control Unit  •   Circuit Board  •   Computer  •   Empty Canister  •   Fuel (文件:Packaged.png Packaged Fuel)  •   Heavy Oil Residue (文件:Packaged.png Packaged Heavy Oil Residue)  •   Liquid Biofuel (文件:Packaged.png Packaged Liquid Biofuel)  •   Modular Engine  •   Petroleum Coke  •   Plastic  •   Polymer Resin  •   RubberTier 7  Alumina Solution  •   Alclad Aluminum Sheet  •   Aluminum Ingot  •   Aluminum Scrap  •   Battery  •   Electromagnetic Control Rod  •  文件:Encased Uranium Cell.png Encased Uranium Cell  •   Heat Sink  •   Nuclear Fuel Rod  •   Nuclear Waste  •   Sulfuric Acid  •   Turbo Motor  •   Uranium PelletResearch M.A.M.  A.I. Limiter  •  文件:Biomass (Alien Carapace, Alien Organs, Mycelia).png Biomass  •   Black Powder  •   Caterium Ingot  •   Compacted Coal  •   Fabric  •   High-Speed Connector  •   Quickwire  •   Power Shard  •   Quartz Crystal  •   Silica  •   Crystal Oscillator  •   Radio Control Unit  •   Supercomputer  •   Turbofuel (文件:Packaged.png Packaged Turbofuel)Equipment EstablishingStage Tier 0  Portable Miner  •   Xeno-ZapperTier 1  Beacon  •   Object ScannerTier 2  ChainsawDevelopmentStage Tier 4  Xeno-BasherExpansionStage Tier 5  Gas mask ( Gas Filter)Tier 6  JetpackTier 7  Hazmat Suit ( Iodine Infused Filter)Research MAM  Blade Runners  •   Color Gun ( Color Cartridge)  •   Medicinal Inhaler  •   Nobelisk Detonator ( Nobelisk)  •   Parachute  •   Rebar Gun ( Spiked Rebar)  •   Rifle (文件:Cartridge.png Rifle Cartridge)AWESOMEShop Shop  Cup  •   Factory CartStatues  Adequate Pioneering  •   Satisfactory Pioneering  •   Pretty Good Pioneering  •   Golden Nut  •  文件:Lizard Doggo.png Lizard Doggo Statue  •   Confusing Creature  •   Silver Hog




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