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边境牧羊犬(Border Collie)FCI标准(中、英文版)

2012-12-26 15:48:15  |  编辑:编辑部-1

边境柯利牧羊犬(Border Collie)

FCI编号No.297■   原产地苏格兰和英格兰边境■   用途牧羊犬■   FCI分类第1组:  牧羊犬和牧牛犬(瑞士牧牛犬除外)第1部分:牧羊犬■   沿革该犬确切的起源时间不清。罗马人将机警的护羊犬引到英国的以色列。各个凯尔特部落很快繁育出自己的牧养犬品种为牧业服务。这些犬与当地犬融合演变成后来的威尔士牧羊犬、北方牧羊犬、高地牧羊犬和斯考特柯利牧羊犬等。18世纪苏格兰的桂冠诗人罗伯特•博恩斯详细描述了边镜柯利牧羊犬的重要性。1860年,在英国举行的第二届犬展中,斯考特柯利牧羊犬出现在伯明翰的犬展上。稍后,在去巴莫诺的途中,维多利亚女王看到了她的第一头柯利犬,从而成为这一品种的支持者。也就是在这时,现在的牧羊犬开始从传统的牧羊犬分离开。然而,今天的边境柯利牧羊犬,仍然是真正的工作犬,与它们的祖先区别不大。作为世界范围内的牧羊犬的原始品种并以顺从、易于驯化和外观朴素着称的边境柯利犬获得了牧业集团的确认,并在1995年10月1日用作全面识别模型。■   一般外貌边境柯利牧羊犬给人的第一印象是善于运动均衡、中等的体形,同时表露出优雅和警觉,并带着坚毅、持久的气质。它坚实、肌肉发达的身躯有着平滑的轮廓,这些展示了它们毫不费力地奔跑和持久不衰的耐力。成为牧羊犬之祖的特点该品种警觉、充满活力,并且富有热心。机智更是它显着的特点。■   重要比率胸骨前端到臀部的距离稍长于肩部的体高。骨骼强壮,重量应与体形大小成比例。体重、体长、体高和骨重的全方位平衡是至关紧要的,比任何单纯的测量更重要。过重的体重不能认为是肌肉发达或耐力更好。任何单个指标超出此比例时应被视作是缺陷。■   性情边境柯利牧羊犬不但反应灵敏,而且对朋友充满感情。对陌生人敏感和保守,使得它成为一种优秀的守护犬。作为一种精于放牧的犬,它渴望学会去做人类的伴侣,并且因为成为人类的伙伴而高兴。任何恶意的倾向和过度的胆怯都是严重的缺陷。■   头部(head)神情警觉、机智、热心,并且充满好奇。◆ 额头部(cranial region)额头(skull)相当宽大,枕骨不突出,与面部等长。眶下脊(stop)不应丰满或者圆。明显。◆ 颜面部(facial region)鼻(nose)在所有犬中鼻子的颜色应该是固定的,没有粉红色或者是轻度着色,喜欢的是大众颜色。鼻孔发育良好。口角(muzzle)向鼻尖突出,中等长度,有力。眼(eyes)眼睛之间的距离适中,中等大小,略似杏仁。有颜色的被毛完整地环绕褐色的眼睛;那些有被毛颜色是原始的颜色而不是黑色的犬,可能有引人注目的浅色眼睛。若眼周围没有色素沉着,则认为是缺陷。蓝色的眼睛也是不足之处,除非是杂有黑斑的兰灰色,这样的犬可能有一只或两只眼;或者一只或两只眼的一部分为蓝色。耳(ears)中等大小,距离适当,直立或半直立(1/4~3/4的耳朵直立),耳尖向前或向两侧垂下。耳朵灵敏而且可转动。头骨宽,枕骨不突出。头骨与脸颊等长。末端缓但清晰。吻部稍短,强壮坚固,向鼻尖逐渐变尖。下颌发育良好。鼻子的颜色与身体最初的颜色一致。鼻孔发育良好。尖细的吻部是一种缺陷。口形:牙齿下颚强壮,参差咬合。■   颈(neck)颈很长,有力而且肌肉发达,向肩部稍变宽,微拱。■   躯体(body)长度比肩膀高度要长一些。背(back)宽大有力。腰(loins)深、肌肉发达且稍微呈拱形。胸(chest)胸深且相当宽广。肋(ribs)富有弹性。腹线(underline)■   尾(tail)尾下垂,中等长度。尾椎至少到膝关节。尾尖允许上翘并弯曲,当专注于给定的任务时,尾下垂,用来保持平衡。兴奋时,尾上翘高过脊背。无拘束的尾巴被认为是缺陷。■   四肢(limbs)◆ 前肢(forequarters)肩(shoulders)肩长而倾斜,平整,与前臂成明显的角度(近90°)。上臂(upperarm)前腿从前面看,骨骼端正,平行。肘(elbows)肘既不向内也不向外偏。腕关节(carpus)从侧面看,腕关节稍微有一些隆起。掌(pastem)上爪切除。掌收紧,椭圆形。趾(feet)脚垫厚而强壮。四指稍隆起,紧紧靠拢。◆ 后肢(hindquarters)外观(overview)后肢应该宽大,肌肉发达,从侧面看向尾部倾斜。从后面看,后腿骨骼发育良好,直立平行。大腿(upper thighs)大腿长、宽、厚重,而且肌肉发达。膝关节(stifle)运动灵活,两膝稍向内曲。跗关节(hocks)有力,并且位置相当低。跖(metatarsus)上爪切除。趾(feet)足收紧,椭圆形,脚垫厚而强壮。脚趾适度弯曲并拢。趾甲短而强壮。■   步态/运动(gait/movement)边境柯利犬是一种机警的牧羊犬,它能够突然改变速度和方向而且不偏离平衡和有失风度。忍耐是它的传统精神。跑动时流畅、自如、轻松,脚趾稍微抬起。轻跑时背线不变。它的运动轻而有力,并且极有耐力。从侧面看,速度最慢时,步幅应最大。从前面看,行动方向稳定向前,肩、肘或膝部不应有虚弱表现。从后面看,跗关节靠近但并不接触,同时随着驱动力臀部灵活地耸起。任何运动不灵活的犬,都视为严重缺陷。最后强调的是,步态是一个重要的衡量指标,它说明了身体结构进化的程度。■   被毛(coat)◆ 毛(hair)两种被毛部允许;短而浓密,与季节相应的双层被毛。幼犬的被毛短、柔软、浓密而且防水,到了成年便成了成年犬身上的绒毛。这种犬粗糙的被毛中等长度,纹理平坦或稍有起伏。脸上是短而光滑的被毛。前腿毛长而轻。后躯有起修饰作用的短毛。在老龄犬,被毛可能变得非常起伏,这不是缺陷。绒毛短,覆盖全身。前腿有羽毛状的毛,胸部被毛的颜色很浅。◆ 毛色(color)边境柯利牧羊犬各种颜色的被毛上还有各种图案或标记。大多数牧羊犬是黑色的可有也可以没有那些传统的白色。这些白色一般在额头、脖领、四肢下半部和尾尖上,有时还夹杂着褐色斑点。但是,各种颜色的幼犬都是允许的,但决不能是纯白色的。单色、两色、三色、隼灰色和貂黑色的犬只要有传统的标记,就被视为等同。颜色和标记总是次于结构和步态。■   尺寸体高  雄性  48.3cm~55.9cm。雌性  45.7cm~53.3cm。■   缺陷与上面所记述各项偏离者为缺陷,缺陷的程度视偏离的程度而定。■   N.B.雄性犬应该有两个明显的睾丸悬挂在阴囊内。

Border CollieWorking

Group: WorkingSize: mediumLifespan: 10-14 yearsExercise: very highGrooming: mediumTrainability: very highWatchdog ability: highProtection ability: mediumArea of Origin: border of Scotland and EnglandDate of Origin: 1800’sOther Names: noneOriginal Function: sheep herding

CHARACTERISTICS: The Border Collie is highly intelligent, with an instinctive tendency to work and is readily responsive to training. It's keen, alert and eager expression add to its intelligent appearance, whilst its loyalty and faithful nature demonstrates that it is at all times kindly disposed towards stock. Any aspect of structure or temperament foreign to a working dog is uncharacteristic.GENERAL APPEARANCE: The general appearance should be that of a well proportioned dog, the smooth outline showing quality, gracefulness and perfect balance, combined with sufficient substance to ensure that it is capable of enduring long periods of activity in its intended task as a working sheepdog. Any tendency to coarseness or weediness is undesirable.Head:The skull is broad and flat between the ears, slightly narrowing to the eye with a pronounced stop cheeks deep but not prominent. The muzzle, tapering to the nose, is strong and the same length as the skull. The lips are tight and clean and the nose is large with open nostrils. The nose colour in all dogs will be a solid colour with no pink or light pigment, and shall compliment the backgrounds colour of the dog .Eyes: The eyes are set wide apart, oval shaped of moderate size harmonising with the colour of the coat but darker colour preferred, except in the case of chocolate where a lighter colour is permissable and in the case of merles where blue is permissable. The expression is mild but keen, alert and intelligent.Ears: The ears should be of medium size and texture, set well apart, carried semi-erect and sensitive in their use and inside well furnished with hair.Mouth: The teeth should be sound, strong and evenly spaced, the lower incisors just behind but touching the upper, that is a scissor bite..Neck:The neck is of good length, strong and muscular, slightly arched and broadening to the shoulders, without throatiness or coarseness.Forequarters: The shoulders are long and well angulated to the upper arm, neither in nor out at the elbow. The forelegs are well boned, straight and parallel when viewed from the front. Pasterns show flexibility with a slight slope when viewed from the side.Body:The body is moderately long with well-sprung ribs tapering to a fairly deep and moderately broad chest.. The loins are broad, deep and muscular with well turned stifles and strong hocks, well let down, and when viewed from the rear are straight and parallel..Hindquarters: The hindquarters are broad and muscular, in profile sloping gracefully to the set on of the tail. The thighs are long, broad, deep, muscular with well turned stifles and strong hocks, well let down, and when viewed from the rear are straight and parallel.Feet: Oval in shape, pads deep, strong and sound, toes moderately arched and close together. Nails short and strong.Tail: The tail is moderately long, set on low, well furnished with an upward swirl towards the end, completing the graceful contour and balance of the dog. The tail may be raised in excitement but not carried over the back.Movement: The movement is free, smooth and tireless, with a minimum lift of the feet, conveying the impression of the ability to move with great stealth. The action, viewed from the front, should be straight forward and true, without weakness at shoulders, elbows or pasterns. Viewed from behind the quarters thrust with strength and flexibility, with hocks not close nor too far apart. When trotting, the dog's feet tend to come closer together as speed increases, but when the dog comes to rest he should stand four square. Any tendency to stiltiness or to cowhocks or bowhocks is a serious fault. Coat: Double coated, with a moderately long, dense, medium textured topcoat while the undercoat is short, soft and dense, making a weather resisting protection with an abundant coat to form a mane, breeching and brush. On face, ear tips, forelegs (except for feather), hindlegs from hock to ground, the hair is short and smooth. A smooth coat is acceptable.Colour:A variety of colours is permissible, but white should never predominate.Size: Height: Dogs 48-53 cm (approx 19-21 in) at withersBitches 46-51 cm (approx. 18-20 in) at withersFaults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness of the fault should be in exact proportion to its degree.Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.





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