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Fallout 4 side quest 大开挖 Icon The Big Dig 地点 GoodneighborThe DigDiamond CityNH&M Freight Depot 赋予者 Bobbi No-Nose 奖励 300+ XPAshmaker300 caps if sided with BobbiHancock as companion, if sided with Fahrenheit 演员 MelSonyaFahrenheit 任务链 下一个 Confront Bobbi, if sided with Bobbi 专业 Editor ID MS16 Form ID 00022A07


The Big Dig is a side quest in Fallout 4.

目录 1 简易流程 2 详细流程 3 Quest stages 4 注释 5 幕后 6 Bugs 简易流程[] 在室内与芭比对话。 加入挖掘行列。 解决出现的三只泥沼蟹。 与芭比对话。 在钻石城与芭比会合。 帮梅尔离开监狱。 招募梅尔。 与团队在挖掘现场会合。 与团队在地下室会合。 离开地下室。 进去金库。 选择帮助芭比或是帮助菲伦海特。 详细流程[]






房间里充满了镇长的心腹。玩家随后可以选择说服芭比离开并投降、杀死所有守卫并留下芭比或者背叛芭比并为镇长杀死她。 (如果玩家角色穿著有锁定HUD效果的头饰,那么菲伦海特和她的手下会自动敌对,迫使玩家杀死他们。如果在完成任务后仍然穿著头饰,芭比也会立即敌对。)



Quest stages[] 任务阶段阶段状态描述日志项目10 Talk to Bobbi20 Meet Bobbi No-NoseI met Bobbi No-Nose in an alley in Goodneighbor and agreed to work for her. She hasn't told me much about the job.25 Join the digI met Bobbi No-Nose in an alley in Goodneighbor and agreed to work for her. She asked me to work on digging a tunnel in her basement.35 Exterminate the Mirelurks (3/3)40 Talk to Bobbi45 Meet Bobbi in Diamond CityBobbi promoted me after I exterminated a group of Mirelurks in her basement. She asked me to meet her in Diamond City to tell me more about the job.55 Get Mel Out of JailBobbi revealed that we are digging to the Diamond City strongroom to steal what's inside. She asked me to recruit a man named Mel who is locked up in Diamond City Security.58 Recruit Mel60 Meet the gang in the DigI broke a man named Mel out of Diamond City Security. Now I need to meet up with Bobbi in the tunnel and start digging to the Strongroom.70 Dig to the StrongroomMel brought a robot to help with the dig. Now all we have to do is use it to dig our way to the Diamond City strongroom.95 Dig through the subway area150 Dig through the basement area160 Meet with the gang in the strongroom basement175 Get out of the basement180 Enter the Strongroom210 Kill Fahrenheit and her menBobbi lied. We were not digging to the Diamond City Strongroom. Instead we ended up breaking into Hancock's strongroom. His bodyguard Fahrenheit confronted us and demanded we leave.215 Bobbi lied. We were not digging to the Diamond City Strongroom. Instead we ended up breaking into Hancock's strongroom. His bodyguard Fahrenheit confronted us and we ended up killing her.220 Kill BobbiBobbi lied. We were not digging to the Diamond City Strongroom. Instead we ended up breaking into Hancock's strongroom. I confronted Bobbi and she got violent.225 Talk to FahrenheitBobbi lied. We were not digging to the Diamond City Strongroom. Instead we ended up breaking into Hancock's strongroom. I confronted Bobbi and killed her.230 Bobbi lied. We were not digging to the Diamond City Strongroom. Instead we ended up breaking into Hancock's strongroom. After being confronted by Hancock's guard, I talked Bobbi into abandoning the job.235 Open the train car238 Get paid240 We dealt with Hancock's bodyguard and found his loot in a locked up train car. Bobbi paid me for a job well done.250 Fahrenheit thanked me for not letting Bobbi steal from Hancock's strongroom. She asked that I speak to Hancock in person.260Quest finishedQuest complete - Sided with Bobbi270Quest finishedQuest complete - Sided with Fahrenheit 注释[] 要解锁汉考克成为同伴就必须完成本任务。 通常情况下,芭比会打开门上的槽,并在玩家靠近门时开始交谈(不需要与门进行互动)。如果仅存者已经在汉考克的雇佣下调查皮克曼画廊,那么这可能不会发生,并且与门的互动只会显示需要钥匙。 当试图通过放出保护者来杀死钻石城警卫时,保护者可能无法获胜,特别是如果守卫等级高的情况下,例如玩家50等。然而,在这种情况下,与梅尔交谈,然后退出警卫室到钻石城,将继续推进任务到“招募梅尔”的阶段。返回警卫室后,唯一幸存者将在牢房外找到梅尔,而卫兵不会敌对。 在梅尔的机器人在墙上开出第一个洞后,直走到一个没有门,有著核融合核心的房间。那里的墙机器人可以爆破,在它后面,玩家将遇到一个泥沼王和一套不完整的等级化动力装甲。梅尔会告诉唯一幸存者回到刚刚那个房间试试看另一堵墙。那座墙位于房间的西南方,芭比会解释其通往储藏室。 如果玩家穿上了动力装甲,但在任务结束前退出,芭比或梅尔可能会穿上它,这样就拿不到那副动力装甲骨架了。 地下室有两条路线:一条充满泥沼蟹,另一条则是尸鬼。后者的起点可以通过站在地铁站的夹食物机前面,并在核口可乐贩卖机附近观察左侧的墙壁找到。两条路线之间有个脆弱的墙壁,桑妮雅可以打通这条捷径。 在到达最后一个脆弱的墙壁后,唯一幸存者必须与梅尔交谈并选择“我准备好”的对话选项,就算对墙按激活键可能也不起作用,对话完后桑妮雅将爆破墙壁。一旦最后一面墙被炸毁,就无法返回挖掘现场。 这个任务也可以透过一起随机事件触发,当一个流氓接近你并讲述一些轻松赚钱的事。他会指向芭比,并开启任务。 在爆破金库的地板后,可以直接略过芭比和菲伦海特的谈话,直接从对角的门出去,然后发现NH&M货运仓库的位置,如果还没探索过的话。这会允许玩家快速旅行返回并有更充足的时间,例如触发涉及汉考克的另一个任务。(如果本任务完成有可能导致无法触发该任务) 凯特、壮壮和麦奎迪不喜欢玩家说服芭比离开。然而,凯特和麦奎迪喜欢背叛或支持芭比(意即非中立的选择)。嘎抓、居礼、派普和尼克·瓦伦坦喜欢说服芭比,但如果说服失败而背叛她则不喜欢;在说服失败后立即射击芭比可以阻止这一点。丹斯不喜欢背叛或帮助芭比。 在汉考克锁定的火车车厢内,里面睡袋旁边的架子下有一组字母积木,拼出“汉考克(Hancock)”。 如果激活地铁站的夹食物机,梅尔会评论说他不会相信任何保存200年后还看起来完好的东西。 在金库之前的最后一个房间里,有著放射桶躺在地上,芭比会说“it's no flesh off my face”,但人类伙伴应该远离辐射。 在和平解决对峙,通过口才检查将没鼻子芭比送回家后,在任务完成前,有两个保镳都会一直留在现场,对玩家没有敌意。 幕后[] 任务的名称灵感来自现实波士顿的大开挖计画,这是一项大型公共基础建设计画案,内容核心为高架桥地下化。该计画以其巨额的工程款和通车后不久即出现死亡事件而闻名。施工期间挖掉的土壤囤积在奇观岛上并用来填在昆西采石场。 在地铁车厢内找到的四个字母积木拼写出Gary,是致敬了108号避难所的Gary复制人。 Bugs[] Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Bobbi may not initiate conversation through the door, preventing the Sole Survivor from continuing the quest.[已验证] Has platform::PCPC This can be solved by using console command and entering setstage ms16 15 to forcefully skip this stage of the quest. If this does not work then replace 15 with 20, 25 or 30. To open the door that requires a key to unlock, use console command unlock (It may be hard to "target" the door in the console, try using setscale 0 to verify you have the door targeted and not a dust cloud, setscale 1 to undo). Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One One of the mirelurks during the "Exterminate the Mirelurks (0/3)" part may get stuck behind the first destructible wall and be unreachable, thus making it impossible to continue the quest. Try to leave the room, talk to Bobbi, and re-enter. Alternatively, reloading an earlier save before entering this stage of the quest will fix it. If you're playing on PC, you may use console command tcl to toggle clipping off, walk through the wall and kill the mirelurk. Use tcl again to turn clipping on again. An explosive may also work.[已验证] Has platform::PCPC Mel might be released just when you enter or leave the Diamond City Security building, without the player having undertaken any action to free him. [已验证] Has platform::PCPC After pickpocketing the guards and freeing Mel, Mel may become unresponsive and the quest will not be able to be completed. This can sometimes be fixed by reloading multiple times, and waiting for Mel to leave the security office before the player.[已验证] Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Sonya may occasionally get stuck in walls or objects during fights, terminal accesses and other events, preventing her from removing walls. You can walk into her to move her, reload an earlier save or leave and re-enter the tunnels to get her out again. If playing on PC, you can enter 11fc2e.moveto player to teleport her to you.[已验证] Has platform::PCPC Mel may disappear along with Sonya during the quest, making optional walls unable to be destroyed. Activating walls related to the quest will have the walls reappear.[已验证] Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 When asking to break a wall, Mel will call Sonya but it will just make a quick turn and stop completely, no matter what. Saving, quitting and then reloading can fix this.[已验证] Has platform::PCPC When trying to break the final wall, activating it will make Mel glitch and unresponsive. Shoot Mel and then talk to him to resume the quest.[已验证] When trying to break down the final wall, it is not able to be knocked down. Instead, talk to Mel to knock it down. If this does not work, you can also use the disable command in the console to disable the wall. Alternatively, using tcl in the console will allow you to walk through the wall. The NPCs will follow you through. Has platform::PCPC When entering the strongroom, the option to open the door may disappear, making it impossible to enter. Reloading your game from the main menu usually solves this problem.[已验证] Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One After killing the guards, Bobbi and Mel will become unresponsive and the quest will not be able to be completed. Reloading an earlier save may resolve this issue.[已验证] Has platform::PCPC At several points in the strongroom, Bobbi (and sometimes Mel) or Fahrenheit and her men may suddenly become hostile. The cause may lie with the targeting HUD power armor upgrade. To prevent this from happening, get out of the power armor before entering the strongroom. This bug also appears in Virgil's Cure [已验证] Has platform::PCPC When siding with Bobbi No-Nose she may become unresponsive after opening the train cart and only say "Let me check it out first" without ever going to it. To fix it just leave the safe house and re-enter it.[已验证] Has platform::PCPC Sometime Mel will disappear or Sonya will get stuck, a simple workaround is to run back to the entrance and stare at any wall for a bit and they will reappear/get unstuck.[已验证] Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 On the last door, Mel and Sonya tend to break, and will not remove the wall. (PC: Works to leave the tunnels, go back to the last room and then sleep for a hour (sometimes))[已验证] Has platform::PCPC The door to the strongroom may be bugged preventing the player character from entering. [已验证] v·d·e辐射4内任务主线任务Act 1战争永远不变 · 超越时空 · 联邦之宝 · 怪客瓦伦坦 · 取得线索 · 重逢Act 2危险心灵 · 发光海 · 猎人与猎物 · 分子世界Act 3学院化 · 来自内部 · 内贼 · 地底潜入行动支线任务剑桥聚合物研究所  · 自信的男人 · 谢幕 · 毒瘾 · 钻石城蓝调 · 爱默琴寻情记 · 小猫,小猫到这儿来 · 怪物出没 · 墙中有洞 · 人为错误 · 披着羊皮 · 冰箱里的小孩 · 宪法号的最后一次航行 · 神秘的肉 · 主持公道 · 牛头不懂棒球 · 为城镇上色 · 皮克曼的礼物 · 公共知识 · 水管工 · 早点名 · 小故事 · 特别包裹 · 世纪大报导 · 大开挖 · 恶魔债务 · 人间蒸发 · 镀金蚱蜢 · 马洛斯基抢劫案 · 记忆保管库 · 凯伯宅邸的秘密 · 银枪怪客 · 酿出麻烦 · 75号避难所 · 81号避难所同伴任务善意的介入 · 由心而发的行动 · 前路漫漫 · 迟来的复仇杂项任务Art Appreciation · 原子猫 · Botany Class · The Cleaner · 战区 · Detective Case Files · Diamond City's Most Wanted · Fallen Hero · Find the Treasures of Jamaica Plain · Fly Fishing · Giddyup 'n Go · Gun Run · Hazardous Material · Meet Ness at the Crash Site · Nuka Cola Needs · Pool Cleaning · Prep School · Traffic Jam · 寻宝 · 81号避难所之旅 · 维吉尔的血清没有标记任务社区支柱 · Bill Sutton · Brother Against Brother · Familiar Faces · Fertilizer Woman · Holly · Lucy Abernathy · Maintenance Man · Quality Assurance · 布朗主管 · 格林主管 · 疑似合成人 · Wedding Day被删除的任务20 Leagues Under the Sea · Bullet · Off the Grid · Salvage · That's the Spirit · The Enemy of My Enemy · The Replacement创作俱乐部任务 Creation ClubA Pint-Sized Problem · A Place to Call Home · Burned on the River · Can You See Me Now? · Captain Cosmos · Carbonated Concerns · Combat Ready · Crucible · Deathmatch · Dog Rescue · Early Retirement · Enclave Radio · From Hell · Giddyup! · Holiday Spirits · Malevolent Malfunction · Method to the Madness · Neon Winter · Over the Moon · Pyromaniac · Shrouded Manor · Silver like the Shroud · Slocum's Joe · Speak of the Devil · The Paper Mirror · The Prototype · The Quantum Stag · Tunnel Snakes Rule! · Way Back Home派系任务钢铁兄弟会主线任务火力支援 · 号召武装 · 所向披靡 · 钢铁之影 · 职务导览 · 毫不留情 · 来自内部 · 只身行动 · 自由至尊再起 · 盲目的背叛 · 战术思考 · 战利品 · 战无不胜 · 核能选项支线任务尚未完成 · 全新的黎明 · 净化联邦 · 尽职或丢脸  · 补给部队食物 · 以身作则 · 学习曲线 · 军需补给 · 失踪的侦查队义勇军主线任务自由钟声响起 · 庇护所 · 第一步 · 迈向独立 · 老兵旧炮 · 内贼 · 整队 · 捍卫城堡 · 核能选项支线任务消灭敌人 · 出现尸鬼 · 绿皮怪物 · 被绑架的商人 · 绑架事件 · 火中归来 · 掠夺者入侵 · 安置难民 · 报答恩情 · 游荡追猎者 · 建立据点 · 天眼 · 浑水摸鱼 · 综合我们的力量铁路组织主线任务通往自由 · 间谍技术 · 入夜后的波士顿 · 地底潜入行动 · 提康德罗加作战 · 战争边缘号 · 火箭赤光 · 核能选项支线任务A Clean Equation · 燃烧的遮蔽物 · 伤亡表 · 伤亡表2 · 门房 · High Ground · 头奖 · Lost Soul · 记忆中断 · 梅瑟安全屋 · 蓝道夫安全屋 · To the Mattresses · 消除变因 · 风向标学院主线任务学院化 · 回收合成人 · 碉堡山战役 · 重新定义人类 · 大核融合厂 · 压制住 · 启动 · 到此为止 · 飞船坠落 · 核子家庭支线任务内讧 · 挪用 · 打造更好的作物 · 假设 · 堵住漏洞 · 政治倾向 · 回收 · 驱虫扩展包任务机械守卫港湾惊魂主线任务机械威胁 · 新的威胁 · 猎头行动 · 恢复秩序支线任务失控机器人主线任务Best Left Forgotten · Cleansing the Land · Close to Home · 离乡背井 · Reformation · The Way Life Should Be · 漫步公园 · Where You Belong支线任务Ablutions · Acadian Ideals · Blood Tide · Brain Dead · Data Recovery · Deadliest Catch · Forbidden Knowledge · Hull Breach · Hunting the Hunter · Living on the Edge · Rite of Passage · Safe Passage · Search and Destroy · Shipbreaker · The Arrival · The Changing Tide · The Great Hunt · The Heretic · The Hold Out · The Price of Memory · The Trial of Brother Devin · Turn Back the Fog · Visions in the Fog · What Atom Requires · Witch Hunt避难所科技工坊核子世界主线任务您好,这里是避难所公司 · 更好的生活就在地下 ·一路喝到挂 · 著眼未来 · 幸运女神支线任务Overseer's Most Wanted主线任务请上车 · Taken for a Ride · 雄心壮志 · The Grand Tour · 甜蜜的家 · Power Play支线任务A Magical Kingdom · A World of Refreshment · Amoral Combat · Cappy in a Haystack · High Noon at the Gulch · Open Season · Precious Medals · Safari Adventure · Star Control · Trip to the Stars




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