
您所在的位置:网站首页 跟随音乐节奏跳动的灯条 基于Arduino的音乐动感节奏灯


2023-12-23 01:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


  前段时间听音乐觉得无聊,便想着音乐光听也没意思啊,能不能 “看见” 音乐呢?于是谷歌了一番,发现还真有人做了将音乐可视化的东西,那就是音乐节奏灯。说的简单点就是LED灯光颜色亮度等随着音乐的节奏而发生变化,看了下他们的实现方法有很多,不过大都比较复杂,而且灯只能够做节奏灯也比较浪费,于是我便动手做了一个既可以当作普通台灯使用,又可以随着音乐而闪烁的动感节奏灯,一举两得。





  Arduino UNO 开发板  声音传感器(最好买Arduino专用的) BLE蓝牙4.0模块  WS2812B彩色灯带    灯罩  3D打印底座    电源线和杜邦线若干






我们使用Arduino UNO作为主要的计算和处理模块,蓝牙4.0模块和手机进行通信,利用手机APP来选择模式(后续会讲),在节奏灯的模式下,通过声音传感器来采集声音,通过得到的声音来控制灯带的颜色和闪烁,在彩色灯的模式下,利用手机来控制灯的颜色,理论上的有160万可调颜色。接下来介绍下详细的步骤。


3.1 安装开发环境


  Arduino UNO 开发的环境为Arduino IDE,软件下载地址为 https://www.arduino.cn/thread-5838-1-1.html ,默认安装为最新版即可。安装完IDE之后还需要安装第三方的库。


  1) WS2812B的库 FastLED, 选择 项目->加载库->管理库,然后在输入栏输入FastLED,选择最新的版本安装,FastLED库的更多使用方法可以参考:http://www.taichi-maker.com/homepage/reference-index/arduino-library-index/fastled-library/基于Arduino的音乐动感节奏灯-鸿蒙开发者社区


 2)  物联网开发平台库 Blinker, 在Blinker 官网https://doc.blinker.app 页面下载最新的Blinker库,然后:

    Window:将下载好的blinker库解压到 我的电脑>文档>Arduino>libraries 文件夹中    Mac OS:将下载好的blinker库解压到 文稿>Arduino>libraries 文件夹中

    可以在文件->示例 查看库是否安装成功。


3.2 连接线路

  具体的线路图由于时间原因没有画,所以直接按照后续的代码可以找到每个模块的连接方式,当然这些连接方式都可以自定义,然后在代码内做简单修改即可。需要注意的是蓝牙模块采用软串口连接,即RX,TX连接在ARDUINO UNO的2 和 3 号脚,而不是0和1 号脚,这个在BLINKER的网站上会说明,如果你代码烧录不了,查查是不是这个原因。


3.3 代码编写:


#define BLINKER_PRINT Serial #define BLINKER_BLE #include #include /** BASIC CONFIGURATION **/ //The amount of LEDs in the setup #define NUM_LEDS 100 //The pin that controls the LEDs #define LED_PIN 6 //The pin that we read sensor values form #define ANALOG_READ 0 //Confirmed microphone low value, and max value #define MIC_LOW 0.0 #define MIC_HIGH 300.0 /** Other macros */ //How many previous sensor values effects the operating average? #define AVGLEN 5 //How many previous sensor values decides if we are on a peak/HIGH (e.g. in a song) #define LONG_SECTOR 20 //Mneumonics #define HIGH 3 #define NORMAL 2 //How long do we keep the "current average" sound, before restarting the measuring #define CYCLES 30 * 1000 float fscale( float originalMin, float originalMax, float newBegin, float newEnd, float inputValue, float curve); void insert(int val, int *avgs, int len); int compute_average(int *avgs, int len); void visualize_music(); //How many LEDs to we display int curshow = NUM_LEDS; /*Not really used yet. Thought to be able to switch between sound reactive mode, and general gradient pulsing/static color*/ int mode = 0; //Showing different colors based on the mode. int songmode = NORMAL; //Average sound measurement the last CYCLES unsigned long song_avg; //The amount of iterations since the song_avg was reset int iter = 0; //The speed the LEDs fade to black if not relit float fade_scale = 1.2; //Led array CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; /*Short sound avg used to "normalize" the input values. We use the short average instead of using the sensor input directly */ int avgs[AVGLEN] = {-1}; //Longer sound avg int long_avg[LONG_SECTOR] = {-1}; // LED Model 1/Music LED 2/Color LED int LED_Model = 2; //Keeping track how often, and how long times we hit a certain mode struct time_keeping { unsigned long times_start; short times; }; //How much to increment or decrement each color every cycle struct color { int r; int g; int b; }; struct time_keeping high; struct color Color; // when you use the MusicLED as a Color LED CRGB LEDColor(0,0,0); uint8_t Bright = 255; // declare the button BlinkerRGB RGB1("RGBKey"); BlinkerButton Button1("switch"); // rgb1_callback void rgb1_callback(uint8_t r_value, uint8_t g_value, uint8_t b_value, uint8_t bright_value) { // change the color of strip by your set on Blinker LEDColor.r = r_value; LEDColor.g = g_value; LEDColor.b = b_value; Bright = bright_value; fill_solid(leds,NUM_LEDS,LEDColor); FastLED.show(); } void button1_callback(const String & state) { if(LED_Model == 1) { LEDColor.r = 255; LEDColor.g = 255; LEDColor.b = 255; Bright = 0; fill_solid(leds,NUM_LEDS,LEDColor); BLINKER_LOG2("strip_state: ","OFF"); LED_Model = 2; } else if(LED_Model == 2) { LED_Model = 1; } FastLED.show(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //Set all lights to make sure all are working as expected FastLED.addLeds(leds, NUM_LEDS); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) leds[i] = CRGB(0, 0, 255); FastLED.show(); delay(1000); //bootstrap average with some low values for (int i = 0; i < AVGLEN; i++) { insert(250, avgs, AVGLEN); } //Initial values high.times = 0; high.times_start = millis(); Color.r = 0; Color.g = 0; Color.b = 1; Blinker.begin(); //attach the RGB1 SlidersRGB RGB1.attach(rgb1_callback); Button1.attach(button1_callback); } /*With this we can change the mode if we want to implement a general lamp feature, with for instance general pulsing. Maybe if the sound is low for a while? */ void loop() { Blinker.run(); if(LED_Model == 1) visualize_music(); delay(1); // delay in between reads for stability } /**Funtion to check if the lamp should either enter a HIGH mode, or revert to NORMAL if already in HIGH. If the sensors report values that are higher than 1.1 times the average values, and this has happened more than 30 times the last few milliseconds, it will enter HIGH mode. TODO: Not very well written, remove hardcoded values, and make it more reusable and configurable. */ void check_high(int avg) { if (avg > (song_avg/iter * 1.1)) { if (high.times != 0) { if (millis() - high.times_start > 200.0) { high.times = 0; songmode = NORMAL; } else { high.times_start = millis(); high.times++; } } else { high.times++; high.times_start = millis(); } } if (high.times > 30 && millis() - high.times_start < 50.0) songmode = HIGH; else if (millis() - high.times_start > 200) { high.times = 0; songmode = NORMAL; } } //Main function for visualizing the sounds in the lamp void visualize_music() { int sensor_value, mapped, avg, longavg; //Actual sensor value sensor_value = analogRead(ANALOG_READ); Serial.println(sensor_value); //If 0, discard immediately. Probably not right and save CPU. if (sensor_value == 0) return; //Discard readings that deviates too much from the past avg. mapped = (float)fscale(MIC_LOW, MIC_HIGH, MIC_LOW, (float)MIC_HIGH, (float)sensor_value, 2.0); avg = compute_average(avgs, AVGLEN); if (((avg - mapped) > avg*0.8)) //|| ((avg - mapped) < -avg*0.8)) return; //Insert new avg. values insert(mapped, avgs, AVGLEN); insert(avg, long_avg, LONG_SECTOR); //Compute the "song average" sensor value song_avg += avg; iter++; if (iter > CYCLES) { song_avg = song_avg / iter; iter = 1; } longavg = compute_average(long_avg, LONG_SECTOR); //Check if we enter HIGH mode check_high(longavg); if (songmode == HIGH) { fade_scale = 3; Color.r = 5; Color.g = 3; Color.b = -1; } else if (songmode == NORMAL) { fade_scale = 2; Color.r = -1; Color.b = 2; Color.g = 1; } //Decides how many of the LEDs will be lit curshow = fscale(MIC_LOW, MIC_HIGH, 0.0, (float)NUM_LEDS, (float)avg, -1); /*Set the different leds. Control for too high and too low values. Fun thing to try: Dont account for overflow in one direction, some interesting light effects appear! */ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) //The leds we want to show if (i < curshow) { if (leds[i].r + Color.r > 255) leds[i].r = 255; else if (leds[i].r + Color.r < 0) leds[i].r = 0; else leds[i].r = leds[i].r + Color.r; if (leds[i].g + Color.g > 255) leds[i].g = 255; else if (leds[i].g + Color.g < 0) leds[i].g = 0; else leds[i].g = leds[i].g + Color.g; if (leds[i].b + Color.b > 255) leds[i].b = 255; else if (leds[i].b + Color.b < 0) leds[i].b = 0; else leds[i].b = leds[i].b + Color.b; //All the other LEDs begin their fading journey to eventual total darkness } else { leds[i] = CRGB(leds[i].r/fade_scale, leds[i].g/fade_scale, leds[i].b/fade_scale); } FastLED.show(); } //Compute average of a int array, given the starting pointer and the length int compute_average(int *avgs, int len) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) sum += avgs[i]; return (int)(sum / len); } //Insert a value into an array, and shift it down removing //the first value if array already full void insert(int val, int *avgs, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (avgs[i] == -1) { avgs[i] = val; return; } } for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { avgs[i - 1] = avgs[i]; } avgs[len - 1] = val; } //Function imported from the arduino website. //Basically map, but with a curve on the scale (can be non-uniform). float fscale( float originalMin, float originalMax, float newBegin, float newEnd, float inputValue, float curve){ float OriginalRange = 0; float NewRange = 0; float zeroRefCurVal = 0; float normalizedCurVal = 0; float rangedValue = 0; boolean invFlag = 0; // condition curve parameter // limit range if (curve > 10) curve = 10; if (curve < -10) curve = -10; curve = (curve * -.1) ; // - invert and scale - this seems more intuitive - postive numbers give more weight to high end on output curve = pow(10, curve); // convert linear scale into lograthimic exponent for other pow function // Check for out of range inputValues if (inputValue < originalMin) { inputValue = originalMin; } if (inputValue > originalMax) { inputValue = originalMax; } // Zero Refference the values OriginalRange = originalMax - originalMin; if (newEnd > newBegin){ NewRange = newEnd - newBegin; } else { NewRange = newBegin - newEnd; invFlag = 1; } zeroRefCurVal = inputValue - originalMin; normalizedCurVal = zeroRefCurVal / OriginalRange; // normalize to 0 - 1 float // Check for originalMin > originalMax - the math for all other cases i.e. negative numbers seems to work out fine if (originalMin > originalMax ) { return 0; } if (invFlag == 0){ rangedValue = (pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * NewRange) + newBegin; } else // invert the ranges { rangedValue = newBegin - (pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * NewRange); } return rangedValue; }

上述代码编译无误后上传到Arduino UNO即可。


3.4 下载并使用Blinker软件连接











3.5 灯的组装









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