
您所在的位置:网站首页 越南古钱币交易市场 民国三年袁大头英文签字版市场价格再度暴涨,目前交易价格120万起!


2024-07-11 02:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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民国三年袁大头英文签名版是原天津铸币厂试铸的钱币。这种货币最突出的特点是币的正面袁世凯头像右侧有英文“L. GIORGI”或简写“L. G”字样,是雕刻师“鲁尔治.乔治”的签名缩写。这样的宝贝,万中难遇。袁大头钱币历来为保藏者所钟情,最稀少的要数袁大头民国三年英文签名版。


。这是中华民国三年袁大头(签字版),正面是袁世凯五分边像,右下角侧刻着“L. GIORGI”,该字样为雕刻师“鲁尔治.乔治”的缩写。上列「中华民国三年」六字,背面二字,左右相交,下面系结,中铸「壹圆」二字。这三年袁大头签字版整币精铸,波浪发,线条粗细,立体感强;肩星凸起,肩章线条清晰、精刻;胸前胸前带带和绶带立体清晰;背面嘉禾上有很高的艺术价值和收藏价值。

《袁大头》有许多版本,其中最珍贵、最珍贵的是民国三年袁世凯头像“签名版”(币面右侧方有英文款识)试铸币。这本书是为了纪念袁世凯的一位银元刻模大师鲁尔治乔治,在袁像的右侧刻有该人拉丁签名“L. GIORGI”。经天津铸币厂试铸,未流通,发行量不超过百枚,现已成为各大藏家竞相竞拍的对象。可以想象,多么宝贵。





Yuan Tatou's English signature version of the original Tianjin Mint coins. The most prominent feature of the coin is that the front of the coin, on the right side of the head of Yuan Shikai, is in English "L. GIORGI" or abbreviated "L. G.", an abbreviation of the engraver's signature. This kind of baby, extremely difficult to meet. Yuan Tatou coins have always been a favorite with collectors. The rarest coins are those signed by Yuan Tatou in the Republic of China.

Currency Currency phase intact, gear rules, belong to the mechanism currency. Natural, clear picture, Yuan Sikai's hair is clearly visible, it is rare! Of particular importance is the English version of the signature, in the current market is very rare, with high collection value and investment value! This is very rare in the real world, but also very good appearance. That would be great! There is a good space for market value and investment value. Due to the reasons of the Tibetan friends, they are selling this coin now. Welcome the collectors who have this intention to participate actively, and get the market recognition and evaluation!

。This is Yuan Ta-tou of the Republic of China in three years (signature edition). On the front is Yuan Shih-kai's five-point portrait. On the lower right corner is "L. GIORGI." This is the abbreviation for "Ruelji George." The words "three years of the Republic of China" are listed above, with two characters on the back. They intersect left and right, and are tied together below. Over the past three years, Yuan Da Tou's signature edition has been fully coined, with wavy hair, thick and thin lines and a strong stereo sense; shoulder stars have bulged, and shoulder bands have clear lines and precise engraving; chest straps and ribbons are three-dimensional and clear; and the back of Jiahe has high artistic value and collection value.

There are many versions of Yuan Taitou, the most precious of which is the "signature version" of Yuan Shih-kai's head portrait of the Republic of China (with English coinage on the right). The book commemorates Yuan Shikai's master silver-dollar engraver, George Rur, who inscribed his Latin signature "L. GIORGI" on his right side. After Tianjin Mint trial casting, not circulation, circulation does not exceed 100, has become the major collectors competing for the object of auction. You can imagine how valuable it is.

With the continuous improvement of national comprehensive strength and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, more and more people begin to enter the investment market of works of art, among which the money market is one of the hottest investments and works of art collections.

Compared with the recent two years when the domestic art market has been in a downturn, the money market in 2020 will obviously be much more active, the plates will be colorful and splendid, and the prices of precious coins will rise steadily, especially the money market in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which will be dazzling and dazzling.

The overall design of the collection of harmony, exquisite patterns, exquisite workmanship, exquisite workmanship. Despite a hundred years of trials and hardships, this coin is still as clean as new, glittering with silver light, which is a treasure in the art market today.

Through the achievements of the currency market in recent years, we can see the trend. Since 2014, the price of Yuan's signature edition has been 1.8 million, compared with 1.7 million in Hong Kong in 2015 and 2.4 million in 2017. This shows that Yuan's signature edition is hot in the market, and over time, more and more investors have joined the fringe. Yuan Da Tou Autograph Edition Investment Collection will have "money" a scene

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