
您所在的位置:网站首页 资产信息资料收集的内容有哪些方法 渗透测试


2023-12-18 11:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

被动信息收集 一、被动信息收集简介1.被动信息收集2.信息收集的内容3.信息收集的目的 二、被动信息收集方式1.dig:域名解析查询①直接查询②按指定内容查询③查新DNS版本信息④DNS追踪,迭代/递归查询 2.nslookup:诊断DNS基础结构3.whois:注册信息查询4.dnsenum5.fierce①直接查询②字典爆破 三、被动信息收集方式的重点(个人认为)1.进入recon-ng环境2.创建新的工作区3.设置工作区参数4.DNS查询5.解析IP6.生成报告7.查看报告 四、桃花依旧笑春风

一、被动信息收集简介 1.被动信息收集



IP地址段 域名信息 邮件地址 文档图片数据 公司地址 公司组织架构 联系电话/传真号码 人员姓名/职务 目标系统使用的技术架构 公开的商用信息





1.dig:域名解析查询 ①直接查询

命令:dig 所要查询域名

root@yanxiao:~# dig www.sina.com ; DiG 9.11.3-1-Debian www.sina.com ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADERHEADER> Last update of whois database: 2019-06-26T09:02:43Z


[recon-ng][default] > help Commands (type [help|?] ): --------------------------------- add Adds records to the database back Exits the current context delete Deletes records from the database exit Exits the framework help Displays this menu keys Manages framework API keys load Loads specified module pdb Starts a Python Debugger session query Queries the database record Records commands to a resource file reload Reloads all modules resource Executes commands from a resource file search Searches available modules set Sets module options shell Executes shell commands show Shows various framework items snapshots Manages workspace snapshots spool Spools output to a file unset Unsets module options use Loads specified module workspaces Manages workspaces


[recon-ng][default] > recon-ng -h [*] Command: recon-ng -h usage: recon-ng [-h] [-v] [-w workspace] [-r filename] [--no-check] [--no-analytics] recon-ng - Tim Tomes (@LaNMaSteR53) tjt1980[at]gmail.com optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit -w workspace load/create a workspace -r filename load commands from a resource file --no-check disable version check --no-analytics disable analytics reporting 2.创建新的工作区

这一步相对来说可有可无,但是为了养成良好习惯,在进行不同的案例之前为这个案例单独建一个工作区我个人认为是比较重要的,方便之后的管理以及查询。 命令:workspaces list,显示已存在的工作表

[recon-ng][default] > workspaces list +------------+ | Workspaces | +------------+ | default | | sina | +------------+

这里要说明一下,若进入到recon-ng环境中时创建工作表可以用下列命令: 命令:workspaces add 工作区名

[recon-ng][default] > workspaces add sina-test [recon-ng][sina-test] > workspaces list +------------+ | Workspaces | +------------+ | default | | sina-test | | sina | +------------+ #删除工作表 [recon-ng][sina-test] > workspaces delete sina-test [recon-ng][default] > workspaces list +------------+ | Workspaces | +------------+ | default | | sina | +------------+

若还是在kali环境下,则使用下列命令直接创建新工作区或者进入已经存在的工作区: 命令:recon-ng -w 工作区名

root@yanxiao:~# recon-ng -w sina-test [recon-ng][sina-test] > workspaces list +------------+ | Workspaces | +------------+ | default | | sina-test | | sina | +------------+ 3.设置工作区参数

这里的工作区参数也可以直接跳过不进行设置,不影响结果;不过需要注意的是不设置参数的话,对方是很容易发现你用recon-ng对他进行扫描,所以建议还是进行设置,设置参数之后扫描会更加隐蔽 命令:show options

[recon-ng][sina-test] > show options Name Current Value Required Description ---------- ------------- -------- ----------- NAMESERVER yes nameserver for DNS interrogation PROXY no proxy server (address:port) THREADS 10 yes number of threads (where applicable) TIMEOUT 10 yes socket timeout (seconds) USER-AGENT Recon-ng/v4 yes user-agent string VERBOSITY 1 yes verbosity level (0 = minimal, 1 = verbose, 2 = debug)


set USER-AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 [recon-ng][sina-test] > set USER-AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 USER-AGENT => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 [recon-ng][sina-test] > show options Name Current Value Required Description ---------- ------------- -------- ----------- NAMESERVER yes nameserver for DNS interrogation PROXY no proxy server (address:port) THREADS 10 yes number of threads (where applicable) TIMEOUT 10 yes socket timeout (seconds) USER-AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0 yes user-agent string VERBOSITY 1 yes verbosity level (0 = minimal, 1 = verbose, 2 = debug)



通过搜索引擎(google、baidu、bing、yahoo)或者使用 brute force(暴力破解) 去查找主机记录。 命令:search

[recon-ng][sina-test] > search google [*] Searching for 'google'... Recon ----- recon/domains-hosts/google_site_api recon/domains-hosts/google_site_web [recon-ng][sina-test] > search baidu [*] Searching for 'baidu'... [!] No modules found containing 'baidu'. [recon-ng][sina-test] > search bing [*] Searching for 'bing'... Recon ----- recon/companies-contacts/bing_linkedin_cache recon/domains-hosts/bing_domain_api recon/domains-hosts/bing_domain_web recon/hosts-hosts/bing_ip [recon-ng][sina-test] > search yahoo [*] Searching for 'yahoo'... [!] No modules found containing 'yahoo'. [recon-ng][sina-test] > search brute [*] Searching for 'brute'... Exploitation ------------ exploitation/injection/xpath_bruter Recon ----- recon/domains-domains/brute_suffix recon/domains-hosts/brute_hosts

这里会发现baidu和yahoo在recon-ng环境暂时不能使用。 我在这里使用的是brute模块。 选择要使用的模块,这里我选择了recon/domains-hosts/brute_hosts模块。 命令:use 所要使用的模块

[recon-ng][sina-test] > use recon/domains-hosts/brute_hosts [recon-ng][sina-test][brute_hosts] >


[recon-ng][sina-test][brute_hosts] > show options Name Current Value Required Description -------- ------------- -------- ----------- SOURCE default yes source of input (see 'show info' for details) WORDLIST /usr/share/recon-ng/data/hostnames.txt yes path to hostname wordlist

设置参数: 命令:set SOURCE 所要发现的域名

[recon-ng][sina-test][brute_hosts] > set SOURCE sina.com SOURCE => sina.com

运行: 命令:run

[recon-ng][sina-test][brute_hosts] > run -------- SINA.COM -------- ......此处的发现结果不予显示 ------- SUMMARY ------- [*] 288 total (247 new) hosts found.

查看粗略的表格,会在终端中显示出上一步中发现的IP地址的各项信息: 命令:show hosts

[recon-ng][sina-test][brute_hosts] > show hosts +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | rowid | host | ip_address | region | country | latitude | longitude | module | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ......此处发现结果不予显示 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

查询工作表模块当前的设置: 命令:show info

[recon-ng][sina-test][brute_hosts] > show info Name: DNS Hostname Brute Forcer Path: modules/recon/domains-hosts/brute_hosts.py Author: Tim Tomes (@LaNMaSteR53) Description: Brute forces host names using DNS. Updates the 'hosts' table with the results. Options: Name Current Value Required Description -------- ------------- -------- ----------- SOURCE sina.com yes source of input (see 'show info' for details) WORDLIST /usr/share/recon-ng/data/hostnames.txt yes path to hostname wordlist Source Options: default SELECT DISTINCT domain FROM domains WHERE domain IS NOT NULL string representing a single input path to a file containing a list of inputs query database query returning one column of inputs



返回工作区更换模块: 命令:back

[recon-ng][sina-test][brute_hosts] > back [recon-ng][sina-test] >

寻找解析模块resolve: 命令:search resolve

[recon-ng][sina-test] > search resolve [*] Searching for 'resolve'... Recon ----- recon/hosts-hosts/resolve recon/hosts-hosts/reverse_resolve recon/netblocks-hosts/reverse_resolve

选择要使用的模块,我这里选择的是recon/hosts-hosts/resolve模块。 命令:use recon/hosts-hosts/resolve

[recon-ng][sina-test] > use recon/hosts-hosts/resolve [recon-ng][sina-test][resolve] >


[recon-ng][sina-test][resolve] > show options Name Current Value Required Description ------ ------------- -------- ----------- SOURCE default yes source of input (see 'show info' for details) [recon-ng][sina-test][resolve] > set SOURCE query select host from hosts SOURCE => query select host from hosts

这里设置的是从刚才的DNS查询中得到的hosts表中进行取样解析。 运行:

[recon-ng][sina-test][resolve] > run ......此处发现结果不予显示 ------- SUMMARY ------- [*] 662 total (662 new) hosts found. 6.生成报告

这一部分内容在以后的企业工作中是必备的一步,客户最终看到的也是这一部分的内容。 先退出解析模块至工作区,之后选择报告模块,设置报告模块参数,话不多说,进代码块QAQ:

[recon-ng][sina-test][resolve] > back [recon-ng][sina-test] > search report [*] Searching for 'report'... Reporting --------- reporting/csv reporting/html reporting/json reporting/list reporting/proxifier reporting/pushpin reporting/xlsx reporting/xml [recon-ng][sina-test] > use reporting/html [recon-ng][sina-test][html] > show options Name Current Value Required Description -------- ------------- -------- ----------- CREATOR yes creator name for the report footer CUSTOMER yes customer name for the report header FILENAME /root/.recon-ng/workspaces/sina-test/results.html yes path and filename for report output SANITIZE True yes mask sensitive data in the report [recon-ng][sina-test][html] > set CREATOR yanxiao #设置创建者 CREATOR => yanxiao [recon-ng][sina-test][html] > ser CUSTOMER SINA.com #设置目标名 [*] Command: ser CUSTOMER SINA.com [recon-ng][sina-test][html] > set FILENAME /root/sina-test.html #设置html文件路径 FILENAME => /root/sina-test.html [recon-ng][sina-test][html] > run [*] Report generated at '/root/sina-test.html'. 7.查看报告

打开浏览器,在url一栏搜索刚才所设置的路径: 在这里插入图片描述 其中的Hosts是可以打开看详细信息的,在这里我就不打开看了。

至此,被动信息收集便告一段落,总结的不到位或者出现错误的地方还望CSDN各位前辈批评指点。 四、桃花依旧笑春风





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