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中国日报网 2021-06-29 15:27

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Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, presented the July 1 Medal to 29 outstanding CPC members.中共中央总书记习近平为29名“七一勋章”获得者颁授勋章。


The July 1 Medal, established by the CPC Central Committee, is the highest honor in the Party.“七一勋章”由中共中央设立,是党内最高荣誉。


“七一勋章”是以朴素、庄重为主要设计理念,以红色、金色、白色为主色调(with red, gold and white as its main colors),使用冷压成型、花丝镶嵌、彩丝织锦等工艺制作。章体采用党徽(the Party emblem)、五角星(the five-pointed star)、旗帜(flags)、丰碑与光芒、向日葵(sunflowers)、大山大河(mountains and rivers)、如意祥云等元素。

“七一勋章”使用织物绶带( attached to a fabric ribbon),采用向日葵、光芒、星光等元素(elements such as sunflowers, rays of light and starlight)。寓意在党的阳光沐浴下,勋章获得者一心向党,全心全意为人民服务,不忘初心、牢记使命、砥砺前行。​​​

The recipients included teachers, soldiers, community workers and professionals in the arts and science.“七一勋章”获得者有教师、士兵、社区工作者以及文艺和科技领域的专业人员。




- The CPC has written a splendid chapter in the history of the Chinese nation's development and that of humanity's progress over the past century.一百年来,我们党在中华民族发展史和人类社会进步史上写下了壮丽篇章。

- Generations of Chinese Communists have fought tenaciously for national independence and liberation, for prosperity and strength of the country, and for the happiness of the people.一代又一代中国共产党人,为赢得民族独立和人民解放、实现国家富强和人民幸福,前仆后继、浴血奋战。




Recipients of the July 1 Medal embody the Chinese Communists' quality and spirit of maintaining staunch faith, which is to stay true to the original aspiration and dedicate everything, even the precious life, to the cause of the Party and people.——坚定信念,就是坚持不忘初心、不移其志,为党和人民事业奉献自己的一切乃至宝贵生命。

- Recipients of the July 1 Medal embody the fundamental tenet of Chinese Communists, which is putting the people at the very center of their hearts, and wholeheartedly serving the people.——践行宗旨,就是心中装着人民,工作为了人民,一心一意为百姓造福。

- Recipients of the July 1 Medal embody the fighting and dedication spirit of Chinese Communists, who make dedicating themselves to the Party and the country and fulfilling their duties a lifelong pursuit.——拼搏奉献,就是把许党报国、履职尽责作为人生目标。

- The July 1 Medal recipients embody the Chinese Communists' integrity and devotion. Such quality and spirit represent the glorious CPC traditions of hard work and plain living, as well as putting public interests above personal interests.——廉洁奉公,就是保持共产党人艰苦朴素、公而忘私的光荣传统。

- July 1 Medal recipients are heroes coming from and deeply rooted in the people. The recipients are ordinary heroes that fulfill their duties and make quiet contributions. Their deeds can be followed and their spirit can be pursued.“七一勋章”获得者都来自人民、植根人民,是立足本职、默默奉献的平凡英雄。他们的事迹可学可做,他们的精神可追可及。

- CPC members and officials should boldly advance toward the second centenary goal of fully building a modern socialist country, as well as the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.广大党员、干部不懈奋斗,永远奋斗,在全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程上,向着第二个百年奋斗目标、向着中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦奋勇前进!




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