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2023-06-15 09:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Should Men and Women Be Equal?

Should men and women be equal? This is a question much talked about by many persons.Some deem that men are superior to women in many ways.Firstly, many a job can be done by men but hardly be done by women, because women are physically not strong enough.Secondly, most of the famed scientists or statements are found to be males.The last but not least, the whole human society seems to have been dominated by men only from beginning to end.Isn’t it obvious enough to show that men are a lot stronger than women? Therefore, the former should enjoy more rights than the latter.

Other people, however, have different opinions on this question.They firmly believe that men and women are born equal.And women are certainly as talented as men if they are given equal chances of education.Isn’t it a fact known to us all that women have been working side by side with men in China and elsewhere in the world? Like their men folks, they have been distinguishing themselves not only in research institutions, but in government bodies and other organizations as well.

As far as I am concerned, I am firmly standing on the side

of those women’s rights defenders.Since men and women are playing an equally important role in all human activities, why should not they be on an equal footing?

In addition, since antiquity, there have been two sex groups, namely, men and women.Our Human society could

definitely not have existed or advanced without either of them.It is wondered that men and women ought to be equal and enjoy equal rights accordingly.



六、周怡雪,19岁,上海 i believe in our future honorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon! recently, ther is a heated debate in our society.the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places.but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country? the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation.but again, the cynics are wrong.we care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth.last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer. as college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives.we all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country.i believe in all my fellow clamates.though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish.i believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities.we are preparing to aume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place.i believe in our future. 我对未来充满信心


下午好! 最近,社会上有一场很激烈的争论。大学生是一种稀有特权的享有者,在很棒的地方接受高等教育。但是,我们能面对挑战而无所畏惧吗?我们能够改善他人的生活吗?我们能够承担建设祖国未来的重任吗?




大学生英语演讲稿17 change the ingredients of your life 十


change the ingredients of your life if kindne is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy.if love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp. so my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges.and hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.改变生活的味道




三年前,我重达100多公斤,这给我带来了很多尴尬和挫折:体育课老是不及格,总被女孩们嘲笑,更不敢当众发表意见。幸而由于祖母的鼓励,我不在消极人生,而是充满自信。她曾经说过:“孩子,如果体形无法改变,为什么不把它看做自己独特的风格呢?” 我开始这样来审视人生,通过改变生活的视角,我信心大增地去改变我的人生,很快就发现一个崭新的世界。


大学生英语演讲稿16 十

六、杨颖,21岁,海南 when two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit into the tradition of the other.when this happens, we need to learn to understand and respect the customs of another culture.then there are certain things some people may not like.to this, i will say, if you do not like it, please try to tolerate it.to learn to tolerate what you personally don’t like is a great virtue at a time when different cultures mix and merge.before us, there are two rivers, eastern and western cultures.at present, they may run in different courses.but eventually, they will converge into the vast sea of human culture. right now, i can see peoples of eastern and western cultures, standing side by side, singing the olympic theme song: we are hand in hand, heart to heart, together we will shape a beautiful tomorrow! thank you! 让我们共同感受东西方的融合

吉卜林说过:东方是东方,西方是西方,二者永不相聚。但是一个世纪后的今天,东西方相汇了! 它们相聚在经济领域,它们相聚在教育领域,它们相聚在艺术的殿堂。有人争论说:这种融合需要我们在东方和西方之间做出选择,但我却坚信最美好的未来在于东方和

西方创造性的融合。我们可以将西方的思想,观念和技术变为我们自己所用的东西。 我喜爱京剧和河南豫剧,因为它们经常使我想起自己是谁。但我也热衷于流行音乐,特别是英文歌曲。于是我将东方的旋律和西方的语言结合到了一起,它叫做西方版的河南豫剧。



就在此时此刻,我看见东方和西方的人肩并肩的站在一起,高唱奥林匹克主题曲:我们手拉手,心靠着心,共同创造美好的明天! 大学生英语演讲稿英语风采大赛半决赛选手自备演讲赏析(大学成人组) 十

五、黄扬,21,福建 farewell, indifference who was the most well-known figure in china last month? it’s ma jiajue—the college student who murdered 4 of his roommates.many people attributed his crime to his poverty and deficient education.in my opinion, his crime also has much to do with his clamates’ indifference. indifference is a terrible disease in today’s colleges and the whole society.it’s not rare that two students who have studied together for 4 years have never spoken to each other.it’s not rare that a student who has been absent from cla for several days is not noticed at all.it’s also not rare that a student who has severe psychological problems is not cared about at all. some people may say ‘what the students with psychological problems like ma jiajue need is not care but psychotherapy.” however, when people are ill, what they need most is not only medical treatment, but also care from people around them.every smile and every caring word will bring sunshine to their life.篇2:5分钟大学英语演讲稿

5分钟大学英语演讲稿 ears by it.i know ,i am also safe in your heart.i have already forgotten when i told you i was going to leave for australia this summer holiday.you just smiled as usual,gently speaking.whatever you decide to do,i will be in favor of it,but, just onething,remember,when you fell lonely abroad,do not forget we are here ,praying for you.we are all around you,far acro the distance and space between us.i closed my eyes,the flashback started.the memories we had together,once we played games on the palyground,we played jokes on each other,you always wrote a lot of sentences on my articles to encourage me.and the most unforgetable thing,you told me,you believed m i could be a big girl.sooner or later. at that specific moment,i suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence totally.so on that day,i smiled as you used to,looking at you.the last words i said were,keep walking in sunshine. i promise,i will be a big girl. i promise,i will be a brave girl. i promise,i will keep walking in sunshine. that is my speech,thank you!篇3:英语5分钟演讲稿 my definition of succe today i am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of succe.what is succe? it is what everyone is longing for.sometimes succe would be rather simple.winning a game is succe; getting a high grade in the exam is succe; making a new friend is succe; even now i am standing here giving my speech is somehow also succe. s hopes and ideals.nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who are regarded as the succeful.and the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life.so most people believe that s succe and all that they do is for this purpose.but the problem is wether it is real succe.we all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us.if we keep chasing them, where is the end? what will satisfy us at last? therefore, we can see, to get the real succe we must need something inside, which is the realization of people’ hopes and ideals. every succe leads to an ever-brighter future.so ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a succeful life! wish you all good succe!篇4:五分钟英语演讲稿__my_dream my dream dear teachers and students, good afternoon !today,im very glad to stand here to share my dream with you. everyone has a dream.some people want to be rich,some people want to be famous.different people have different dreams.i have a great dream,too.i love english very much.so i want to be a famous translator in the world.people all over the world can know me . i never thought of my dream when i was a kid.later,my dream always changed.at that time, i dont know what my dream is.i havent studied english at all when i was in primary school.so you can imagine how awful my english is.i think it is impoible for me to study english well.because i never read english words and english articles.i dont like english ,either.and i cant read the english well.but one day something changed , i have that’s all.thanks for listening !篇5:3-5分钟英语演讲稿 3-5分钟英语演讲稿

演讲稿一:3-5分钟英语演讲稿 honorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon! the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation.but again, the cynics are wrong.we care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth.last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer. 演讲稿二:3-5分钟英语演讲稿 pubs are an important part of british life.even very small villages nearly always have a pub.people especially men, will often go to the pub for a drink in the evening and at weekends.a man will usually go to the same pub, one which is closed by and which is called the local: im just nipping down to the local for a print.women now go to pubs more than they used to, but usually don not like to go to a pub on their own.children under 16 are not usually allowed into pubs, although some pubs have a childrens room or a garden where children can sit. until 1988, pubs were only allowed to be open from 12:00 am to 2:00 pm alcoholic drink can be sold in a public place are called the licensing laws.even though the law was changed so that alcohol can now be sold all day, many pubs still only pen at lunchtime and in the evening.when it is nearly time for the pub to close, the landlord or landlady shouts last orders and then time.pubs often sell food or snacks as well as drinks.food that is considered typical pub food is scampi (kind of shellfish) and chips (fried potatoes), pie and chips, chicken and chips, and ploughmans lunch (bread with cheese)。




Good morning, everybody!

In this world, there is one thing that is very fair to everybody, whether you are a male or female, young or old, rich or poor.Does anybody know what it is called?

Right.It is time.The topic I am going to present to you today is called “ Treasure Every Minute”.

The clock is running.Make the most of today.

To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.

To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who mied the train.

To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.

To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with.

And remember that time waits for no one.Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift.That\'s why it\'s called the present!! The clock is running.Make the most of today.

Good luck, everybody! 演讲稿二:五分钟英语演讲稿

Life is not long, but many times choose, you have many choices come through today.Wait more than 60 days, you in turn to make a choice, but the choice is your life is very important, very crucial choice.The choice to a large extent directly related to your future direction in life, whether related to the future glory of life, and even the succe of the big problems of life.

The last choice, because your young, largely by your parents or relatives to help you to make choices.Then the choice of their ability to help so you can create conditions to help you (for example, taking your difference, they can give you the money you read Choosing Health).Entrance options, but this largely depends on yourself decide the.Because: First, the difficulty of the selection bigger, some parents and relatives also lack guidance capability; second is the choice of policy, a more equitable, they may have money, but you also can not score enough money to help you.So many choices in this and future autonomy of the major is in your own hands.

Select certain subjective and objective conditions.The university entrance exam already created the objective conditions of choice.For example, the University has long been the face of the door here open for each student, you can enter with their conditions.Another example is that the state\'s admiion policy is not directed against an individual, but against all the candidates this year, has been formed, you can only prepare the conditions required by policy to choose.Another example: you face the teachers and the teaching environment of objective factors in the last more than 60 days are basically constant.You can only adjust themselves to the further adaptation.Therefore, the objective conditions of your current studies, as if we can only face each generation has been formed as the productivity of conditions, can only be subjective on this basis up efforts to promote the development of the existing productive forces, not to complain about now have low productivity.This year\'s college entrance

examination, you can only have been formed by the face of these subjective and objective conditions to efforts to improve their academic performance.Not to complain about the objective conditions than me.

In addition to other life choices, and many give up.But a lot of life to give up in order to better choices.You this time, the face of the university are beckoning to you, you can choose not to give up.Can also say: You give up a lot in the past, that is, to this choice.Example, Why did not you work outside the home? Why not stay at home farming? Why seeing your parents morning to evening, busy doing farming work, and even sick exertion in the field, and you share those concerns did not go home for their problem-solving, can you give up so they are not all for this time of choice?

Both gave up so much, they chose today, why not try to choose tomorrow? Beckon you do not choose to have this as another of the universities? There is the further purification of your soul, raise your quality, and increase your survivability, and improve your quality of life in the future to achieve greater value of life your furnace.演讲稿三:五分钟英语演讲稿

Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends.My friends will listen to me when I want to speak, will wipe my eyes when I cry, will take care of me when I am sick, and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.

As students, we could share more time with our friends.The friendship in our young hearts is pure, fresh and simple.I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends.Especially when I had Justin as one of my best friends.Justin was my English teacher from the USA.I met him in 1996 when I was a student who could only speak very little English.Justin was a vivid young man with a bright smile on his face, and he always had his special way to make the cla active and attractive.He taught us English by telling stories, playing games, singing songs, and even dancing.I could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we fin-ished our cla, we went to some other claes to sing songs for them, just like what people do in the states on Christmas Eve.It was so interesting and unforgettable.Justin was an excellent teacher, because he taught us not only how to study English well, but also the way to find out the beauty of the world and the way to be angels to others\' lives.I know there was

friendship and pure love in our hearts.Facing this valuable emotion neither nationality nor age was important, the real importance lay in faith, under-standing, and care.Justin is the best friend I have ever had, and I know I will cherish those days of staying together with him as the best part of my memory.

Friendship is a kind of treasure in our lives.It is actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be.It is also like a cup of tea.When we are thirsty, it will be our best choice, but when we have enough time to enjoy ourselves, it is also the most fragrant drink.

However, in this fast-developing modern society, the reality is not that.More and more people forget to enjoy the beauty of life and -the beauty of friendship.They work hard in order to gain a higher position, in the society and to earn more money for their work.Of course, we don\'t deny that it is important to find a bet-ter place in our lives, but we wish more and more people could pay a little more attention to themselves and their friends.All of us have to spare some time for personal lives.We have to find the chance to expre our emotion and love.When staying with our friends, we can release ourselves completely.We can do whatever we want, we can laugh together, talk together, and even cry to-gether.I should say that being together with our best friends is the most wonderful moment of our lives.

As we know, we would feel lonely if we didn\'t even have a friend.But it doesn\'t mean we could depend on our friends all the time.There is a famous motto saying that “A friend is like a quilt with cotton wadding, but the real thing that keeps you warm is your own temperature.” It is really true.We have to work hard together with our friends, encourage each other and help each other.When we receive love and friendship, we sh


Should Men and Women Be Equal?

Should men and women be equal? This is a question much talked about by many people.Some hold the opinion that men are superior to women in many ways.For one thing, many a job men do can hardly be done by women, who are physically not strong enough; and for another, most of the word-famous scientists or statements are found to be males.Moreover, the whole human society seems to have all along been dominated by men only.Isn’t it evident enough to show that men are a lot stronger than women? Hence, the former should enjoy more rights than the latter.

However, I have the absolute opposite idea, men can do something that women can’t accomplishment and so do women.Men and women are born equal, so they should have equal with the responsibility and rights, they both get the genes from their ancestors.The genes are the same, so women should be same talent as men.Furthermore, from time immemorial, there have been two sex groups, namely, men and women.They should play the same important role in all human activities.Our Human society could definitely not have existed or advanced without either of them.If women are given enough education and chances they can work side by side with men at any place of the world not only in research institutions, but in government bodies and other organizations as well.

All men and women are created equal and God has given both men and women certain unalienable rights which no state or ruler can take away from them.


My Dream Of Flight

Today, I\'m very glad to stand here to share my dream with everyone.Everyone has dream.Some people wan to be rich, dreaming of millionaires overnight, other want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.Different people have different dreams.Of course, I\'ve no exception.I love flying very much.Flying in the sky as an airhoste has been a dream for me since childhood.This is why I\'m standing here for this interview.I hope my application will be granted, so that I will to be an airhoste student of our school and my dream can come true.

If I am accepted by our school, and I\'ll study hard in our school.There is an old

saying \"where is a will, there is a way.\" I think my dream can come true.I believe \"Nothing is impoible\" from beginning to end.It\'s very important to succe.

At last, I want to say to everybody \"Hole on your dreams firmly, no matter how big or small they are.The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed.But hold on to the end, you can find there is no greater happine than making your dream come true\"

That\'s all.Nice talking to you .Thanks.


My dream

Good afternoon everyone ,I’m Cheng Ming ,and I’m from Cla One Grade Eight, Ma Miao middle school.Today, I\'m very glad to stand here to talk about my dream .

Different people have different dream.Some people want to be rich, others want to be famous.Of course,I\'ve a dream, too.I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.

But I didn\'t study English at all when I was in primary school.And I didn\'t like English ,either.I thought it was impoible for me to study English well.But one day something changed .I fell in love with English.Then I began memorizing words, making sentences and doing some reading every day.I know \"Confidence can be gained with daily progre.\"

So I\'ll study hard in the next two years.There is an old saying \"There is a will,there is a way.\" I think my dream can come true.Beacuse I believe \"Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.\"

At last ,I want to say to everybody\"Hold on to your dreams firmly, no matter how big or small they are\".That’s all, thanks for listening.



六、周怡雪,19岁,上海 i believe in our future honorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon! recently, ther is a heated debate in our society.the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places.but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country? the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation.but again, the cynics are wrong.we care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth.last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer. as college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives.we all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country.i believe in all my fellow clamates.though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish.i believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities.we are preparing to aume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place.i believe in our future. 我对未来充满信心


下午好! 最近,社会上有一场很激烈的争论。大学生是一种稀有特权的享有者,在很棒的地方接受高等教育。但是,我们能面对挑战而无所畏惧吗?我们能够改善他人的生活吗?我们能够承担建设祖国未来的重任吗?




大学生英语演讲稿17 change the ingredients of your life 十


change the ingredients of your life if kindne is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy.if love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp. so my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges.and hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.改变生活的味道




三年前,我重达100多公斤,这给我带来了很多尴尬和挫折:体育课老是不及格,总被女孩们嘲笑,更不敢当众发表意见。幸而由于祖母的鼓励,我不在消极人生,而是充满自信。她曾经说过:“孩子,如果体形无法改变,为什么不把它看做自己独特的风格呢?” 我开始这样来审视人生,通过改变生活的视角,我信心大增地去改变我的人生,很快就发现一个崭新的世界。


大学生英语演讲稿16 十

六、杨颖,21岁,海南 when two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit into the tradition of the other.when this happens, we need to learn to understand and respect the customs of another culture.then there are certain things some people may not like.to this, i will say, if you do not like it, please try to tolerate it.to learn to tolerate what you personally don’t like is a great virtue at a time when different cultures mix and merge.before us, there are two rivers, eastern and western cultures.at present, they may run in different courses.but eventually, they will converge into the vast sea of human culture. right now, i can see peoples of eastern and western cultures, standing side by side, singing the olympic theme song: we are hand in hand, heart to heart, together we will shape a beautiful tomorrow! thank you! 吉卜林说过:东方是东方,西方是西方,二者永不相聚。但是一个世纪后的今天,东西方相汇了! 它们相聚在经济领域,它们相聚在教育领域,它们相聚在艺术的殿堂。有人争论说:这种融合需要我们在东方和西方之间做出选择,但我却坚信最美好的未来在于东方和

西方创造性的融合。我们可以将西方的思想,观念和技术变为我们自己所用的东西。 我喜爱京剧和河南豫剧,因为它们经常使我想起自己是谁。但我也热衷于流行音乐,特别是英文歌曲。于是我将东方的旋律和西方的语言结合到了一起,它叫做西方版的河南豫剧。





演讲稿一:大学五分钟英语演讲稿——The East and the West The East and the West, Let\'s enjoy the combination of the two cultures? Kipling said:\"East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!\" But now, a century later, they have met.They have met in busine.They have met in education.They have met in the arts.Some people will argue that these meetings will leave us with a choice between east and west, but I believe that the best future lies in the creative combination of both worlds.We can make western ideas, customs and technology our own, and adapt them to our own use.We can enjoy the best of both worlds, because our tradition is, above all, one of selecting the best and making it our own.I love Beijing and Hennan opera because it always reminds me of who I am.But I am also a fan of pop music, especially English songs.So I have combined eastern melody with western language.It is called western henna opera.When two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit into the tradition of the other.When this happens, we need to learn to understand and respect the customs of another culture.Then there are certain things some people may not like.To this, I will say, if you do not like it, please try to tolerate it.To learn to tolerate what you personally don\'t like is a great virtue at a time when different cultures mix and merge.Before us, there are two rivers, eastern and western cultures.At present, they may run in different courses.But eventually, they will converge into the vast sea of human culture.Right now, I can see peoples of eastern and western cultures, standing side by side, singing the Olympic theme song: we are hand in hand, heart to heart, together we will shape a beautiful tomorrow! Thank you! 演讲稿二:大学五分钟英语演讲稿——My definition of succe Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of succe.What is succe? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes succe would be rather simple.Winning a game is succe; getting a high grade in the exam is succe; making a new friend is succe; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also succe.However, as a person\'s whole life is concerned, succe becomes very complicated.Is fortune succe? Is fame succe? Is high social status succe? No, I don\'t think so.I believe succe is the realization of people\'s hopes and ideals.Nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who are regarded as the succeful.And the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life.So most people believe that s succe and all that they do is for this purpose.But the problem is wether it is real succe.We all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us.If we keep chasing them, where is the end? What will satisfy us at last? Therefore, we can see, to get the real Succe we must need something inside, which is the realization ofpeople\' hopes and ideals.Different people have different ideas about succe; cause people\'s hopes and ideas vary from one another.But I am sure every succe is dear to everybody, cause it is not easy to come by, cause in the proce of our striving for succe, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility.These are the best treasures.So now I am very proud that I have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you.It is my succe, cause I raise up to challenge my hope.What is succe? Everyone has his own interpretation as I do.But I am sure every succe leads to an ever-brighter future.So ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a succeful life! Wish you all good succe! 演讲稿三:大学五分钟英语演讲稿

When the breeze gently hold when LiuXu savoury, When the sun put it golden glorious quietly around the cherry bloom trees on appered handsome; When the beautiful petals in the air to reach several commonly roll long, then gently landed, we are enjoying a brilliant happineof campus life.Early morning, happy bird singing, accompany us go strollw floral path and watched the we walked into the campus, eye is full of happine.Sunshine shop in writing has \"e, nanjing normal university affiliated yangzi dickers\" e, The bronze medal and put downy light reflection to our body, we cheerfully accepted this light, vigorous entered in campus.On the way to the claroom, and every day that we can all see beautiful fountain and pool, and forceful huaihe books and rather ? The most succeful person may not be the smartest ones.According to a survey conducted among a group of people who were in the same university ten years ago , those whose grade-point average was in the middle fifty percent , all become rich or managers of different fields , while not a single young man of the upper ten percent becomes an executive or bo.Why the smartest kids in the clawill not end up the richest? Why those who are not excellent in studies tend to be managers or own their own enterprise in their later life? And what factors lead to succein career and life if brains are not the only answer? According to my observation , academic brightneis only part of the story , the other factors are very important.One ingredient , among other things , is good interpersonal skills.There is stong evidence that friendship can help to tide you over a period of difficulty.With a wide circle of friends who can be trusted yo provide information and resources, your chances of succeare much higher.On the cntrary , if you are competent in profeion , but have difficulty in getting along with your colleagues and even your bo, you can hardly survive the corporation.Another component is the ability to expreoneself .In today s world , what really counts is the ability to expreoneself rather than technical competence or profeional knowledge .The larger the orgnization of which you are an employee , and th fiercer the competition , the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts and convince others of your ideas.Personality is also an important factor.Whatever difficulty or situation , those who appear relaxed and confident are nearer to succe.Obviously , among the ingredients for succe, intelligence counts for the half , the rest depends on your personality , and other abilities.演讲稿四:大学五分钟英语演讲稿——Change The Ingredients Of Your Life This is a gla of water, tastele, right? However if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will become bitter.The same is true with our life——the flavor is created by our choices.If kindne is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy.If love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.So my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing.If don\'t like the taste of your life, change the ingredients.Three year ago, I weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which caused significant embarrament and frustration in my life.Like always failing my P.E examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public.It was my grandmother\'s encouragement that revived from my paive attitude to become confident in myself.She said \" My dear, if you can\'t change you figure, why not treat it as your own style.So I began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking.By choosing to change my outlook on life, I developed the confidence to make a difference and finally I found a totally new world.So my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges.And hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.


My dream Dear teachers and students, good afternoon !Today,I\'m very glad to stand here to share my dream with you.Everyone has a dream.Some people want to be rich,some people want to be famous.Different people have different dreams.I have a great dream,too. I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.People all over the world can know me .I never thought of my dream when I was a kid.Later,my dream always changed.At that time, I don\'t know what my dream is.I haven\'t studied English at all when I was in primary school.So you can imagine how awful my English is.I think it is impoible for me to study English well.Because I never read English words and English articles.I don\'t like English ,either.And I can\'t read the English well.But one day something changed , I have already changed my mind .I fall in love with English.I never give up ,although I\'m not good at it.Then I began memorizing words, making sentences and doing some reading every day.I want to stand on the top of the world.I know it\'s not easy for me, but I\'ll study hard in the next two years.There is an old saying \"where is a will,there is a way.\" I believe \"Nothing is impoible\" So I think my dream can come true.

That’s all.Thanks for listening !




As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade.If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed.

But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...

I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day.With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.

I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us.

I know, Rome was not built in a day.I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable.So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.

I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!

Thank you!


first, i would like to say: to choose means to claim opportunities.

i am a third-year english major.an important choice for me, of course, is what to do upon graduation.i can go to graduate school, at home or abroad.i can go to work as a teacher, a translator, a journalist, an editor and a diplomat.actually, the system of mutual selection has allowed me to approach almost every career opportunity in china.

indeed, this is not going to be an easy choice.i would love to work in such big cities as beijing or shanghai or shenzhen.i would also love to return to my hometown, which is intimate, though slightly lagging in development.i would love to stay in the coastal area where life is exciting and fast-paced.i would also love to put down roots in central and western china, which is underdeveloped, but holds reat potential.

all of these sound good.but they are only possibilities.to those of us who are bewildered at the abundance of opportunities, i would like to say: to choose means to accept challenge.

to us young people, challenge often emerges in the form of competition.in the next century, competition will not only come from other college graduates, but also from people of all ages and of all origins.

with increasing international exchanges, we have to face growing competition from the whole outside world.this is calling for a higher level of our personal development.

fifteen years ago, the knowledge of a foreign language or of computer operation was considered merely an advantage.but today, with wider educational opportunities, this same knowledge has become essential to everyone.

given this situation, even our smallest choices will require great wisdom and personal determination.

as we gain more initiative in choice making, the consequence of each choice also becomes more important.

as we gain more initiative in choice making, the consequence of each choice also becomes more important.

nuclear power, for instance, may improve our quality of life.but it can also be used to damage the lives and possessions of millions.

economic development has enriched our lives but brought with it serious harm to our air, water and health.

to those of us who are blind to the consequences of their choices, i would like to say, to choose means to take responsibility.when we are making choices for ourselves, we cannot casually say: "it's just my own business." as policy makers of the next century, we cannot fail to see our responsibility to those who share the earth with us.

the traditional chinese culture teaches us to study hard and work hard so as to honor our family.to me, however, this family is not just the five of us who quarreled over television programmes.rather, it is the whole of the human family.as i am making my choices, i will not forget the smile of my teacher when i correctly spelled out the word "china" for the first time, i will not forget the happy faces of the boys and girls we helped to send back to school in the mountains of jiangxi province.i will not forget the tearful eyes of women and children in bosnia, chechnya and somali, where millions are suffering from war, famine or poverty.

all these people, known and unknown, make up our big human family.at different points, they came into my life and broaden my perspective.now as i am to make choices for myself, it is time to make efforts to improve their lives, because a world will benefit us all only if every one in it can lead a peacefandprosperous life.


Good morning/afternoon! first thing first, i gotta say,wow,it's funny thing to be given a chance like that.trurh be told,i really got a little bit nervous before i stand right here ,so called 'stage fright'.if you look specifically on me .

you may find my hands shaking,pretty assembles the guy who suffered from pakinson's disease,and legs wobbling ,like i caught so-called ball leg.okay,let's stop going around the bush and get back to my topic today.i really like to talk a funny story i have just heard.a lady called lucy emigrated to united states several years ago.her spoken english is not that fluent .

and one day,she is just sitting on the couch with his u.s friends mandy watching sit-com.a noise of bump had the attention of mandy,which led her to go out of the house trying to figure out what had happened.can you imagine that mandy go straight out with merely a sweater.so lucy shouted at her,"lucy ,turn your clothes on." what suprised her most,beyond her wildest imagination, is that almost all the male in this country took their head out of the window.admittedly,lucy made a mistake here .

the word spitted means mandy is totally naked to the reason that male looked out of the window.the right sentence shall be,"put your clothing on."the story inspires you to take a careful look on the vast difference between eastern and western culture.that's full of it,thank you for your time!

good morning/afternoon! first thing first, i gotta say,wow,it's funny thing to be given a chance like that.trurh be told,i really got a little bit nervous before i stand right here ,so called 'stage fright'.if you look specifically on me .you may find my hands shaking,pretty assembles the guy who suffered from pakinson's disease,and legs wobbling ,like i caught so-called ball leg.okay,let's stop going around the bush and get back to my topic today.i really like to talk a funny story i have just heard.a lady called lucy emigrated to united states several years ago.her spoken english is not that fluent .and one day,she is just sitting on the couch with his u.s friends mandy watching sit-com.a noise of bump had the attention of mandy,which led her to go out of the house trying to figure out what had happened.can you imagine that mandy go straight out with merely a sweater.

so lucy shouted at her,"lucy ,turn your clothes on." what suprised her most,beyond her wildest imagination, is that almost all the male in this country took their head out of the window.admittedly,lucy made a mistake here .the word spitted means mandy is totally naked to the reason that male looked out of the window.the right sentence shall be,"put your clothing on."the story inspires you to take a careful look on the vast difference between eastern and western culture.that's full of it,thank you for your time!


Good morning,ladies and gentlemen,today i am so happy to stand here to give you a speech.Or rather, a real story of mine.

Though with time going by,i can still remember what you once told me.You should be a brave girl.Smiling,you looked into my eyes.Year in,year out,nearly most of my memories are fading little by little.But only this simple sentence remained,without being forgotten in my life.

Again and again,i can not stop myself from thinking about it.So ordinary,but so impreive,so moving,just like the brightest sunshine,it helps me go through the darkest night.I am such a sensitive girl in your heart.You said,my sorroful facial expreion made feel so

distered.However,there is one thing i never tell you,that is ,i am becoming a big girl gradually with your words and smiles.I never tell you about it,for i believe oneday,you can see the great changes of mine for yourself.That is what i want to do in return.As i know,that will be the best gift for you.

I suddenly think of a song named MY HEART WILL GO ON.There is a beautiful sentence going like this.You are safe in my heart.More than once,i was moved to tears by it.I know ,i am also safe in your heart.i have already forgotten when i told you i was going to leave for Australia this summer holiday.You just smiled as usual,gently speaking.Whatever you decide to do,i will be in favor of it,but, just onething,remember,when you fell lonely abroad,do not forget we are here ,praying for you.We are all around you,far acro the distance and space between us.i closed my eyes,the flashback started.The memories we had together,once we played games on the palyground,we played jokes on each other,you always wrote a lot of sentences on my articles to encourage me.And the most unforgetable thing,you told me,you believed m i could be a big girl.Sooner or later.At that specific moment,i suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence totally.So on that day,i smiled as you used to,looking at you.The last words i said were,keep walking in sunshine.

Yes,keep walking in sunshine.I said to you ,also to myself.I know i am not alone wiht your company,and we can keep walking in sunshine till the last minute of our days.I promise,i will be a big girl.I promise,i will be a brave girl.

I promise,i will keep walking in sunshine.

That is my speech,thank you!




我突然想起一首歌名叫我心有一个漂亮的句子要像这样你一直活在我的心里不止一次,我被它感动的流下眼泪我知道,我也是安全的在你的根基已经忘记当我告诉你我要去澳大利亚今年暑假你只是笑了笑像往常一样,轻轻地说无论你决定做什么,我都会支持它,但是,仅仅这一点无庸置疑,要记住,当你寂寞,不要忘记我们在这里为你祈祷我们都是围绕着你,除非穿越的距离,间隔空间。我闭上眼睛,开始的情景…我们曾在一起的回忆,一旦我们打了一场比赛,我们在操场上踢捉弄对方,你总是写了许多文章的句子我鼓励我最难忘的事,,你告诉我,你认为我能成为一个大米的女孩迟早的事。旗下英语路 在那个特定的时刻,我突然明白这个句子的意思完全所以在情人节那天,我笑了,因为你以前,看着你.我说,这是我的最后一句话,记得要走在阳光里。 是的,记得要走在阳光里我对你们说过,也为自己…我知道我并不孤独与贵公司的情况,我们可以记得要走在阳光里直到最后一分钟时间。

我承诺,我将会成为一个大的女孩。 我承诺,我将会是一个勇敢的女孩。




My dream

Dear teachers and students, good afternoon !Today,I\'m very glad to stand here to share my dream with you.

Everyone has a dream.Some people want to be rich,some people want to be famous.Different people have different dreams.I have a great dream,too.I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.People all over the world can know me .

I never thought of my dream when I was a kid.Later,my dream always changed.At that time, I don\'t know what my dream is.I haven\'t studied English at all when I was in primary school.So you can imagine how awful my English is.I think it is impoible for me to study English well.Because I never read English words and English articles.I don\'t like English ,either.And I can\'t read the English well.But one day something changed , I have

already changed my mind .I fall in love with English.I never give up ,although I\'m not good at it.Then I began memorizing words, making sentences and doing some reading every day.I want to stand on the top of the world.I know it\'snot easy for me, but I\'ll study hard in the next two years.There is an old saying \"where is a will,there is a way.\" I believe \"Nothing is impoible\" So I think my dream can come true.

That’s all.Thanks for listening !





every one has his own i was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own .but now ,when i am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot.

i have got quite different experience from other they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princees in the story .i was running in the hard rain,jumping in the heavy snow,pitching in the strong could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an ,of course ,i\'m an athlete,i\'m so proud of that all the time .

when i was 10 years old ,i became a shot-put training was really hard ,i couldn\'t bear the heavy shot in my hands .but i always believe that \"god only help those who help themselves\".during those hard days,i find i was growing more quickly than others of the same be an athlete is my most correct ,i quit my team after entering high school because of a silly really didn\'t want to stop my sports career anyway.

today i say to you my friends that even though i must face the difficulties of yesterday ,today and tomorrow .i still have a dream .it is a dream deeply rooted in my soul.

i have a dream that one day ,i can run,jump and pitch just like i used to be.

i have a dream that one day ,i can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.

i have a dream that one day ,i can stand on the highest place at the olympic all the cameras pointing at will tell everyone that i\'m so proud to be a chinese athlete!

this is my hope .this is the faith that i continue my steps with!

with this faith ,i will live though the strong wind and heavy rain ,never give up !

so let victory ring from my heart,from all of we allow victory to ring .i must be the one!

in my imagination,i\'m a bird ,a magical carry my dreams all with me by my big fly though the mountains ,though the forests ,over the sea,to the sun ,the warmest place in the aerospace!

every night ,i have a dream ,i see a girl ---smiling.


Wide sea diving, the days of the birds to fly.Everyone carries a dream of their own.

However, what is the dream? What is dream? Dream is looking forward to, and the dream is strong - is fleeting dream you insist on the ideal as their courage and perseverance, are you responsible for their own highest level.But ask yourself, how many of us to accomplish his original dream in mind?

Our dream is a simple belief, is a future and life of their own responsibility.Perhaps, is the Youth

grand ambitions; perhaps, is the adolescent confusion and impulsive; maybe just a plain desire, desire applause, eager for succe.Countle \"may,\" innumerable \"hope\" because of our youthful full of miracles, large and small dreams in our hearts, in every corner of life filled with fragrance.

Only the ideal but no effort is usele.If you want to be a teacher, you should to study hard.If you want to be a player, you should do more exercises.If you want to become a busineman, he should learn to get along with people.For example, my wish is to be a famous writer grew up, because I really love writing, so from now on, I should read more, more accumulate knowledge, and strive to improve writing level.No pains, no gains, because my efforts, so my article was punished in many newspapers , and in many composition contest, I see the succe I\'m happy, so, struggle is the bridge to the ideal.

Yes, my dream.to give my famliy a warm, give my friend happy.Yes, my dream.The podium from the first station began his love this place, started from the first published an article looking forward to the world of words, decided to stay here from the beginning, stick to bottom of my heart desire.

Years in our faces no matter how many additional traces, no matter how much things to us acro the chest wounds, as long as we have the right to breathe, to have a paion for remodeling dreams! Oxygen to survive as long as we have to have the courage to create a paion!

Choose to continue, select the value, select the achievements of the paion of life, the brave hearts of the initial dream of succe!

第14篇:五分钟英语演讲稿My dream

My dream

Today,I\'m very glad to stand here to share my dream with you.

Everyone has dream.Some people wan to be rich,dreaming of millionaires overnight,other want to be famous,dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.Different people have different dream.Of course,I\'ve no exception.I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.People all over the world can know me .

I never thought of my dream when I was a kid.Later,my dream always changed.At that time I don\'t know what dream is.I haven\'t studied English at all when I was in primary school.So you can imagine how awful my English is.I think it is impoible for me to study English well.Because I never read English words and English articles.I don\'t like English ,either.And I can\'t read the English well.But one day something changed , I have

already changed my mind .I fall in love with English.I never give up ,although I\'m not good at it.Then I began memorizing words, making sentences and doing some reading every day.I know we needed to build confidence in the proce of learning English.We must know \"Confidence can be gained with daily progre.\"

I want to stand on the top of the world.Now I can\'t requirement and it\'s not easy for me, but I\'ll study hard in the next two years.There is an old saying \"where is a will,there is a way.\" I think my dream can come ture.I believe \"Nothing is impoible\" from beginning to end.It\'s very important to succe.

At last ,I want to say to everybody\"Hole on your dreams firmly, no matter how big or small they are.The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed.But hold on to the end, you can find there is no greater happine than making your

dream come ture\"

第15篇:五分钟英语演讲稿 My dream

Today,I\'m very glad to stand here to share my dream with you.

Everyone has dream.Some people wan to be rich,dreaming of millionaires overnight,other want to be famous,dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.Different people have different dream.Of course,I\'ve no exception.I love English very much.So I want to be a famous translator in the world.people all over the world can know me .

I never thought of my dream when I was a kid.Later,my dream always changed.At that time I don\'t know what dream is.I haven\'t studied English at all when I was in primary school.So you can imagine how awful my English is.I think it is impoible for me to study English well.Because I never read English words and English articles.I don\'t like English ,either.And I can\'t read the English well.But one day something changed , I have already changed my mind .I fall in love with English.I never give up ,although I\'m not good at it.Then I began memorizing words, making sentences and doing some reading every day.I know we needed to build confidence in the proce of learning English.We must know \"Confidence can be gained with daily progre.\"

I want to stand on the top of the world.Now I can\'t requirement and it\'s not easy for me, but I\'ll study hard in the next two years.There is an old saying \"where is a will,there is a way.\" I think my dream can come ture.I believe \"Nothing is impoible\" from beginning to end.It\'s very important to succe.

At last ,I want to say to everybody\"Hole on your dreams firmly, no matter how big or small they are.The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide, even some sacrifices are needed.But hold on to the end, you can find there is no greater happine than making your dream come ture\"



第1篇:五分钟演讲稿 各位老师:





在大学生活即将划上句号的时候,新苗来到了我们身边。深刻地记得黄董和唐总在学院招聘时的场景。仔细倾听唐总对新苗所组织的大型国际交流活动\"金紫荆大联欢\"和\"中国儿童文化年\"的介绍,我被深深地吸引。从前的我从来不曾听说有着这样一个国际文化艺术交流的行业,更不明白原来教育可以通过交流的方式得到升华!我被震撼了,更被这种伟大的事业而感染。这种交流事业不是比光荣的人民教师更加具有前瞻性和引领性吗?人民教师旨在传道授业解惑,而将教育升华、将中国教育的成果即文化艺术带出国门,走向世界,让世界了解中国的教育,了解中国的文化,这是多么让人振奋的事业! 我庆幸自己参加了那场招聘,因为它改变了我的人生,我顺利地进入了新苗这个大家庭。进入新苗我才发现,这个朝阳的事业并不象自己想象的那么光鲜,那么简单。因为前瞻性,所以不能被所有的团队所接受;因为将交流学习与旅游融合在一起,所以我们在做交流专家的同时还得做导游;因为我的稚嫩与年轻,所以我无法用自己的付出让新苗马上有实质性的收获......我是一名宣传企划专名,但是我从未忘记自己国际文化交流专家的身份。我尽着自己的每一份力量,希望自己的微薄之力能对国际文化交流事业有所促进。当所有的同事都在操作国际交流活动时,我则在思考怎样以独特的视角对我们所做的伟大事业进行推广和宣传。很多时候,学生都不会知道刘老师是谁,但是在自己的岗位上,我得到了不一样的回报。学生收获了,进步了,我感到欣慰。我感到自己的理想得到了超越!




老师们,亲爱的同学们,早上好! 炎炎夏日仿佛还在昨天,而转眼间我们就即将迎来金秋十月。时间总是这么飞快地溜走。我想起了一些学生在刚刚过完中秋小长假后就开始为国庆长假倒计时了。是啊,愉快的假期总是令人向往,繁重而略显枯燥的学习往往让我们厌倦,特别是对于一些在学习上还有困难的同学来说更是如此。我可以预见,在未来的国庆长假中,有一些同学虽然早早订好了计划,但是,长假过后,我们中的很多人还是会两手空空地回到这个校园。——我们总是在不停地制定计划,雄心勃勃,每次总想着重新开始,迎头赶上,而事实上,我们的惰性却总是让很多大好的时光就这么悄悄溜走。



的人。别人休闲、娱乐、放松的时候,也就是那些未来的成功者奋起直追的大好时机。 我并不是不让大家休息,而是希望我们能珍惜时间和机会。现在是我们人生中最美好的年华,是一个人读书学习的黄金时间,在充实中度过,在奋斗中度过,有所作为,才是我们应该做的。





不能!过去的永远过去了,我不再去想它。 我该怎么办?忘记昨天,也不要痴想明天。





假如今天是我生命中的最后一天。如果不是的话,我要跪倒在上苍面前,深深致谢! 谢谢大家!



这件事对我印象极其深刻。第二天,我因为没有按时交上三年级的第一篇作文《难忘的一件事》,而被老师罚扫了一整个星期的地板。当时的我忿忿不平了很久。那时候总感觉自己有什么话要说却说不出来。就在最近我看到一篇小短文后,才终于释怀。开始渐渐明白我耿耿于怀的是什么。那篇短文是这么写的: 老和尚问正在扫地的小和尚:\"地扫的怎么样了。\" 小和尚说:\"师傅,树叶一直掉,无论怎么扫都扫不掉。\" 老和尚说:\"你记住,我要你扫的不是地之垢,而是要你扫心之尘。\" 长久以来忿忿不平的不是没有交一篇作文而被罚扫地一星期,我耿耿于怀的其实是,当作为三年级学生的我们还在循规蹈矩的按老师的要求来写作文的时候,大我们六岁,正读高一的韩寒这一辈人,已经有了独立意思,开始突破体制的窠臼,寻求个性的自我解放。到现在,我身边的人,至少是我,都还在努力着活的有自我个性。这便是我的心之尘。



\"这是最好的年代,也是最坏的年代;这是智慧的时代,也是愚蠢的时代; 这是信任的年代,也是怀疑的年代;这是光明的季节,也是黑暗的季节; 这是希望的春天,也是失望的冬天;我们的前途无量,同时又感到希望渺茫; 我们一齐奔向天堂,我们全都走向另一个方向......\" 第4篇:五分钟演讲稿





老师们,亲爱的同学们,早上好! 炎炎夏日仿佛还在昨天,而转眼间我们就即将迎来金秋十月。时间总是这么飞快地溜走。我想起了一些学生在刚刚过完中秋小长假后就开始为国庆长假倒计时了。是啊,愉快的假期总是令人向往,繁重而略显枯燥的学习往往让我们厌倦,特别是对于一些在学习上还有困难的同学来说更是如此。我可以预见,在未来的国庆长假中,有一些同学虽然早早订好了计划,但是,长假过后,我们中的很多人还是会两手空空地回到这个校园。——我们总是在不停地制定计划,雄心勃勃,每次总想着重新开始,迎头赶上,而事实上,我们的惰性却总是让很多大好的时光就这么悄悄溜走。







时光会倒流吗?我可以纠正昨天的错误吗?我能拂平昨日的创伤吗?我能比昨天年轻吗? 不能!过去的永远过去了,我不再去想它。 我该怎么办?忘记昨天,也不要痴想明天。





假如今天是我生命中的最后一天。如果不是的话,我要跪倒在上苍面前,深深致谢! 谢谢大家!


















从最开始的超级女声,到今天的快男快女,从最开始的红楼选秀,到今天的翻拍的四大名著。这些文化节目,无不例外的都吸引着观众的眼球,同时也引来了各大文娱媒体的争相评论。 关于选秀节目,腾讯网又这样一篇文,《拿甚么解救你,遭受七年之痒的选秀节目》。 谈到了如今,不管观众喜不喜欢,每一年夏天的电视屏幕上,最火的文娱节目就是各大卫视竞相推出的真人秀节目。以今年为例,湖南卫视的《快乐女声》、浙江卫视的《非同凡响》、东方卫视的《中国达人秀》、青海卫视的《花儿朵朵》等选秀节目掀起不小的收视波涛。 按理说,这些选秀节目可以在一定程度上满足观众的文娱需求,但事实是,观众不但不觉得节目刺激、新鲜,还啧有烦言,乃至有种视觉疲惫感,看到台上乱轰轰的场面就想换频道,遭受七年之痒的选秀节目究竟该向何处往? 必须承认,如今的中国选秀节目已步进一个死胡同,它的命运注定同曾风光一时的综艺类、谈话类节目一样,将成为我们的一段记忆,只是我们应当反思的是:甚么样的文娱节目才是民众最需要的?文娱节目怎样才能具有久长的生命力?过往我们曾迷信明星的气力,电视屏幕上到处都是大小明星们做秀的身影;现在我们发现草根也有弄笑的聪明,因而乎草根一族登台亮相,这无疑给了平民成为明星的机会。但再丰盛的宴席,倘若一天三顿,观众的胃口也会被撑坏的。一涌而上的选秀节目渐渐褪变成恶心人的舞台,乃至成了个别毒舌评委的秀台,再加上太多的场外因素、人情干扰,节目的公正、公平性备受质疑,观众新鲜感一过,谁还愿意吃剩饭、馊饭? 而且选秀节目对青少年的引导作用到底伞是积极的还是消极的。是促长了他们疯狂追星的催化剂还是让同龄偶像以身作则,缔造真实的偶像明星的舞台。更有没有数报导谈论各类选秀节目背后的黑幕,文娱是一个文化交换的舞台,看过这些报导,我对文娱的作用和中国文娱媒体的职业素养都产生了沉思。

一个人不能没有理想,理想是石,敲出星星之火; 理想是火,点燃熄灭的灯; 理想是灯,照亮夜行的路; 理想是路,引你走向拂晓。没有理想,就似乎没有了翅膀的小鸟,永久没法自由安闲地在湛蓝的天空中翱翔。每一个人都有自己的理想,这类理想决定着他的努力和判定的方向。生活中没有理想的人,是可怜的。理想,包括着我们对未来的向往,对未来的希看,对未来美好的向往。



范文一: 十年前在从拉萨飞回北京的飞机上,我的身边坐了一个五十多岁的女人,她是三十年前去援藏的,这是她第一次因为治病而来到北京.下了飞机下很大的雨,我把她送到北京一个旅店里。过了一个星期我去看她,她说她的病已经确诊了,是胃癌的晚期,然后她指了一下床上有一个箱子,她说如果我回不去的话你帮我保存这个。那是她三十年当中,走遍西藏各地,跟各种人官员,汉人,喇嘛,三陪女交谈的记录。她只是说,一百年之后,如果有人看到的话,会知道今天的西藏发生了什么。这个人姓熊,拉萨一中的女教师。





范文二: 各位领导、各位老师,朋友们: 大家上午好!




五毛钱,能够成为政府和物价部门有力的价格调节工具;那么,更多的五毛钱聚集到一起,就能演变为强大的价格调节杠杆。年初,按照省里统一部署,我市在部分城乡医疗机构试行基本药品零差率销售制度,也就是基本药品的进价与销售价完全一致。三月份,我陪同局领导就零差率的问题到洪江区横岩乡调研。横岩是个楠竹之乡,漫山遍野都是绿意盈盈之竹海,老百姓靠山吃山,也多以种竹伐竹制作竹制品为生。在我们去之前的一周时间左右,某村大山里堆集的一大堆竹子坍塌了下来,十几个正在山里伐竹的村民被埋在竹堆里,十几个人都不同程度地受了伤,除一名重伤号转到县城医院以外,其余十几人都在乡卫生院得到紧急救治,并安好出院。然而最令他们意想不到的是,各家各户都准备好了两三千元给医院结账,没想到最严重的一位医疗费只有1400元,而伤得最轻的一位,仅仅只花了300多元,他们都觉得这个价格便宜得有点烫手,一时半会不敢接受,后来一了解才知道,原来是国家推行的零差率政策让他们得到了实惠。就在我们去横岩的那一天,正好遇上他们十几个人集体到乡卫生院送锦旗,送感谢信,其情其景十分让人感动。我在医院大门口张帖的那张红纸上找到了这样一句话:我们不懂得什么是零差率,但我们能感知到党给予我们的温暖。是啊!他们只是一群纯朴的山民,他们哪里懂得那么深奥的道理呢?但他们得到的实惠,那是实实在在的;他们对党的感激,那是千真万确的;他们对物价工作间接的讴歌,那是发自内心的。 在这不到一年的时间里,我亲身感受到物价工作的重要,水价、电价、气价、学费、药费、交通费,哪一样关乎民生的大事,不与物价有关呢?唐代大散文家柳宗元说:币轻则物价腾踊,物价腾踊则农无所售,皆害也。是的,物价是平衡器,物价是减压阀,物价更是牵一发而动全身的民生符号。


范文三: 滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空,青山依旧在,几度夕阳红&& 同学们,相信听了这段词,大家已经猜到我要推荐什么书了,没错,正是古典长篇小说《三国演义》。作为我国古代的四大名著之一,《三国演义》深受广大读者喜爱,相信大部分同学都颇有了解,不过呢,还是希望大家听完我的罗嗦。



最后则是此书的文学性。作为一本名著,《三国》的文学性自然不差,无论是反映人物性格的细节,亦或是如《讨曹操檄》、《出师表》等三国名篇,都使得本书值得大家去细细品赏。 好了,该说的都说了,希望大家看在我浪费这么多口舌的份上,去读一读此书。



good morning,ladies and gentlemen,today i am so happy to stand here to give you a speech.or rather, a real story of mine.

though with time going by,i can still remember what you once told me.you should be a brave girl.smiling,you looked into my eyes.year in,year out,nearly most of my memories are fading little by little.but only this simple sentence remained,without being forgotten in my life.

again and again,i can not stop myself from thinking about it.so ordinary,but so impreive,so moving,just

like the brightest sunshine,it helps me go through the darkest night.i am such a sensitive girl in your heart.you said,my sorroful facial expreion made feel so

distered.however,there is one thing i never tell you,that is ,i am becoming a big girl gradually with your words and smiles.i never tell you about it,for i believe oneday,you can see the great changes of mine for yourself.that is what i want to do in return.as i know,that will be the best gift for you.

i suddenly think of a song named my heart will go on.there is a beautiful sentence going like this.you are safe in my heart.more than once,i was moved to tears by it.i know ,i am also safe in your heart.i have already forgotten when i told you i was going to leave for australia this summer holiday.you just smiled as usual,gently speaking.whatever you decide to do,i will be in favor of it,but, just

onething,remember,when you fell lonely abroad,do not forget we are here ,praying for you.we are all around you,far acro the distance and space between us.i closed my eyes,the flashback started.the memories we had together,once we played games on the palyground,we played jokes on each other,you always wrote a lot of sentences on my articles to encourage me.and the most unforgetable thing,you told me,you believed m i could be a big girl.sooner or later.at that specific moment,i suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence totally.so on that day,i smiled as you used to,looking at you.the last words i said were,keep walking in sunshine.

yes,keep walking in sunshine.i said to you ,also to myself.i know i am not alone wiht your company,and we can keep walking in sunshine till the last minute of our days.i promise,i will be a big girl.i

promise,i will be a brave girl.

i promise,i will keep walking in sunshine.

that is my speech,thank you!





我突然想起一首歌名叫我心有一个漂亮的句子要像这样你一直活在我的心里不止一次,我被它感动的流下眼泪我知道,我也是安全的在你的根基已经忘记当我告诉你我要去澳大利亚今年暑假你只是笑了笑像往常一样,轻轻地说无论你决定做什么,我都会支持它,但是,仅仅这一点无庸置疑,要记住,当你寂寞,不要忘记我们在这里为你祈祷我们都是围绕着你,除非穿越的距离,间隔空间。我闭上眼睛,开始的情景…我们曾在一起的回忆,一旦我们打了一场比赛,我们在操场上踢捉弄对方,你总是写了许多文章的句子我鼓励我最难忘的事,,你告诉我,你认为我能成为一个大米的女孩迟早的事。旗下英语路 在那个特定的时刻,我突然明白这个句子的意思完全所以在情人节那天,我笑了,因为你以前,看着你.我说,这是我的最后一句话,记得要走在阳光里。 是的,记得要走在阳光里我对你们说过,也


我承诺,我将会成为一个大的女孩。 我承诺,我将会是一个勇敢的女孩。










在这场波澜壮阔的革命青年运动中,爱国主义精神同科学、民主精神凝聚为一体,共同创造了既有深刻内涵、又有鲜明时代特征的"五四"精神。"五四精神"是中国青年强烈爱国热情的体现、是一种追求进步的精神、是一种不畏艰难,顽强斗争的精神、它是革命前辈们,给我们留下的一笔中华民族宝贵的精神财富 -----爱国、进步、民主、科学。


青年是民族的希望、国家的未来! 勇于承担历史责任,是五四以来中国青年运动的光荣传统。我们今天要进一步发扬这一光荣传统,肩负起历史赋予我们当代青年的使命。为实现全面建设小康社会、构建和谐社会、把我国建设成为富强、民主、文明的社会主义国家,进而实现中华民族的伟大复兴而努力!








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